1000 resultados para temperatura e período de embebição
Os modelos climáticos globais são considerados a melhor ferramenta para gerar cenários prováveis de alterações climáticas futuras, apesar das incertezas. As projeções são diferentes para cada região e variam ao longo das estações do ano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a similaridade entre projeções dos modelos climáticos globais do IPCC-AR4 para temperatura média na região Sudeste do Brasil, no período de 2071 a 2100, cenário A2. Para tanto, foram realizadas análise de componentes principais e análise de agrupamento hierárquico para agrupar os modelos de comportamentos semelhantes. Adotando-se quatro grupos de modelos, os valores médios de temperatura variaram de 23,7°C a 25,4°C.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
A partir da década de 1960, ocorreram alterações nas relações de trabalho no campo e na cidade, que tiveram como consequências o êxodo rural e o crescimento das cidades brasileiras, sendo que a cidade de Jales-SP, também se insere neste contexto. As alterações nas características naturais provocadas pela urbanização e, acentuadas pelo planejamento inadequado, resultam em diversas modificações no ambiente urbano. O clima é um dos componentes do ambiente que também está sujeito a essas mudanças. Dessa maneira, o presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as características da temperatura na cidade de Jales-SP, às 21h, no período referente ao mês de julho de 2010. Para que esse objetivo fosse alcançado se utilizou de adaptações das propostas metodológicas de Monteiro (1976), Mendonça (1994) e Amorim (2000). As propostas metodológicas utilizadas nesse trabalho compreendem o clima urbano como um sistema, ou seja, a expressão das condições atmosféricas, resultantes da interação de diferentes escalas climáticas e de superfície. Para que os objetivos fossem atingidos foram realizados registros da temperatura e da umidade relativa por meio de mini estações em pontos fixos distribuídos pela malha urbana e pontos representativos do ambiente rural. Os resultados mostraram diferenças térmicas entre o rural e o urbano, além de diferenças entre os diversos bairros da cidade, que atingiram 6,8ºC.
O trabalho objetiva analisar a gênese dos sistemas atmosféricos no período entre os anos de 1996 ao ano 2008, associados a ocorrência de eventos iguais ou superiores a 100mm/24h para a cidade de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. O material utilizado é proveniente da base de dados da estação pluviométrica da Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia (FUNCEME), no Bairro São Gerardo, cartas sinóticas, imagens de satélites, dados de Temperatura de Superfície do Mar (TSM), reportagens jornalísticas e dados da Defesa Civil do Brasil. Inicialmente identificou-se os sistemas, considerando como base o acompanhamento dos dias que registraram os eventos pluviométricos mencionados acima. A sua repercussão na cidade revela pontos críticos associados a áreas de maior vulnerabilidade socioambiental, locais associados ao crescimento demasiado da cidade de Fortaleza, bem como a falta de políticas públicas e planejamento urbano da metrópole. Os eventos iguais ou superiores a 100mm/24h foram muito atuantes no período destacado, vindo a comprometer ainda mais a falta de estrutura da cidade.
Foram avaliadas as temperaturas do solo solarizado ou não, na profundidade de 10 cm, em intervalos de 10 minutos, durante o período de: julho/92 a junho/93. A temperatura máxima foi obtida às 16:00 hs, durante o período de coleta de dados, para os dois tratamentos. As diferenças médias de temperaturas, is 16:00 hs, entre o solo solarizado e não solarizado foram maiores que 8°C de setembro/92 a março/93. No mesmo período, as médias das Palavras-chave: Patógenos do solo, controle, plástico, temperatura. temperaturas máximas mensais obtidas no solo solarizado foram superiores a 41 °C. O número de horas acumuladas com temperaturas superiores a 45°C no solo solarizado foi de 6, 23 e 22 hs nos meses de novembro/92, dezembro/ 92 e janeiro/93, respectivamente. Os resultados indicam que a solarização deve ser realizada, preferencialmente, entre os meses de setembro a março.
High-temperature liquid chromatography (HTLC) is a technique that presents a series of advantages in liquid phase separations, such as: reduced analysis time, reduced pressure drop, reduced asymmetry factors, modified retentions, controlled selectivities, better efficiencies and improved detectivities, as well as permitting green chromatography. The practical limitations that relate to instrumentation and to stationary phase instability are being resolved and this technique is now ready to be applied for routine determinations.
Inulin is a functional food ingredient, generally employed as sugar or fat substitute in food systems. This ingredient can be found in several vegetal products, including chicory roots. As the solubility of inulin is susceptible to temperature changes, the product suffers a fractionalization resulting in two phases when cooled, originating a precipitated phase, more viscose, and a liquid phase, of lesser viscosity. The study of rheological properties of different phases of inulin extract is important for equipment designing, such as mixer and bombs. In this work, rheological behavior at three different temperatures (25; 40 and 50 ºC) was determined for liquid and precipitated phases of inulin liquid extract, extracted from chicory roots by hot water diffusion and cooled at two different temperatures (8 and -10 ºC), suffering phases separation. The precipitated phase was analyzed in two conditions: pure and with the addition of microencapsulating agents (maltodextrin and hydrolized starch). All of them presented a linear behavior, similar to that of the Plastics of Bingham. Some of them, however, were not an adequate fit to this model.
In Brazil the adoption of several models of cattle confinement leads to special conditions for management methods in dairy production, which can be improved by the use of technology that assures better herd management. Indexes relating environmental variables to production are applied for the prediction of milk production. The values of temperature and relative humidity, rain index, solar radiation and pasture soil temperature are generally considered potential stress agents for cows. The objective of this research was to develop an index for predicting milk production for high productivity Jersey milking cows lodged in semi confinement in tropical conditions. The experiment considered two treatments: A - the cows waited for 30 minutes prior to milking in a room with a shower associated to a fan; B - the cows did not have access to this room (control). Other than the waiting period, the cows had access to pasture. Differences in the effect of average production were not statistically significant. The analysis for studying the effect of the variables and designing the model led to a statistical model relating the variables milk production and rain index, as well as the maximum soil temperature of pasture, and milk production.
This research studied the effect of low density polyethylene packaging and storage temperature on the preservation of fresh-cut (minimally processed) cabbage. The cabbages, previously cooled to a temperature of 10 ºC, were selected, washed, cut in four parts (with the central stalk removed), sanitized, cut in strips, rinsed, put in the centrifuge, weighed and stored in plastic packaging of low density polyethylene (70 µm), and then stored in cold chambers at temperatures of 1 and 10 ºC for 20 days. The following aspects were evaluated: carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene in the internal atmosphere of the package as well as, pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and the total soluble solids/acidity in the fresh-cut cabbage ratio. The experimental design was entirely casual, with three repetitions. The analysis parameters, except for the vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and ethylene, presented significant variation between the temperatures and days of storage. The cabbage stored at a temperature of 1 ºC presented a shelf life of around 15 days, significantly higher than that stored at 10 ºC. At this temperature, on the 8th day of storage, the product was completely decayed, unfit for commercialization or consumption.
Edible mushroom are highly perishable foods. Drying is an alternative to provide safe storage. In this work, the effects of some drying parameters on the quality of Shiitake mushroom were investigated: geometry of the raw material (whole and sliced), drying temperature (50 °C and 70 ºC) and final moisture content (5% and 15% wb). Experimental kinetics of drying was built and color and texture analyses were done in fresh and in rehydrated dried product. The effect of parameters was evaluated by analysis of variance and test of multiple comparisons. Drying kinetics showed that drying happened in falling-rate period and sliced mushroom dried at 70 ºC required lesser drying time than other treatments. Mushroom dried at 70 ºC showed less darkening. Drying time affected mushroom quality, evaluated by great hardness, gummosis and darkening.
Broccoli seeds were coated in a conical-cylindrical spouted bed with an aqueous suspension of hydroxy ethyl cellulose aiming to improve the seeds coating technique using a fluid-dynamic process. An experimental design was applied to investigate the effects of the operating variables: gas temperature, atomizing air pressure and suspension flow rate on the germination of the seeds and on the process efficiency. Results indicated that the operating variables affect both the coating process efficiency and the germination ability. However, the analysis didn t identify differences between the germination potential of coated and uncoated seeds. Coated seeds absorbed up to 10 percent less moisture than the uncoated ones, when the environment temperature and humidity were controlled over a period of time.
In order to determine the energy needed to artificially dry an agricultural product the latent heat of vaporization of moisture in the product, H, must be known. Generally, the expressions for H reported in the literature are of the form H = h(T)f(M), where h(T) is the latent heat of vaporization of free water, and f(M) is a function of the equilibrium moisture content, M, which is a simplification. In this article, a more general expression for the latent heat of vaporization, namely H = g(M,T), is used to determine H for cowpea, always-green variety. For this purpose, a computer program was developed which automatically fits about 500 functions, with one or two independent variables, imbedded in its library to experimental data. The program uses nonlinear regression, and classifies the best functions according to the least reduced chi-squared. A set of executed statistical tests shows that the generalized expression for H used in this work produces better results of H for cowpea than other equations found in literature.
Kohleria eriantha (Benth.) Hanst is a plant belonging to the family Gesneriaceae, with an underground organ, which is associated with vegetative reproduction. This organ is a rhizome, whose stem bears buds covered with modified leaves that store up starch. In small sections of this rhizome, containing six buds (1.5 to 2.0cm long), only one bud sprouted. The sprouted bud could be differentiated into two morphological pattern: aerial part or rhizome. Sprouting of the rhizome pattern occurred in sections kept on substrate with low water content (1mL of water), or lacking water, whereas sprouting of the aerial part pattern occurred in sections on substrate with high water content (12mL of water). Temperature at 20ºC also stimulated sprouting of the rhizome pattern, regardless of the water volume in the substrate. Sprouting of the rhizome pattern occurred still in sections on substrate to which polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG) solution was added at the concentrations of 161.2, 235.2 and 340.0g/L, resulting in potentials of -3, -6 and -12 MPa, respectively. Sections kept on substrate with low water content (1 ml of water) showed a reduction in the dry matter content and high osmotic concentration in comparison with those on substrate with high water content. The results obtained revealed that forming of the rhizome pattern was influenced by water content and temperature. It is suggested that sprouting of the rhizome pattern was induced by the low water potential in the sections, when kept on substrate with low water content. Moreover, it was observed that the rhizome buds of Kohleria eriantha showed a high degree of plasticity.
We estimate litter production and leaf decomposition rate in a cerradão area, physiognomy little studied and very threatened in São Paulo State. During the period of study, litter production was 5646.9 kg.ha-1.year-1, which the 'leaf' fraction corresponded to 4081.2 kg.ha¹.year¹; the 'branch' fraction, to 1066.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; the 'reproductive structures' fraction, to 434.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; and the 'miscellaneous' fraction to 65.5 kg.ha-1.year-1. Litter production was highly seasonal and negatively correlated with relative humidity and air temperature. Leaf production was negatively correlated with relative humidity, rainfall, and air temperature. There was no significant difference between litter production found in this study and those in two other sites with cerradão and semideciduous forest, but these physiognomies differed significantly from the cerrado sensu stricto. Leaf decomposition rate (K) was 0.56. Half-life of the decomposing material was 1.8 years and turnover time was 2.3 years.
Alterations in physical, chemical and functional characteristics of egg proteins occur during storage. These changes depend on the storage conditions, mainly duration, temperature and relative humidity. This study examined the fresh egg Haugh unit score and the storage egg Haugh unit score, at room temperature (25°C) and under refrigeration conditions (8°C), during 7, 14 and 21 days of storage. Haugh units and albumin height decreased considerably during storage at room temperature. At 8°C, there was no significant difference in the Haugh unit for different periods of storage, but their values were smaller as compared to fresh eggs. The weight of the eggs was not affected by both storage and temperature. For both temperatures, pH was positively correlated with Haugh units and negatively with the albumin height.