653 resultados para spondylothoracic dysplasia
Specimens from cervical dysplasias or carcinomas and genital condylomata acuminata were retrospectively analysed by in situ hybridization (ISH) with bioti-nylated DNA probes for human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16 and 18. In the control group no case was positive for HPV DNA. In mild/moderate dysplasias, 4 cases (14%) were positive for HPV 6 or 11 and 2 cases (7%), for HPV 16. In the severe dysplasia/in situ carcinoma group, 9 cases (31%) showed presence of DNA of HPV types 16 or 18. Six invasive carcinomas (20%) were positive for HPV type 16 or 18. Among condylomata acuminata, 22 cases (73%) were positive for HPV types 6 or 11. In all ISH-positive cases only one viral type was detected. No correlation between HPV DNA positivity and histological findings of HPV infection was observed. Although less sensitive than some other molecular biology techniques, in situ hybridization with biotinylated DNA probes proved to be simple and useful for detecting and typing HPV in samples routinely received for histopathological analysis.
RESUMO: O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a exposição crónica neonatal à hiperóxia mo-derada induz alterações funcionais e estruturais persistentes nas vias aéreas. Desenvolveu-se um modelo animal, no rato, a partir do qual se retiraram implicações para a compreensão das repercussões crónicas da hiperóxia neonatal sobre as vias aéreas de displasia broncopulmonar (DBP), em duas fases distintas: imediatamente após a exposi-ção neonatal a 50%O2 (grupo 50%O2) e após três semanas de recuperação em ar ambiente (grupo 50%O2+Ar).Compararam-se os resultados da resposta do músculo liso de traqueia (MLT) à esti-mulação in vitro com metacolina e salbutamol e avaliaram-se as alterações quantitativas da área de MLT, bem como as alterações qualitativas da estrutura da traqueia. Demonstrou-se que a exposição a 50% de oxigénio não tinha repercussões imediatas sobre a resposta in vitro do MLT à estimulação colinérgica, mas que induzia um aumento do relaxamento em resposta ao salbutamol. A contractilidade do MLT em resposta à estimula-ção com metacolina no grupo 50%O2+Ar foi significativamente superior à do grupo de con-trolo da mesma idade e também superior à observada no grupo 50%O2, enquanto que a resposta ao salbutamol se voltou a aproximar dos valores de controlo após a recuperação em normóxia. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na área de MLT entre os grupos experimental e de controlo, o que se deve provavelmente ao número reduzido de amostras avaliadas e à variabilidade deste parâmetro no grupo de controlo; contudo, verifi-cou-se um aumento médio de 15% imediatamente após a exposição à hiperóxia que persis-tiu após o período de recuperação.As alterações qualitativas sobre a arquitectura da traqueia, avaliadas por microscopia óptica, revelaram no grupo 50%O2 aumentos da espessura da matriz extracelular e da den-sidade de mastócitos desgranulados na submucosa e adventícia vizinhas do MLT, sem outras alterações relativamente ao grupo de controlo com 15 dias. As alterações da matriz extrace-lular foram reversíveis após a recuperação em ar ambiente. A densidade de mastócitos per-maneceu superior à do grupo de controlo de 36 dias de idade, apresentando-se em maior contiguidade com o MLT relativamente ao grupo 50%O2. Em síntese, demonstrou-se que a hiperóxia neonatal crónica em níveis moderados in-duz alterações da resposta contráctil do MLT e da estrutura da traqueia que podem ter ex-pressão funcional após a exposição ter cessado. Assim, o contributo original do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um modelo animal que permite avaliar os mecanismos pelos quais a hiperóxia é capaz de induzir, isoladamente, alterações crónicas da contracti-lidade, do relaxamento do ML e da estrutura das vias aéreas que podem ser responsáveis pela HRB persistente em doentes sujeitos a oxigenioterapia neonatal.-------------ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to evaluate whether chronic neonatal exposure to hyperoxia in-duces persistent structural and functional airway changes. An animal model was developed, using neonatal rats, in order to understand the chronic effects of neonatal hyperoxia on the airways, in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in two distinct phases: immediately after neonatal exposure to 50%O2 (50%O2 group) and after three weeks of recovery at ambient air (50%O2+Ar group).The results from the tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) response to in vitro stimulation with metacholine and salbutamol were compared and quantitative changes in TSM area, as well as qualitative changes in tracheal structure were evaluated. It was demonstrated that while exposure to 50% oxygen had no immediate effects on in vitro TSM response to cholinergic stimulation, it induced an increase in relaxation as a result of salbutamol administration. TSM contractility as a result of methacholine administration in the 50%O2 + Ar group was significantly higher than that of the same-age control group, and also higher than the one observed in the 50%O2 group, whereas the response to salbutamol admini-stration was once again closer to the control values after recovery in normoxia. There were no statistically significant differences in the TSM area between the experi-mental and control groups, which is most likely due to the reduced number of samples evalu-ated and to the variability of this parameter in the control group. However, there was an aver-age increase of 15% immediately after exposure to hyperoxia, which persisted after the recov-ery period. Qualitative changes in tracheal architecture, evaluated by optic microscopy, revealed that the 50%O2 group suffered an increase in the thickness of the extracellular matrix and degranu-lated mast cell density in the submucosa and adventitia adjacent to the TSM, without further changes when compared with the control group at 15 days of age. The changes in extracellular matrix were reversible after recovery in ambient air. Mast cell density remained higher than that of the control group at 36 days of age, and more contiguous to TSM than the 50%O2 group. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that moderate levels of chronic neonatal hyperoxia in-duce changes in TSM contractile response and tracheal structure, which may be functionally ex-pressed after discontinuation of exposure. Therefore, the original contribution of the present work was the development of an animal model which allows the evaluation of the mechanisms through which hyperoxia alone can induce chronic changes in contractility and relaxation of SM and also in airway structure that can be responsible for the persistent airway hyperrespon-siveness found in patients who were submited to neonatal oxygen therapy.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an important type of cancer etiologically related to some viruses, chemical carcinogens and other host or environmental factors associated to chronic liver injury in humans. The tumor suppressor gene p53 is mutated in highly variable levels (0-52%) of HCC in different countries. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to compare the frequency of aberrant immunohistochemical expression of p53 in HCC occurring in cirrhotic or in non-cirrhotic patients as well as in liver cell dysplasia and in adenomatous hyperplasia. We studied 84 patients with HCC or cirrhosis. RESULTS: We detected p53 altered immuno-expression in 58.3% of patients in Grade III-IV contrasting to 22.2% of patients in Grade I-II (p = 0.02). Nontumorous areas either in the vicinity of HCC or in the 30 purely cirrhotic cases showed no nuclear p53 altered expression, even in foci of dysplasia or adenomatous hyperplasia. No significant difference was found among cases related to HBV, HCV or alcohol. CONCLUSION: The high frequency of p53 immunoexpression in this population is closer to those reported in China and Africa, demanding further studies to explain the differences with European and North American reports.
Precocious puberty, defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8, often leads to anxiety in patients and their families but also in clinicians searching for the final diagnosis. After adequate investigation, the majority of the cases in girls turn out to be idiopathic. The authors present a case of McCune Albright syndrome in order to call attention to a rare cause of sexual precocity and the value of ultrasound in the evaluation of these situations. 10 years old infant girl admitted in our department due to irregular menstrual bleeding. She experienced a vaginal bleeding by the age of 3 which led to the diagnosis of McCune Albright Syndrome after a complete evaluation. Pubertal assessment revealed a reversed sequence in the remaining events with adrenarche at 5 and thelarche at 8. Hormonal evaluation demonstrated low FSH and LH levels (11,2 and 6,72 respectively) with high estrogen (204). Pelvic ultrasound showed a normal sized uterus (73x 29x32 mm), endometrial thickness of 5 mm and ovaries with several microfollicles and a copus luteum measuring 23 mm in the right ovary. McCune Albright syndrome is a very uncommon cause of sexual precocity that should, however, be suspected in all infant girls who present with vaginal bleeding. It is characterized by a triad: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty and café-au-lait skin spots. Due to autonomous production of estrogen by the ovaries, ultrasound image of the female reproductive tract is inconsistent with chronologic age. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrates a normal sized uterus with a well defined cervix and clearly identified ovaries with several follicles, similar to adult women of reproductive age. Ultrasonography of the pelvis has also an important role excluding other causes of GnRH-independent precocious puberty conditions like ovarian cysts or tumors.
Melnick-Needles syndrome is an X-linked dominant bone dysplasia, lethal in males, characterized by a typical facies and characteristic radiological findings: including sclerosis of skull base and mastoids, S-shaped appearance of tibia; cortical irregularities with a ribbon appearance of the ribs. About 48 well-documented cases have been reported, most of them were sporadic. Parental transmission has been published in only 11 kindreds. We are presenting the first Brazilian family with mother-daughter transmission.The proposita presented the typical clinical and radiological features with characteristic facies, severe thoracic cage restriction and pulmonary hypertension. Her mother was more mildly affected.
Respiratory syncytial virus is the most important cause of viral lower respiratory illness in infants and children worldwide. By the age of 2 years, nearly every child has become infected with respiratory syncytial virus and re-infections are common throughout life. Most infections are mild and can be managed at home, but this virus causes serious diseases in preterm children, especially those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Respiratory syncytial virus has also been recognized as an important pathogen in people with immunossupressive and other underlying medical problems and institutionalizated elderly, causing thousands of hospitalizations and deaths every year. The burden of these infections makes the development of vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus highly desirable, but the insuccess of a respiratory syncytial virus formalin-inactivated vaccine hampered the progress in this field. To date, there is no vaccine available for preventing respiratory syncytial virus infections, however, in the last years, there has been much progress in the understanding of immunology and immunopathologic mechanisms of respiratory syncytial virus diseases, which has allowed the development of new strategies for passive and active prophylaxis. In this article, the author presents a review about novel approaches to the prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections, such as: passive immunization with human polyclonal intravenous immune globulin and humanized monoclonal antibodies (both already licensed for use in premature infants and children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia), and many different vaccines that are potential candidates for active immunization against respiratory syncytial virus.
Ebstein's anomaly with coarctation of the aorta is an extremely unusual condition. In this report, the clinical and surgical features of 3 male patients, aged 7 months, 4 years and 14 years, are discussed. All patients were in situs solitus. The first 2 patients had atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial discordance and progressed to heart failure in the neonatal period. The third had atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance, as well as Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome, with frequent episodes of paroxysmal tachycardia. The 3 patients underwent surgery for correction of the coarctation of the aorta. The patient with atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance underwent tricuspid valvuloplasty using a DeVega-like technique. In addition, ablation of 2 anomalous pathways (Kent bundle), which were detected by the electrophysiologic study, was also subsequently performed. The 3 patients showed a good postoperative outcome for 2 years, although, in those with discordance, the surgical procedure did not influence the dysplasia of the tricuspid valve, because this valve showed light to moderate dysfunction.
OBJECTIVE: To determine in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy the value of QT interval dispersion for identifying the induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study or the risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: We assessed QT interval dispersion in the 12-lead electrocardiogram of 26 patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. We analyzed its association with sustained ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death, and in 16 controls similar in age and sex. RESULTS: (mean ± SD). QT interval dispersion: patients = 53.8±14.1ms; control group = 35.0±10.6ms, p=0.001. Patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia: 52.5±13.8ms; without induction of ventricular tachycardia: 57.5±12.8ms, p=0.420. In a mean follow-up period of 41±11 months, five sudden cardiac deaths occurred. QT interval dispersion in this group was 62.0±17.8, and in the others it was 51.9±12.8ms, p=0.852. Using a cutoff > or = 60ms to define an increase in the degree of the QT interval dispersion, we were able to identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac death with a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 57%, and positive and negative predictive values of 25% and 85%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy have a significant increase in the degree of QT interval dispersion when compared with the healthy population. However it, did not identify patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study, showing a very low predictive value for defining the risk of sudden cardiac death in the population studied.
C3H mice chronically infected with Leishmania m. mexicana, and in some groups treated with BCG or levamisole, presented atypical epidermal alterations, including pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis and dysplasia. These alterations increased in frequency and intensity during the course of infection, but were not related to lesion size or tissue parasite load. Age matched normal, BCG and levamisole treated control mice, examined simultaneously, did not show epidermal modifications. In infected mice the dermis and hypodermis presented an inflammatory infiltrate of histiocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells, accompanied at times by neutrophils and eosinophils, which did not vary with duration of infection.
Patients who develop a severe stenosis in biological pulmonary conduits previously implanted for pulmonary outflow trunk reconstructions are treated either by surgical re-replacement, or by transcatheter stent-valve implantation through a femoral vein access. A catheter-based sub-xyphoidian access through the right ventricle for stent-valve positioning in a pulmonary conduit has rarely been proposed. We describe the case of a 20-year-old man who underwent a pulmonary trunk reconstruction for a congenital pulmonary valve dysplasia and a few years later developed a stenosis in the pulmonary conduit. He was successfully treated with a 23 mm Edwards Sapien stent-valve implantation in pulmonary position, through an unusual right ventricular, sub-xyphoidian access and without contrast medium injections and pleura opening.
We have identified C7orf11, which localizes to the nucleus and is expressed in fetal hair follicles, as the first disease gene for nonphotosensitive trichothiodystrophy (TTD). C7orf11 maps to chromosome 7p14, and the disease locus has been designated "TTDN1" (TTD nonphotosensitive 1). Mutations were found in patients with Amish brittle-hair syndrome and in other nonphotosensititive TTD cases with mental retardation and decreased fertility but not in patients with Sabinas syndrome or Pollitt syndrome. Therefore, genetic heterogeneity in nonphotosensitive TTD is a feature similar to that observed in photosensitive TTD, which is caused by mutations in transcription factor II H (TFIIH) subunit genes. Comparative immunofluorescence analysis, however, suggests that C7orf11 does not influence TFIIH directly. Given the absence of cutaneous photosensitivity in the patients with C7orf11 mutations, together with the protein's nuclear localization, C7orf11 may be involved in transcription but not DNA repair.
Brittle cornea syndrome (BCS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by extreme corneal thinning and fragility. Corneal rupture can therefore occur either spontaneously or following minimal trauma in affected patients. Two genes, ZNF469 and PRDM5, have now been identified, in which causative pathogenic mutations collectively account for the condition in nearly all patients with BCS ascertained to date. Therefore, effective molecular diagnosis is now available for affected patients, and those at risk of being heterozygous carriers for BCS. We have previously identified mutations in ZNF469 in 14 families (in addition to 6 reported by others in the literature), and in PRDM5 in 8 families (with 1 further family now published by others). Clinical features include extreme corneal thinning with rupture, high myopia, blue sclerae, deafness of mixed aetiology with hypercompliant tympanic membranes, and variable skeletal manifestations. Corneal rupture may be the presenting feature of BCS, and it is possible that this may be incorrectly attributed to non-accidental injury. Mainstays of management include the prevention of ocular rupture by provision of protective polycarbonate spectacles, careful monitoring of visual and auditory function, and assessment for skeletal complications such as developmental dysplasia of the hip. Effective management depends upon appropriate identification of affected individuals, which may be challenging given the phenotypic overlap of BCS with other connective tissue disorders.
Purpose of reviewIn bladder cancer, discrimination between benign and malignant tissue may remain tricky with current endoscopic tools. On the basis of our recent experience with high-magnification cystoscopy, compared with other tools such as optical coherence tomography or confocal laser endomicroscopy, it is suggested here that this discrimination may well be feasible endoscopically. The clinical potential of these systems that are being developed as complementary tools to the current endoscopic equipment is reviewed.Recent findingsAt present, white-light cystoscopy, either assisted by fluorescence cystoscopy or narrow-band imaging, is proposed for the global cystoscopic examination of bladder cancer patients. Both techniques compete to help to reduce the recurrence rate by improving exophytic tumor detection, and the extent of carcinoma in situ and high-grade dysplasia. All of which are important prognosis factors for disease progression. In addition, recent findings on neoangiogenesis that accompanies early stage bladder cancer show that this may also be an important observable switch in bladder cancerogenesis, as it is found very early in tumor development. The high magnification cystoscopy as a complementary tool to fluorescence cystoscopy allows classification of the vessel patterns on fluorescence positive sites, and thus facilitates the discrimination between cancerous and noncancerous lesions. This information may be useful to reduce the false positive rate of fluorescence cystoscopy.SummaryEmerging technologies aiming at a real-time in-situ discrimination between benign and malignant tissue during endoscopic bladder exploration is a promising development for the monitoring of bladder cancer patients.
AIM: To assess self-perceived health status and mental health outcomes of former extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants at young adulthood compared with community norms and to analyse predictors of poor outcome. METHODS: Fifty-five ELBW adults, 18 men (33%), with median (range) gestational age of 28.7 (25.0-34.0) weeks and birth weight of 930 (680-990) grams, born in Switzerland, were included. They self-rated their health status and mental health at a mean (range) age of 23.3 (21.8-25.9) years. Health status was measured by the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 questionnaire and mental health by the Brief Symptom Inventory. RESULTS: The mean scores for both outcome measures were in the normal range. However, the study group self-rated significantly higher physical health status and lower mental health status compared with the community norms, and scores for self-perceived mental health tended to be worse in the former. ELBW adults reported more problems in socio-emotional role functioning compared with the community norms. Female sex was associated with poorer and bronchopulmonary dysplasia with better mental health status. CONCLUSION: Health status and mental health of former ELBW adults were overall satisfying. However, the comparison with the community norms revealed differences, which may be important for parental and patient counselling and developing support strategies.
OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of the clinical impact of multiple infections of the cervix by human papillomavirus, including human papillomavirus-16, compared with single human papillomavirus-16 infection. STUDY DESIGN: One hundred sixty-nine women were classified in 3 categories depending on their human papillomavirus profile: human papillomavirus-16 only, human papillomavirus-16 and low-risk type(s), and human papillomavirus-16 and other high-risk type(s). Cervical brush samples were analyzed for human papillomavirus DNA by polymerase chain reaction and reverse line blot hybridization. All women were evaluated with colposcopy during 24 months or more. Management was according to the Bethesda recommendations. RESULTS: Women infected with human papillomavirus-16 and other high-risk human papillomavirus type(s) presented more progression or no change in the grade of dysplasia, compared with women of the other groups (relative risk [RR], 1.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.07-1.82; P = .02 at 6 months; RR, 2.10; 95% CI, 1.46-3.02; P < .001 at 12 months; RR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.21-2.72; P = .004 at 24 months). CONCLUSION: Coinfection of women with human papillomavirus-16 and other high-risk human papillomavirus type(s) increases the risk of unfavorable evolution.