943 resultados para the Okinawa Trough
Objective: To explore the natural trajectory of core body temperature (CBT) and cortisol (CORT) circadian rhythms in mechanically ventilated intensive care unit (MV ICU) patients. ^ Design: Prospective, observational, time-series pilot study. ^ Setting: Medical-surgical and pulmonary ICUs in a tertiary care hospital. ^ Sample: Nine (F = 3, M = 6) adults who were mechanically ventilated within 12 hrs of ICU admission with mean ± SD age of 65.2 ± 14 years old. ^ Measurements: Core body temperature and environmental measures of light, sound, temperature, and relative humidity were logged in 1-min intervals. Hourly urine specimens and 2-hr interval blood specimens were collected for up to 7 consecutive days for CORT assay. Mechanical ventilation days, ICU length of stay, and ICU mortality were documented. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores were computed for each study day. The data of each biologic and environmental variable were analyzed using single cosinor analysis of 24-hr serial segments. One patient did not complete the study because mortality occurred within 8 hrs of enrollment. Nine ICU patients completed the study in 1.6 to 7.0 days. ^ Results: No normal circadian rhythm pattern was found when the cosinor-derived parameters of amplitude (one-half the peak-trough variability) and acrophase (peak time) were compared with cosinor-derived parameter reference ranges of healthy, diurnally active humans, although 83% of patient-day CBT segments showed statistically significant (p ≤ .05) and biologically meaningful (R2≥ 0.30) 24-hr rhythms with abnormal cosinor parameters. Cosinor parameters of the environmental temporal profiles showed 27% of light, 76% of ambient temperature, and 78% of relative humidity serial segments had a significant and meaningful 24-hr diurnal pattern. Average daily light intensity varied from 34 to 187 lx with a maximum light exposure of 1877 lx. No sound measurement segment had a statistically significant cosine pattern, and numerous 1-minute interval peaks ≥ 60 dB occurred around the clock. Average daily ambient temperature and relative humidity varied from 19 to 24°C and from 25% to 61%, respectively. There was no statistically significant association between CBT or clinical outcomes and cosinor-derived parameters of the environmental variables. Circadian rhythms of urine and plasma CORT were deferred for later analysis. ^ Conclusions: The natural trajectory of the CBT circadian rhythm in MV ICU patients demonstrated persistent cosinor parameter alteration, even when a significant and meaningful 24-hr rhythm was present. The ICU environmental measures showed erratic light and sound exposures. Room temperature and relative humidity data produced the highest rate of significant and meaningful diurnal 24-hr patterns. Additional research is needed to clarify relations among the CBT biomarker of the circadian clock and environmental variables of MV ICU patients. ^
Precisely determined refractive indices of glass shards from 32 ash-rich, volcaniclastic sediments, mostly turbidites interbedded with nonvolcanic sediments in the Mariana Trough, range from 1.480 to 1.585 (corresponding to SiO2 ca. 75 to 49%), with most in the range 1.500 to 1.540 (SiO2 ca. 70-62%) and a second, smaller mode between ca. 1.560 and 1.585 (57 to 49% SiO2). Shards are almost exclusively colorless from 1.480 to ca. 1.530, light brown with minor colorless and green tones between 1.530 and 1.560, and dominantly brown at higher refractive indices. Tubular pumice shards are more common at higher silica percentages and non- to poorly-vesicular cuniform shards at low SiO2 values, but there is no clear correlation between shape and composition of shards. About half of the samples have bimodal shard populations with silica differences ranging up to 20 percent; unimodal layers have a range of up to about 7 percent SiO2. Of 21 samples in which one type of shard dominates, seven have the main mode in the rhyolitic composition (>69% SiO2), eight in the intermediate range (56 to 69% SiO2), and five in mafic composition (SiO2 <53%). These unusually abundant mafic shards occur mainly in site survey piston cores, SP-IA and 4E, and in Holes 454, 456, 458, and 459B. These are the sites closest to the present arc. Hole 453, containing by far the most vitric tuff turbidites, shows a gradual increase in silica content of ash layers upward to the hole from Cores 36 to 19 (about 4.6 to 3.0 Ma). A drastic decrease in ash-rich beds in the younger (Pleistocene) part of this hole was noted by the shipboard party (see site chapter, Site 453) and was interpreted by them as indicating increasing distance from the arc volcanoes as the trough opened. The increase in silica in ashes from the early to the late Pliocene at Site 453 could be interpreted in the same way and might indicate that the trough started to open in early Pliocene time.
Central Hill is in the northern part of the Escanaba Trough, which is a sediment-filled rift of southern Gorda Ridge. Central Hill is oriented north-south and is associated with extensive sulfide deposits. Hydrothermal alteration of sediment from Site 1038 was studied through analyses of mineralogy and the chemistry and oxygen isotopic compositions of one nearly pure clay sample. In addition, Site 1037 was drilled to establish the character of the unaltered sedimentary sequence away from the hydrothermal centers of the Northern Escanaba Trough Study Area (NESCA). Mineralogy of the clay-size fraction of turbiditic and hemipelagic sediments of Hole 1037B are predominantly quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, illite, chlorite, and smectite, representing continental-derived material. Cores from Hole 1038I, located within the area of Central Hill but away from known active vent areas, recovered minor amounts of chlorite/smectite mixed-layer clay in the fine fraction, indicating a low-temperature hydrothermal alteration. The 137.4-m-thick sediment section of Hole 1038G is located in an area of low-temperature venting. The uppermost sample is classified as chlorite/smectite mixed layer, which is underlain by chlorite as the dominant mineral. The lowermost deposits of Hole 1038G are also characterized by chlorite/smectite mixed-layer clay. In comparison to Hole 1038I, the mineralogic sequence of Hole 1038G reflects increased chloritization. Intensely altered sediment is almost completely replaced by hydrothermal chlorite in subsurface sediments of Hole 1038H. Alteration to chlorite is characterized by depletion in Na, K, Ti, Ca, Sr, Cs, and Tl and enrichment in Ba. Further, Eu depletion reflects a high-temperature plagioclase alteration. A chlorite 18O value of 2.6 indicates formation at a temperature of ~190°C. It is concluded that the authigenic chlorite in Hole 1038H formed by an active high-temperature fluid flow in the shallow subsurface.
Pocos objetos hay en las Ciencias Sociales tan difíciles de precisar y abordar como la ideología. Alude a las relaciones entre conocimiento y realidad y nos sitúa en el campo de las representaciones que los hombres hacen de sí mismos y de sus relaciones con el mundo. Los hombres, a medida que se construye su subjetividad, no observan, analizan o experimentan la realidad directamente sino que lo hacen a través de complejas mediaciones. Una parte importante de esas mediaciones está constituida por lo “ideológico". Para añadir un nuevo elemento problemático se considera que la ideología no es sólo el filtro a través del cual se conoce y se significa el mundo de lo real sino que también opera para producir su conservación o transformación. Con lo cual la separación clara entre objeto y sujeto tiende a hacerse más difusa. Más allá de las dificultades que la evanescencia del objeto conlleva, su conceptualización es indispensable para completar el análisis de la realidad social y sus transformaciones. Este artículo intenta hacer una síntesis del recorrido que la formulación del concepto ha seguido dentro del campo teórico marxista (que es donde se ha producido el debate más sustantivo), tomando como eje conductor las dos vertientes principales en que se ha dividido su definición (aunque no siempre de manera explícita o, incluso, advertida): la ideología como cosmovisión o como falsa conciencia.
Es muy frecuente que en los análisis del concepto de subalternidad, las fuentes del período descolonizador que se inicia a mediados del siglo XX estén escasamente representadas debido a una preeminencia de la perspectiva filológica sobre el concepto, antes bien que a una política e histórica. Este trabajo es un intento por incluir en el debate los textos de Frantz Fanon, quién reflexionó largamente sobre los problemas de la subjetividad en el colonialismo y en los procesos descolonizadores. De ese modo,se intenta conectar aquella escritura con una memoria epistémica poscolonial.