864 resultados para solar panel
In this paper, we analyze magnitude and possible selectivity of attrition in first wave respondents in the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), from wave two (2000) through wave seven (2005). After comparing attrition of first wave respondents with that of other panel surveys, we proceed to model selectivity of attrition in two steps: we first build separate waveto- wave models, and second a longitudinal all-wave model. The latter model includes wave interaction effects. The first models allow for tracing of selectivity development, i.e. whether an initial selectivity might compensate or cumulates over time, the second to assessing the effects of the covariates in a specific wave, controlling for the base attrition effect. In particular it allows for the analysis of consequences due to discrete fieldwork events. Our results support the findings in the literature: attritors are in general the younger people and the males, foreigners, the socially and politically "excluded", i.e. those who show little social and political interest and participation, those who are mostly dissatisfied with various aspects in their life, and those who live in households with high unit nonresponse, and who exhibit a worse reporting behavior. This pattern is rather cumulative than compensating over panel waves. Excessive attrition in two waves presumably caused by two discrete events in the panel is not particularly selective. Still existing variation in selective attrition is worth to be further explored.
Cells from two melanoma cell lines, Me43 and GLL-19, were cloned in methylcellulose cultures and 20 randomly selected colonies from each line were picked up by micromanipulation, expanded in liquid cultures, and considered as clones of the original cell lines. The antigenic cell surface phenotype of these clones defined by panel of 12 monoclonal antibodies (MAb) was analyzed by flow microfluorometry (FMF) using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS II) and compared with the known stable phenotype of the parent cell line. The antibody panel consisted of eight MAb against melanoma-associated antigens, two MAb against monomorphic determinants of HLA-DR (la) and HLA-ABC, respectively, one MAb against the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA) and one MAb against carcinoembryonic antigen used as control. A remarkable heterogeneity in terms of qualitative and quantitative expression of the cell surface antigens studied was observed among and within the different clones. The single-cell origin of the clones was assessed by comparing the clonogenic cell frequency, determined by limiting dilutions in microculture plates, with the cloning efficiency observed in Petri dishes. Both techniques using methylcellulose medium gave the same percentages of growing colonies. Cells from four Me43 clones were recloned in methylcellulose and the phenotype of five randomly selected subclones from each clone was analysed using the same panel of monoclonal antibodies. Each subclone also displayed heterogeneity with individual phenotypes different from that of the original clone and from the parental Me43 cell line. The antigen expression by individual cells in situ within clones was analyzed on frozen sections from colonies using the same panel of MAb and a biotin-avidin immunoperoxidase method. The results confirmed the marked heterogeneity of antigen expression within and among colonies, as indicated by the FMF analysis.
IMPORTANCE: The 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines introduced a prediction model and lowered the threshold for treatment with statins to a 7.5% 10-year hard atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk. Implications of the new guideline's threshold and model have not been addressed in non-US populations or compared with previous guidelines. OBJECTIVE: To determine population-wide implications of the ACC/AHA, the Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III), and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines using a cohort of Dutch individuals aged 55 years or older. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: We included 4854 Rotterdam Study participants recruited in 1997-2001. We calculated 10-year risks for "hard" ASCVD events (including fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease [CHD] and stroke) (ACC/AHA), hard CHD events (fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction, CHD mortality) (ATP-III), and atherosclerotic CVD mortality (ESC). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Events were assessed until January 1, 2012. Per guideline, we calculated proportions of individuals for whom statins would be recommended and determined calibration and discrimination of risk models. RESULTS: The mean age was 65.5 (SD, 5.2) years. Statins would be recommended for 96.4% (95% CI, 95.4%-97.1%; n = 1825) of men and 65.8% (95% CI, 63.8%-67.7%; n = 1523) of women by the ACC/AHA, 52.0% (95% CI, 49.8%-54.3%; n = 985) of men and 35.5% (95% CI, 33.5%-37.5%; n = 821) of women by the ATP-III, and 66.1% (95% CI, 64.0%-68.3%; n = 1253) of men and 39.1% (95% CI, 37.1%-41.2%; n = 906) of women by ESC guidelines. With the ACC/AHA model, average predicted risk vs observed cumulative incidence of hard ASCVD events was 21.5% (95% CI, 20.9%-22.1%) vs 12.7% (95% CI, 11.1%-14.5%) for men (192 events) and 11.6% (95% CI, 11.2%-12.0%) vs 7.9% (95% CI, 6.7%-9.2%) for women (151 events). Similar overestimation occurred with the ATP-III model (98 events in men and 62 events in women) and ESC model (50 events in men and 37 events in women). The C statistic was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.63-0.71) in men and 0.68 (95% CI, 0.64-0.73) in women for hard ASCVD (ACC/AHA), 0.67 (95% CI, 0.62-0.72) in men and 0.69 (95% CI, 0.63-0.75) in women for hard CHD (ATP-III), and 0.76 (95% CI, 0.70-0.82) in men and 0.77 (95% CI, 0.71-0.83) in women for CVD mortality (ESC). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this European population aged 55 years or older, proportions of individuals eligible for statins differed substantially among the guidelines. The ACC/AHA guideline would recommend statins for nearly all men and two-thirds of women, proportions exceeding those with the ATP-III or ESC guidelines. All 3 risk models provided poor calibration and moderate to good discrimination. Improving risk predictions and setting appropriate population-wide thresholds are necessary to facilitate better clinical decision making.
In this research, we analyse the contact-specific mean of the final cooperation probability, distinguishing on the one hand between contacts with household reference persons and with other eligible household members, and on the other hand between first and later contacts. Data comes from two Swiss Household Panel surveys. The interviewer-specific variance is higher for first contacts, especially in the case of the reference person. For later contacts with the reference person, the contact-specific variance dominates. This means that interaction effects and situational factors are decisive. The contact number has negative effects on the performance of contacts with the reference person, positive in the case of other persons. Also time elapsed since the previous contact has negative effects in the case of reference persons. The result of the previous contact has strong effects, especially in the case of the reference person. These findings call for a quick completion of the household grid questionnaire, assigning the best interviewers to conducting the first contact. While obtaining refusals has negative effects, obtaining other contact results has only weak effects on the interviewer's subsequent contact outcome. Using the same interviewer for contacts has no positive effects.
En el present projecte final de carrera s’han dissenyat i pressupostat les instal·lacions de fontaneria, energia solar i gas natural per abastir d’aigua les dependències d’un hotel. L’hotel es troba situat a municipi de Platja d’Aro, a la província de Girona. La seva categoria és de quatre estrelles i això comporta un nivell alt de qualitat en els serveis oferts, en aquest cas el subministrament d’aigua freda i aigua calenta sanitària (ACS) als seus clients
Empirical literature on the analysis of the efficiency of measures for reducing persistent government deficits has mainly focused on the direct explanation of deficit. By contrast, this paper aims at modeling government revenue and expenditure within a simultaneous framework and deriving the fiscal balance (surplus or deficit) equation as the difference between the two variables. This setting enables one to not only judge how relevant the explanatory variables are in explaining the fiscal balance but also understand their impact on revenue and/or expenditure. Our empirical results, obtained by using a panel data set on Swiss Cantons for the period 1980-2002, confirm the relevance of the approach followed here, by providing unambiguous evidence of a simultaneous relationship between revenue and expenditure. They also reveal strong dynamic components in revenue, expenditure, and fiscal balance. Among the significant determinants of public fiscal balance we not only find the usual business cycle elements, but also and more importantly institutional factors such as the number of administrative units, and the ease with which people can resort to political (direct democracy) instruments, such as public initiatives and referendum.
Aquest projecte va destinat a una família que disposa d’una vivenda aïllada del nucliurbà d’Arenys de Munt, comarca del Maresme, la qual no té al seu abast la connexiódel gas ni la de la xarxa elèctrica. S’ha decidit dimensionar la instal•lació per energia solar tèrmica i energia solar fotovoltaica, ja que són energies més constants que l’energia eòlica per a l’indret on ens trobem i a més a més hi ha un mercat que ofereix molts més productes i prestacions
Disseny i dimensionat d’una instal•lació de climatització, durant tot l'any, i comparació entre un sistema de climatització solar amb una planta d’absorció geotèrmica i un sistema de climatització mitjançant una bomba de calor geotèrmica, per al despatx de professors i becaris del nou laboratori d’ energia de l’EPS, mitjançant la utilització d’un sistema d’energia solar tèrmica de baixa temperatura, com a medi d’aportació de calor, i per energia geotèrmica per a la climatització integral
Instal.lació d’una explotació agrícola amb funcionament per energia solar fotovoltaica a Torregrossa (Tarragona). Disseny i definició de les parts necessàries que conformaran la instal•lació solar fotovoltaica que subministrarà energia elèctrica a les bombes de reg
Aquesta instal•lació solar tèrmica s’ha dissenyat per cobrir part de les necessitats energètiques d’un edifici que consta de 10 habitatges de protecció oficial construïts en 2 plantes a la localitat de Quart. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és arribar a una cobertura solar aproximada del 50% de les necessitats d’ aigua calenta sanitària (ACS) i climatització
BACKGROUND: Safety and economic issues have increasingly raised concerns about the long term use of immunomodulators or biologics as maintenance therapies for Crohn's disease (CD). Despite emerging evidence suggesting that stopping therapy might be an option for low risk patients, criteria identifying target groups for this strategy are missing, and there is a lack of recommendations regarding this question. METHODS: Multidisciplinary European expert panel (EPACT-II Update) rated the appropriateness of stopping therapy in CD patients in remission. We used the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method, and included the following variables: presence of clinical and/or endoscopic remission, CRP level, fecal calprotectin level, prior surgery for CD, and duration of remission (1, 2 or 4 years). RESULTS: Before considering withdrawing therapy, the prerequisites of a C-reactive protein (CRP) and fecal calprotectin measurement were rated as "appropriate" by the panellists, whereas a radiological evaluation was considered as being of "uncertain" appropriateness. Ileo-colonoscopy was considered appropriate 1 year after surgery or after 4 years in the absence of prior surgery. Stopping azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine or methotrexate mono-therapy was judged appropriate after 4 years of clinical remission. Withdrawing anti-TNF mono-therapy was judged appropriate after 2 years in case of clinical and endoscopic remission, and after 4 years of clinical remission. In case of combined therapy, anti-TNF withdrawal, while continuing the immunomodulator, was considered appropriate after two years of clinical remission. CONCLUSION: A multidisciplinary European expert panel proposed for the first time treatment stopping rules for patients in clinical and/or endoscopic remission, with normal CRP and fecal calprotectin levels.
CONTEXT: Recent data regarding the consequences of untreated human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and the expansion of treatment choices for antiretroviral-naive and antiretroviral-experienced patients warrant an update of the International AIDS Society-USA guidelines for the use of antiretroviral therapy in adults with HIV infection. OBJECTIVES: To provide updated recommendations for management of HIV-infected adults, using antiretroviral drugs and laboratory monitoring tools available in the international, developed-world setting. This report provides guidelines for when to initiate antiretroviral therapy, selection of appropriate initial regimens, patient monitoring, when to change therapy, and what regimens to use when changing. DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: A panel with expertise in HIV research and clinical care reviewed relevant data published or presented at selected scientific conferences since the last panel report through April 2010. Data were identified through a PubMed search, review of scientific conference abstracts, and requests to antiretroviral drug manufacturers for updated clinical trials and adverse event data. DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: New evidence was reviewed by the panel. Recommendations were drafted by section writing committees and reviewed and edited by the entire panel. The quality and strength of the evidence were rated and recommendations were made by full panel consensus. CONCLUSIONS: Patient readiness for treatment should be confirmed before initiation of antiretroviral treatment. Therapy is recommended for asymptomatic patients with a CD4 cell count < or = 500/microL, for all symptomatic patients, and those with specific conditions and comorbidities. Therapy should be considered for asymptomatic patients with CD4 cell count > 500/microL. Components of the initial and subsequent regimens must be individualized, particularly in the context of concurrent conditions. Patients receiving antiretroviral treatment should be monitored regularly; treatment failure should be detected and managed early, with the goal of therapy, even in heavily pretreated patients, being HIV-1 RNA suppression below commercially available assay quantification limits.
Disseny d’una instal·lació d’energia solar fotovoltaica per als edificis públics del municipi d’Albanyà (Alt Empordà) per connectar-la a la xarxa i amb un estudi sobre la substitució dels actuals fanals de l’enllumenat públic per fanals alimentats amb energia solar fotovoltaica
El present projecte té per principal odjectiu dur a terme el disseny d’ una instal·lació solar fotovoltaica de producció d’ energia elèctrica en règim especial sobre teulada instal·lada en un edifici de caràcter oficial de l’ Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdG amb l’ objectiu de generar energia elèctrica
Projecte de la instal•lació de calefacció i agua calenta utilitzant energia solar tèrmica i ajudant-se d’ una caldera de biomassa en un edifici en construcció situat a Colera (Alt Empordà). Es tracta d’un bloc de quatre vivendes distribuïdes en dues plantes, soterrani i terrassa superior