882 resultados para the plastic arts


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Pavement profile or smoothness has been identified nationally as a good measure of highway user satisfaction. This has led highway engineers to measure profiles of both operating and new highways. Operational highway profiles are often measured with high-speed inertial profilers. New highway profiles are usually measured with profilographs in order to establish incentives or disincentives for pavement construction. In most cases, these two processes do not measure the same value from the “cradle to grave” life of pavements. In an attempt to correct the inconsistency between measuring techniques, lightweight profilers intended to produce values to be used for construction acceptance are being made that measure the same profile as high-speed inertial profilers. Currently, two profiler systems have been identified that can measure pavement profile during construction. This research has produced a field evaluation of the two systems. The profilers evaluated in this study are able to detect roughness in the final profile, including localized roughness and roughness at joints. Dowel basket ripple is a significant source of pavement surface roughness. The profilers evaluated in this study are able to detect dowel basket ripple with enough clarity to warn the paving crew. String-line disturbances degrade smoothness. The profilers evaluated in this study are able to detect some string-line disturbances during paving operations. The profilers evaluated in this study are not currently able to produce the same absolute International Roughness Index (IRI) values on the plastic concrete that can be measured by inertial profilers on the hardened concrete. Construction application guidelines are provided.


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The Rebuild Iowa Cultural Heritage and Records Retention Task Force respectfully submits its report to the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission (RIAC) for its consideration of the impacts of the tornadoes, storms, and flooding on Iowans and their cultural, historical, and arts institutions and organizations and records collections and archives. As the RIAC fulfills its obligations to guide the recovery and reconstruction of Iowa, the cknowledgement that culture and records as Iowa’s identity is important, and that if these items of cultural heritage vanish from Iowa’s landscape, the items that Iowans associate with their history, traditions, and sense of place also disappears. Iowa is certainly not the only state that has experienced this type of disaster; however, many states have not recognized culture and records as critical concerns as part of the recovery and rebuilding process. When rebuilding Iowa stronger, smarter, and safer, quality of life is an important consideration for attracting new residents, making it a necessity to keep culture alive and thriving in Iowa. Additionally, the cultural arts constitute a vital economic industry, providing employment to thousands of Iowa’s citizens and generating millions of dollars in local and government revenue across the state. In the case of records, these items are irreplaceable and provide important information for the daily workings of government and life in our state, and maintain vital records of Iowa’s heritage and traditions. This report provides background information on the damages incurred in Iowa from the disasters and additional context for policy and rebuilding discussions. It also offers recommendations to the RIAC for steps that might be taken to address the significant and important challenges faced by Iowa’s cultural, historical, and arts institutions and organizations; individual artists and other cultural workers; and records retention entities and officials. Supplement to main report.


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An adequate air void system is imperative to produce concrete with freeze-thaw durability in a wet freeze environment such as found in Iowa. Specifications rely on a percentage of air obtained in the plastic state by the pressure meter. Actual, in place air contents, of some concrete pavements in Iowa, have been found with reduced air content due to a number of factors such as excessive vibration and inadequate mixing. Determining hardened air void parameters is a time consuming process involving potential for human error. The RapidAir 457 air void analyzer is an automated device used to determine hardened air void parameters. The device is used in Europe and has been shown to quickly produce accurate and repeatable hardened air results. This research investigates how well the RapidAir 457 results correlate to plastic air content and the image analysis air technique. The repeatability and operator variation were also investigated, as well as, the impact of aggregate porosity and selection of threshold value on hardened air results.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation research project HR-1013 is the evaluation of a prototype continuous monitoring nuclear density unit. The Unit, the Consolidation Monitoring Device (CMD), mounts on the rear of a slip-form paver and measures the density of the concrete while still in the plastic state. The evaluation performed determined the usefulness, accuracy, precision and reproducibility of the unit. The CMD was calibrated and tested in the laboratory for one week before field evaluation. The field evaluation consisted of monitoring at least 5 miles of paving and then correlating the CMD data with two conventional density methods. The two supplemental methods were density measurement with a Troxler nuclear gauge and densities obtained from core samples.


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Plastic air content is typically tested by the pressure method, ASTM C138. Loss of air content through the paver has been shown to exceed 2 percent at times. Research has shown that early deterioration of pavements in Iowa may be directly or indirectly related to low or inadequate air content. Hardened air content is typically checked using the linear traverse method, ASTM C457. The linear traverse method is very time consuming and could not be used on a production scale. A quick and effective method of testing in place air content is needed. Research has shown a high degree of correlation with the high-pressure method of determining air content of hardened concrete versus plastic air content in laboratory conditions. This research indicated that air contents are more variable when comparing core results to plastic air content, although the overall average for the air content was comparable. Perhaps, the location of the plastic air content test, obtained from construction records, versus location of the cores was not as accurate as needed.


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Percutaneous cricothyroidotomy may be a lifesaving procedure for airway obstruction, which cannot be relieved by endotracheal intubation and can be performed with specially designed instruments. A new device, the "Quicktrach", was evaluated by an anatomical preparation, flow and resistance measurements, and puncture of the cricothyroid membrane in 55 corpses. The size of the parts of the instrument (needle, plastic cannula, depth gauge) in relation to the size of the larynx is adequate, thus there is little likelihood of perforation of the posterior wall of the larynx. Resistance of the plastic cannula is sufficiently low to allow for adequate ventilation. The duration of time until the cannula is positioned properly in the trachea is significantly shorter, when an incision prior to the puncture is done (83 +/- 88 seconds without incision versus 35 +/- 41 seconds with incision; mean +/- SD). The "Quicktrach" is easy to apply even by inexperienced persons. The incidence of damage to the larynx (lesions including fractures of the thyroid, cricoid and 1. tracheal cartilage in 18%; soft tissue injury in 9%) is relatively high, however considering the live saving character of the procedure these numbers appear to be acceptable. Technical problems which occur with the use of the device are discussed and suggestions for improvement are made.


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Sertoli cells (SCs), the only somatic cells within seminiferous tubules, associate intimately with developing germ cells. They not only provide physical and nutritional support but also secrete factors essential to the complex developmental processes of germ cell proliferation and differentiation. The SC transcriptome must therefore adapt rapidly during the different stages of spermatogenesis. We report comprehensive genome-wide expression profiles of pure populations of SCs isolated at 5 distinct stages of the first wave of mouse spermatogenesis, using RNA sequencing technology. We were able to reconstruct about 13 901 high-confidence, nonredundant coding and noncoding transcripts, characterized by complex alternative splicing patterns with more than 45% comprising novel isoforms of known genes. Interestingly, roughly one-fifth (2939) of these genes exhibited a dynamic expression profile reflecting the evolving role of SCs during the progression of spermatogenesis, with stage-specific expression of genes involved in biological processes such as cell cycle regulation, metabolism and energy production, retinoic acid synthesis, and blood-testis barrier biogenesis. Finally, regulatory network analysis identified the transcription factors endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 (EPAS1/Hif2α), aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT/Hif1β), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) as potential master regulators driving the SC transcriptional program. Our results highlight the plastic transcriptional landscape of SCs during the progression of spermatogenesis and provide valuable resources to better understand SC function and spermatogenesis and its related disorders, such as male infertility.


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L’objectiu principal d’aquesta investigació és analitzar per què les arts de cos estan tan presents en els museus del segle XXI. Per fer-ho, ens centrarem primer en conèixer la història de les arts del cos des dels seus inicis al carrer o galeries alternatives fins a l’entrada al museu. En segon lloc, farem una aproximació a l’evolució dels museus centrant-nos en els segles XX i XXI. En tercer lloc, investigarem com les arts del cos entren als museus i farem una recerca d’aquestes arts en el museu del segle XXI


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L’ensenyament i aprenentatge a través de l’art en el context escolar ha estat motiu de preocupació per a molts investigadors des de fa dècades. En aquesta línia, el Centre de Recursos Pedagògics d’Osona i el Centre d’Arts Contemporànies de Vic van impulsar ara fa tres anys el projecte Art i Escola, el qual pretén donar valor i reconeixement a l’aprenentatge mitjançant les arts plàstiques que realitzen diverses escoles a partir d’una temàtica comuna, enguany, La Xarxa. Aquest estudi parteix del desig de conèixer i aprofundir en una proposta artística elaborada conjuntament pels alumnes de 6è de primària d’una escola ordinària amb tots els alumnes d’una escola d’educació especial. Així doncs, el següent estudi de cas s’ha portat a terme tot indagant en la pràctica a través de les arts plàstiques que han realitzat les dues escoles.


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The difficulty in mimicking nervous system complexity and cell-cell interactions as well as the lack of kinetics information has limited the use of in vitro neurotoxicity data. Here, we assessed the biokinetic profile as well as the neurotoxicity of Amiodarone after acute and repeated exposure in two advanced rodent brain cell culture models, consisting of both neurons and glial cells organized in 2 or 3 dimensions to mimic the brain histiotypic structure and function. A strategy was applied to evidence the abiotic processes possibly affecting Amiodarone in vitro bioavailability, showing its ability to adsorb to the plastic devices. At clinically relevant Amiodarone concentrations, known to induce neurotoxicity in some patients during therapeutic treatment, a complete uptake was observed in both models in 24h, after single exposure. After repeated treatments, bioaccumulation was observed, especially in the 3D cell model, together with a greater alteration of neurotoxicity markers. After 14days, Amiodarone major oxidative metabolite (mono-N-desethylamiodarone) was detected at limited levels, indicating the presence of active drug metabolism enzymes (i.e. cytochrome P450) in both models. The assessment of biokinetics provides useful information on the relevance of in vitro toxicity data and should be considered in the design of an Integrated Testing Strategy aimed to identify specific neurotoxic alerts, and to improve the neurotoxicity assay predictivity for human acute and repeated exposure.


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The main objective of this thesis was to design a hinge and a closing mechanism for the plastic rim of a paperboard package. Of the hinge and closing mechanisms the 3D-models were designed using SolidWorks program and the functionality of the mechanisms was tested with rapid prototype models. When a mechanism that worked was found, the manufacturability of the mechanisms was tested in an injection molding machine with changeable inserts. Another objective of this thesis was to test the effect of the shape of paperboard package to its manufacturability. The effect of the packages shape was tested with plastic tools made for three different shaped trays. Suggestions for further research were made according to the results of the thesis.


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An optimization tool has been developed to help companies to optimize their production cycles and thus improve their overall supply chain management processes. The application combines the functionality that traditional APS (Advanced Planning System) and ARP (Automatic Replenishment Program) systems provide into one optimization run. A qualitative study was organized to investigate opportunities to expand the product’s market base. Twelve personal interviews were conducted and the results were collected in industry specific production planning analyses. Five process industries were analyzed to identify the product’s suitability to each industry sector and the most important product development areas. Based on the research the paper and the plastic film industries remain the most potential industry sectors at this point. To be successful in other industry sectors some product enhancements would be required, including capabilities to optimize multiple sequential and parallel production cycles, handle sequencing of complex finishing operations and to include master planning capabilities to support overall supply chain optimization. In product sales and marketing processes the key to success is to find and reach the people who are involved directly with the problems that the optimization tool can help to solve.


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The mechanical and hygroscopic properties of paper and board are factors affecting the whole lifecycle of a product, including paper/board quality, production, converting, and material and energy savings. The progress of shrinkage profiles, loose edges of web, baggy web causing wrinkling and misregistration in printing are examples of factors affecting runnability and end product quality in the drying section and converting processes, where paper or board is treated as a moving web. The structural properties and internal stresses or plastic strain differences built up during production also cause the end-product defects related to distortion of the shape of the product such as sheet or box. The objective of this work was to construct a model capable of capturing the characteristic behavior of hygroscopic orthotropic material under moisture change, during different external in-plane stretch or stress conditions. Two independent experimental models were constructed: the elasto-plastic material model and the hygroexpansivity-shrinkage model. Both describe the structural properties of the sheet with a fiber orientation probability distribution, and both are functions of the dry solids content and fiber orientation anisotropy index. The anisotropy index, introduced in this work, simplifies the procedure of determining the constitutive parameters of the material model and the hygroexpansion coefficients in different in-plane directions of the orthotropic sheet. The mathematically consistent elasto-plastic material model and the dry solids content dependent hygroexpansivity have been constructed over the entire range from wet to dry. The presented elastoplastic and hygroexpansivity-shrinkage models can be used in an analytical approach to estimate the plastic strain and shrinkage in simple one-dimensional cases. For studies of the combined and more complicated effects of hygro-elasto-plastic behavior, both models were implemented in a finite element program for a numerical solution. The finite element approach also offered possibilities for studying different structural variations of orthotropic planar material, as well as local buckling behavior and internal stress situations of the sheet or web generated by local strain differences. A comparison of the simulation examples presented in this work to results published earlier confirms that the hygro-elasto-plastic model provides at least qualitatively reasonable estimates. The application potential of the hygro-elasto-plastic model is versatile, including several phenomena and defects appearing in the drying, converting and end-use conditions of the paper or board webs and products, or in other corresponding complex planar materials.


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This work focuses on the study of the determination on the possibilities of controlling the required moisture within the inside of film sealed packages. The task is based on the challenges faced by fresh food producers in actualizing a longer product shelf-life coupled with the growing complex desires coming from consumers in the aspect of quality. One way to realize this is by proper evaluation on the use of the flexible plastic films through permeation measurements on the required amount of moisture penetrating through the plastic film with the application of microperforation. A packaging material requires proper interaction on moisture transmission, between the product and the outside environment. The plastic film material that stands between, fresh fruits, vegetables and the outside environment could have appropriate respiration rates through possible micro holes. This work simulates similar process with the aid of water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) experiment using anhydrous CaCl2 as the desiccant, in studying the WVTR values of various perforated film materials at different conditions of storage (standard, fridge, and tropical conditions). However, the results showed absorption rates of water vapor at various conditions in grams of H2O/m2/24h.