808 resultados para vitamin D
A vitamina D, atualmente, é relacionada também ao metabolismo da glicose e o desenvolvimento de órgãos. Fêmeas de camundongos suíços (F0) foram alimentadas por uma das dietas experimentais: SC (dieta padrão) ou VitD- (dieta sem vitamina D). A prole de machos foi estudada nas idades: nascimento, 10 dias, desmame e seis meses, nas gerações F1 e F2. Avaliou-se a biometria [Massa Corporal (MC), Comprimento nasoanal (CNA) e Pressão Arterial (PA)], urina de 24 horas, glicemia e Teste Oral de Tolerância à Glicose (TOTG). Durante a eutanásia, o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica e os tecidos foram removidos para análise estereológica, morfométrica e Western blotting (WB). Não houve diferença de MC ao nascimento. Ao desmame, o grupo F2-VitD- teve maior MC que F2-SC (P=0,03) e aos seis meses, os grupos F1 e F2-VitD- tiveram MC mais elevada (P<0,05 vs SC). A PA foi crescente na prole VitD-, sendo maior em F1-VitD- (P=0,001). A glicemia e TOTG foram alterados somente na F1-VitD-, seguida de esteatose hepática (+99%), hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática (+40%) e elevação do triglicerídeo sanguíneo (P<0,01). O WB de fígado mostrou elevação de FAS (+18%, P<0,01), no grupo com esteatose. Curiosamente, embora a F2-VitD- tenha apresentado elevação de MC, somente o colesterol total fora alterado (P<0,05). Quanto à nefrogênese, houve 50% mais glomérulos imaturos em F1-VitD- que F1-SC (P<0,0001). Porém, na F2 houve aumento somente de 20% (P<0,001). Aos 10 dias, F1-VitD- teve 150% mais glomérulos imaturos e 25% mais glomérulos maduros que SC-F1 (P<0,0001). O WB de rim mostrou que a prole F1-VitD- apresentou maior expressão de renina, ao desmame e aos seis meses, enquanto que a expressão de podocina foi reduzida (P=0,0004). Não houve diferença na análise de WT1. A restrição materna em vitamina D altera a morfologia do pâncreas e fígado, com resistência à insulina, altera a expressão renal de importantes fatores, assim como retarda a maturação glomerular estendendo o período da nefrogênese, principalmente na geração F1.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary vitamins A, D-3, E, and C on the gonad development, lipid peroxidation, and immune response of yearling rice field eel, Monopterus albus. A 6-wk feeding trial was designed according to an L-16(4(5)) orthogonal design, in which four vitamins, each at four supplementation levels, were arranged. Sixteen diets were mixed with the different vitamin levels and randomly assigned to 16 groups of fish. Increasing dietary vitamin E supplementation level significantly (P <= 0.05) increased the gonadosomatic index and lowered the serum content of malondialdehyde of rice field eel. Increasing dietary vitamin A and C levels also showed similar effect, but the differences were not statistically significant. Serum immunoglobulin M content increased significantly (P <= 0.01) as dietary vitamin C supplementation levels increased. The concentrations of calcium in bones showed significant (P <= 0.05) trend with vitamin D-3 and A supplementation levels, but the bone phosphorus content was not affected by the dietary vitamin levels.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Development of cribriform morphology (CM) heralds malignant change in human colon but lack of mechanistic understanding hampers preventive therapy. This study investigated CM pathobiology in three-dimensional (3D) Caco-2 culture models of colorectal glandular architecture, assessed translational relevance and tested effects of 1,25(OH)2D3, the active form of vitamin D. CM evolution was driven by oncogenic perturbation of the apical polarity (AP) complex comprising PTEN, CDC42 and PRKCZ (phosphatase and tensin homolog, cell division cycle 42 and protein kinase C zeta). Suppression of AP genes initiated a spatiotemporal cascade of mitotic spindle misorientation, apical membrane misalignment and aberrant epithelial configuration. Collectively, these events promoted “Swiss cheese-like” cribriform morphology (CM) comprising multiple abnormal “back to back” lumens surrounded by atypical stratified epithelium, in 3D colorectal gland models. Intestinal cancer driven purely by PTEN-deficiency in transgenic mice developed CM and in human CRC, CM associated with PTEN and PRKCZ readouts. Treatment of PTEN-deficient 3D cultures with 1,25(OH)2D3 upregulated PTEN, rapidly activated CDC42 and PRKCZ, corrected mitotic spindle alignment and suppressed CM development. Conversely, mutationally-activated KRAS blocked 1,25(OH)2D3 rescue of glandular architecture. We conclude that 1,25(OH)2D3 upregulates AP signalling to reverse CM in a KRAS wild type (wt), clinically predictive CRC model system. Vitamin D could be developed as therapy to suppress inception or progression of a subset of colorectal tumors.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Vitamin D is important for bone metabolism and neuromuscular function. While a routine dosage is often proposed in osteoporotic patients, it is not so evident in rheumatology outpatients where it has been shown that the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D is high. The aim of the current study was to systematically evaluate the vitamin D status in our outpatient rheumatology population to define the severity of the problem according to rheumatologic diseases. During November 2009, all patients were offered a screening test for 25-OH vitamin D levels and categorised as deficient (<10 µg/l [ng/ml] [25 nmol/l]), insufficient (10 µg/l to 30 µg/l [25 to 75 nmol/l]) or normal (>30 µg/l [75 nmol/l]). A total of 272 patients were included. The mean 25-OH vitamin D level was 21 µg/l (range 1.5 to 45.9). A total of 20 patients had vitamin D deficiency, 215 patients had an insufficiency and 37 patients had normal results. In the group of patients with osteoporosis mean level of 25-OH vitamin D was 25 µg/l and 31% had normal results. In patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (N = 219), the mean level of 25-OH vitamin D was 20.5 µg/l, and only 12% had normal 25-OH vitamin D levels. In the small group of patients with degenerative disease (N = 33), the mean level of 25-OH vitamin D was 21.8 µg/l, and 21% had normal results. Insufficiency and deficiency were even seen in 38% of the patients who were taking supplements. These results confirm that hypovitaminosis D is highly prevalent in an outpatient population of rheumatology patients, affecting 86% of subjects. Despite oral supplementation (taken in 38% of our population), only a quarter of those on oral supplementation attained normal values of 25-OH vitamin D.
Molecular evidence suggests that levels of vitamin D are associated with kidney function loss. Still, population-based studies are limited and few have considered the potential confounding effect of baseline kidney function. This study evaluated the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with change in eGFR, rapid eGFR decline, and incidence of CKD and albuminuria. Baseline (2003-2006) and 5.5-year follow-up data from a Swiss adult general population were used to evaluate the association of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with change in eGFR, rapid eGFR decline (annual loss >3 ml/min per 1.73 m(2)), and incidence of CKD and albuminuria. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D was measured at baseline using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. eGFR and albuminuria were collected at baseline and follow-up. Multivariate linear and logistic regression models were used considering potential confounding factors. Among the 4280 people included in the analysis, the mean±SD annual eGFR change was -0.57±1.78 ml/min per 1.73 m(2), and 287 (6.7%) participants presented rapid eGFR decline. Before adjustment for baseline eGFR, baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was associated with both mean annual eGFR change and risk of rapid eGFR decline, independently of baseline albuminuria. Once adjusted for baseline eGFR, associations were no longer significant. For every 10 ng/ml higher baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the adjusted mean annual eGFR change was -0.005 ml/min per 1.73 m(2) (95% confidence interval, -0.063 to 0.053; P=0.87) and the risk of rapid eGFR decline was null (odds ratio, 0.93; 95% confidence interval, 0.79 to 1.08; P=0.33). Baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was not associated with incidence of CKD or albuminuria. The association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with eGFR decline is confounded by baseline eGFR. Sufficient 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels do not seem to protect from eGFR decline independently from baseline eGFR.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
L'allergie au lait de vache (ALV) représente l'allergie alimentaire la plus fréquemment rencontrée durant l'enfance. Cette allergie a longtemps été reconnue comme transitoire mais des données récentes révèlent que celle-ci est persistante chez environ 15% des enfants qui en sont touchés durant l'enfance, posant ainsi un risque à leur santé. La présente étude examine 26 enfants avec ALV et 12 enfants contrôles recrutés au CHU Sainte-Justine durant l’hiver 2011-2012. L'objectif étant de comparer la densité minérale osseuse (DMO) et les niveaux sériques de 25(OH)D d'enfants prépubères avec ALV non résolue à un groupe contrôle d'enfants avec autres allergies alimentaires, en plus d'évaluer les apports en calcium et en vitamine D ainsi que l'adhérence à la supplémentation chez cette population. La DMO lombaire (L2-L4) ne diffère pas significativement entre les groupes. Cependant, une faible densité osseuse, caractérisée par un score-Z entre -1,0 et -2,0 pour l'âge et le sexe, est détectée chez plus de 30% des enfants avec ALV et plus de 16% du groupe contrôle, sans allergie au lait. Tel qu'attendu, les apports en calcium sont significativement moins élevés chez les enfants avec ALV comparé au groupe contrôle, avec près de 90% de tous nos participants ne rencontrant pas les besoins pour l’âge en vitamine D. Plus de la moitié des enfants avec ALV présentent une concentration de 25(OH)D inférieure à 75 nmol/L. Cependant, notre étude n'a décelé aucune différence entre les niveaux sériques de 25(OH)D des enfants avec ALV comparativement au groupe contrôle. Enfin, l'adhérence à la supplémentation est jugée adéquate chez plus de 75% de notre groupe d'enfants avec ALV, soit ≧ 4 journées par semaine, un facteur aussi associé à une meilleure atteinte de leurs apports nutritionnels en calcium et en vitamine D. Enfin, ces résultats soulignent l'importance de suivre la santé osseuse d'enfants avec ALV ainsi qu'avec allergies multiples, qui présentent un risque de faible densité osseuse. L'intervention nutritionnelle devrait suivre l'adhérence à la supplémentation chez les enfants avec ALV non résolue, afin d'optimiser les apports nutritionnels insuffisants en calcium et en vitamine D
Les patients fibrose kystique (FK) souffrent de complications digestives qui incluent une inflammation intestinale modérée dont l’étiologie est méconnue. Les personnes atteintes de FK présentent également une malabsorption des vitamines liposolubles, telles la vitamine D. Or, la vitamine D possède des propriétés immunomodulatrices et anti-inflammatoires. Le présent projet vise à investiguer le rôle du CFTR, dont le gène est muté dans la FK, dans l’étiologie de cette inflammation intestinale et à étudier le potentiel anti-inflammatoire de la vitamine D sur celle-ci. Le CFTR a été invalidé génétiquement par la méthode des ARN interférents (shRNAi) et/ou inhibé pharmacologiquement par l’utilisation d’un antagoniste inhibiteur spécifique (CFTRinh-172). Un état inflammatoire a été induit par les cytokines pro-inflammatoires TNF-α et IL-1β. Afin d’évaluer le rôle anti-inflammatoire de la vitamine D, les cellules ont été pré-traitées avec la forme bioactive de la vitamine D, la 1,25(OH)2D3. La sécrétion et l’expression génique d’interleukine-8, ainsi que l’activation de la voie de signalisation p38MAPK et du facteur de transcription NFκB ont été évaluées. Pour explorer la voie par laquelle la vitamine D exerce ses actions anti-inflammatoires, les cellules ont été pré-incubées avec le BIRB796 pour inhiber la voie p38MAPK. Finalement l’expression génique du récepteur nucléaire de la vitamine D et des hydroxylases intestinales impliquées dans son métabolisme a été déterminée. Nos résultats suggèrent que le CFTR a un rôle dans l’étiologie de l’inflammation intestinale associée à la FK. De plus, la vitamine D semble moduler à la baisse la réponse inflammatoire de la cellule intestinale dont le CFTR a été génétiquement invalidé.
Problématique : L'allergie au lait de vache (ALV) est reconnue comme une condition transitoire qui disparaît chez la majorité des enfants avant l’âge de 3-5 ans, mais des données récentes révèlent une persistance de l’ALV. Les enfants souffrant d’une ALV sont à risque d’apports insuffisants en calcium et en vitamine D, deux nutriments impliqués dans la santé osseuse. Une première étude transversale portant sur la santé osseuse d’enfants prépubères ALV a observé que la densité osseuse (DMO) lombaire était significativement inférieure à celle d’enfants sans allergie au lait de vache (SALV). Objectifs : Sur la base de ces résultats, nous désirons documenter l’évolution longitudinale de la santé osseuse, du statut en vitamine D, des apports en calcium et en vitamine D et de l’adhérence à la supplémentation des enfants ALV (n=36) et de comparer ces données aux enfants SALV (n=19). Résultats : Le gain annualisé de la DMO lombaire est similaire entre les enfants ALV et SALV. Bien qu’il n’y ait pas de différence significative entre les deux groupes, la DMO lombaire des enfants ALV demeure cependant inférieure à celle des témoins. Qui plus est, le score-Z de la DMO du corps entier tend à être inférieur chez les enfants-cas comparé aux témoins. Au suivi, la concentration de 25OHD et le taux d’insuffisance en vitamine D sont similaires entre les deux groupes tout comme les apports en calcium et en vitamine D. Davantage d’enfants ALV prennent un supplément de calcium au suivi comparativement au temps initial (42% vs. 49%, p<0,05), mais le taux d’adhérence à la supplémentation a diminué à 4 jours/semaine. Conclusion : Une évaluation plus précoce ainsi qu’une prise en charge de la santé osseuse des enfants ALV pourraient être indiquées afin de modifier l’évolution naturelle de leur santé osseuse. Les résultats justifient aussi le suivi étroit des apports en calcium et vitamine D par une nutritionniste et la nécessité d'intégrer la supplémentation dans le plan de traitement de ces enfants et d’assurer une surveillance de l’adhérence à la supplémentation.
In the present study, the initial phase was directed to confirm the effects of curcumin and vitamin D3 in preventing or delaying diabetes onset by studying the blood glucose and insulin levels in the pre-treated and diabetic groups. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the cognitive and motor function in experimental rats. The major focus of the study was to understand the cellular and neuronal mechanisms that ensure the prophylactic capability of curcumin and vitamin D3. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in conferring the antidiabetogenesis effect, we examined the DNA and protein profiles using radioactive incorporation studies for DNA synthesis, DNA methylation and protein synthesis. Furthermore the gene expression studies of Akt-1, Pax, Pdx-1, Neuro D1, insulin like growth factor-1 and NF-κB were done to monitor pancreatic beta cell proliferation and differentiation. The antioxidant and antiapoptotic actions of curcumin and vitamin D3 were examined by studying the expression of antioxidant enzymes - SOD and GPx, and apoptotic mediators like Bax, caspase 3, caspase 8 and TNF-α. In order to understand the signalling pathways involved in curcumin and vitamin D3 action, the second messengers, cAMP, cGMP and IP3 were studied along with the expression of vitamin D receptor in the pancreas. The neuronal regulation of pancreatic beta cell maintenance, proliferation and insulin release was studied by assessing the adrenergic and muscarinic receptor functional regulation in the pancreas, brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The receptor number and binding affinity of total muscarinic, muscarinic M1, muscarinic M3, total adrenergic, α adrenergic and β adrenergic receptor subtypes were studied in pancreas, brain stem and hippocampus of experimental rats. The mRNA expression of muscarinic and adrenergic receptor subtypes were determined using Real Time PCR. Immunohistochemistry studies using confocal microscope were carried out to confirm receptor density and gene expression results. Cell signalling alterations in the pancreas and brain regions associated with diabetogenesis and antidiabetogenesis were assessed by examining the gene expression profiles of vitamin D receptor, CREB, phospholipase C, insulin receptor and GLUT. This study will establish the anti-diabetogenesis activity of curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment and will attempt to understand the cellular, molecular and neuronal control mechanism in the onset of diabetes.Administration of MLD-STZ to curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats induced only an incidental prediabetic condition. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pretreated groups injected with MLD-STZ exhibited improved circulating insulin levels and behavioural responses when compared to MLD-STZ induced diabetic group. Activation of beta cell compensatory response induces an increase in pancreatic insulin output and beta cell mass expansion in the pre-treated group. Cell signalling proteins that regulate pancreatic beta cell survival, insulin release, proliferation and differentiation showed a significant increase in curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treated rats. Marked decline in α2 adrenergic receptor function in pancreas helps to relent sympathetic inhibition of insulin release. Neuronal stimulation of hyperglycemia induced beta cell compensatory response is mediated by escalated signalling through β adrenergic, muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors. Pre-treatment mediated functional regulation of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, key cell signalling proteins and second messengers improves pancreatic glucose sensing, insulin gene expression, insulin secretion, cell survival and beta cell mass expansion in pancreas. Curcumin and vitamin D3 pre-treatment induced modulation of adrenergic and cholinergic signalling in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus promotes insulin secretion, beta cell compensatory response, insulin sensitivity and energy balance to resist diabetogenesis. Pre-treatment improved second messenger levels and the gene expression of intracellular signalling molecules in brain stem, hippocampus and hypothalamus, to retain a functional neuronal response to hyperglycemia. Curcumin and vitamin D3 protect pancreas and brain regions from oxidative stress by their indigenous antioxidant properties and by their ability to stimulate cellular free radical defence system. The present study demonstrates the role of adrenergic and muscarinic receptor subtypes functional regulation in curcumin and vitamin D3 mediated anti-diabetogenesis. This will have immense clinical significance in developing effective strategies to delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.
Introducción: la vitamina D es una hormona encargada de la homeostasis del calcio, su carencia está implicada en patologías del sistema óseo e inmune, se obtiene de la síntesis cutánea tras la exposición solar e ingesta de algunos alimentos. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a Hipovitaminosis D en mujeres que acuden a un Instituto endocrinológico en la Ciudad de Bogotá. Diseño: Se estudiaron 156 mujeres adultas con patologías endocrino-metabólicas residentes en Bogotá, (~latitud 4°N), atendidas en la misma institución y con las mismas técnicas de laboratorio y de imagen, La información fue recogida de las historias clínicas electrónicas, y analizada con el programa estadístico SPSS v17. Resultados: la prevalencia de hipovitaminosis D (<30ng/mL) fue de 76.9% La mediana de vitamina D fue 22.68 ng/ml ±11.05, y de PTH fue 48.89 pg/ml ±23.64. Entre las pacientes con hipovitaminosis, el 51.7% cursó con osteopenia y el 60% con Hipotiroidismo. Del grupo sin carencia de vitamina D, el 47.2% registraron sobrepeso y el 41.7% presentó osteopenia. Se encontró relación significativa con menopausia con una p: 0.0048. No se encontró relación con PTH ni niveles de densidad mineral ósea. Conclusión: la población se seleccionó por disponibilidad de mediciones de vitamina D, sin embargo sus características pudieron influir en los resultados, existe un porcentaje importante de mujeres afectadas por la hipovitaminosis D, en quienes no se observo relación con los factores encontrados en otros estudios, se requeriría una exploración en la que se consideren factores como dieta y exposición solar.