823 resultados para whether court has power to extend time


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether the maximal power output (Pmax) during an incremental test was dependent on the curvature constant (W') of the power-time relationship. Thirty healthy male subjects (maximal oxygen uptake = 3.58 ± 0.40 L·min(-1)) performed a ramp incremental cycling test to determine the maximal oxygen uptake and Pmax, and 4 constant work rate tests to exhaustion to estimate 2 parameters from the modeling of the power-time relationship (i.e., critical power (CP) and W'). Afterwards, the participants were ranked according to their magnitude of W'. The median third was excluded to form a high W' group (HIGH, n = 10), and a low W' group (LOW, n = 10). Maximal oxygen uptake (3.84 ± 0.50 vs. 3.49 ± 0.37 L·min(-1)) and CP (213 ± 22 vs. 200 ± 29 W) were not significantly different between HIGH and LOW, respectively. However, Pmax was significantly greater for the HIGH (337 ± 23 W) than for the LOW (299 ± 40 W). Thus, in physically active individuals with similar aerobic parameters, W' influences the Pmax during incremental testing.


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Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO), der Komplex IV der Atmungskette, ist eine der Häm-Kupfer enthaltenden Oxidasen und hat eine wichtige Funktion im Zellmetabolismus. Das Enzym enthält vier prosthetische Gruppen und befindet sich in der inneren Membran von Mitochondrien und in der Zellmembran einiger aerober Bakterien. Die CcO katalysiert den Elektronentransfer (ET) von Cytochrom c zu O2, wobei die eigentliche Reaktion am binuklearen Zentrum (CuB-Häm a3) erfolgt. Bei der Reduktion von O2 zu zwei H2O werden vier Protonen verbraucht. Zudem werden vier Protonen über die Membran transportiert, wodurch eine elektrochemische Potentialdifferenz dieser Ionen zwischen Matrix und Intermembranphase entsteht. Trotz ihrer Wichtigkeit sind Membranproteine wie die CcO noch wenig untersucht, weshalb auch der Mechanismus der Atmungskette noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Funktion der CcO zu leisten. Hierzu wurde die CcO aus Rhodobacter sphaeroides über einen His-Anker, der am C-Terminus der Untereinheit II angebracht wurde, an eine funktionalisierte Metallelektrode in definierter Orientierung gebunden. Der erste Elektronenakzeptor, das CuA, liegt dabei am nächsten zur Metalloberfläche. Dann wurde eine Doppelschicht aus Lipiden insitu zwischen die gebundenen Proteine eingefügt, was zur sog. proteingebundenen Lipid-Doppelschicht Membran (ptBLM) führt. Dabei musste die optimale Oberflächenkonzentration der gebundenen Proteine herausgefunden werden. Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie(EIS), Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie (SPR) und zyklische Voltammetrie (CV) wurden angewandt um die Aktivität der CcO als Funktion der Packungsdichte zu charakterisieren. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit betrifft die Untersuchung des direkten ET zur CcO unter anaeroben Bedingungen. Die Kombination aus zeitaufgelöster oberflächenverstärkter Infrarot-Absorptionsspektroskopie (tr-SEIRAS) und Elektrochemie hat sich dafür als besonders geeignet erwiesen. In einer ersten Studie wurde der ET mit Hilfe von fast scan CV untersucht, wobei CVs von nicht-aktivierter sowie aktivierter CcO mit verschiedenen Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten gemessen wurden. Die aktivierte Form wurde nach dem katalytischen Umsatz des Proteins in Anwesenheit von O2 erhalten. Ein vier-ET-modell wurde entwickelt um die CVs zu analysieren. Die Methode erlaubt zwischen dem Mechanismus des sequentiellen und des unabhängigen ET zu den vier Zentren CuA, Häm a, Häm a3 und CuB zu unterscheiden. Zudem lassen sich die Standardredoxpotentiale und die kinetischen Koeffizienten des ET bestimmen. In einer zweiten Studie wurde tr-SEIRAS im step scan Modus angewandt. Dafür wurden Rechteckpulse an die CcO angelegt und SEIRAS im ART-Modus verwendet um Spektren bei definierten Zeitscheiben aufzunehmen. Aus diesen Spektren wurden einzelne Banden isoliert, die Veränderungen von Vibrationsmoden der Aminosäuren und Peptidgruppen in Abhängigkeit des Redoxzustands der Zentren zeigen. Aufgrund von Zuordnungen aus der Literatur, die durch potentiometrische Titration der CcO ermittelt wurden, konnten die Banden versuchsweise den Redoxzentren zugeordnet werden. Die Bandenflächen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen geben dann die Redox-Kinetik der Zentren wieder und wurden wiederum mit dem vier-ET-Modell ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass der ET zur CcO in einer ptBLM mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit dem sequentiellen Mechanismus folgt, was dem natürlichen ET von Cytochrom c zur CcO entspricht.


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The development of High-Integrity Real-Time Systems has a high footprint in terms of human, material and schedule costs. Factoring functional, reusable logic in the application favors incremental development and contains costs. Yet, achieving incrementality in the timing behavior is a much harder problem. Complex features at all levels of the execution stack, aimed to boost average-case performance, exhibit timing behavior highly dependent on execution history, which wrecks time composability and incrementaility with it. Our goal here is to restitute time composability to the execution stack, working bottom up across it. We first characterize time composability without making assumptions on the system architecture or the software deployment to it. Later, we focus on the role played by the real-time operating system in our pursuit. Initially we consider single-core processors and, becoming less permissive on the admissible hardware features, we devise solutions that restore a convincing degree of time composability. To show what can be done for real, we developed TiCOS, an ARINC-compliant kernel, and re-designed ORK+, a kernel for Ada Ravenscar runtimes. In that work, we added support for limited-preemption to ORK+, an absolute premiere in the landscape of real-word kernels. Our implementation allows resource sharing to co-exist with limited-preemptive scheduling, which extends state of the art. We then turn our attention to multicore architectures, first considering partitioned systems, for which we achieve results close to those obtained for single-core processors. Subsequently, we shy away from the over-provision of those systems and consider less restrictive uses of homogeneous multiprocessors, where the scheduling algorithm is key to high schedulable utilization. To that end we single out RUN, a promising baseline, and extend it to SPRINT, which supports sporadic task sets, hence matches real-world industrial needs better. To corroborate our results we present findings from real-world case studies from avionic industry.


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This article brings to light a debate on tragic fiction in eighteenth-century France, and more specifically, on whether or not tragedy has the power to transform individuals intellectually and emotionally. Through analysis of abbé Dubos’s Reflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture and Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Lettre à d’Alembert sur les spectacles, I contend that Dubos’s overwhelmingly positive conception of fiction—and especially his contention that we learn through the emotions when we engage with tragic fiction—can serve as an admirable pedagogical model for today’s fiction-focused foreign language classrooms.


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This project looked at the nature, contents, methods, means and legal and political effects of the influence that constitutional courts exercise upon the legislative and executive powers in the newly established democracies of Central and Eastern Europe. The basic hypothesis was that these courts work to provide a limitation of political power within the framework of the principal constitutional values and that they force the legislature and executive to exercise their powers and duties in strict accordance with the constitution. Following a study of the documentary sources, including primarily the relevant constitutional and statutory provisions and decisions of constitutional courts, Mr. Cvetkovski prepared a questionnaire on various aspects of the topics researched and sent it to the respective constitutional courts. A series of direct interviews with court officials in six of the ten countries then served to clarify a large number of questions relating to differences in procedures etc. that arose from the questionnaires. As a final stage, the findings were compared with those described in recent publications on constitutional control in general and in Central and Eastern Europe in particular. The study began by considering the constitutional and political environment of the constitutional courts' activities in controlling legislative and executive powers, which in all countries studied are based on the principles of the rule of law and the separation of powers. All courts are separate bodies with special status in terms of constitutional law and are independent of other political and judicial institutions. The range of matters within their jurisdiction is set by the constitution of the country in question but in all cases can be exercised only with the framework of procedural rules. This gives considerable significance to the question of who sets these rules and different countries have dealt with it in different ways. In some there is a special constitutional law with the same legal force as the constitution itself (Croatia), the majority of countries allow for regulation by an ordinary law, Macedonia gives the court the autonomy to create and change its own rules of procedure, while in Hungary the parliament fixes the rules on procedure at the suggestion of the constitutional court. The question of the appointment of constitutional judges was also considered and of the mechanisms for ensuring their impartiality and immunity. In the area of the courts' scope for providing normative control, considerable differences were found between the different countries. In some cases the courts' jurisdiction is limited to the normative acts of the respective parliaments, and there is generally no provision for challenging unconstitutional omissions by legislation and the executive. There are, however, some situations in which they may indirectly evaluate the constitutionality of legislative omissions, as when the constitution contains provision for a time limit on enacting legislation, when the parliament has made an omission in drafting a law which violates the constitutional provisions, or when a law grants favours to certain groups while excluding others, thereby violating the equal protection clause of the constitution. The control of constitutionality of normative acts can be either preventive or repressive, depending on whether it is implemented before or after the promulgation of the law or other enactment being challenged. In most countries in the region the constitutional courts provide only repressive control, although in Hungary and Poland the courts are competent to perform both preventive and repressive norm control, while in Romania the court's jurisdiction is limited to preventive norm control. Most countries are wary of vesting constitutional courts with preventive norm control because of the danger of their becoming too involved in the day-to-day political debate, but Mr. Cvetkovski points out certain advantages of such control. If combined with a short time limit it can provide early clarification of a constitutional issue, secondly it avoids the problems arising if a law that has been in force for some years is declared to be unconstitutional, and thirdly it may help preserve the prestige of the legislation. Its disadvantages include the difficulty of ascertaining the actual and potential consequences of a norm without the empirical experience of the administration and enforcement of the law, the desirability of a certain distance from the day-to-day arguments surrounding the political process of legislation, the possible effects of changing social and economic conditions, and the danger of placing obstacles in the way of rapid reactions to acute situations. In the case of repressive norm control, this can be either abstract or concrete. The former is initiated by the supreme state organs in order to protect abstract constitutional order and the latter is initiated by ordinary courts, administrative authorities or by individuals. Constitutional courts cannot directly oblige the legislature and executive to pass a new law and this remains a matter of legislative and executive political responsibility. In the case of Poland, the parliament even has the power to dismiss a constitutional court decision by a special majority of votes, which means that the last word lies with the legislature. As the current constitutions of Central and Eastern European countries are newly adopted and differ significantly from the previous ones, the courts' interpretative functions should ensure a degree of unification in the application of the constitution. Some countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Russia) provide for the constitutional courts' decisions to have a binding role on the constitutions. While their decisions inevitably have an influence on the actions of public bodies, they do not set criteria for political behaviour, which depends rather on the overall political culture and traditions of the society. All constitutions except that of Belarus, provide for the courts to have jurisdiction over conflicts arising from the distribution of responsibilities between different organs and levels in the country, as well for impeachment procedures against the head of state, and for determining the constitutionality of political parties (except in Belarus, Hungary, Russia and Slovakia). All the constitutions studied guarantee individual rights and freedoms and most courts have jurisdiction over complaints of violation of these rights by the constitution. All courts also have some jurisdiction over international agreements and treaties, either directly (Belarus, Bulgaria and Hungary) before the treaty is ratified, or indirectly (Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Romania, Russia and Yugoslavia). In each country the question of who may initiate proceedings of norm control is of central importance and is usually regulated by the constitution itself. There are three main possibilities: statutory organs, normal courts and private individuals and the limitations on each of these is discussed in the report. Most courts are limited in their rights to institute ex officio a full-scale review of a point of law, and such rights as they do have rarely been used. In most countries courts' decisions do not have any binding force but must be approved by parliament or impose on parliament the obligation to bring the relevant law into conformity within a certain period. As a result, the courts' position is generally weaker than in other countries in Europe, with parliament remaining the supreme body. In the case of preventive norm control a finding of unconstitutionality may act to suspend the law and or to refer it back to the legislature, where in countries such as Romania it may even be overturned by a two-thirds majority. In repressive norm control a finding of unconstitutionality generally serves to take the relevant law out of legal force from the day of publication of the decision or from another date fixed by the court. If the law is annulled retrospectively this may or may not bring decisions of criminal courts under review, depending on the provisions laid down in the relevant constitution. In cases relating to conflicts of competencies the courts' decisions tend to be declaratory and so have a binding effect inter partes. In the case of a review of an individual act, decisions generally become effective primarily inter partes but is the individual act has been based on an unconstitutional generally binding normative act of the legislature or executive, the findings has quasi-legal effect as it automatically initiates special proceedings in which the law or other regulation is to be annulled or abrogated with effect erga omnes. This wards off further application of the law and thus further violations of individual constitutional rights, but also discourages further constitutional complaints against the same law. Thus the success of one individual's complaint extends to everyone else whose rights have equally been or might have been violated by the respective law. As the body whose act is repealed is obliged to adopt another act and in doing so is bound by the legal position of the constitutional court on the violation of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and rights of the complainant, in this situation the decision of the constitutional court has the force of a precedent.


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Prediction of radiated fields from transmission lines has not previously been studied from a panoptical power system perspective. The application of BPL technologies to overhead transmission lines would benefit greatly from an ability to simulate real power system environments, not limited to the transmission lines themselves. Presently circuitbased transmission line models used by EMTP-type programs utilize Carson’s formula for a waveguide parallel to an interface. This formula is not valid for calculations at high frequencies, considering effects of earth return currents. This thesis explains the challenges of developing such improved models, explores an approach to combining circuit-based and electromagnetics modeling to predict radiated fields from transmission lines, exposes inadequacies of simulation tools, and suggests methods of extending the validity of transmission line models into very high frequency ranges. Electromagnetics programs are commonly used to study radiated fields from transmission lines. However, an approach is proposed here which is also able to incorporate the components of a power system through the combined use of EMTP-type models. Carson’s formulas address the series impedance of electrical conductors above and parallel to the earth. These equations have been analyzed to show their inherent assumptions and what the implications are. Additionally, the lack of validity into higher frequencies has been demonstrated, showing the need to replace Carson’s formulas for these types of studies. This body of work leads to several conclusions about the relatively new study of BPL. Foremost, there is a gap in modeling capabilities which has been bridged through integration of circuit-based and electromagnetics modeling, allowing more realistic prediction of BPL performance and radiated fields. The proposed approach is limited in its scope of validity due to the formulas used by EMTP-type software. To extend the range of validity, a new set of equations must be identified and implemented in the approach. Several potential methods of implementation have been explored. Though an appropriate set of equations has not yet been identified, further research in this area will benefit from a clear depiction of the next important steps and how they can be accomplished. Prediction of radiated fields from transmission lines has not previously been studied from a panoptical power system perspective. The application of BPL technologies to overhead transmission lines would benefit greatly from an ability to simulate real power system environments, not limited to the transmission lines themselves. Presently circuitbased transmission line models used by EMTP-type programs utilize Carson’s formula for a waveguide parallel to an interface. This formula is not valid for calculations at high frequencies, considering effects of earth return currents. This thesis explains the challenges of developing such improved models, explores an approach to combining circuit-based and electromagnetics modeling to predict radiated fields from transmission lines, exposes inadequacies of simulation tools, and suggests methods of extending the validity of transmission line models into very high frequency ranges. Electromagnetics programs are commonly used to study radiated fields from transmission lines. However, an approach is proposed here which is also able to incorporate the components of a power system through the combined use of EMTP-type models. Carson’s formulas address the series impedance of electrical conductors above and parallel to the earth. These equations have been analyzed to show their inherent assumptions and what the implications are. Additionally, the lack of validity into higher frequencies has been demonstrated, showing the need to replace Carson’s formulas for these types of studies. This body of work leads to several conclusions about the relatively new study of BPL. Foremost, there is a gap in modeling capabilities which has been bridged through integration of circuit-based and electromagnetics modeling, allowing more realistic prediction of BPL performance and radiated fields. The proposed approach is limited in its scope of validity due to the formulas used by EMTP-type software. To extend the range of validity, a new set of equations must be identified and implemented in the approach. Several potential methods of implementation have been explored. Though an appropriate set of equations has not yet been identified, further research in this area will benefit from a clear depiction of the next important steps and how they can be accomplished.


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Resumen El diseño clásico de circuitos de microondas se basa fundamentalmente en el uso de los parámetros s, debido a su capacidad para caracterizar de forma exitosa el comportamiento de cualquier circuito lineal. La relación existente entre los parámetros s con los sistemas de medida actuales y con las herramientas de simulación lineal han facilitado su éxito y su uso extensivo tanto en el diseño como en la caracterización de circuitos y subsistemas de microondas. Sin embargo, a pesar de la gran aceptación de los parámetros s en la comunidad de microondas, el principal inconveniente de esta formulación reside en su limitación para predecir el comportamiento de sistemas no lineales reales. En la actualidad, uno de los principales retos de los diseñadores de microondas es el desarrollo de un contexto análogo que permita integrar tanto el modelado no lineal, como los sistemas de medidas de gran señal y los entornos de simulación no lineal, con el objetivo de extender las capacidades de los parámetros s a regímenes de operación en gran señal y por tanto, obtener una infraestructura que permita tanto la caracterización como el diseño de circuitos no lineales de forma fiable y eficiente. De acuerdo a esta filosofía, en los últimos años se han desarrollado diferentes propuestas como los parámetros X, de Agilent Technologies, o el modelo de Cardiff que tratan de proporcionar esta plataforma común en el ámbito de gran señal. Dentro de este contexto, uno de los objetivos de la presente Tesis es el análisis de la viabilidad del uso de los parámetros X en el diseño y simulación de osciladores para transceptores de microondas. Otro aspecto relevante en el análisis y diseño de circuitos lineales de microondas es la disposición de métodos analíticos sencillos, basados en los parámetros s del transistor, que permitan la obtención directa y rápida de las impedancias de carga y fuente necesarias para cumplir las especificaciones de diseño requeridas en cuanto a ganancia, potencia de salida, eficiencia o adaptación de entrada y salida, así como la determinación analítica de parámetros de diseño clave como el factor de estabilidad o los contornos de ganancia de potencia. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de una formulación de diseño analítico, basada en los parámetros X y similar a la existente en pequeña señal, permitiría su uso en aplicaciones no lineales y supone un nuevo reto que se va a afrontar en este trabajo. Por tanto, el principal objetivo de la presente Tesis consistiría en la elaboración de una metodología analítica basada en el uso de los parámetros X para el diseño de circuitos no lineales que jugaría un papel similar al que juegan los parámetros s en el diseño de circuitos lineales de microondas. Dichos métodos de diseño analíticos permitirían una mejora significativa en los actuales procedimientos de diseño disponibles en gran señal, así como una reducción considerable en el tiempo de diseño, lo que permitiría la obtención de técnicas mucho más eficientes. Abstract In linear world, classical microwave circuit design relies on the s-parameters due to its capability to successfully characterize the behavior of any linear circuit. Thus the direct use of s-parameters in measurement systems and in linear simulation analysis tools, has facilitated its extensive use and success in the design and characterization of microwave circuits and subsystems. Nevertheless, despite the great success of s-parameters in the microwave community, the main drawback of this formulation is its limitation in the behavior prediction of real non-linear systems. Nowadays, the challenge of microwave designers is the development of an analogue framework that allows to integrate non-linear modeling, large-signal measurement hardware and non-linear simulation environment in order to extend s-parameters capabilities to non-linear regimen and thus, provide the infrastructure for non-linear design and test in a reliable and efficient way. Recently, different attempts with the aim to provide this common platform have been introduced, as the Cardiff approach and the Agilent X-parameters. Hence, this Thesis aims to demonstrate the X-parameter capability to provide this non-linear design and test framework in CAD-based oscillator context. Furthermore, the classical analysis and design of linear microwave transistorbased circuits is based on the development of simple analytical approaches, involving the transistor s-parameters, that are able to quickly provide an analytical solution for the input/output transistor loading conditions as well as analytically determine fundamental parameters as the stability factor, the power gain contours or the input/ output match. Hence, the development of similar analytical design tools that are able to extend s-parameters capabilities in small-signal design to non-linear ap- v plications means a new challenge that is going to be faced in the present work. Therefore, the development of an analytical design framework, based on loadindependent X-parameters, constitutes the core of this Thesis. These analytical nonlinear design approaches would enable to significantly improve current large-signal design processes as well as dramatically decrease the required design time and thus, obtain more efficient approaches.


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Systems used for target localization, such as goods, individuals, or animals, commonly rely on operational means to meet the final application demands. However, what would happen if some means were powered up randomly by harvesting systems? And what if those devices not randomly powered had their duty cycles restricted? Under what conditions would such an operation be tolerable in localization services? What if the references provided by nodes in a tracking problem were distorted? Moreover, there is an underlying topic common to the previous questions regarding the transfer of conceptual models to reality in field tests: what challenges are faced upon deploying a localization network that integrates energy harvesting modules? The application scenario of the system studied is a traditional herding environment of semi domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in northern Scandinavia. In these conditions, information on approximate locations of reindeer is as important as environmental preservation. Herders also need cost-effective devices capable of operating unattended in, sometimes, extreme weather conditions. The analyses developed are worthy not only for the specific application environment presented, but also because they may serve as an approach to performance of navigation systems in absence of reasonably accurate references like the ones of the Global Positioning System (GPS). A number of energy-harvesting solutions, like thermal and radio-frequency harvesting, do not commonly provide power beyond one milliwatt. When they do, battery buffers may be needed (as it happens with solar energy) which may raise costs and make systems more dependent on environmental temperatures. In general, given our problem, a harvesting system is needed that be capable of providing energy bursts of, at least, some milliwatts. Many works on localization problems assume that devices have certain capabilities to determine unknown locations based on range-based techniques or fingerprinting which cannot be assumed in the approach considered herein. The system presented is akin to range-free techniques, but goes to the extent of considering very low node densities: most range-free techniques are, therefore, not applicable. Animal localization, in particular, uses to be supported by accurate devices such as GPS collars which deplete batteries in, maximum, a few days. Such short-life solutions are not particularly desirable in the framework considered. In tracking, the challenge may times addressed aims at attaining high precision levels from complex reliable hardware and thorough processing techniques. One of the challenges in this Thesis is the use of equipment with just part of its facilities in permanent operation, which may yield high input noise levels in the form of distorted reference points. The solution presented integrates a kinetic harvesting module in some nodes which are expected to be a majority in the network. These modules are capable of providing power bursts of some milliwatts which suffice to meet node energy demands. The usage of harvesting modules in the aforementioned conditions makes the system less dependent on environmental temperatures as no batteries are used in nodes with harvesters--it may be also an advantage in economic terms. There is a second kind of nodes. They are battery powered (without kinetic energy harvesters), and are, therefore, dependent on temperature and battery replacements. In addition, their operation is constrained by duty cycles in order to extend node lifetime and, consequently, their autonomy. There is, in turn, a third type of nodes (hotspots) which can be static or mobile. They are also battery-powered, and are used to retrieve information from the network so that it is presented to users. The system operational chain starts at the kinetic-powered nodes broadcasting their own identifier. If an identifier is received at a battery-powered node, the latter stores it for its records. Later, as the recording node meets a hotspot, its full record of detections is transferred to the hotspot. Every detection registry comprises, at least, a node identifier and the position read from its GPS module by the battery-operated node previously to detection. The characteristics of the system presented make the aforementioned operation own certain particularities which are also studied. First, identifier transmissions are random as they depend on movements at kinetic modules--reindeer movements in our application. Not every movement suffices since it must overcome a certain energy threshold. Second, identifier transmissions may not be heard unless there is a battery-powered node in the surroundings. Third, battery-powered nodes do not poll continuously their GPS module, hence localization errors rise even more. Let's recall at this point that such behavior is tight to the aforementioned power saving policies to extend node lifetime. Last, some time is elapsed between the instant an identifier random transmission is detected and the moment the user is aware of such a detection: it takes some time to find a hotspot. Tracking is posed as a problem of a single kinetically-powered target and a population of battery-operated nodes with higher densities than before in localization. Since the latter provide their approximate positions as reference locations, the study is again focused on assessing the impact of such distorted references on performance. Unlike in localization, distance-estimation capabilities based on signal parameters are assumed in this problem. Three variants of the Kalman filter family are applied in this context: the regular Kalman filter, the alpha-beta filter, and the unscented Kalman filter. The study enclosed hereafter comprises both field tests and simulations. Field tests were used mainly to assess the challenges related to power supply and operation in extreme conditions as well as to model nodes and some aspects of their operation in the application scenario. These models are the basics of the simulations developed later. The overall system performance is analyzed according to three metrics: number of detections per kinetic node, accuracy, and latency. The links between these metrics and the operational conditions are also discussed and characterized statistically. Subsequently, such statistical characterization is used to forecast performance figures given specific operational parameters. In tracking, also studied via simulations, nonlinear relationships are found between accuracy and duty cycles and cluster sizes of battery-operated nodes. The solution presented may be more complex in terms of network structure than existing solutions based on GPS collars. However, its main gain lies on taking advantage of users' error tolerance to reduce costs and become more environmentally friendly by diminishing the potential amount of batteries that can be lost. Whether it is applicable or not depends ultimately on the conditions and requirements imposed by users' needs and operational environments, which is, as it has been explained, one of the topics of this Thesis.


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The ‘Normative Power Europe’ debate has been a leitmotif in the academic discourse for over a decade. Far from being obsolete, the topic is as relevant as when the term was first coined by Ian Manners in 2002.1 ‘To be or not to be a normative power’ is certainly one of the existential dilemmas in the foreign policy of the European Union. This paper, however, intends to move beyond the black-and-white debate on whether the European Union is a normative power and to make it more nuanced by examining the factors that make it such. Contrary to the conventional perception that the European Union is a necessarily ‘benign’ force in the world, it assumes that it has aspirations to be a viable international actor. Consequently, it pursues different types of foreign policy behaviour with a varying degree of normativity in them. The paper addresses the question of under what conditions the European Union is a ‘normative power’. The findings of the study demonstrate that the ‘normative power’ of the European Union is conditioned upon internal and external elements, engaged in a complex interaction with a decisive role played by the often neglected external elements.


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Genetic assignment methods use genotype likelihoods to draw inference about where individuals were or were not born, potentially allowing direct, real-time estimates of dispersal. We used simulated data sets to test the power and accuracy of Monte Carlo resampling methods in generating statistical thresholds for identifying F-0 immigrants in populations with ongoing gene flow, and hence for providing direct, real-time estimates of migration rates. The identification of accurate critical values required that resampling methods preserved the linkage disequilibrium deriving from recent generations of immigrants and reflected the sampling variance present in the data set being analysed. A novel Monte Carlo resampling method taking into account these aspects was proposed and its efficiency was evaluated. Power and error were relatively insensitive to the frequency assumed for missing alleles. Power to identify F-0 immigrants was improved by using large sample size (up to about 50 individuals) and by sampling all populations from which migrants may have originated. A combination of plotting genotype likelihoods and calculating mean genotype likelihood ratios (D-LR) appeared to be an effective way to predict whether F-0 immigrants could be identified for a particular pair of populations using a given set of markers.


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Objectives: Left atrial (LA) volume (LAV) is a prognostically important biomarker for diastolic dysfunction, but its reproducibility on repeated testing is not well defined. LA assessment with 3-dimensional. (3D) echocardiography (3DE) has been validated against magnetic resonance imaging, and we sought to assess whether this was superior to existing measurements for sequential echocardiographic follow-up. Methods: Patients (n = 100; 81 men; age 56 +/- 14 years) presenting for LA evaluation were studied with M-mode (MM) echocardiography, 2-dimensional (2D) echocardiography, and 3DE. Test-retest variation was performed by a complete restudy by a separate sonographer within 1 hour without alteration of hemodynamics or therapy. In all, 20 patients were studied for interobserver and intraobserver variation. LAVs were calculated by using M-mode diameter and planimetered atrial area in the apical. 4-chamber view to calculate an assumed sphere, as were prolate ellipsoid, Simpson's biplane, and biplane area-length methods. All were compared with 3DE. Results: The average LAV was 72 +/- 27 mL by 3DE. There was significant underestimation of LAV by M-mode (35 +/- 20 mL, r = 0.66, P < .01). The 3DE and various 2D echocardiographic techniques were well correlated: LA planimetry (85 +/- 38 mL, r = 0.77, P < .01), prolate ellipsoid (73 +/- 36 mL, r = 0.73, P = .04), area-length (64 +/- 30 mL, r = 0.74, P < .01), and Simpson's biplane (69 +/- 31 mL, r = 0.78, P = .06). Test-retest variation for 3DE was most favorable (r = 0.98, P < .01), with the prolate ellipsoid method showing most variation. Interobserver agreement between measurements was best for 3DE (r = 0.99, P < .01), with M-mode the worst (r = 0.89, P < .01). Intraobserver results were similar to interobserver, the best correlation for 3DE (r = 0.99, P < .01), with LA planimetry the worst (r = 0.91, P < .01). Conclusions. The 2D measurements correlate closely with 3DE. Follow-up assessment in daily practice appears feasible and reliable with both 2D and 3D approaches.


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This study compares interpreter-mediated face-to-face Magistrates Court hearings with those conducted through prison video link in which interpreters are located in court and non- English-speaking defendants in prison. It seeks to examine the impact that the presence of video link has on court actors in terms of interaction and behaviour. The data comprises 11 audio-recordings of face-to-face hearings, 10 recordings of prison video link hearings, semistructured interviews with 27 court actors, and ethnographic observation of hearings as viewed by defendants in Wormwood Scrubs prison in London. The over-arching theme is the pervasive influence of the ecology of the courtroom upon all court actors in interpretermediated hearings and thus on the communication process. Close analysis of the court transcripts shows that their relative proximity to one another can be a determinant of status, interpreting role, mode and volume. The very few legal protocols which apply to interpretermediated cases (acknowledging and ratifying the interpreter, for example), are often forgotten or dispensed with. Court interpreters lack proper training in the specific challenges of court interpreting, whether they are co-present with the defendant or not. Other court actors often misunderstand the interpreter’s role. This has probably come about because courts have adjusted their perceptions of what they think interpreters are supposed to do based on their own experiences of working with them, and have gradually come to accept poor practice (the inability to perform simultaneous interpreting, for example) as the norm. In video link courts, mismatches of sound and image due to court clerks’ failure to adequately track current speakers, poor image and sound quality and the fact that non-English-speaking defendants in pre-and post-court consultations can see and hear interpreters but not their defence advocates are just some of the additional layers of disadvantage and confusion already suffered by non- English-speaking defendants. These factors make it less likely that justice will be done.


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For most of its existence, the Front National (FN) fitted the classic definition of the anti-system party, opposing the founding values, institutions and elites of the Fifth Republic. Now, under Marine Le Pen's leadership, it has embarked on a strategy to integrate to the regime it once defied. Does this strategy of normalisation bear scrutiny? Using a framework drawn from Giovanni Sartori and Robert Michels, this article asks whether the FN is a one-time anti-system party that is becoming mainstream, and also whether these simple oppositional categories are adequate for understanding ideological and policy evolution in the FN's case. Through an analysis of continuity and change in FN strategy and programmes, the article shows a party torn between anti-system differentiation and institutional adaptation. It may claim to have cast out its demons but has not undertaken the necessary moderation of its programme to substantiate that claim. The FN today is on no linear path of deradicalisation but exhibits a combination of consistent, diminished and increasing radicalism across different policy areas. Despite an upward dynamic and a hugely favourable context, it remains almost entirely excluded from power and far from the breakthrough required to become a party of government.


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Cette thèse examine l’interprétation et l’application, par l’Haute Cour d'Israël (HCJ), de principes du droit international de l’occupation et du droit international des droits de la personne dans le traitement de requêtes judiciaires formulées par des justiciables palestiniens. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux jugements rendus depuis le déclenchement de la deuxième Intifada (2000) suite à des requêtes mettant en cause la légalité des mesures adoptées par les autorités israéliennes au nom d’un besoin prétendu d’accroitre la sécurité des colonies et des colons israéliens dans le territoire occupé de la Cisjordanie. La première question sous étude concerne la mesure dans laquelle la Cour offre un recours effectif aux demandeurs palestiniens face aux violations alléguées de leurs droits internationaux par l’occupant. La recherche fait sienne la position de la HJC selon laquelle le droit de l’occupation est guidé par une logique interne tenant compte de la balance des intérêts en cause, en l’occurrence le besoin de sécurité de l’occupant, d’une part, et les droits fondamentaux de l’occupé, d’autre part. Elle considère, en outre, que cette logique se voit reflétée dans les principes normatifs constituant la base de ce corpus juridique, soit que l’occupation est par sa nature temporaire, que de l’occupation découle un rapport de fiduciaire et, finalement, que l’occupant n’acquiert point de souveraineté sur le territoire. Ainsi, la deuxième question qui est posée est de savoir si l’interprétation du droit par la Cour (HCJ) a eu pour effet de promouvoir ces principes normatifs ou, au contraire, de leur porter préjudice. La réunion de plusieurs facteurs, à savoir la durée prolongée de l’occupation de la Cisjordanie par Israël, la menace accrue à la sécurité depuis 2000 ainsi qu’une politique de colonisation israélienne active, soutenue par l’État, présentent un cas de figure unique pour vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle les tribunaux nationaux des États démocratiques, généralement, et ceux jouant le rôle de la plus haute instance judiciaire d’une puissance occupante, spécifiquement, parviennent à assurer la protection des droits et libertés fondamentaux et de la primauté du droit au niveau international. Le premier chapitre présente une étude, à la lumière du premier principe normatif énoncé ci-haut, des jugements rendus par la HCJ dans les dossiers contestant la légalité de la construction du mur à l’intérieur de la Cisjordanie et de la zone dite fermée (Seam Zone), ainsi que des zones de sécurité spéciales entourant les colonies. Le deuxième chapitre analyse, cette fois à la lumière du deuxième principe normatif, des jugements dans les dossiers mettant en cause des restrictions sur les déplacements imposées aux Palestiniens dans le but allégué de protéger la sécurité des colonies et/ou des colons. Le troisième chapitre jette un regard sur les jugements rendus dans les dossiers mettant en cause la légalité du tracé du mur à l’intérieur et sur le pourtour du territoire annexé de Jérusalem-Est. Les conclusions découlant de cette recherche se fondent sur des données tirées d’entrevues menées auprès d’avocats israéliens qui s’adressent régulièrement à la HCJ pour le compte de justiciables palestiniens.


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Cette thèse examine l’interprétation et l’application, par l’Haute Cour d'Israël (HCJ), de principes du droit international de l’occupation et du droit international des droits de la personne dans le traitement de requêtes judiciaires formulées par des justiciables palestiniens. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux jugements rendus depuis le déclenchement de la deuxième Intifada (2000) suite à des requêtes mettant en cause la légalité des mesures adoptées par les autorités israéliennes au nom d’un besoin prétendu d’accroitre la sécurité des colonies et des colons israéliens dans le territoire occupé de la Cisjordanie. La première question sous étude concerne la mesure dans laquelle la Cour offre un recours effectif aux demandeurs palestiniens face aux violations alléguées de leurs droits internationaux par l’occupant. La recherche fait sienne la position de la HJC selon laquelle le droit de l’occupation est guidé par une logique interne tenant compte de la balance des intérêts en cause, en l’occurrence le besoin de sécurité de l’occupant, d’une part, et les droits fondamentaux de l’occupé, d’autre part. Elle considère, en outre, que cette logique se voit reflétée dans les principes normatifs constituant la base de ce corpus juridique, soit que l’occupation est par sa nature temporaire, que de l’occupation découle un rapport de fiduciaire et, finalement, que l’occupant n’acquiert point de souveraineté sur le territoire. Ainsi, la deuxième question qui est posée est de savoir si l’interprétation du droit par la Cour (HCJ) a eu pour effet de promouvoir ces principes normatifs ou, au contraire, de leur porter préjudice. La réunion de plusieurs facteurs, à savoir la durée prolongée de l’occupation de la Cisjordanie par Israël, la menace accrue à la sécurité depuis 2000 ainsi qu’une politique de colonisation israélienne active, soutenue par l’État, présentent un cas de figure unique pour vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle les tribunaux nationaux des États démocratiques, généralement, et ceux jouant le rôle de la plus haute instance judiciaire d’une puissance occupante, spécifiquement, parviennent à assurer la protection des droits et libertés fondamentaux et de la primauté du droit au niveau international. Le premier chapitre présente une étude, à la lumière du premier principe normatif énoncé ci-haut, des jugements rendus par la HCJ dans les dossiers contestant la légalité de la construction du mur à l’intérieur de la Cisjordanie et de la zone dite fermée (Seam Zone), ainsi que des zones de sécurité spéciales entourant les colonies. Le deuxième chapitre analyse, cette fois à la lumière du deuxième principe normatif, des jugements dans les dossiers mettant en cause des restrictions sur les déplacements imposées aux Palestiniens dans le but allégué de protéger la sécurité des colonies et/ou des colons. Le troisième chapitre jette un regard sur les jugements rendus dans les dossiers mettant en cause la légalité du tracé du mur à l’intérieur et sur le pourtour du territoire annexé de Jérusalem-Est. Les conclusions découlant de cette recherche se fondent sur des données tirées d’entrevues menées auprès d’avocats israéliens qui s’adressent régulièrement à la HCJ pour le compte de justiciables palestiniens.