822 resultados para wavelength multiplexing


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We propose a self-forwarding packet-switched optical network with bit-parallel multi-wavelength labels. We experimentally demonstrate transmission of variable-length optical packets over 80 km of fiber and switching over a 1×4 multistage switch with two stages. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Polarization-insensitivity is achieved in a reflective spatial light modulator by laying a quarter-wave plate (QWP) at the incident wavelength directly over the mirror pixels of a silicon backplane, and forming a nematle Fréedrickcz cell over the QWP to modulate the reflected phase. To achieve the highest drive voltage from the available silicon process, a switched voltage common front electrode design is described, with variable amplitude square wave drive to the pixels to maintain constant root-mean-square drive and minimize phase fluctuations during the dc balance refresh cycle. The silicon has been fabricated and liquid-crystal-on-silicon cells both with and without the QWP assembled; applications include optically transparent switches for optical networks, beam steering for add-drop multiplexers for wavelength-division- multiplexing telecommunications, television multicast, and holographic projection.


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A semiconductor optical amplifier monolithically integrated with a distributed feedback pump laser is used for non-degenerate four wave mixing applications. Experimental results are presented which illustrate the use of this compact device for both wavelength conversion and dispersion compensation applications at high data rates.


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Ultrafast self-switching of spectral-amplitude-encoded 40 Gb/s DPSK signals is demonstrated for the first time. Switching between 21 ports with 15nm maximum bin separation is achieved using a single correlator based on HNLF and an AWG. © 2009 IEEE.


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Specific fibre modes are deliberately excited in a few-mode and multimode fibre using holography. The same system is also used to demonstrate holography's ability to detect and route individual fibre modes. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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The study of band-edge lasing from dye-doped chiral nematic liquid crystals has thus far been largely restricted to visible wavelengths. In this paper, a wide range of commercially available laser dyes are examined for their suitability as infrared emitters within a chiral nematic host. Problems such as poor solubility and reduced quantum efficiencies are overcome, and successful band-edge lasing is demonstrated within the range of 735-850 nm, using the dyes LD800, HITC-P and DOTC-P. This paper also reports on progress towards widely tuneable liquid crystal lasers, capable of emission in the region 460- 850 nm. Key to this is the use of common pump source, capable of simultaneously exciting all of the dyes (both infrared and visible) that are present within the system. Towards this aim, we successfully demonstrate near-infrared lasing (800 nm) facilitated by Förster energy transfer between the visible dye DCM, and the infra-red dye LD800, enabling pump wavelengths anywhere between 420 and 532 nm to be used. These results demonstrate that small and low-cost tuneable visible to near-infrared laser sources are achievable, using a single common pump source. Such devices are envisaged to have wide-ranging applications including medical imaging (including optical coherence tomography), point-of-care optical medical diagnostics (such as flow cytometry), telecommunications, and optical signatures for security coatings. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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Detailed numerical investigations are undertaken of wavelength reused bidirectional transmission of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals over a single SMF in a colorless WDM-PON incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) intensity modulator and a reflective SOA (RSOA) intensity modulator in the optical line termination and optical network unit, respectively. A comprehensive theoretical model describing the performance of such network scenarios is, for the first time, developed, taking into account dynamic optical characteristics of SOA and RSOA intensity modulators as well as the effects of Rayleigh backscattering (RB) and residual downstream signal-induced crosstalk. The developed model is rigorously verified experimentally in RSOA-based real-time end-to-end OOFDM systems at 7.5 Gb/s. It is shown that the RB noise and crosstalk effects are dominant factors limiting the maximum achievable downstream and upstream transmission performance. Under optimum SOA and RSOA operating conditions as well as practical downstream and upstream optical launch powers, 10 Gb/s downstream and 6 Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMF transmissions of conventional double sideband AMOOFDM signals are feasible without utilizing in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. In particular, the aforementioned transmission performance can be improved to 23 Gb/s downstream and 8 Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMFs when single sideband subcarrier modulation is adopted in the downstream systems.


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Based on a comprehensive theoretical optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OOFDM) system model rigorously verified by comparing numerical results with end-to-end real-time experimental measurements at 11.25Gb/s, detailed explorations are undertaken, for the first time, of the impacts of various physical factors on the OOFDM system performance over directly modulated DFB laser (DML)-based, intensity modulation and direct detection (IMDD), single-mode fibre (SMF) systems without in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. It is shown that the low extinction ratio (ER) of the DML modulated OOFDM signal is the predominant factor limiting the maximum achievable optical power budget, and the subcarrier intermixing effect associated with square-law photon detection in the receiver reduces the optical power budget by at least 1dB. Results also indicate that, immediately after the DML in the transmitter, the insertion of a 0.02nm bandwidth optical Gaussian bandpass filter with a 0.01nm wavelength offset with respect to the optical carrier wavelength can enhance the OOFDM signal ER by approximately 1.24dB, thus resulting in a 7dB optical power budget improvement at a total channel BER of 1 × 10(-3).


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10Gb/s downstream and 6Gb/s upstream over 40km SSMFs are feasible for double-sideband AMOOFDM signals in wavelength-reused bidirectional-transmission colorless-WDM-PONs incorporating SOA/RSOA intensity modulators in OLTs/ONUs. Such performances are improved to 23Gb/s downstream and 8Gb/s upstream when single-sideband subcarrier-modulation is utilized. ©2010 IEEE.


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Detailed numerical investigations are undertaken of wavelength reused bidirectional transmission of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals over a single SMF in a WDM-PON incorporating a SOA intensity modulator and a RSOA intensity modulator in the OLT and ONU, respectively. A comprehensive theoretical model describing the performance of such network scenarios is, for the first time, developed, taking into account dynamic optical characteristics of SOA and RSOA intensity modulators as well as the effects of Rayleigh backscattering (RB) and residual downstream signal-induced crosstalk. The developed model is rigorously verified experimentally in RSOA-based real-time end-to-end OOFDM systems at 7.5Gb/s. It is shown that the RB noise and crosstalk effects are the dominant factors limiting the maximum achievable downstream and upstream transmission performance. Under optimum SOA and RSOA operating conditions as well as practical downstream and upstream optical launch powers, 10Gb/s downstream and 6Gb/s upstream over 40km SMF transmissions of conventional double sideband AMOOFDM signals are feasible without utilizing inline optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. In particular, the transmission performance can be improved to 23Gb/s downstream and 8Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMFs when single sideband subcarrier modulation is adopted in the downstream systems. Copyright © 2010 The authors.


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It is shown for the first time that uncooled tunable DBR-laser diodes can be used as athermal WDM sources. Using novel bias current control, absolute wavelength control to within 6Å has been achieved for temperatures up to 70°C. © 2000 Optical Society of America.


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In a fibre-optic communication network, the wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technique enables an expansion of the data-carrying capacity of optical fibres. This can be achieved by transmitting different channels on a single optical fibre, with each channel modulating a different wavelength. In order to access and manipulate these channels at a node of the network, a compact holographic optical switch is designed, modelled, and constructed. The structure of such a switch consists of a series of optical components which are used to collimate the beam from the input, de-multiplex each individual wavelength into separated channels, manipulate the separated channels, and reshape the beam to the output. A spatial light modulator (SLM) is crucial in this system, offering control and flexibility at the channel manipulation stage, and providing the ability to redirect light into the desired output fibre. This is achieved by the use of a 2-D analogue phase computer generated hologram (CGH) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) technology. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).