914 resultados para total dietary fiber
Introduction. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) are used study the association between dietary intake and disease. An instructional video may potentially offer a low cost, practical method of dietary assessment training for participants thereby reducing recall bias in FFQs. There is little evidence in the literature of the effect of using instructional videos on FFQ-based intake. Objective. This analysis compared the reported energy and macronutrient intake of two groups that were randomized either to watch an instructional video before completing an FFQ or to view the same instructional video after completing the same FFQ. Methods. In the parent study, a diverse group of students, faculty and staff from Houston Community College were randomized to two groups, stratified by ethnicity, and completed an FFQ. The "video before" group watched an instructional video about completing the FFQ prior to answering the FFQ. The "video after" group watched the instructional video after completing the FFQ. The two groups were compared on mean daily energy (Kcal/day), fat (g/day), protein (g/day), carbohydrate (g/day) and fiber (g/day) intakes using descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. Demographic, height, and weight information was collected. Dietary intakes were adjusted for total energy intake before the comparative analysis. BMI and age were ruled out as potential confounders. Results. There were no significant differences between the two groups in mean daily dietary intakes of energy, total fat, protein, carbohydrates and fiber. However, a pattern of higher energy intake and lower fiber intake was reported in the group that viewed the instructional video before completing the FFQ compared to those who viewed the video after. Discussion. Analysis of the difference between reported intake of energy and macronutrients showed an overall pattern, albeit not statistically significant, of higher intake in the video before versus the video after group. Application of instructional videos for dietary assessment may require further research to address the validity of reported dietary intakes in those who are randomized to watch an instructional video before reporting diet compared to a control groups that does not view a video.^
Aim. To assess the relationships between dietary factors and colorectal cancer risk. ^ Methods. We looked at all the systematic reviews published in last ten years on the topic. ^ Results. For fruits-vegetables some studies1 were significant for heterogeneity and others2 were not. In study by Aune at al3 only fruits were significant, although all the studies had protective RR between 0.90 to 0.94. For folate only case-control group of studies, the study by Sanjoaquin et al4 was significant with p heterogeneity being 0.01 and all of them had protective effect with RR between 0.75 to 0.95, for dietary as well as total folate. For fiber study by Park et al5 p was insignificant at 0.14 an RR was 0.84. Vitamin B6 study by Larsson et al6 had significant p with RR 0.90. For dietary fat both Alexander7 and Liu8 concluded that there is insufficient evidence that dietary fat is an independent causative risk factor. Only one study by Norat et al9 out of three was able to achieve significant p heterogeneity for meat. All the studies reported RR between 1.14 to 1.35, clearly implicating meat as culprit for increasing the risk of colorectal cancer. ^ Conclusions. We would recommend the use of fruits and vegetables to be protective against colorectal cancer. Also meat consumption increases the risk of colorectal cancer.^ *Please refer to dissertation for references/footnotes.^
Los objetivos globales de esta tesis han sido estudiar el efecto que los carbohidratos de la dieta ejercen sobre los rendimientos productivos, la barrera intestinal, y la digestión de animales destetados a 25 días de edad. Además se ha estudiado cuál es el mejor periodo para determinar la digestibilidad fecal tras el destete a esta edad. En el primer experimento se estudió el efecto de la fibra neutro detergente soluble (FNDS) sobre la barrera intestinal, digestión, microbiota intestinal y rendimientos productivos de gazapos en gazapos en la fase post-destete. Se diseñaron tres piensos isonutritivos en los que la única fuente de variación fueron los niveles de fibra soluble. A partir de una dieta control (AH) con 103 g/kg de materia seca de FNDS y alfalfa como fuente principal de fibra, se sustituyó la mitad de esta alfalfa por una mezcla de pulpa de remolacha y pulpa de manzana (75:25) en el pienso B-AP y por una mezcla de cascarilla y concentrado de proteína de soja (88:12) en el pienso OH, obteniéndose 131 y 79 g/kg de FNDS sobre materia seca, respectivamente. Los conejos se destetaron a 25 días y fueron alimentados con los piensos experimentales hasta los 35 días de edad, momento en el que se sacrificaron para la determinación de la digestibilidad ileal aparente (DIA) de la materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB) y almidón, la morfología de la mucosa, y actividad enzimática en el yeyuno, el tejido linfoide asociado a la mucosa, así como la microbiota intestinal. Para la determinación de la morfología de la mucosa se utilizaron adicionalmente 19 animales lactantes de 35 días de edad. Para el estudio de la tasa de mortalidad, se utilizaron 118 animales más por tratamiento que recibieron los piensos experimentales durante las dos semanas post-destete y posteriormente un pienso comercial hasta los 60 días de edad. Los animales recibieron durante todo el experimento medicación en el agua de bebida (100 ppm de apramicina sulfato y 120 ppm de tilosina tartrato). El nivel de fibra soluble mejoró los parámetros que se utilizaron para la caracterización del estado de la barrera intestinal. Los conejos alimentados con el mayor nivel de FNDS en el pienso presentaron una mayor longitud de los villi (P=0.001), un mayor ratio longitud villi/profundidad de las criptas (8.14; P=0.001), una mayor actividad disacaridásica (8671 μmol de glucosa/g de proteína; P=0.019), así como una mayor digestibilidad ileal (96.8%; P=0.002), observándose una reducción en el flujo ileal de almidón a medida que se incrementó el nivel de fibra soluble en el pienso (1,2 vs 0,5 g/d; P=0.001). Los animales lactantes a 35 días de edad presentaron un ratio longitud de villi/profundidad de las criptas menor que el observado en aquéllos alimentados con el pienso B-AP (6.70), pero superior al de los piensos AH y OH. Niveles inferiores de NDFS tendieron (P=0.074) a incrementar la respuesta inmune de tipo celular (linfocitos CD8+). El pienso también afectó a la producción de IL2 (CD25+; P=0.029; CD5+CD25+; P=0.057), pero sin llegar a establecerse una clara relación con el nivel de fibra soluble. La diversidad de la microbiota intestinal no se vio afectada por el pienso (P ≥ 0.38). Los animales alimentados con las piensos B-AP y AH presentaron una reducción en la frecuencia de detección de Clostridium perfringens tanto en íleon (P=0.062) como en ciego (4.3 vs. 17.6%, P =0.047), comparado con el pienso OH. Además la tasa de mortalidad (118 gazapos/pienso) disminuyó de 14.4% en el pienso OH a 5.1% en el pienso B-AP. Entre los 32 y los 35 días de edad se determinó la digestibilidad fecal aparente (14/pienso) de la materia seca (MS), energía bruta (EB), proteína bruta (PB), fibra neutro detergente (FND), fibra ácido detergente (FAD) y almidón. Este grupo, junto con otros nueve animales por tratamiento se utilizaron para determinar el peso del estómago y el ciego, la concentración cecal de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV) y amoniaco (NH3), así como las tasas de similitud de la microbiota intestinal. Además se estudiaron los rendimientos productivos (35 animales/tratamiento) de los gazapos durante todo el período de cebo, consumiendo los piensos experimentales desde el destete hasta los 35 días y posteriormente un pienso comercial hasta los 60 días de edad. Niveles crecientes de FNDS mejoraron la digestibilidad fecal de la materia seca (MS) y energía (P<0.001). La inclusión FNDS aumentó de manera lineal el peso del contenido cecal (P=0.001) y el peso del aparato digestivo completo (P=0.008), y en los días previos al sacrificio disminuyó de manera lineal el consumo medio diario (P=0.040). Se observó además, una disminución lineal (P≤0.041) del pH del estómago. No se encontró relación entre el pH, la concentración y proporciones molares de AGV y el nivel de FNDS. El pienso pareció tener un efecto, incluso superior al de la madre, sobre la tasa de similitud de la microbiota, y los efectos fueron mayores a nivel cecal que ileal. La eficacia alimenticia aumentó de manera lineal en un 12% entre piensos extremos tras el destete (25- 39d) y en un 3% en el período global de cebo con niveles mayores de NDFS. El consumo medio diario durante la fase post-destete y durante todo el período de cebo, tendió a aumen tar (P≤0.079) con niveles mayores de FNDS, sin embargo no se apreció efecto sobre la ganancia media diaria (P≥0.15). En conclusión, el incremento del nivel de fibra soluble en el pienso parece resultar beneficioso para la salud del animal ya que mejora la integridad de la mucosa, y reduce la frecuencia de detección de potenciales patógenos como C. perfringens y Campylobacter spp. Conforme a estos resultados, debería tenerse en cuenta el contenido en fibra soluble en la formulación de piensos de conejos en la fase post-destete. El objetivo del segundo experimento fue determinar el efecto de la fuente de almidón sobre la digestión, la microbiota intestinal y los rendimientos productivos en conejos destetados con 25 días de edad. Se formularon tres piensos isonutritivos en los que se modificaron las principales fuentes de almidón: trigo crudo, trigo cocido y una combinación de trigo y arroz cocido. Dos grupos de 99 y 193 animales se destetaron con 25 días de edad. El primero de ellos se utilizó para la determinación de los parámetros productivos conforme al mismo protocolo seguido en el experimento anterior. El segundo de los grupos se utilizó para la determinación de la digestibilidad fecal de 32 a 35 d, la digestibilidad ileal aparente (DIA) a 35 d, la morfología de la mucosa intestinal, los parámetros de fermentación cecal; así como, la caracterización de la microbiota intestinal. Se utilizaron además dos grupos adicionales de animales 384 (medicados) y 177 (no medicados) para estudiar el efecto de la suplementación con antibióticos en el agua de bebida sobre la mortalidad. El procesado térmico del trigo mejoró ligeramente la digestibilidad ileal del almidón (P=0.020) pero no modificó el flujo final de almidón que alcanzó el ciego, observándose una mayor frecuencia de detección de Campylobacter spp. y Ruminococcus spp. en ciego (P≤0.023), pero sin cambios a nivel ileal. El procesado térmico del trigo no afectó tampoco a los parámetros productivos, la mortalidad, la digestibilidad ileal y fecal o la morfología de la mucosa. La sustitución parcial del trigo cocido por arroz cocido, penalizó la digestibilidad ileal del almidón (P=0.020) e incrementó el flujo ileal de este nutriente al ciego (P=0.007). Sin embargo no afectó a la mortalidad, pese a que se detectaron cambios en la microbiota tanto a nivel ileal como cecal, disminuyendo la frecuencia de detección de Campylobacter spp. (en íleon y ciego), Helicobacter spp. (en íleon) y Ruminococcus spp (en ciego) e incrementando Bacteroides spp. (en ciego) (P≤0.046). El empleo de arroz cocido en las piensos post-destete no tuvieron efectos sobre los parámetros productivos, la mortalidad, la digestibilidad ileal y fecal a excepción del almidón, o la morfología de la mucosa. La suplementación con antibiótico redujo la fre cuencia de detección de la mayoría de las bacterias estudiadas (P≤0.048), sobre todo para Campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens y Propionibacterium spp. (P≤0.048), observándose un efecto mayor a nivel ileal que cecal, lo que se asoció a la bajada significativa (P<0.001) de la mortalidad. En conclusión, los resultados de este experimento indican que la fuente de almidón afecta a la microbiota intestinal pero no influiye sobre la salud del animal. En relación al procesado, el uso de trigo cocido junto con arroz cocido no mejora los resultados obtenidos con trigo duro, si bienserían necesarios más experimentos que confirmaran este punto. El último de los experimentos se centró en un aspecto metodológico. Dado que, los conejos destetados presentan un patrón digestivo diferente al de un animal adulto resultado de su inmadurez digestiva, el objetivo buscado era tratar de determinar el mejor procedimiento para la determinación de la digestibilidad fecal en los gazapos en la fase post-destete. Para tal fin se utilizaron 15 animales/tratamiento de tres camadas diferentes que se destetaron con 25 días, suministrándoles un pienso comercial de crecimiento-cebo. Se registró el consumo medio diario y la excreción diaria de heces desde el día 25 hasta el día 40 de edad para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la MS. La camada afectó al consumo medio diario y la excreción de heces (P=0.013 y 0.014, respectivamente), observándose una tendencia (P=0.061) en la digestibilidad. La edad afectó (P<0.001) a todos estos factores, incrementándose de manera más evidente la excreción que la ingestión de materia seca en la primera semana de vida, para aumentar de forma paralela a partir de la segunda. La correlación entre el consumo medio diario fue mayor con la excreción de heces del mismo día que con la del día siguiente, por lo que se utilizó el primero para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la MS (MSd). La MSd disminuyó de manera lineal hasta los 32 días de edad (2.17±0.25 unidades porcentuales por día), mientras que permaneció constante desde los 32 a los 40 días (69.4±0.47%). Por otro lado, la desviación estándar de la MSd se redujo cuando se incrementó el período de recogida de 2 a 6 días en un 54%. Conforme a los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que no es aconsejable comenzar las pruebas de digestibilidad antes de los 32 días de edad y que el número de animales necesario para detectar diferencias significativas entre tratamientos dependerá del período de recogida de heces. ABSTRACT The global aim of this thesis has been to study the effect of dietary carbohydrates on growth, performance, digestion and intestinal barrier in 25-d weaned rabbits. In addition there has also been studied which is the best period to determine the fecal digestibility after weaning. The first experiment focused on the effect of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fibre (NDSF) on gut barrier function, digestion, intestinal microbiota and growth performance n rabbits in the post-weaning period. Three isonutritive diets which only varied in the levels of soluble fiber were formulated such as it described as follows: a control diet (AH) containing 103 g of neutral detergent soluble fiber, including alfalfa as main source of fiber, was replaced by a mixture of beet and apple pulp (75-25) in the B-AP diet and, by a mix of oat hulls and soybean protein concentrate (88:12) in the OH diet, resulting 131 and 79 g of NDFS/kg of dry matter, respectively. Rabbits, weaned at 25 days of age, were fed the experimental diets up to 35 days of age, moment in which they were slaughtered for apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and starch, mucosa morphology, sucrose activity, characterization of lamina propria lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota. To assess mucosal morphology, 19 suckling 35-d-old rabbits were also used. For mortality study, besides these animals, 118 additional rabbits per treatment were fed the experimental diets for two weeks period and thereafter received a commercial diet until 60 days of age. Rabbits were water medicated during the whole experimental period (100 ppm de apramicine sulphate and 120 ppm of tylosine tartrate). Level of soluble fiber improved all the parameters used for the characterization of the intestinal barrier condition. Villous height of the jejunal mucosa increased with dietary soluble fiber (P=0.001). Villous height of jejunal mucosa increased with dietary soluble fiber (P = 0.001). Rabbits fed the highest level of soluble fiber (BA-P diet) showed the highest villous height/crypth depth ratio (8.14; P = 0.001), sucrase specific activity (8671 μmol glucose/ g protein; P = 0.019), and the greatest ileal starch digestibility (96.8%; P = 0.002). The opposite effects were observed in rabbits fed decreased levels of soluble fiber (AH and OH diets; 4.70, 5,848 μmol of glucose/g of protein, as average, respectively). The lowest ileal starch digestibility was detected for animal fed OH diet (93.2%). Suckling rabbits of the same age showed a lower villous height/crypt depth ratio (6.70) compared with the B-AP diet group, but this ration was higher that the AH or OH diet groups. Lower levels of soluble fiber tended (P = 0.074) to increase the cellular immune response (CD8+ lymphocytes). Diet affected IL-2 production (CD25+, P = 0.029; CD5+CD25+, P = 0.057), with no clear relationship between soluble fiber and IL-2. The intestinal microbiota biodiversity was not affected by diets (P ≥ 0.38). Animals fed B-AP and AH diets had a reduced cecal frequency of detection compatible with Campylobacter spp. (20.3 vs. 37.8, P = 0.074), and Clostridium perfringens (4.3 vs. 17.6%, P = 0.047), compared with the OH diet group. Moreover, the mortality rates decreased from 14.4 (OH diet) to 5.1% (B-AP diet) with the increased presence of soluble fiber in the diet. Between 32 and 35 days of age, faecal apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), gross energy (GE), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and starch was determined (14/diet). This group, plus another nine rabbits/diet were used to determine weight of stomach and caecum and their contents, cecal fermentation traits and similarity rate (SR) of intestinal microbiota. Besides, growth performance parameters (35 rabbits/diet) were studied during the whole fattening period, in animals consuming the experimental feed after the weaning up to 35 days of age and later on a commercial diet up animals reached 60 days of age. Increasing levels of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fiber improved faecal dry matter and energy digestibility (P<0.001). NDSF inclusion improved linearly weight of the caecal content (P=0.001) and the total gastrointestinal tract (P=0.008), and in the previous days to slaughter a linear decrease of daily feed intake in diet with highest level of soluble fiber was also observed. Stomach pH decreased linearly with increasing levels of NDFS (P≤0.041). No relation between NDSF level on pH, concentration and molar proportion of VFA was found. Treatments appeared to influence the similarity rate of microbiota, even higher to mother effect. These effects were higher in ileum than in caecum. A linear positive effect of feed efficiency was observed, which increased around 12% in the two weeks post-weaning (25-39d) and 3% in the whole fattening period between extreme diets with highest levels of soluble fiber. Average daily feed intake during the two weeks after weaning and in the whole fattening period, tended (P≤0.079) to increase with highest levels of NDSF; although there were no effect on daily weight gain (≥0.15). In conclusion, an increase of soluble fiber in the feed seems to be beneficial for animal health, due to improve mucose integrity and reduce detection frequency of those poten tial pathogens like C. perfringens and Campylobacter spp. According to these results, level of soluble fiber should be taking care in feed rabbit formulation in the post-weaning period. The objective of the second experiment was to determine the effect of source of starch on digestion, intestinal microbiota and growth performance in twenty-five-day old weaned rabbits. To accomplish with this aim three iso-nutritive diets were formulated with different source of starch: raw wheat, boiled wheat and a combination of boiled wheat and boiled rice. Two groups of 99 and 193 rabbits were weaned at 25 days of age. The first group was used for growth performance determination following the same protocol than in previous experiment. The second group was used to determine faecal digestibility from 32 to 35 d, apparent ileal digestibility (AID) at 35 d, jejunal mucosa morphology, caecal fermentation traits and characterization of intestinal microbiota. For mortality, two additional groups of 384 (medicated) and 177 (not medicated) were used in order to study the effect of antibiotic water supply supplementation. Heat processing of starch slightly improved ileal digestibility of starch (P=0.020) but did not modify the flow of starch to the caecum. An increase in frequency of detection of Campylobacter spp. y Ruminococcus spp. was observed in the caecum (P≤0.023), with no changes at ileal level. Heat processing of wheat did not modify growth performance, mortality, ileal or faecal digestibility and mucosa morphology. Partial substitution of boiled wheat for boiled rice in the diet impaired ileal starch digestibility (P=0.020) and increased the ileal flow of this nutrient to the caecum (P=0.007). However, it did not affect mortality rate, although changes in the ileal and caecal intestinal microbiota were detected, decreasing the frequency of detection of Campylobacter spp. (both ileum and caecum), Helicobacter spp. (at ileum) and Ruminococcus spp (at caecum) and increasing the Bacteroides spp. (at caecum) (P≤0.046). The effect of boiled rice supplementation did not alter growth performance, mortality, ileal or faecal digestibility of other nutrients than starch, and mucosa morphology. Medication of rabbits reduced the ileal frequency of detection of most bacteria studied (P≤0.048), especially for Campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens y Propionibacterium spp. (P≤0.048), resulting the effect higher at ileal than caecal level and relating it with a strong reduction of mortality rate (P<0.001). In conclusion, the results of this experiment make think that the source of starch affects the intestinal microbiota but they do not seem to influence animal health. In relation to the effect of heat processed the use of cooked wheat or cooked rice it does not seem to im prove the results obtained with hard wheat, but there would be necessary more experiments that were confirming this point. The last experiment focused on a methodological aspect. Considering that, weaned rabbits have a different digestive pattern than older animals due to their digestive immaturity; the fixed objective was to determine the best procedure for faecal digestibility determination in young rabbits in the post-weaning period. Fifteen rabbits from 5 different litters were weaned at 25 days of age and fed with a commercial feed. Feed intake and faeces excretion were recorded daily from 25 to 40 days of age for dry matter digestibility (DMd) determination. Litter affected daily DM intake and excretion (P=0.013 y 0.014, respectively) and tended to affect DMd (P=0.061). Age affected all these factors (P<0.001), but ingestion increased slowly than dry matter excretion during the first week buth they evolved similarly in the second week. The correlation between daily feed intakes was higher with the faeces excretion of the day than with faeces excretion of the next day, and the first values were used to determine daily DMd. The DMd decreased linearly from weaning to 32 d of age (2.17±0.25 percentage units per day), whereas from 32 to 40 d remained constant (69.4±0.47%). On the other hand, average standard deviation of DMd decreased by 54% when the length of collection period increased from 2 to 6d. Consequently to the obtained results, it could be concluded that it would not be advisable to start digestibility trials before the 32 days of age and that the number of animals required to detect a significant difference among means would depend on the collection period.
Objectives: To estimate the efficacy of dietary advice to lower blood total cholesterol concentration in free-living subjects and to investigate the efficacy of different dietary recommendations.
Diet and physical activity patterns have been implicated as major factors in the increasing prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity. It is estimated that between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents in the United States are overweight (CDC, 2000). Moreover, the CDC estimates that less than 50% of adolescents are physically active on a regular basis (CDC, 2003). Interventions must be focused to modify these behaviors. Facilitating the understanding of proper nutrition and need for physical activity among adolescents is the first step in preventing overweight and obesity and delaying the development of chronic diseases later in life (Dwyer, 2000). The purpose of this study was to compare the outcomes of students receiving one of two forms of education (both emphasizing diet and physical activity), to determine whether a computer based intervention (CBI) program using an interactive, animated CD-ROM would elicit a greater behavior change in comparison to a traditional didactic intervention (TDI) program. A convenience sample of 254 high school students aged 14-19 participated in the 6-month program. A pre-test post-test design was used, with follow-up measures taken at three months post-intervention. ^ No change was noted in total fat, saturated fat, fruit/vegetables, or fiber intake for any of the groups. There was also no change in perceived self-efficacy or perceived social support. Results did, however, indicate an increase in nutrition knowledge for both intervention groups (p<0.001). In addition, the CBI group demonstrated more positive and sustained behavior changes throughout the course of the study. These changes included a decrease in BMI (ppre/post<0.001, ppost/follow-up<0.001), number of meals skipped (ppre/post<0.001), and soda consumption (ppre/post=0.003, ppost/follow-up=0.03) and an increase in nutrition knowledge (ppre/post<0.001, ppre/follow-up <0.001), physical activity (ppre/post<0.05, p pre/follow-up<0.01), frequency of label reading (ppre/follow-up <0.0l) and in dairy consumption (ppre/post=0.03). The TDI group did show positive gains in some areas post intervention, however a return to baseline behavior was shown at follow-up. Findings of this study suggest that compared to traditional didactic teaching, computer-based nutrition and health education has greater potential to elicit change in knowledge and behavior as well as promote maintenance of the behavior change over time. ^
Dyslipidemia is a major public health problem, and therefore, it is important to develop dietary strategies to diminish the prevalence of this disorder. It was recently reported that diet may play an important role in triggering insulin resistance by interacting with genetic variants at the CAPN10 gene locus in patients with metabolic syndrome. Nonetheless, it remains unknown whether genetic variants of genes involved in the development of type 2 diabetes are associated with variations in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). The study used a single-center, prospective, cohort design. Here, we assessed the effect of four variants of the CAPN10 gene on HDL-C levels in response to a soy protein and soluble fiber dietary portfolio in subjects with dyslipidemia. In 31 Mexican dyslipidemic individuals, we analyzed four CAPN10 gene variants (rs5030952, rs2975762, rs3792267, and rs2975760) associated with type 2 diabetes. Subjects with the GG genotype of the rs2975762 variant of the CAPN10 gene were better responders to dietary intervention, showing increased HDL-C concentrations from the first month of treatment. HDL-C concentrations in participants with the wild type genotype increased by 17.0%, whereas the HDL-C concentration in subjects with the variant genotypes increased by only 3.22% (p = 0.03); the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels of GG carriers tended to decrease (-12.6%). These results indicate that Mexican dyslipidemic carriers of the rs2975762-GG genotype are better responders to this dietary intervention.
To assess the effects of a soy dietary supplement on the main biomarkers of cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women compared with the effects of low-dose hormone therapy (HT) and placebo. Double-blind, randomized and controlled intention-to-treat trial. Sixty healthy postmenopausal women, aged 40-60 years, 4.1 years mean time since menopause were recruited and randomly assigned to 3 groups: a soy dietary supplement group (isoflavone 90mg), a low-dose HT group (estradiol 1 mg plus noretisterone 0.5 mg) and a placebo group. Lipid profile, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio were evaluated in all the participants at baseline and after 16 weeks. Statistical analyses were performed using the χ2 test, Fisher's exact test, Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), paired Student's t-test and Wilcoxon test. After a 16-week intervention period, total cholesterol decreased 11.3% and LDL-cholesterol decreased 18.6% in the HT group, but both did not change in the soy dietary supplement and placebo groups. Values for triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio did not change over time in any of the three groups. The use of dietary soy supplement did not show any significant favorable effect on cardiovascular health biomarkers compared with HT. The trial is registered at the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos - ReBEC), number RBR-76mm75.
The effects were assessed of two energy sources in concentrate (ground grain corn vs. citrus pulp) and two nitrogen sources (soybean meal vs. urea) on rumen metabolism in four buffaloes and four zebu cattle (Nellore) with rumen cannula and fed in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with feeds containing 60% sugar cane. Energy supplements had no effect on the rumen ammonia concentration in cattle, but ground grain corn promoted higher ammonia level than citrus pulp in buffalo. Urea produced higher ammonia level than soybean meal in both animal species. On average, the buffaloes maintained a lower rumen ammonia concentration (11.7 mg/dL) than the cattle (14.5 mg/dL). Buffaloes had lower production of acetic acid than cattle (58.7 vs. 61.6 mol/100 mol) and higher of propionic acid (27.4 vs. 23.6 mol/100 mol). There was no difference in the butyric acid production between the buffaloes (13.6 mol/100 mol) and cattle (14.8 mol/100 mol) and neither in the total volatile fatty acids concentration (82.5 vs. 83.6 mM, respectively). The energy or nitrogen sources had no effect on rumen protozoa count in either animal species. The zebu cattle had higher rumen protozoa population (8.8 × 10(5)/mL) than the buffaloes (6.1 × 10(5)/mL). The rumen protozoa population differed between the animal species, except for Dasytricha and Charonina. The buffaloes had a lower Entodinium population than the cattle (61.0 vs 84.9%, respectively) and a greater percentage of species belonging to the Diplodiniinae subfamily than the cattle (28.6 vs. 1.4%, respectively). In cattle, ground corn is a better energy source than citrus pulp for use by Entodinium and Diplodiniinae. In the buffaloes, the Entodinium are favored by urea and Diplodiniinae species by soybean meal.
Estudaram-se os efeitos de fontes de enxofre na dieta sobre os parâmetros ruminais de bovinos Nelore, utilizando-se oito novilhos canulados no rúmen e submetidos a quatro tratamentos, segundo a fonte de enxofre. Os animais do grupo-controle não receberam suplementação de enxofre. Os dos outros três grupos receberam flor de enxofre ou metionina ou carboquelatado, como suplementação. Os animais foram arraçoados com dieta total, utilizando cana-de-açúcar picada como volumoso. O período experimental foi de 76 dias, dividido em quatro subperíodos de 19 dias, dos quais 14 eram para adaptação à dieta e cinco para as colheitas. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre as fontes de enxofre na degradabilidade da matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibras em detergente ácido e neutro e no pH ruminal. O tratamento com carboquelatado resultou em maior número de protozoários ciliados e o tratamento metionina em menor contagem. O carboquelatado pode ser uma boa alternativa para a suplementação de enxofre para bovinos em confinamento.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main causes of death in the Western world. Among the risk factors that are modifiable by diet, for reducing cardiovascular disease risks, the total plasma concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-C, and HDL-C are the most important. Dietary measures can balance these components of the lipid profile thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The main food components that affect the lipid profile and can be modified by diet are the saturated and trans fats, unsaturated fats, cholesterol, phytosterols, plant protein, and soluble fiber. A wealth of evidence suggests that saturated and trans fats and cholesterol in the diet raise the total plasma cholesterol and LDL-C. Trans fats also reduce HDL-C, an important lipoprotein for mediating the reverse cholesterol transport. On the other hand, phytosterols, plant proteins, isoflavones, and soluble fiber are protective diet factors against cardiovascular diseases by modulating plasma lipoprotein levels. These food components at certain concentrations are able to reduce the total cholesterol, TG, and LDL-C and raise the plasma levels of HDL-C. Therefore, diet is an important tool for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases, and should be taken into account as a whole, i.e., not only the food components that modulate plasma concentrations of lipoproteins, but also the diet content of macro nutrients and micronutrients should be considered.
Avaliou-se o efeito do processamento do feno de alfafa (Medicago sativa L.) e da adição de óleo de soja em dietas sobre a digestibilidade total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido em eqüinos. Utilizaram-se quatro potros machos, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente 14 meses de idade e 197,25 kg, em delineamento quadrado latino (4 × 4) e em arranjo fatorial (2 × 2), composto de duas formas de fenação da alfafa (em cubos ou em ramas) e da adição ou não de óleo de soja em dietas contendo concentrado comercial na forma de péletes. A digestibilidade dos nutrientes foi determinada pelo método de coleta total de fezes durante três dias. A adição de óleo de soja refinado aumentou a digestibilidade total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato de etéreo e fibra em detergente neutro. A fenação da alfafa em cubos aumentou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido. A adição de óleo de soja nas dietas avaliadas foi um modo prático e seguro de aumentar a densidade calórica sem reduzir a digestibilidade dos macronutrientes orgânicos. O processamento da alfafa na forma de cubos melhorou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, fibra em detergente e fibra em detergente ácido da dieta em eqüinos.
This research employs solid-state actuators for delay of flow separation seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. The flow control technique investigated here is aimed for a variable camber airfoil that employs two active surfaces and a single four-bar (box) mechanism as the internal structure. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by a total of nine piezocomposite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders distributed in the spanwise direction. An electromechanical model is employed to design an actuator capable of high deformations at the desired frequency for lift improvement at post-stall angles. The optimum spanwise distribution of excitation for increasing lift coefficient is identified experimentally in the wind tunnel. A 3D (non-uniform) excitation distribution achieved higher lift enhancement in the post-stall region with lower power consumption when compared to the 2D (uniform) excitation distribution. A lift coefficient increase of 18.4% is achieved with the identified non-uniform excitation mode at the bender resonance frequency of 125 Hz, the flow velocity of 5 m/s and at the reduced frequency of 3.78. The maximum lift (Clmax) is increased 5.2% from the baseline. The total power consumption of the flow control technique is 639 mW(RMS).
Exploring the potential of functionally graded materials concept for the development of fiber cement
In this study we establish the concept of functionally graded fiber cement. We discuss the use of statistical mixture designs to choose formulations and present ideas for the production of functionally graded fiber cement components for Hatschek machines. The feasibility of producing functionally graded fiber cement by grading PVA fiber content has been experimentally evaluated. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) was employed to assess fiber distribution profiles and four-point bending tests were applied to evaluate the mechanical performance of both conventional and graded composites. The results show that grading PVA fiber content is an effective way to produce functionally graded fiber cement, which allows for a reduction of the total fiber volume without a significant reduction on modulus of rupture of composite. TG tests were found adequate to assess the fiber content at different points in functionally graded fiber cements. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are potent anticarcinogens in animal and in vitro models as well as inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland, liver, and adipose tissue. Our objective was to evaluate long-term CLA supplementation of lactating dairy cows in tropical pasture on milk production and composition and residual effects posttreatment. Thirty crossbred cows grazing stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst var. nlemfuensis) were blocked by parity and received 150 g/d of a dietary fat supplement of either Ca-salts of palm oil fatty acids (control) or a mixture of Ca-salts of CLA (CLA treatment). Supplements of fatty acids were mixed with 4 kg/d of concentrate. Grazing plus supplements were estimated to provide 115% of the estimated metabolizable protein requirements from 28 to 84 d in milk (treatment period). The CLA supplement provided 15 g/d of cis-9, trans-11 and 22 g of cis-10, trans-12. Residual effects were evaluated from 85 to 112 d in milk (residual period) when cows were fed an 18% crude protein concentrate without added fat. The CLA treatment increased milk production but reduced milk fat concentration from 2.90 to 2.14% and fat production from 437 to 348 g/d. Milk protein concentration increased by 11.5% (2.79 to 3.11%) and production by 19% (422 to 504 g/d) in the cows fed CLA. The CLA treatment decreased milk energy concentration and increased milk volume, resulting in unchanged energy output. Milk production and protein concentration and production were also greater during the residual period for the CLA-treated cows. The CLA treatment reduced production of fatty acids (FA) of all chain lengths, but the larger effect was on short-chain FA, causing a shift toward a greater content of longer chain FA. The CLA treatment increased total milk CLA content by 30% and content of the trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomer by 88%. The CLA treatment tended to decrease the number of days open, suggesting a possible effect on reproduction. Under tropical grazing conditions, in a nutritionally challenging environment, CLA-treated cows decreased milk fat content and secreted the same amount of milk energy by increasing milk volume and milk protein production.
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of replacing coastcross hay NDF by soybean hull (SH) NDF on the lactation performance and eating behavior of ewes and also on the performance of their lambs. Fifty-six Santa Ines lactating ewes (56.1 +/- 6.8 kg of initial BW; mean +/- SD) were penned individually and used in a randomized complete block design with 14 blocks and 4 treatments. Diets were formulated to provide similar concentrations of NDF (56%) and CP (16%). The SH NDF replaced 33 (SH33), 67 (SH67), or 100% (SH100) of the NDF contributed by coastcross hay in a 70% forage-based diet (SH0), resulting in SH inclusion rates of 0, 25, 54, and 85% of the dietary DM. Once a week, from the second to the eighth week of lactation (weaning time), ewes were separated from their lambs, stimulated by a 6-IU i.v. oxytocin injection, and hand milked to empty the udder. After 3 h, milk production was obtained after the same procedure. Quadratic effect for milk production (142.4, 179.8, 212.6, and 202.9 g/3 h) and cubic effect for DMI (2.27, 2.69, 3.25, and 3.00 kg/d) were observed as SH inclusion increased from 0 to 85% of the dietary DM. Milk fat (7.59, 7.86, 7.59, and 7.74%), protein (4.53, 4.43, 4.40, and 4.55%), and total solids (18.24, 18.54, 18.39, and 18.64%) did not differ among the 70% forage-based diet and diets with SH NDF replacing 33, 67, or 100% of the NDF. A linear increase in lactose concentration was observed with SH inclusion. Ewe BW gain during the trial showed a cubic response (0.37, 0.03, 4.80, and 2.80 kg) with SH inclusion. The preweaning ADG of lambs increased linearly, and ADG of lambs after weaning decreased linearly with SH inclusion. Final BW of lambs (2 wk after weaning) did not differ among treatments. Eating behavior observations were conducted with 44 ewes. The same facilities, experimental design, dietary treatments, and feeding management were used. Observations were visually recorded every 5 min for a 24-h period when ewes were 46 +/- 6.8 d in milk. Eating time (min/d, min/g of DMI, and min/g of NDF intake) and time expended in rumination and chewing activities (min/g of DMI and min/g of NDF intake) decreased linearly with the addition of SH in the diets. The inclusion of SH improved DMI and milk production, also reflecting on the BW of lambs at weaning. Milk performance was not affected when SH NDF replaced 100% of hay NDF.