827 resultados para spiritual values
The aim was to provide reference data for blood gas/acid-base status and electrolytes for non-anesthetized Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva). Thirty-five adult parrots from Tietê ecologic park were utilized. Arterial blood (0.3ml) samples were anaerobically collected from the superficial ulnar artery in heparinized (sodium heparin) 1-ml plastic syringes. The samples were immediately analyzed through a portable analyzer (i-STAT*, Abbot, Illinois, USA) with cartridges (EG7+). These data were grouped in such a way as to present both mean and standard deviation: body weight (360±37g), respiratory rate (82±33 b/m), temperature (41.8±0.6°C), hydrogen potential (7.452±0.048), carbon dioxide partial pressure (22.1±4.0mmHg), oxygen partial pressure (98.1±7.6mmHg), base excess (-7.9±3.1), plasma concentration of bicarbonate ions (14.8±2.8mmol/L), oxygen saturation (96.2±1.1%), plasma concentration of sodium (147.4±2.2mmol/L), plasma concentration of potassium (3.5±0.53mmol/L), plasma concentration of calcium (0.8±0.28mmol/L), hematocrit (38.7±6.2%) and concentration of hemoglobin (13.2±2.1g/dl). This study led us to conclude that, although the results obtained showed hypocapnia and low values of bicarbonate and base excess, when compared to other avian species, these data are very similar. Besides, in spite of the equipment being approved only for human beings, it was considered simple and very useful in the analysis of avian blood samples. By using this equipment we were able to provide references data for non-anaesthetized Amazon parrots.
The importance of studies with hematological, serum biochemistry and urinary values of Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous) is based on the need for health care and maintenance of those populations. This paper has the objective to investigate hematological, serum biochemistry and urinary physiological parameters of the Crab-eating fox, comparing gender and age differences. Blood samples were collected in 2003 from 52 animals of different Zoos in São Paulo state, Brazil; 7mL of blood was used to obtain a complete blood cell count (CBC) and the profile of the serum biochemistry. Moreover, 5mL of urine were collected for analysis. There was no difference in values for male and female animals, as for the CBC and serum biochemistry. Some hematological and serum biochemical parameters were influenced by age, showing significant differences. Urinalysis results were just demonstrated in a descriptive form. The studied values were, RBC 4.35±0.73 x 10(6) /µL, WBC 7.72±3.66 x 10³ /µL (predominance of segmented neutrophils), platelets 227.06±111.58 x 10³ /µL, urea 43.06±14.28mg/dL and creatinine 1.03±0.24mg/dL. Hematological, serum biochemistry and urinary values obtained in this study can be used as physiological values of the captive Crab-eating Fox. It is possible to conclude that wild species need their own reference values, differentiating animals in captivity from free-ranging animals.
Hematological results are reported for 13 giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and 13 collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla). Animals were captive-reared adults held at the Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo (São Paulo, SP, Brazil) and Parque Zoológico Municipal Quinzinho de Barros (Sorocaba, SP, Brazil), and were considered healthy on physical examination. Examined parameters included red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, total plasmatic protein and differential leukocyte counts. Also, a survey for hemoparasites was done and none was observed in thin blood smears. The results were generally similar to those previously reported in the exiguous literature for these species, providing further reference data for the interpretation of laboratory results besides health monitoring, assisting early disease diagnosis and providing relevant information for conservation programs for these species.
Decreasing of harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) populations in natural environments, mainly in non-preserved areas, makes captive population management an important contribution to genetic diversity conservation. The aim of this study is to evaluate hematological parameters for captive harpy eagles maintained at the wild animals breeding center of Itaipu Binacional, Paraná State, Brazil. Fourteen blood samples from nine harpy eagles were collected from animals of both sexes, of different ages and with no clinical signs of disease. Significant variations were found in haematological values of hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leukocyte, a relative number of heterophils, absolute and relative number of lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils and plasma protein between groups of young (less than six months old) and adult birds. Comparing males and females there was variation in the values of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) on heterophils, absolute and relative number of lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils. There was also variation in the values of red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), leukocyte count, absolute number of lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils among birds that study compared to another reference birds. Due to the limited information available on harpy eagle hematology, this study will be useful to the clinical assessment of birds maintained in captivity.
Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) routinely migrate from their breeding colonies to Southern Brazil often contracting diseases during this migration, notably avian malaria, which has been already reported in Brazil and throughout the world. Detection of Plasmodium spp. in blood smears is the routine diagnostic method of avian malaria, however it has a low sensitivity rate when compared to molecular methods. Considering the negative impact of avian malaria on penguins, the aim of this study was to detect the presence of Plasmodium spp. in Magellanic penguins using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and by verifying clinical, hematological, and biochemical alterations in blood samples as well as to verify the likely prognosis in response to infection. Blood samples were obtained from 75 penguins to determine packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), uric acid, total protein, albumin, globulin and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity levels. Whole blood samples were used for PCR assays. Plasmodium spp. was detected in 32.0% of the specimens using PCR and in 29.3% using microscopic analyses. Anorexia, diarrhea and neurological disorders were more frequent in penguins with malaria and a significant weight difference between infected and non-infected penguins was detected. PCV and MCV rates showed no significant difference. RBC and WBC counts were lower in animals with avian malaria and leukopenia was present in some penguins. Basophil and lymphocyte counts were lower in infected penguins along with high monocyte counts. There was no significant difference in AST activities between infected and non-infected animals. There was a significant increase in uric acid values, however a decrease in albumin values was observed in infected penguins. Based on this study, we concluded that Plasmodium spp. occurs in Magellanic penguins of rehabilitation centers in Southeastern Brazil, compromising the weight of infected animals with clinical alterations appearing in severe cases of this disease. It was also noted that, although the hematological abnormalities presented by these animals may not have been conclusive, leukopenia, monocytosis and the decrease of basophils and lymphocytes revealed an unfavorable prognosis, and Plasmodium spp. infections may progress with elevated uric acid concentration and low albumin levels.
Lhasa Apso dogs with immature, mature or hypermature cataracts were divided into four groups according to their age (G1: 1 to 3 years old, G2: 4 to 7 years old, G3: 8 to 11 years old, G4: more than 12 years old). All animals were evaluated under the same sedation protocol to allow the performance of the electroretinogram (ERG) exam to determine normal value of b-wave response of the full-field ERG according to age. Three ERG responses were recorded: rod, maximal and cone responses. The amplitude values and b-wave implicit time of the responses of all groups were compared and analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (variance analysis for non-repeated measures), followed by the Dunn post-test (when p<0,05). A significant decrease was observed in maximal responses' amplitude, when comparing the G4 group with G1 and G2. No statistically relevant differences were observed in the b-wave implicit time values between groups. The ERG values are directly influenced by the animal's age. Older patients presented a decrease in the amplitude of the maximal response. The study determined the normal parameters of ERG b-waves for Lhasa Apso dogs with cataract according to their age group.
Nådegåvorna eller de andliga gåvorna är en betydande drivkraft hos en del kristna församlingar. Lekmän attraheras till församlingar i ökande grad av nådegåvornas dragkraft och detta är en global trend. C. Peter Wagner som tidigare arbetat som professor vid Fuller Theological Seminary har skrivit ovanligt många publikationer, både akademiska och allmänna, som behandlar nådegåvor. Han representerar den neokarismatiska kristendomen och den så kallade nya apostoliska reformationen. Jag har undersökt strukturer och grundläggande principer i Wagners tänkande. En central fråga i avhandlingen är att dryfta vilka styrkor och svagheter som kan påvisas i hans uppfattning om församlingslivet. En ytterligare målsättning är att hitta länkar mellan nådegåvorna och församlingens tillväxt. Vidare har jag undersökt förhållandet mellan den neokarismatiska kristendomen och den nya apostoliska reformationen till tidigare karismatiska rörelser, till exempel till neopentekostalismen och den klassiska pentekostalismen? I denna avhandling kommer dessa frågor och några andra att diskuteras. Kännetecknande för Wagners församlingslära är att han kombinerar metoder och element från businessvärlden och kristliga tron. Avhandlingen presenterar de centrala elementen i Wagners teologi. Wagner har tidigare karakteriserats av klart evangelikalt tänkande. Hans teologi har dock under senare år utvecklats i karismatisk riktning. Hans senare produktion tar upp bl.a. sådana teman som postmillennial eskatologi. Wagner uppskattar grunderna i den klassiska pentekostalismen men vidareutvecklar många läror. Hans tänkande skiljer sig från den klassiska pentekostalismen bl.a. i det att han ser likheter mellan nådegåvorna och de naturliga begåvningarna. Den kraftiga betoningen av apostelns funktion och den hierarki som detta medför i församlingen har väckt anstöt hos somliga ledare i den klassiska pingströrelsen. Wagern anser, i motsats till den klassiska pingströrelsens syn, att en kristen människa kan vara besatt av onda andar. Wagner indelar nådegåvorna i två olika viktiga kategorier. Till de för församlingen centrala nådegåvorna hör de apostoliska och profetiska nådegåvorna som tillsammans utgör de grundläggande gåvorna. Vidare betonar han betydelsen av ledarskap och trons nådegåva samt den så kallade "power evangelism", som omfattar övertygande evangelisation, helande och under. Vidare betonar Wagner vikten av de nådegåvor som behövs vid andlig krigföring: förmågan att skilja mellan olika andar, frigöring från unda andar och förbön. De nådegåvor som har med tjänande och själavård att göra får en mer perifer plats i hans tänkande. De andliga gåvor som befrämjar församlingens tillväxt och förkristnande av samhället betraktas som de viktigaste. Wagners teologi nyanseras ytterligare av kopplingar till postmillenial rekonstruktivism, den så kallade "Kingdom Now" teologin och rörelsen Word of Faith. Wagerns postmilleniala syn förpliktar de kristina att anta en aktiv roll vid förverkligandet av Guds rike på jorden före parusi. Wagner har fått kritik för det att han ger kristendomen marknadsekonomiska drag. Dessa element kommer till synes i bl.a. i hans tanke om att Gud belönar de kristna med förmögenhet som tas från de icke-kristna. Wagners ställning som teolog är omdiskuterad. Han förbinder sig vid den kristna tronbekännelsen och är på sitt sätt bibeltrogen, men de animistiska dragen och kapitalismens inflytande i hans teologi gör honom till en omstridd person.
Background: The function of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) can be evaluated with heart rate variability (HRV). Decreased HRV is associated with aging, the male sex, increased heart rate, and overall increased cardiometabolic risk. It has been hypothesized that early atherosclerotic vascular changes and ANS function are related. Aims: The aims were to assess reference values on HRV in young adults, and examine associations with HRV and cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome (MetS) and to study relations between HRV and ultrasonographically measured vascular properties. Participants and methods: The present thesis is part of the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. The thesis is based on the follow-up study in 2001, when the study individuals were 24-39 years of age. HRV data were available on 1 956 individuals. Results: HRV was inversely associated with age and heart rate (for all p<0.001). Highfrequency HRV (HF) was higher, and low-frequency HRV (LF) lower in women than men (p<0.0001 for both). MetS was associated with 11% decreased HF and 12% increased LF/HF-ratio in women, and 8% decreased HF and 4% increased LF/HF-ratio in men. Carotid artery distensibility was independently associated with HF and total HRV (for both p<0.05). Conclusions: The reference values in young adults were generated. Decreased HRV was associated with age, the male sex and increased heart rate. Women had higher HF and lower LF variability than men. MetS was related to decrease in HRV. The observed associations between carotid elasticity and HRV, supports the hypothesis that reduction in carotid elasticity may lead to decrease in autonomic cardiac control.
The stabilizing free energy of ß-trypsin was determined by hydrogen ion titration. In the pH range from 3.0 to 7.0, the change in free energy difference for the stabilization of the native protein relative to the unfolded one (D D G0 titration) was 9.51 ± 0.06 kcal/mol. An isoelectric point of 10.0 was determined, allowing us to calculate the Tanford and Kirkwood electrostatic factor w. This factor presented a nonlinear behavior and indicated more than one type of titratable carboxyl groups in ß-trypsin. In fact, one class of carboxyl group with a pK = 3.91 ± 0.01 and another one with a pK = 4.63 ± 0.03 were also found by hydrogen ion titration of the protein in the folded state
Static lung volume (LV) measurements have a number of clinical and research applications; however, no previous studies have provided reference values for such tests using a healthy sample of the adult Brazilian population. With this as our main purpose, we prospectively evaluated 100 non-smoking subjects (50 males and 50 females), 20 to 80 years old, randomly selected from more than 8,000 individuals. Gender-specific linear prediction equations were developed by multiple regression analysis with total lung capacity (TLC), functional residual capacity (FRC), residual volume (RV), RV/TLC ratio and inspiratory capacity (IC) as dependent variables, and with age, height, weight, lean body mass and indexes of physical fitness as independent ones. Simpler demographic and anthropometric variables were as useful as more complex measurements in predicting LV values, independent of gender and age (R2 values ranging from 0.49 to 0.78, P<0.001). Interestingly, prediction equations from North American and European studies overestimated the LV at low volumes and underestimated them at high volumes (P<0.05). Our results, therefore, provide a more appropriate frame of reference to evaluate the normalcy of static lung volume values in Brazilian males and females aged 20 to 80 years.
The strength of the respiratory muscles can be evaluated from static measurements (maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, MIP and MEP) or inferred from dynamic maneuvers (maximal voluntary ventilation, MVV). Although these data could be suitable for a number of clinical and research applications, no previous studies have provided reference values for such tests using a healthy, randomly selected sample of the adult Brazilian population. With this main purpose, we prospectively evaluated 100 non-smoking subjects (50 males and 50 females), 20 to 80 years old, selected from more than 8,000 individuals. Gender-specific linear prediction equations for MIP, MEP and MVV were developed by multiple regression analysis: age and, secondarily, anthropometric measurements explained up to 56% of the variability of the dependent variables. The most cited previous studies using either Caucasian or non-Caucasian samples systematically underestimated the observed values of MIP (P<0.05). Interestingly, the self-reported level of regular physical activity and maximum aerobic power correlates strongly with both respiratory and peripheral muscular strength (knee extensor peak torque) (P<0.01). Our results, therefore, provide a new frame of reference to evaluate the normalcy of some useful indexes of respiratory muscle strength in Brazilian males and females aged 20 to 80.
Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCO) or transfer factor (TLCO) is a particularly useful test of the appropriateness of gas exchange across the lung alveolocapillary membrane. With the purpose of establishing predictive equations for DLCO using a non-smoking sample of the adult Brazilian population, we prospectively evaluated 100 subjects (50 males and 50 females aged 20 to 80 years), randomly selected from more than 8,000 individuals. Gender-specific linear prediction equations were developed by multiple regression analysis with single breath (SB) absolute and volume-corrected (VA) DLCO values as dependent variables. In the prediction equations, age (years) and height (cm) had opposite effects on DLCOSB (ml min-1 mmHg-1), independent of gender (-0.13 (age) + 0.32 (height) - 13.07 in males and -0.075 (age) + 0.18 (height) + 0.20 in females). On the other hand, height had a positive effect on DLCOSB but a negative one on DLCOSB/VA (P<0.01). We found that the predictive values from the most cited studies using predominantly Caucasian samples were significantly different from the actually measured values (P<0.05). Furthermore, oxygen uptake at maximal exercise (VO2max) correlated highly to DLCOSB (R = 0.71, P<0.001); this variable, however, did not maintain an independent role to explain the VO2max variability in the multiple regression analysis (P>0.05). Our results therefore provide an original frame of reference for either DLCOSB or DLCOSB/VA in Brazilian males and females aged 20 to 80 years, obtained from the standardized single-breath technique.