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Object. Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGEBPs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of glioma. In a previous study the authors demonstrated that IGFBP-3 is a novel glioblastoma biomarker associated with poor survival. Since signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT-1) has been shown to be regulated by IGFBP-3 during chondrogenesis and is a prosurvival and radioresistant molecule in different tumors, the aim in the present study was to explore the functional significance of IGFBP-3 in malignant glioma cells, to determine if STAT-1 is indeed regulated by IGFBP-3, and to study the potential of STAT-1 as a biomarker in glioblastoma. Methods. The functional significance of IGFBP-3 was investigated using the short hairpin (sh)RNA gene knockdown approach on U251MG cells. STAT-1 regulation by IGFBP-3 was tested on U251MG and U87MG cells by shRNA gene knockdown and exogenous treatment with recombinant IGFBP-3 protein. Subsequently, the expression of STAT-1 was analyzed with real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in glioblastoma and control brain tissues. Survival analyses were done on a uniformly treated prospective cohort of adults with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (136 patients) using Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression models. Results. IGFBP-3 knockdown significantly impaired proliferation, motility, migration, and invasive capacity of U251MG cells in vitro (p < 0.005). Exogenous overexpression of IGFBP-3 in U251MG and U87MG cells demonstrated STAT-1 regulation. The mean transcript levels (by real-time RT-PCR) and the mean labeling index of STAT-1 (by IHC) were significantly higher in glioblastoma than in control brain tissues (p = 0.0239 and p < 0.001, respectively). Multivariate survival analysis revealed that STAT-1 protein expression (HR 1.015, p = 0.033, 95% CI 1.001-1.029) along with patient age (HR 1.025, p = 0.005, 95% CI 1.008-1.042) were significant predictors of shorter survival in patients with glioblastoma. Conclusions. IGFBP-3 influences tumor cell proliferation, migration, and invasion and regulates STAT-1 expression in malignant glioma cells. STAT-1 is overexpressed in human glioblastoma tissues and emerges as a novel prognostic biomarker.


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Let P be a set of n points in R-d. A point x is said to be a centerpoint of P if x is contained in every convex object that contains more than dn/d+1 points of P. We call a point x a strong centerpoint for a family of objects C if x is an element of P is contained in every object C is an element of C that contains more than a constant fraction of points of P. A strong centerpoint does not exist even for halfspaces in R-2. We prove that a strong centerpoint exists for axis-parallel boxes in Rd and give exact bounds. We then extend this to small strong epsilon-nets in the plane. Let epsilon(S)(i) represent the smallest real number in 0, 1] such that there exists an epsilon(S)(i)-net of size i with respect to S. We prove upper and lower bounds for epsilon(S)(i) where S is the family of axis-parallel rectangles, halfspaces and disks. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Strong atmospheric turbulence is a major hindrance in wireless optical communication systems. In this paper, the performance of a wireless optical communication system is analyzed using different modulation formats such as, binary phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (BPSK-SIM), differential phase shift keying (DPSK), differential phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (DPSK-SIM), Mary pulse position modulation (M-PPM) and polarization shift keying (PoISK). The atmospheric channel is modeled for strong atmospheric turbulences with combined effect of turbulence and pointing errors. Novel closed-form analytical expressions for average bit error rate (BER), channel capacity and outage probability for the various modulation techniques, viz. BPSK-SIM, DPSK, DPSK-SIM, PoISK and M-PPM are derived. The simulated results for BER, channel capacity and outage probability of various modulation techniques are plotted and analyzed. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, we show a semimetal to semiconducting electronic phase transition for bulk TiS2 by applying uniform biaxial tensile strain. This electronic phase transition is triggered by charge transfer from Ti to S, which eventually reduces the overlap between Ti-(d) and S-(p) orbitals. The electronic transport calculations show a large anisotropy in electrical conductivity and thermopower, which is due to the difference in the effective masses along the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. Strain-induced opening of band gap together with changes in dispersion of bands lead to threefold enhancement in thermopower for both p-and n-type TiS2. We further demonstrate that the uniform tensile strain, which enhances the thermoelectric performance, can be achieved by doping TiS2 with larger iso-electronic elements such as Zr or Hf at Ti sites.


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Let P be a set of n points in R-d and F be a family of geometric objects. We call a point x is an element of P a strong centerpoint of P w.r.t..F if x is contained in all F is an element of F that contains more than cn points of P, where c is a fixed constant. A strong centerpoint does not exist even when F is the family of halfspaces in the plane. We prove the existence of strong centerpoints with exact constants for convex polytopes defined by a fixed set of orientations. We also prove the existence of strong centerpoints for abstract set systems with bounded intersection. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The growth of highly lattice-mismatched InAs0.3Sb0.7 films on (100) GaAs Substrates by magnetron Sputtering has been investigated and even epitaxial lnAs(0.3)Sb(0.7) films have been successfully obtained. A strong effect of the growth conditions on the film structure was observed, revealing that there was a growth mechanism transition from three-dimensional nucleation growth to epitaxial layer-by-layer growth mode when increasing the substrate temperature. A qualitative explanation for that transition was proposed and the critical conditions for the epitaxial layer-by-layer growth mode were also discussed.


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In this paper, we demonstrate strong flexoelectric coupling in bimesogenic liquid crystals. This strong coupling is determined via the flexoelectro-optic effect in chiral nematic liquid crystals based on bimesogenic mixtures that are doped with low concentrations of high twisting power chiral additive. Two mixtures were examined: one had a pitch length of p∼300nm, the other had a pitch length of p∼600nm. These mixtures exhibit enantiotropic chiral nematic phases close to room temperature. We found that full-intensity modulation, that is, a rotation of the optic axis of 45° between crossed polarizers, could be achieved at significantly lower applied electric fields (E<5Vμm -1) than previously reported. In fact, for the condition of full-intensity modulation, the lowest electric-field strength recorded was E=2Vμm-1. As a result of a combination of the strong flexoelectric coupling and a divergence in the pitch, tilt angles of the optic axis up to 87°, i.e., a rotation of the optic axis through 174°, were observed. Furthermore, the flexoelastic ratios, which may be considered as a figure-of-merit parameter, were calculated from the results and found to be large, ranging from 1.3to2C/Nm for a temperature range of up to 40°C. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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There are seven strong earthquakes with M >= 6.5 that occurred in southern California during the period from 1980 to 2005. In this paper, these earthquakes were studied by the LURR (Load/Unload Response Ratio) method and the State Vector method to detect if there are anomalies before them. The results show that LURR anomalies appeared before 6 earthquakes out of 7 and State Vector anomalies appeared before all 7 earthquakes. For the LURR method, the interval between maximum LURR value and the forthcoming earthquake is 1 to 19 months, and the dominant mean interval is about 10.7 months. For the State Vector method, the interval between the maximum modulus of increment State Vector and the forthcoming earthquake is from 3 to 27 months, but the dominant mean interval between the occurrence time of the maximum State Vector anomaly and the forthcoming earthquake is about 4.7 months. The results also show that the minimum valid space window scale for the LURR and the State Vector is a circle with a radius of 100 km and a square of 3 degrees 3 degrees, respectively. These results imply that the State Vector method is more effective for short-term earthquake prediction than the LURR method, however the LURR method is more effective for location prediction than the State Vector method.


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We report the direct synthesis of strong, highly conducting, and transparent single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) films. Systematically, tests reveal that the directly synthesized films have superior electrical and mechanical properties compared with the films made from a solution-based filtration process: the electrical conductivity is over 2000 S/cm and the strength can reach 360 MPa. These values are both enhanced by more than 1 order. We attribute these intriguing properties to the good and long interbundle connections. Moreover, by the help of an extrapolated Weibull theory, we verify the feasibility of reducing the interbundle slip by utilizing the long-range intertube friction and estimate the ultimate strength of macroscale SWNTs without binding agent.


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The perturbation theory is applied further to the discussion of the equilibrium properties of a sunspot-like magnetic field with a strong twisted component. The basic state reduces to the usual one discussed extensively for the axisymmetric magnetostatic equilibrium with twisted component of magnetic field, and the perturbed state is described by two coupled equations. As the magnetic force-line is twisted, there is a magnetic tension in the azimuthal direction. In this case, the perturbed total pressure is no longer independent of the azimuthal variable θ, and the magnetic field in the dark penumbal fibril may be either stronger or weaker relatively.


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[ES] Kukuxumusu S.L. es una organización que se dedica a la comercialización de dibujos que cuentan cosas en diferentes soportes de calidad para que sean comprados, usados y disfrutados por personas de toda edad, sexo y condición, que buscan en una camiseta, una taza, un llavero, etc., mensajes divertidos, originales y diferentes. Kukuxumusu desarrolla su actividad en los mercados del souvenir y del regalo. En el caso se analiza la estrategia global de comercialización seguida por Kukuxumusu en relación a su gama de productos, los canales de distribución y los instrumentos de comunicación que utiliza. Desde sus inicios en el año 1989 con la venta callejera de camisetas en las fiestas de San Fermín, Kukuxumusu se ha ido consolidando como una empresa con una sólida cultura corporativa, que ha ido creciendo aprovechando las oportunidades ofrecidas por las nuevas tecnologías y que tiene como bazas más importantes su gestión de marca y la diferenciación basada en aspectos intangibles.


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[ES] España, al igual que Italia, líder tradicional del sector de granito, ha visto como China, India o Brasil, han escalado posiciones en el ranking de producción y exportación mundial de granito. En un contexto globalizado, es necesario posicionarse frente a estos competidores en los mercados internacionales, y dado que estamos ante un producto genérico que cumple unas condiciones adecuadas de precio y calidad, una forma de identificarlo y diferenciarlo es aportándole valor mediante la creación de una marca. En el trabajo se analiza la utilidad de una estrategia basada en el made in para el caso de Galicia, núcleo fundamental de la industria en España, alternativa que resulta interesante para las empresas consultadas pero cuya puesta en práctica exige la colaboración entre éstas y las instituciones.