251 resultados para sprouting


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O setor supermercadista sofreu grandes alterações nos últimos anos, principalmente com o avanço das tecnologias, a competição, a concentração e algumas insuficiências em seus processos. Estes e outros fatores favoreceram ao surgimento do movimento de ECR (Resposta de Consumidor Eficiente) que procura criar um relacionamento mais forte entre indústria e varejo através de novas visões para suas estratégias operacionais. A evolução das tecnologias de informação permitiram ao setor varejista gerar uma maior volume de dados a partir, principalmente, de seus check-outs. Entretanto, estes dados nem sempre são armazenados de forma correta ou utilizados de forma a se aproveitar a plenitude das informações neles contidas. O processo de transformar os dados em informação e conhecimento vem evoluindo constantemente. Uma das atuais metodologias de trabalhar dados é o Data Mining ou Mineração de Dados, que pode ser descrito como sendo uma variedade de ferramentas e estratégias que processam dados aumentando a utilidade destes em bancos de dados. Este trabalho analisa através de um estudo multicaso exploratório na região de Ribeirão Preto, no interior de São Paulo, a avaliação da capacidade do uso da tecnologia Data Mining para o fortalecimento do movimento ECR, principalmente em pequenos e médios varejistas e indústrias alimentícias, no sentido de oferecer a estes um diferencial de negociação para formação de alianças estratégias.


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L’angiogenèse et l’augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire sont des éléments clés pour la croissance et la progression tumorale. Par conséquent, de nombreux efforts sont déployés à comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la formation et le remodelage des vaisseaux sanguins de manière à identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles. De cette optique, les travaux de cette thèse se sont concentrés sur la protéine tyrosine phosphatase DEP-1, initialement identifiée comme un régulateur négatif de la prolifération et de la phosphorylation du VEGFR2 lorsque fortement exprimée dans les cellules endothéliales. Toutefois, en utilisant une approche d’ARNi, il a été démontré que via sa capacité à déphosphoryler la tyrosine inhibitrice de Src (Y529), DEP-1 était également un régulateur positif de l’activation de Src dans les cellules endothéliales stimulées au VEGF. Puisque Src joue un rôle central dans la promotion de l’angiogenèse et la perméabilité vasculaire, nous avons en plus démontré que DEP-1 était un promoteur de ces fonctions in vitro et que la tyrosine phosphorylation de sa queue C-terminale, permettant l’interaction et l’activation de Src, était requise. Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse démontrent dans un premier temps à partir d’une souris Dep1 KO, dont le développement ne présente aucun phénotype apparent, que la perte de l’expression de DEP-1 se traduit en une inhibition de l’activation de Src et de l’un de ses substrats, la VE-Cadherine, en réponse au VEGF chez la souris adulte. Nos résultats démontrent donc, pour la première fois, le rôle primordial de DEP-1 dans l’induction de la perméabilité vasculaire et de la formation de capillaires in vivo. Conséquemment, la croissance tumorale et la formation de métastases aux poumons sont réduites due à une inhibition de leur vascularisation ce qui se traduit par une diminution de la prolifération et une augmentation de l’apoptose des cellules cancéreuses. De façon intéressante, l’expression élevée de DEP-1 dans les vaisseaux sanguins tumoraux de patientes atteintes du cancer du sein corrèle avec une vascularisation accrue de la tumeur. En plus du rôle de DEP-1 dans la réponse angiogénqiue à l’âge adulte, nos travaux ont également démontré le rôle important de DEP-1 lors de la vascularisation de la rétine, un modèle in vivo d’angiogenèse développementale. Dans ce contexte, DEP-1 inhibe la prolifération des cellules endothéliales et limite leur bourgeonnement et la complexification du réseau vasculaire rétinien en permettant l’expression adéquate du Dll4, un régulateur crucial de l’organisation de la vascularisation développementale. Cette expression du Dll4 découlerait de la stabilisation de la β-caténine par l’inactivation de la GSK3β, un régulateur important de la dégradation de la β-caténine, en réponse au VEGF selon la voie de signalisation VEGFR2-Src-PI3K-Akt-GSK3β. Ainsi, ces travaux identifient DEP-1 comme un régulateur important de l’organisation vasculaire rétinienne. Les rôles positifs de DEP-1 dans les cellules endothéliales découlent principalement de sa capacité à lier et activer la kinase Src. En plus de contribuer à la réponse angiogénique, Src est également un oncogène bien caractérisé notamment pour sa contribution au programme invasif des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. Les travaux de cette thèse illustrent que DEP-1 est préférentiellement exprimée dans les cellules cancéreuses mammaires invasives et qu’il régule l’activation de Src, de voies de signalisation invasives et, par le fait même, de l’invasivité de ces cellules in vitro et in vivo. De façon intéressante, ces observations corrèlent avec des données cliniques où l’expression modérée de DEP-1 est associée à un mauvais pronostic de survie et de rechute. Ces résultats démontrent donc, pour la première fois, le rôle positif de DEP-1 dans l’activation de Src au niveau des cellules endothéliales et des cellules cancéreuses mammaires ce qui permet la régulation du bourgeonnement endothélial, de la perméabilité vasculaire, de l’angiogenèse normale et pathologique en plus de l’invasion tumorale.


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The use of botulinum neurotoxins for the treatment of muscle hyperactivity and spasticity disorders has been remarkably successful, owing to the abilities of the toxins to elicit prolonged localized paralysis and the rarity of serious adverse effects. However, botulinum toxins are the most deadly protein toxins known, and existing antidotes possess limited effectiveness. Paradoxically, in situ, the intoxicated motoneuron does not die. It reacts by emanating a sprouting network known to implement new functional synapses, leading to resumption of neurotransmission. Recent studies have highlighted ways of accelerating this natural recovery process to overcome paralysis successfully. Developing new therapeutic strategies and treatments for botulism will require more research into the molecular understanding of this 'naturally occurring' recovery process.


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The behavior and stability of motor units (MUs) in response to electrical stimulation of different intensities can be assessed with the stimulus-response curve, which is a graphical representation of the size of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) in relation to stimulus intensity. To examine MU characteristics across the whole stimulus range, the variability of CMAP responses to electrical stimulation, and the differences that occur between normal and disease states, the curve was studied in 11 normal subjects and 16 subjects with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In normal subjects, the curve showed a gradual increase in CMAP size with increasing stimulus intensity, although one or two discrete steps were sometimes observed in the upper half of the curve, indicating the activation of large MUs at higher intensities. In ALS subjects, large discrete steps, due to loss of MUs and collateral sprouting, were frequently present. Variability of the CMAP responses was greater than baseline variability, indicating variability of MU responses, and at certain levels this variability was up to 100 mu Vms. The stimulus-response curve shows differences between normal and ALS subjects and provides information on MU activation and variability throughout the curve.


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Sox7, Sox17 and Sox18 constitute group F of the Sox family of HMG box transcription factor genes. Dominant-negative mutations in Sox18 underlie the cardiovascular defects observed in ragged mutant mice. By contrast, Sox18(-/-) mice are viable and fertile, and display no appreciable anomaly in their vasculature, suggesting functional compensation by the two other SoxF genes. Here, we provide direct evidence for redundant function of Sox17 and Sox18 in postnatal neovascularization by generating Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-) double mutant mice. Whereas Sox18(-/-) and Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(+/)-mice showed no vascular defects, approximately half of the Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-) pups died before postnatal day 21 (P21). They showed reduced neovascularization in the liver sinusoids and kidney outer medulla vasa recta at P7, which most likely caused the ischemic necrosis observed by P14 in hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelia. Those that survived to adulthood showed similar, but milder, vascular anomalies in both liver and kidney, and females were infertile with varying degrees of vascular abnormalities in the reproductive organs. These anomalies corresponded with sites of expression of Sox7 and Sox17 in the developing postnatal vasculature. In vitro angiogenesis assays, using primary endothelial cells isolated from the P7 livers, showed that the Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-)endothelial cells were defective in endothelial sprouting and remodeling of the vasculature in a phenotype-dependent manner. Therefore, our findings indicate that Sox17 and Sox18, and possibly all three SoxF genes, are cooperatively involved in mammalian vascular development.


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O ensino de Administração no Brasil, assim como em outros países, teve início para atender à demanda por profissionais capacitados a responder a necessidade de organização das grandes empresas que estavam em processo de surgimento. Três grandes eixos sustentam o direcionamento desses cursos, ainda nos dias de hoje: econômico, político e educacional. A proposta do presente trabalho é a da reavaliação do paradigma que determinou a construção dos programas das Instituições de Ensino Superior da área de Administração, considerando-se que em tempos atuais, a estrutura sócio-econômica que demanda jovens e adultos formados por esses cursos, configura-se diferentemente daquela que motivou seu surgimento. Naquela época, tendo como inspiração as universidades norte-americanas, as IES brasileiras também visavam atender à demanda das grandes empresas aqui instaladas dentro do processo desenvolvimentista iniciado no governo Vargas. Atualmente, essas grandes empresas, tendo como foco a inovação tecnológica, não mas absorvem adequadamente os profissionais. Novas estruturas organizacionais como aquelas relacionadas com as Economias Solidárias, surgem como possibilidades para os estudantes.(AU)


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Esta dissertação focaliza a trajetória do surgimento da Escola Estadual Maria Iracema Munhoz, apresentando o seu percurso desde 1890 até 1930. Para isso foi necessário fazer uma retrospectiva da educação brasileira, lembrar como surgiu São Bernardo, município onde está localizada a escola e, o surgimento da educação na cidade. O objetivo de reflexão e de pesquisa da presente dissertação foi buscar entender, pela história do passado, os problemas do presente, reconstruindo os avanços e os insucessos no processo da escolarização e das políticas públicas educacionais assumidas nesse período. A hipótese apresentada é que, nosso atraso educativo não vem tanto do que deixamos de fazer nas últimas décadas, mas do que fizemos nos séculos anteriores, em se tratando da educação.(AU)


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We have recently found that celiac disease patient serum-derived autoantibodies targeted against transglutaminase 2 interfere with several steps of angiogenesis, including endothelial sprouting and migration, though the mechanism involved remained to be fully characterized. This study now investigated the processes underlying the antiangiogenic effects exerted by celiac disease patient antibodies on endothelial cells, with particular regard to the adhesion, migration, and polarization signaling pathway. We observed that celiac IgA reduced endothelial cell numbers by affecting adhesion without increasing apoptosis. Endothelial cells in the presence of celiac IgA showed weak attachment, a high susceptibility to detach from fibronectin, and a disorganized extracellular matrix due to a reduction of protein cross-links. Furthermore, celiac patient IgA led to secretion of active transglutaminase 2 from endothelial cells into the culture supernatants. Additionally, cell surface transglutaminase 2 mediated integrin clustering in the presence of celiac IgA was coupled to augmented expression of ß1-integrin. We also observed that celiac patient IgA-treated endothelial cells had migratory defects and a less polarized phenotype when compared to control groups, and this was associated with the RhoA signaling pathway. These biological effects mediated by celiac IgA on endothelial cells were partially influenced but not completely abolished by R281, an irreversible extracellular transglutaminase 2 enzymatic activity inhibitor. Taken together, our results imply that celiac patient IgA antibodies disturb the extracellular protein cross-linking function of transglutaminase 2, thus altering cell-extracellular matrix interactions and thereby affecting endothelial cell adhesion, polarization, and motility. © 2013 Springer Basel.


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In my thesis, “Commandeering Aesop’s Bamboo Canon: A 19th Century Confederacy of Creole Fugitive Fables,” I ask and answer the ‘Who? What? Where? When? Why?” of Creole Literature using the 19th century production of Aesopian fables as clues to resolve a set of linguistic, historical, literary, and geographical enigmas pertaining the ‘birth-place(s)’ of Creolophone Literatures in the Caribbean Sea, North and South America, as well as the Indian Ocean. Focusing on the fables in Martinique (1846), Reunion Island (1826), and Mauritius (1822), my thesis should read be as an attempt capture the links between these islands through the creation of a particular archive defined as a cartulary-chronicle, a diplomatic codex, or simply a map in which I chart and trace the flight of the founding documents relating to the lives of the individual authors, editors, and printers in order to illustrate the articulation of a formal and informal confederation that enabled the global and local institutional promotion of Creole Literature. While I integrate various genres and multi-polar networks between the authors of this 19th century canon comprised of sacred and secular texts such as proclamations, catechisms, and proverbs, the principle literary genre charted in my thesis are collections of fables inspired by French 17th century French Classical fabulist, Jean de la Fontaine. Often described as the ‘matrix’ of Creolophone Literature, these blues and fables constitute the base of the canon, and are usually described as either ‘translated,’ ‘adapted,’ and even ‘cross-dressed’ into Creole in all of the French Creolophone spaces. My documentation of their transnational sprouting offers proof of an opaque canonical formation of Creole popular literature. By constituting this archive, I emphasize the fact that despite 200 years of critical reception and major developments and discoveries on behalf of Creole language pedagogues, literary scholars, linguists, historians, librarians, archivist, and museum curators, up until now not only have none have curated this literature as a formal canon. I also offer new empirical evidence in order to try and solve the enigma of “How?” the fables materially circulated between the islands, and seek to come to terms with the anonymous nature of the texts, some of which were published under pseudonyms. I argue that part of the confusion on the part of scholars has been the result of being willfully taken by surprise or defrauded by the authors, or ‘bamboozled’ as I put it. The major paradigmatic shift in my thesis is that while I acknowledge La Fontaine as the base of this literary canon, I ultimately bypass him to trace the ancient literary genealogy of fables to the infamous Aesop the Phrygian, whose biography – the first of a slave in the history of the world – and subsequent use of fables reflects a ‘hidden transcript’ of ‘masked political critique’ between ‘master and slave classes’ in the 4th Century B.C.E. Greece.

This archive draws on, connects and critiques the methodologies of several disciplinary fields. I use post-colonial literary studies to map the literary genealogies Aesop; use a comparative historical approach to the abolitions of slavery in both the 19th century Caribbean and the Indian Ocean; and chart the early appearance of folk music in early colonial societies through Musicology and Performance Studies. Through the use of Sociolinguistics and theories of language revival, ecology, and change, I develop an approach of ‘reflexive Creolistics’ that I ultimately hope will offer new educational opportunities to Creole speakers. While it is my desire that this archive serves linguists, book collectors, and historians for further scientific inquiry into the innate international nature of Creole language, I also hope that this innovative material defense and illustration of Creole Literature will transform the consciousness of Creolophones (native and non-native) who too remain ‘bamboozled’ by the archive. My goal is to erase the ‘unthinkability’ of the existence of this ancient maritime creole literary canon from the collective cultural imaginary of readers around the globe.


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Esta dissertação assume, na sua maior abrangência, a feitura de uma articulação entre a sustentação originária e constitutiva do ser humano, a manifestação concreta do sentido existencial do ato pedagógico e os seus modos de realização: dialógico, comunitário, personalista e humanista. Neste sentido, a nossa proposta passa inicialmente por uma procura do sujeito através do alcance da pessoa, do homem ao indivíduo (nas suas diversas vicissitudes), até à sua concretização numa consciência pedagógica precursora do agir, do conhecer, do sentir e, fundamentalmente, do ato de “Reconhecer”, este tido, por nós, como o processo fundamentador e fomentador de uma Pedagogia do Reconhecimento. É um percurso inovador na medida em que parte de uma Antropologia Filosófica e de uma Antroposofia, passando pelos meandros processuais da consciência lonerganiana e da fenomenologia buberiana da relação, pretendendo promover, no seu culminar, uma ambiência cultural de pedagogia dialógica inserida num topos comunitário, pressuposta e implicitamente proposta numa Teoria do Reconhecimento, que se situa na geografia disciplinar da Filosofia da Educação, e nas “Dinâmicas das Relações Interpessoais”. Temos, pois, que o seu epílogo é o reconhecimento: como resultado radical e subtil manifestado na intersubjetividade. A Pedagogia do Reconhecimento como concriação e ação vocativa está fundamentada num itinerário de estruturas idiossincráticas de sustentação do modo como “ser-aí” se faz (constrói e realiza). Partiremos da desaxialização do “Eu” tópico (anthropos) para uma estrutura transversal dialógica. Entendemos que toda a vida verdadeira é relação, afirmação buberiana que, só por si, derruba a clássica fronteira tópica e abre espaço à condição dialógica e essencial do fazer do ser humano. O papel do reconhecimento do “outro”, no homem, é um fenómeno de dialogicidade que abole as fronteiras dialéticas da pura argumentação e permite o brotar da reciprocidade; Abstract: This dissertation intends, in its greater scope, to make a link between the original and constitutive support of the human being, the concrete manifestation of pedagogical act's existential sense and its embodiments: dialogical, personalistic, communitarian and humanist. Our proposal initially goes through a search of the Self through the achievement of the person, from Man to the individual (in its various vicissitudes), till its development in a pedagogical conscience that is a precursor of action, knowing, feeling and, fundamentally, of the act of “Recognize”, as a justifying and instigating process of a Pedagogy of Recognition. It is an innovative path in the sense that it initiates itself from a Philosophical Anthropology and from an Anthroposophy and it continues through the procedural intricacies of lonerganian consciousness and buberian phenomenology of relation, intending to promote, in its culmination, a cultural ambience of dialogic pedagogy, inserted in a communitarian topos, presupposed and implicitly proposed in a Recognition Theory, that places itself in the disciplinary geography of Philosophy of Education and in the “Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships”. Therefore, the epilogue is the recognition: as a radical and subtle outcome, expressed in the intersubjectivity. The Pedagogy of Recognition as co-creation and vocative practice is based on a route of idiosyncratic structures of support of the way in how to be there is done (built and accomplished). We start from the de-axialization of the topic “Self” (anthropos) to a transversal dialogical structure. We defend that all true life is relationship, a buberian statement that all alone drops the topical classical border and makes room for the dialogical and essential condition of doing of the human being. The role of recognition of the “other”, in Man, is a dialogical phenomenon that abolishes the dialectic borders of pure argument and allows the sprouting of reciprocity.


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ABSTRACT The ground pearl, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis, is considered an important pest of vineyards in southern Brazil, with affected plants exhibiting leaf chlorosis, reduction in vigor, fading, and death. This study evaluated the quality of hardwood cuttings produced from plants infected (I) and not infected (NI) by ground pearl. ?Paulsen 1103? (Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris) plants were grown for 29 months in brick-built raised beds either infested or not infested by ground pearl; then, 12 one-year-old branches with a maximum of 12 buds each were cut from each plant, subdivided into three portions (4 buds cutting-1), and subjected to destructive and nondestructive testing. Destructive testing comprised determining fresh and dry weight, length, internode diameters, and percentage of starch. Nondestructive testing comprised assessing the potential for bud sprouting and shoot development. Each mother plant in the I and NI beds was considered a replicate, with a total of 360 cuttings per treatment. It was observed that cuttings from infected plants had significantly lower (P<0.05) internode diameter, length, and fresh and dry weight than those of the uninfected plants. The percentage of starch content of the cuttings did not differ significantly. All cuttings showed the same percentage (100%) of bud breaking and no changes in growth and development of seedlings regardless of source. Given these results, it was concluded that vines of ?Paulsen 1103? infested with ground pearl produce smaller cuttings than those of uninfected plants but with no reduction in bud break percentage or seedling development. Key words: Margarodidae, Vitaceae, insect?plant interaction, carbohydrates. RESUMO A pérola-da-terra, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis, tem sido considerada uma importante praga dos vinhedos no sul do Brasil, sendo que as plantas atacadas manifestam clorose foliar, redução no vigor, definhamento e morte. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de estacas lenhosas produzidas a partir do contraste de videiras infestadas (I) e não infestadas (NI) por pérola-da-terra. Após 29 meses de cultivo em canteiros de alvenaria, em presença ou ausência de pérola-da-terra, cada planta da variedade ?Paulsen 1103? (Vitis berlandieri × Vitis rupestris) foi submetida à retirada de 12 ramos de ano, com no máximo 12 gemas cada, sendo subdivididos em três porções 4 gemas estaca-1) e submetidos a avaliações destrutivas e não destrutivas. As destrutivas consistiram em determinar massas fresca e seca, comprimento, diâmetro de entrenós e percentual de amido. As avaliações não estrutivas consistiram em testar o potencial de brotação e desenvolvimento das estacas. Cada planta matriz dos canteiros I e NI foi considerada uma repetição, totalizando 360 estacas por tratamento. As estacas das plantas infestadas tiveram uma redução (P<0,05), em relação às não infestadas, em diâmetro, comprimento e massas fresca e seca. Não houve contraste significativo do percentual de amido avaliado das estacas. Quanto à brotação, destaca-se que todas as estacas apresentaram o mesmo percentual (100%), independente da origem, sem alterações no desenvolvimento e crescimento das mudas. Diante desses resultados, salienta-se que videiras ?Paulsen 1103? infestadas por pérola-da-terra produzem estacas menores, porém não há comprometimento no percentual de brotação e desenvolvimento das mudas, quando comparadas com plantas não infestadas. Palavras-chave: Margarodidae, Vitaceae, interação inseto-planta, carboidrato