949 resultados para tungsten coil atomization
This work reports the photophysical properties (excitation and fluorescence spectra, fluorescence quantum yield, fluorescence lifetimes) of the poly(2,7-9,9'-dihexylfluorene-dyil) in dilute solutions of four solvents (toluene, tetrahydrofuran, chloroform and ethyl acetate) as well as the properties in solid state. Photoluminescence showed spectra characteristic of disordered α-backbone chain conformation. Simulation of the electronic absorption spectra of oligomers containing 1 to 11 mers showed that the critical conjugation length is between 6 and 7 mers. We also estimated the theoretical dipole moments which indicated that a coil conformation is formed with 8 repeating units per turn. We also showed that some energy transfer process appears in solid state which decreases the emission lifetime. Furthermore, based on luminescent response of the systems herein studied and electroluminescent behavior reported on literature, both photo and electroluminescence emissions arise from the same emissive units.
This work describes methods for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and As by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in Brazilian nuts. The samples (~ 0.300 g) were digested to clear solutions in a closed vessel microwave oven. The pyrolysis and atomization temperatures for simultaneous determinations of Cd and Pb were 1100 and 2100 °C, respectively, using 0.5% (w v-1) NH4H2PO4 + 0.03% (w v-1) Mg(NO3)2 as chemical modifier. The limits of detection (3Δ) were 3.8 μg kg-1 for As, 0.86 μg kg-1 for Cd and 13 μg kg-1 for Pb. The reliability of the entire procedures was confirmed by peach leaves (No. 1547 - NIST) certified reference material analysis and addition and recovery tests. The found concentrations presented no statistical differences at the 95% confidence level.
The sensitivity and accuracy of sequential injection methods are dependent on efficient overlapping of reagent and sample zones as they are propelled toward the detector cell. The formation of the reduced phosphomolybdic acid is used to demonstrate that the overlapping efficiency in a fixed reaction coil relies on a suitable choice of reagent to sample volume ratio. Additionally, under poor mixing conditions or highly concentrated samples, the reaction extension is strongly dependent on the reagent concentration. The zone-sampling concept is exploited to determine phosphate in cola-based soft drinks after in-line dilution in an auxiliary coil.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion by Knoop microhardness (KHN) and FT-Raman spectroscopy (FTIR) of one nanofilled (Filtek Supreme-3M-ESPE [FS]) and one microhybrid composite (Charisma-Heraeus-Kulzer [CH]), each with different opacities, namely enamel, dentin, and translucent, which were photo-activated by a quartz-tungsten-halogen lamp (QTH) and a light-emitting diode (LED). Resin was bulk inserted into a disc-shaped mold that was 2.0 mm thick and 4 mm in diameter, obtaining 10 samples per group. KHN and FTIR values were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). Nanofilled resin activated by a LED presented higher microhardness values than samples activated by a QTH for dentin opacity (p < 0.05). The microhybrid resin showed no differences in KHN or FTIR values with different activation sources or opacity. The nanofilled dentin and enamel resins showed lower FTIR values than the translucent resin. The KHN values of the translucent resins were not influenced by the light source.
A imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) é o método de diagnóstico por imagem não invasivo mais sensível para avaliar as partes moles, particularmente o encéfalo, porém trata-se de uma técnica onerosa. O método fundamenta-se no fenômeno da ressonância magnética nuclear que ocorre quando núcleos atômicos com propriedades magnéticas presentes no corpo são submetidos a um campo magnético intenso, sendo posteriormente excitados por energia de radiofrequência e gerando, por sua vez, um sinal de onda de radiofrequência capaz de ser captado por uma antena receptora, passando por um processo matemático, chamado Transformada de Fourier, para posterior formação da imagem. Esse estudo objetivou realizar 10 exames completos da cabeça em cadáveres de cães normais à IRM e confeccionar um Atlas com as estruturas identificadas. As imagens foram adquiridas em um aparelho de ressonância magnética Gyroscan S15/HP Philips com campo magnético de 1,5Tesla. Os cadáveres foram posicionados com a cabeça no interior de uma bobina de cabeça humana e foram submetidos a cortes iniciais sagitais a partir de onde se planejou os cortes transversais e dorsais nas sequências de pulso spin-eco T1, T2 e DP. Em T1 utilizou-se TR=400ms e TE=30ms, T2 utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=80ms e na DP utilizou-se TR=2000ms e TE=30ms. A espessura do corte foi de 4mm, o número de médias foi igual a 2, a matriz foi de 256x256, o fator foi igual a 1,0 e o campo de visão foi de 14cm. A duração do exame completo da cabeça foi de 74,5minutos. As imagens obtidas com as sequências utilizadas e com a bobina de cabeça humana foram de boa qualidade. Em T1 a gordura tornou-se hiperintensa e o líquido hipointenso. Em T2 a gordura ficou menos hiperintensa e o líquido hiperintenso. A cortical óssea e o ar foram hipointensos em todas as sequências utilizadas devido a baixa densidade de prótons. A sequência DP mostrou o melhor contraste entre a substância branca e cinzenta quando comparada a T2 e a T1. T2 evidenciou o líquido cefalorraquidiano tornando possível a distinção dos sulcos e giros cerebrais. Através do exame de IRM foi possível, pelo contraste, identificar as estruturas ósseas componentes da arquitetura da região, músculos, grandes vasos venosos e arteriais e estruturas do sistema nervoso central, além de elementos do sistema digestório, respiratório e estruturas dos olhos entre outras. Nesse estudo as IRM adquiridas nas sequências T1, DP e T2 foram complementares para o estudo dos aspectos anatômicos da cabeça de cães demonstrando-os com riqueza de detalhes. O tempo requerido para o exame completo da cabeça é compátivel para uso em animais vivos desde que devidamente anestesiados e controlados. Os resultados obtidos por esse trabalho abrem caminho em nosso meio, para o estudo de animais vivos e para o início da investigação de doenças, principalmente as de origem neurológica, visto ser esta técnica excelente para a visibilização do encéfalo.
In this work, the electron field emission behaviour of electrodes formed by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) grown onto monolithic vitreous carbon (VCarbon) substrates with microcavities is presented. Scanning electron microscopy was used to characterize the microstructure of the films. Tungsten probes, stainless steel sphere, and phosphor electrodes were employed in the electron field emission study. The CNT/VCarbon composite represents a route to inexpensive excellent large area electron emission cathodes with fields as low as 2.1 V mu m(-1). In preliminary lifetime tests for a period of about 24 h at an emission current of about 4 mA cm(-2), there is an onset degradation of the emission current of about 28%, which then stabilizes. Electron emission images of the composites show the cavity of the samples act as separate emission sites and predominantly control the emission process. The emission of CNTs/VCarbon was found to be stable for several hours. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Objectives: To describe the microscopic pulpal reactions resulting from orthodontically induced tooth movement associated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in rats. Materials and Methods: Forty-five young male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to three groups. In group I (n = 20), the maxillary right first molars were submitted to orthodontic movement with placement of a coil spring. In group II (n = 20), the teeth were submitted to orthodontic movement plus LLLT at 4 seconds per point (buccal, palatal, and mesial) with a GaAlAs diode laser source (830 nm, 100 mW, 18 J/cm(2)). Group III (n = 5) served as a control (no orthodontic movement or LLLT). Groups I and 11 were divided into four subgroups according to the time elapsed between the start of tooth movement and sacrifice (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, and 7 days). Results: Up until the 3-day period, the specimens in group I presented a thicker odontoblastic layer, no cell-free zone of Weil, pulp core with differentiated mesenchymal and defense cells, and a high concentration of blood vessels. In group II, at the 12- and 24-hour time points, the odontoblastic layer was disorganized and the cell-free zone of Weil was absent, presenting undifferentiated cells, intensive vascularization with congested capillaries, and scarce defense cells in the cell-rich zone. In groups I and II, pulpal responses to the stimuli were more intense in the area underneath the region of application of the force or force/laser. Conclusions: The orthodontic-induced tooth movement and LLLT association showed reversible hyperemia as a tissue response to the stimulus. LLLT leads to a faster repair of the pulpal tissue due to orthodontic movement. (Angle Orthod. 2010;80:116-122.)
We have found that MLC-dependent activation of myosin IIB in migrating cells is required to form an extended rear, which coincides with increased directional migration. Activated myosin IIB localizes prominently at the cell rear and produces large, stable actin. lament bundles and adhesions, which locally inhibit protrusion and de. ne the morphology of the tail. Myosin IIA forms de novo. laments away from the myosin IIB-enriched center and back to form regions that support protrusion. The positioning and dynamics of myosin IIA and IIB depend on the self-assembly regions in their coiled-coil C terminus. COS7 and B16 melanoma cells lack myosin IIA and IIB, respectively; and show isoform-specific front-back polarity in migrating cells. These studies demonstrate the role of MLC activation and myosin isoforms in creating a cell rear, the segregation of isoforms during. lament assembly and their differential effects on adhesion and protrusion, and a key role for the noncontractile region of the isoforms in determining their localization and function.
Eleven density functionals are compared with regard to their performance for the lattice constants of solids. We consider standard functionals, such as the local-density approximation and the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) generalized-gradient approximation (GGA), as well as variations of PBE GGA, such as PBEsol and similar functionals, PBE-type functionals employing a tighter Lieb-Oxford bound, and combinations thereof. On a test set of 60 solids, we perform a system-by-system analysis for selected functionals and a full statistical analysis for all of them. The impact of restoring the gradient expansion and of tightening the Lieb-Oxford bound is discussed, and confronted with previous results obtained from other codes, functionals or test sets. No functional is uniformly good for all investigated systems, but surprisingly, and pleasingly, the simplest possible modifications to PBE turn out to have the most beneficial effect on its performance. The atomization energy of molecules was also considered and on a testing set of six molecules, we found that the PBE functional is clearly the best, the others leading to strong overbinding.
Background: Septins belong to the GTPase superclass of proteins and have been functionally implicated in cytokinesis and the maintenance of cellular morphology. They are found in all eukaryotes, except in plants. In mammals, 14 septins have been described that can be divided into four groups. It has been shown that mammalian septins can engage in homo- and heterooligomeric assemblies, in the form of filaments, which have as a basic unit a hetero-trimeric core. In addition, it has been speculated that the septin filaments may serve as scaffolds for the recruitment of additional proteins. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we performed yeast two-hybrid screens with human septins 1-10, which include representatives of all four septin groups. Among the interactors detected, we found predominantly other septins, confirming the tendency of septins to engage in the formation of homo- and heteropolymeric filaments. Conclusions/Significance: If we take as reference the reported arrangement of the septins 2, 6 and 7 within the heterofilament, (7-6-2-2-6-7), we note that the majority of the observed interactions respect the ""group rule"", i.e. members of the same group (e. g. 6, 8, 10 and 11) can replace each other in the specific position along the heterofilament. Septins of the SEPT6 group preferentially interacted with septins of the SEPT2 group (p<0.001), SEPT3 group (p<0.001) and SEPT7 group (p<0.001). SEPT2 type septins preferentially interacted with septins of the SEPT6 group (p<0.001) aside from being the only septin group which interacted with members of its own group. Finally, septins of the SEPT3 group interacted preferentially with septins of the SEPT7 group (p<0.001). Furthermore, we found non-septin interactors which can be functionally attributed to a variety of different cellular activities, including: ubiquitin/sumoylation cycles, microtubular transport and motor activities, cell division and the cell cycle, cell motility, protein phosphorylation/signaling, endocytosis, and apoptosis.
A simple and completely general representation of the exact exchange-correlation functional of density-functional theory is derived from the universal Lieb-Oxford bound, which holds for any Coulomb-interacting system. This representation leads to an alternative point of view on popular hybrid functionals, providing a rationale for why they work and how they can be constructed. A similar representation of the exact correlation functional allows to construct fully nonempirical hyper-generalized-gradient approximations (HGGAs), radically departing from established paradigms of functional construction. Numerical tests of these HGGAs for atomic and molecular correlation energies and molecular atomization energies show that even simple HGGAs match or outperform state-of-the-art correlation functionals currently used in solid-state physics and quantum chemistry.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the Knoop microhardness (Knoop hardness number [KHN]) and the degree of conversion using FT-Raman spectroscopy of a light-cured microhybrid resin composite (Z350-3M-ESPE) Vita shade A3 photopolymerized with a halogen lamp or an argon ion laser. Background Data: Optimal polymerization of resin-based dental materials is important for longevity of restorations in dentistry. Materials and Methods: Thirty specimens were prepared and inserted into a disc-shaped polytetrafluoroethylene mold that was 2.0 mm thick and 3 mm in diameter. The specimens were divided into three groups (n = 10 each). Group 1 (G1) was light-cured for 20 sec with an Optilux 501 halogen light with an intensity of 1000 mW/cm(2). Group 2 (G2) was photopolymerized with an argon laser with a power of 150 mW for 10 sec, and group 3 (G3) was photopolymerized with an argon laser at 200 mW of power for 10 sec. All specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 h at 37 degrees C and kept in lightproof containers. For the KHN test five indentations were made and a depth of 100 mu m was maintained in each specimen. One hundred and fifty readings were obtained using a 25-g load for 45 sec. The degree of conversion values were measured by Raman spectroscopy. KHN and degree of conversion values were obtained on opposite sides of the irradiated surface. KHN and degree of conversion data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests with statistical significance set at p < 0.05. Results: The results of KHN testing were G1 = 37.428 +/- 4.765; G2 = 23.588 +/- 6.269; and G3 = 21.652 +/- 4.393. The calculated degrees of conversion (DC%) were G1 = 48.57 +/- 2.11; G2 = 43.71 +/- 3.93; and G3 = 44.19 +/- 2.71. Conclusions: Polymerization with the halogen lamp ( G1) attained higher microhardness values than polymerization with the argon laser at power levels of 150 and 200 mW; there was no difference in hardness between the two argon laser groups. The results showed no statistically significant different degrees of conversion for the polymerization of composite samples with the two light sources tested.
In this work a simple and reliable method for the simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Ni and V in crude oil, using emulsion sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry is proposed. Under the best conditions, sample masses around 50 mg were weighed in polypropylene tubes and emulsified in a mixture of 0.5% (v v(-1)) hexane + 6% (m v(-1)) Triton X-100 (R). Considering the compromised conditions, the pyrolysis an atomization temperatures for the simultaneous determination of Cr, Fe, Ni and V were 1400 degrees C and 2500 degrees C, respectively. Aliquots of 20 mu L of reference solution and sample emulsion were co-injected into the graphite tube with 10 mu L of 1.0 g L(-1) Mg(NO(3))(2) as chemical modifier. The detection limits (n = 10, 3 sigma) and characteristic masses were, respectively: 0.07 mu g g(-1) and 19 pg for Cr; 2.15 mu g g(-1) and 31 pg for Fe; 1.25 mu g g(-1) and 44 pg for Ni; and 1.15 mu g g(-1) and 149 pg for V. The reliability of the proposed method was checked by fuel oil Standard Reference Material (SRMTriton X-100 (R) 1634c - NIST) analysis. The concentrations found presented no statistical differences compared to the certified values at 95% confidence level.
A fully automated multipumping flow system (MPFS) using water-soluble CdTe quantum dots (QD) as sensitizers is proposed for the chemiluminometric determination of the anti-diabetic drugs gliclazide and glipizide in pharmaceutical formulations. The nanocrystals acted as enhancers of the weak CL emission produced upon oxidation of sulphite by Ce(IV) in acidic medium, thus improving sensitivity and expanding the dynamical analytical concentration range. By interacting with the QD, the two analytes prevented their sensitizing effect yielding a chemiluminescence quenching of the Ce(IV)-SO(3)(2-)CdTe QD system. The pulsed flow inherent to MPFS assured a fast and efficient mixing of all solutions inside the flow cell, circumventing the need for a reaction coil and facilitating the monitoring of the short-lived generated chemiluminescent species. QD crystal size, concentration and spectral region for measurement were investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Accurate knowledge of several Me-B (Me - Metal) phase diagrams are important to evaluate higher order systems such as Me-Si-B ternaries. This work presents results of microstructural characterization of as-cast Cr-B alloys which are significant to assess the liquid compositions associated to most of the invariant reactions of this system. Alloys of different compositions were prepared by arc melting pure Cr and B pressed powder mixtures under argon atmosphere in a water-cooled copper crucible with non-consumable tungsten electrode and titanium getter. The phases were identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), using back-scattered electron (BSE) image mode and X-ray diffraction (XRD). In general, a good agreement was found between our data and those from the currently accepted Cr-B phase diagram. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.