895 resultados para verb doubling


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En este artículo presentamos el desarrollo del proyecto SenSem (BFF2003-06456), que tiene como objetivo describir y representar el comportamiento léxico, sintáctico y semántico de los verbos del español. En el desarrollo de este proyecto se están construyendo dos recursos: un corpus de oraciones asociadas a su interpretación sintáctico-semántica y un léxico donde cada sentido verbal se asocia a un conjunto de ejemplos anotados del corpus.


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Presentamos un diccionario electrónico de las perífrasis verbales del español y su traducción al rumano. Dicha herramienta incluye, además, una completa descripción de cada una de las perífrasis del español, que contiene su clasificación desde un punto de vista semántico, su definición, sus posibles paráfrasis y sinónimos. Además, para cada conjunto verbal se incluye información sobre sus posibles restricciones: variedad de predicados con los que se combinan los auxiliares, variedad de tiempos verbales con los que se pueden conjugar los auxiliares, tipos de sujetos y posibles construcciones recursivas de perífrasis. La descripción se ha hecho aplicando la metodología empirista a partir del estudio de corpus.


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En este artículo nos centramos en uno de los temas de la gramática española más complejos: la conjugación verbal. A partir de la obra de Samuel Gili Gaya (1961), Curso superior de sintaxis española, analizamos en obras gramaticales representativas de la segunda mitad del siglo XX el estudio de este tema considerando la presencia de las teorías de Gili Gaya. Con ello, pretendemos comprobar nuestra hipótesis inicial: las ideas lingüísticas de este autor suponen, en gran medida, la unión de la Gramática tradicional con enfoques posteriores.


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Hemos observado que los tradicionalmente llamados verbos de movimiento comparten unas características sintáctico-semánticas definitorias con otros verbos. En este trabajo hemos definido la clase de los verbos de trayectoria y presentamos una propuesta de representación de la información obtenida a partir del análisis verbal en una base de conocimiento léxico.


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Dels criteris proposats per la bibliogra a per identi car les perífrasis verbals (PV) de l'espanyol, només alguns ajuden a diferenciar amb e càcia les PV de les construccions no perifràstiques (CNP). L'objectiu d'aquest article és revisar aquests criteris i avaluar-los per tal de determinar quins són realment vàlids per identi car les PV. L'avaluació s'ha dut a terme amb un grup de 15 conjunts verbals. A més, s'ha realitzat un estudi experimental amb corpus per determinar la productivitat de les PV detectades.


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En aquest article es defi neix la classe dels verbs d'actitud, tant intensionalment, a partir de criteris sint àctics i sem àntics, com extensionalment. Quant a la sintaxi, s'observa que els verbs que pertanyen a aquest grup presenten almenys una estructura distintiva compartida; pel que fa a la sem àntica, a m és d'identifi car-hi els mateixos components de signifi cat, s'ha observat que presenten també el mateix tipus general d'estructura esdevenimental. La hipòtesi de treball és la de Levin [6] -els verbs que tenen el mateix signifi cat comparteixen el mateix comportament sintàctic-, encara que amb alguns matisos. El punt de partida és tamb é la classifi cació d'aquesta autora, sobre la qual es proposa una reagrupaci ó en funci ó dels criteris esmentats.


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La redacció d'aquest article parteix d'una re flexió de l'autora sobre aspectes metodològics aplicats en els treballs que estudien alguns dels aspectes de la morfologia verbal, a partir de les mancances detectades a l'hora d'iniciar la seva recerca personal en aquest camp. L'objectiu d'aquest article es concreta finalment en tres aspectes. En primer lloc, tenir una idea clara de la complexitat del concepte de verb i les seves implicacions com a objecte de recerca. En segon lloc valorar els avantatges i els desavantatges d'algunes de les tècniques més emprades en els treballs de base empírica en l'anàlisi de la morfologia verbal partint d'exemples reals i, en darrer lloc, apuntar algunes idees sobre qüestions que caldria estudiar de forma conjunta en una dimensió pragmàtica de l'ús verbal.


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OBJECTIVE: Systolic blood pressure (BP) has been associated with urinary caffeine and its metabolites such as paraxanthine and theophylline. Caffeine and caffeine metabolites could influence arterial pulse pressure (PP) via sympathomimetic effects, smooth muscle relaxation, and phosphodiesterase inhibition. The purpose of this analysis was to explore the association of ambulatory PP with urinary caffeine and its related metabolites in a large population-based sample. DESIGN AND METHOD: Families were randomly selected from the general population of three Swiss cities (2009-2013). Ambulatory BP monitoring was conducted using validated Diasys Integra devices. PP was defined as the difference between the systolic and diastolic ambulatory BP. Urinary caffeine, paraxanthine, theophylline, and theobromine excretions were measured in 24 h urine using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Urinary excretions were log-transformed to satisfy regression assumptions. We used linear mixed models to explore the associations of urinary caffeine and caffeine metabolite excretions with 24-hour, day- and night-time PP while adjusting for major confounders. RESULTS: The 836 participants (48.9% men) included in this analysis had mean (±SD) age of 47.8 (±17.5), and mean 24-hour systolic and diastolic BP of 120.1 mmHg (±13.9) and 78.0 (±8.6). Except theobromine, log transformed urinary caffeine and caffeine metabolite excretions were associated negatively with 24-hour, daytime and night-time ambulatory PP. 24-hour, daytime, and night-time ambulatory PP decreased by -0.804 mmHg (SE, 0.209), -0.749 (0.215), and -0.968 (0.243) (all P values <0.005), for each doubling excretion of caffeine. Strong negative associations with night-time ambulatory PP were observed for paraxanthine and theophylline.(Figure is included in full-text article.) CONCLUSIONS: : The negative associations of PP with caffeine, paraxanthine, and theophylline excretions suggest that caffeine and its metabolites do lower BP, possibly by modifying arterial stiffness.


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In Lucian Scythian (§11), all previous editors have corrected the word ¢p£xetai as it appears in the manuscripts to p£xetai. We aim to justify the restoration of the original text because, obviously, it is possible in terms of form, and, besides, it seems more appropriate to the context. The verb ¢p£gomai implies the notion of being moved from one place to another, while p£gomai expresses only the notion of simple attraction which does not involve actual movement. This notion of true surrendering through the senses seems to match the idea developed here by Lucian; loci paralleli in Lucian himself and other Attic authors help us to confirm this interpretation.


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We prove upper pointwise estimates for the Bergman kernel of the weighted Fock space of entire functions in $L^{2}(e^{-2\phi}) $ where $\phi$ is a subharmonic function with $\Delta\phi$ a doubling measure. We derive estimates for the canonical solution operator to the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation and we characterize the compactness of this operator in terms of $\Delta\phi$.


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La característisca més notable dels sistemes flexius és la resistència que ofereixen a la tasca lingüística d'establir relacions entre morfs i morfemes. En sistemes d'aquesta classe, en efecte, les relacions esmentades són molt complexes, i fugen de la biunicitat pròpia dels sistemes aglutinants. Aclarir aquestes relacions, il·lustrant-les des de l'angle del verb català, i suggerir mecanismes formals per tractar-les dins un esquema generatiu constitueixen, de fet, els dos objectius fonamentals del present article.


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Wide-range spectral coverage of blazar-type active galactic nuclei is of paramount importance for understanding the particle acceleration mechanisms assumed to take place in their jets. The Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cerenkov (MAGIC) telescope participated in three multiwavelength (MWL) campaigns, observing the blazar Markarian (Mkn) 421 during the nights of April 28 and 29, 2006, and June 14, 2006. Aims. We analyzed the corresponding MAGIC very-high energy observations during 9 nights from April 22 to 30, 2006 and on June 14, 2006. We inferred light curves with sub-day resolution and night-by-night energy spectra. Methods. MAGIC detects γ-rays by observing extended air showers in the atmosphere. The obtained air-shower images were analyzed using the standard MAGIC analysis chain. Results. A strong γ-ray signal was detected from Mkn 421 on all observation nights. The flux (E > 250 GeV) varied on night-by-night basis between (0.92±0.11) × 10-10 cm-2 s-1 (0.57 Crab units) and (3.21±0.15) × 10-10 cm-2 s-1 (2.0 Crab units) in April 2006. There is a clear indication for intra-night variability with a doubling time of 36± min on the night of April 29, 2006, establishing once more rapid flux variability for this object. For all individual nights γ-ray spectra could be inferred, with power-law indices ranging from 1.66 to 2.47. We did not find statistically significant correlations between the spectral index and the flux state for individual nights. During the June 2006 campaign, a flux substantially lower than the one measured by the Whipple 10-m telescope four days later was found. Using a log-parabolic power law fit we deduced for some data sets the location of the spectral peak in the very-high energy regime. Our results confirm the indications of rising peak energy with increasing flux, as expected in leptonic acceleration models.


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BACKGROUND: High interindividual variability in plasma concentrations of risperidone and its active metabolite, 9-hydroxyrisperidone, may lead to suboptimal drug concentration. OBJECTIVE: Using a population pharmacokinetic approach, we aimed to characterize the genetic and non-genetic sources of variability affecting risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone pharmacokinetics, and relate them to common side effects. METHODS: Overall, 150 psychiatric patients (178 observations) treated with risperidone were genotyped for common polymorphisms in NR1/2, POR, PPARα, ABCB1, CYP2D6 and CYP3A genes. Plasma risperidone and 9-hydroxyrisperidone were measured, and clinical data and common clinical chemistry parameters were collected. Drug and metabolite concentrations were analyzed using non-linear mixed effect modeling (NONMEM(®)). Correlations between trough concentrations of the active moiety (risperidone plus 9-hydroxyrisperidone) and common side effects were assessed using logistic regression and linear mixed modeling. RESULTS: The cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 phenotype explained 52 % of interindividual variability in risperidone pharmacokinetics. The area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of the active moiety was found to be 28 % higher in CYP2D6 poor metabolizers compared with intermediate, extensive and ultrarapid metabolizers. No other genetic markers were found to significantly affect risperidone concentrations. 9-hydroxyrisperidone elimination was decreased by 26 % with doubling of age. A correlation between trough predicted concentration of the active moiety and neurologic symptoms was found (p = 0.03), suggesting that a concentration >40 ng/mL should be targeted only in cases of insufficient, or absence of, response. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic polymorphisms of CYP2D6 play an important role in risperidone, 9-hydroxyrisperidone and active moiety plasma concentration variability, which were associated with common side effects. These results highlight the importance of a personalized dosage adjustment during risperidone treatment.


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