823 resultados para triiodide generation
[cat] En aquest treball es presenta un model eclèctic que sistematitza la dinàmica de les crisis que s’autoconfimen, usant els principals aspectes de les tres tipologies dels models de crisis canviàries de tercera generació, amb la finalitat de descriure els fets que precipiten la renúncia al manteniment d’una paritat fixada. Les contribucions més notables són les implicacions per a la política econòmica, així com la pèrdua del paper del tipus de canvi com instrument d’ajust macroeconòmic, quan els efectes de balanç són una possibilitat real.
BACKGROUND: Western Palearctic tree frogs (Hyla arborea group) represent a strong potential for evolutionary and conservation genetic research, so far underexploited due to limited molecular resources. New microsatellite markers have recently been developed for Hyla arborea, with high cross-species utility across the entire circum-Mediterranean radiation. Here we conduct sibship analyses to map available markers for use in future population genetic applications. FINDINGS: We characterized eight linkage groups, including one sex-linked, all showing drastically reduced recombination in males compared to females, as previously documented in this species. Mapping of the new 15 markers to the ~200 My diverged Xenopus tropicalis genome suggests a generally conserved synteny with only one confirmed major chromosome rearrangement. CONCLUSIONS: The new microsatellites are representative of several chromosomes of H. arborea that are likely to be conserved across closely-related species. Our linkage map provides an important resource for genetic research in European Hylids, notably for studies of speciation, genome evolution and conservation.
Age-related changes in lumbar vertebral microarchitecture are evaluated, as assessed by trabecular bone score (TBS), in a cohort of 5,942 French women. The magnitude of TBS decline between 45 and 85 years of age is piecewise linear in the spine and averaged 14.5 %. TBS decline rate increases after 65 years by 50 %. INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate age-related changes in lumbar vertebral microarchitecture, as assessed by TBS, in a cohort of French women aged 45-85 years. METHODS: An all-comers cohort of French Caucasian women was selected from two clinical centers. Data obtained from these centers were cross-calibrated for TBS and bone mineral density (BMD). BMD and TBS were evaluated at L1-L4 and for all lumbar vertebrae combined using GE-Lunar Prodigy densitometer images. Weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) also were determined. To validate our all-comers cohort, the BMD normative data of our cohort and French Prodigy data were compared. RESULTS: A cohort of 5,942 French women aged 45 to 85 years was created. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry normative data obtained for BMD from this cohort were not significantly different from French prodigy normative data (p = 0.15). TBS values at L1-L4 were poorly correlated with BMI (r = -0.17) and weight (r = -0.14) and not correlated with height. TBS values obtained for all lumbar vertebra combined (L1, L2, L3, L4) decreased with age. The magnitude of TBS decline at L1-L4 between 45 and 85 years of age was piecewise linear in the spine and averaged 14.5 %, but this rate increased after 65 years by 50 %. Similar results were obtained for other region of interest in the lumbar spine. As opposed to BMD, TBS was not affected by spinal osteoarthrosis. CONCLUSION: The age-specific reference curve for TBS generated here could therefore be used to help clinicians to improve osteoporosis patient management and to monitor microarchitectural changes related to treatment or other diseases in routine clinical practice.
We have analyzed the presentation of human histocompatability leukocyte antigen-A*0201-associated tumor peptide antigen MAGE-3271-279 by melanoma cells. We show that specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)-recognizing cells transfected with a minigene encoding the preprocessed fragment MAGE-3271-279 failed to recognize cells expressing the full length MAGE-3 protein. Digestion of synthetic peptides extended at the NH2 or COOH terminus of MAGE-3271-279 with purified human proteasome revealed that the generation of the COOH terminus of the antigenic peptide was impaired. Surprisingly, addition of lactacystin to purified proteasome, though partially inhibitory, resulted in the generation of the antigenic peptide. Furthermore, treatment of melanoma cells expressing the MAGE-3 protein with lactacystin resulted in efficient lysis by MAGE-3271-279-specific CTL. We therefore postulate that the generation of antigenic peptides by the proteasome in cells can be modulated by the selective inhibition of certain of its enzymaticactivities.
A precise and simple computational model to generate well-behaved two-dimensional turbulent flows is presented. The whole approach rests on the use of stochastic differential equations and is general enough to reproduce a variety of energy spectra and spatiotemporal correlation functions. Analytical expressions for both the continuous and the discrete versions, together with simulation algorithms, are derived. Results for two relevant spectra, covering distinct ranges of wave numbers, are given.
Signaling through the Notch1 receptor is essential for the control of numerous developmental processes during embryonic life as well as in adult tissue homeostasis and disease. Since the outcome of Notch1 signaling is highly context-dependent, and its precise physiological and pathological role in many organs is unclear, it is of great interest to localize and identify the cells that receive active Notch1 signals in vivo. Here, we report the generation and characterization of a BAC-transgenic mouse line, N1-Gal4VP16, that when crossed to a Gal4-responsive reporter mouse line allowed the identification of cells undergoing active Notch1 signaling in vivo. Analysis of embryonic and adult N1-Gal4VP16 mice demonstrated that the activation pattern of the transgene coincides with previously observed activation patterns of the endogenous Notch1 receptor. Thus, this novel reporter mouse line provides a unique tool to specifically investigate the spatial and temporal aspects of Notch1 signaling in vivo. genesis 50:700-710, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We develop an algorithm to simulate a Gaussian stochastic process that is non-¿-correlated in both space and time coordinates. The colored noise obeys a linear reaction-diffusion Langevin equation with Gaussian white noise. This equation is exactly simulated in a discrete Fourier space.
Ability to induce protein expression at will in a cell is a powerful strategy used by scientists to better understand the function of a protein of interest. Various inducible systems have been designed in eukaryotic cells to achieve this goal. Most of them rely on two distinct vectors, one encoding a protein that can regulate transcription by binding a compound X, and one hosting the cDNA encoding the protein of interest placed downstream of promoter sequences that can bind the protein regulated by compound X (e.g., tetracycline, ecdysone). The commercially available systems are not designed to allow cell- or tissue-specific regulated expression. Additionally, although these systems can be used to generate stable clones that can be induced to express a given protein, extensive screening is often required to eliminate the clones that display poor induction or high basal levels. In the present report, we aimed to design a pancreatic beta cell-specific tetracycline-inducible system. Since the classical two-vector based tetracycline-inducible system proved to be unsatisfactory in our hands, a single vector was eventually designed that allowed tight beta cell-specific tetracycline induction in unselected cell populations.
Uncorrelated random scale-free networks are useful null models to check the accuracy and the analytical solutions of dynamical processes defined on complex networks. We propose and analyze a model capable of generating random uncorrelated scale-free networks with no multiple and self-connections. The model is based on the classical configuration model, with an additional restriction on the maximum possible degree of the vertices. We check numerically that the proposed model indeed generates scale-free networks with no two- and three-vertex correlations, as measured by the average degree of the nearest neighbors and the clustering coefficient of the vertices of degree k, respectively.
Large animal models are an important resource for the understanding of human disease and for evaluating the applicability of new therapies to human patients. For many diseases, such as cone dystrophy, research effort is hampered by the lack of such models. Lentiviral transgenesis is a methodology broadly applicable to animals from many different species. When conjugated to the expression of a dominant mutant protein, this technology offers an attractive approach to generate new large animal models in a heterogeneous background. We adopted this strategy to mimic the phenotype diversity encounter in humans and generate a cohort of pigs for cone dystrophy by expressing a dominant mutant allele of the guanylate cyclase 2D (GUCY2D) gene. Sixty percent of the piglets were transgenic, with mutant GUCY2D mRNA detected in the retina of all animals tested. Functional impairment of vision was observed among the transgenic pigs at 3 months of age, with a follow-up at 1 year indicating a subsequent slower progression of phenotype. Abnormal retina morphology, notably among the cone photoreceptor cell population, was observed exclusively amongst the transgenic animals. Of particular note, these transgenic animals were characterized by a range in the severity of the phenotype, reflecting the human clinical situation. We demonstrate that a transgenic approach using lentiviral vectors offers a powerful tool for large animal model development. Not only is the efficiency of transgenesis higher than conventional transgenic methodology but this technique also produces a heterogeneous cohort of transgenic animals that mimics the genetic variation encountered in human patients.
Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALEN) are potential tools for precise genome engineering of laboratory animals. We report the first targeted genomic integration in the rat using TALENs (Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases) by homology-derived recombination (HDR). We assembled TALENs and designed a linear donor insert targeting a pA476T mutation in the rat Glucocorticoid Receptor (Nr3c1) namely GR(dim), that prevents receptor homodimerization in the mouse. TALEN mRNA and linear double-stranded donor were microinjected into rat one-cell embryos. Overall, we observed targeted genomic modifications in 17% of the offspring, indicating high TALEN cutting efficiency in rat zygotes.