969 resultados para single cells
We investigated the responses of the ecologically dominant Antarctic phytoplankton species Phaeocystis antarctica (a prymnesiophyte) and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (a diatom) to a clustered matrix of three global change variables (CO2, mixed-layer depth, and temperature) under both iron (Fe)-replete and Fe-limited conditions based roughly on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A2 scenario: (1) Current conditions, 39 Pa (380 ppmv) CO2, 50 µmol photons/m**2/s light, and 2°C; (2) Year 2060, 61 Pa (600 ppmv) CO2, 100 µmol photons/m**2/s light, and 4°C; (3) Year 2100, 81 Pa (800 ppmv) CO2, 150 µmol photons/m**2/s light, and 6°C. The combined interactive effects of these global change variables and changing Fe availability on growth, primary production, and cell morphology are species specific. A competition experiment suggested that future conditions could lead to a shift away from P. antarctica and toward diatoms such as F. cylindrus. Along with decreases in diatom cell size and shifts from prymnesiophyte colonies to single cells under the future scenario, this could potentially lead to decreased carbon export to the deep ocean. Fe : C uptake ratios of both species increased under future conditions, suggesting phytoplankton of the Southern Ocean will increase their Fe requirements relative to carbon fixation. The interactive effects of Fe, light, CO2, and temperature on Antarctic phytoplankton need to be considered when predicting the future responses of biology and biogeochemistry in this region.
Nuestro cerebro contiene cerca de 1014 sinapsis neuronales. Esta enorme cantidad de conexiones proporciona un entorno ideal donde distintos grupos de neuronas se sincronizan transitoriamente para provocar la aparición de funciones cognitivas, como la percepción, el aprendizaje o el pensamiento. Comprender la organización de esta compleja red cerebral en base a datos neurofisiológicos, representa uno de los desafíos más importantes y emocionantes en el campo de la neurociencia. Se han propuesto recientemente varias medidas para evaluar cómo se comunican las diferentes partes del cerebro a diversas escalas (células individuales, columnas corticales, o áreas cerebrales). Podemos clasificarlos, según su simetría, en dos grupos: por una parte, la medidas simétricas, como la correlación, la coherencia o la sincronización de fase, que evalúan la conectividad funcional (FC); mientras que las medidas asimétricas, como la causalidad de Granger o transferencia de entropía, son capaces de detectar la dirección de la interacción, lo que denominamos conectividad efectiva (EC). En la neurociencia moderna ha aumentado el interés por el estudio de las redes funcionales cerebrales, en gran medida debido a la aparición de estos nuevos algoritmos que permiten analizar la interdependencia entre señales temporales, además de la emergente teoría de redes complejas y la introducción de técnicas novedosas, como la magnetoencefalografía (MEG), para registrar datos neurofisiológicos con gran resolución. Sin embargo, nos hallamos ante un campo novedoso que presenta aun varias cuestiones metodológicas sin resolver, algunas de las cuales trataran de abordarse en esta tesis. En primer lugar, el creciente número de aproximaciones para determinar la existencia de FC/EC entre dos o más señales temporales, junto con la complejidad matemática de las herramientas de análisis, hacen deseable organizarlas todas en un paquete software intuitivo y fácil de usar. Aquí presento HERMES (http://hermes.ctb.upm.es), una toolbox en MatlabR, diseñada precisamente con este fin. Creo que esta herramienta será de gran ayuda para todos aquellos investigadores que trabajen en el campo emergente del análisis de conectividad cerebral y supondrá un gran valor para la comunidad científica. La segunda cuestión practica que se aborda es el estudio de la sensibilidad a las fuentes cerebrales profundas a través de dos tipos de sensores MEG: gradiómetros planares y magnetómetros, esta aproximación además se combina con un enfoque metodológico, utilizando dos índices de sincronización de fase: phase locking value (PLV) y phase lag index (PLI), este ultimo menos sensible a efecto la conducción volumen. Por lo tanto, se compara su comportamiento al estudiar las redes cerebrales, obteniendo que magnetómetros y PLV presentan, respectivamente, redes más densamente conectadas que gradiómetros planares y PLI, por los valores artificiales que crea el problema de la conducción de volumen. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de caracterizar redes epilépticas, el PLV ofrece mejores resultados, debido a la gran dispersión de las redes obtenidas con PLI. El análisis de redes complejas ha proporcionado nuevos conceptos que mejoran caracterización de la interacción de sistemas dinámicos. Se considera que una red está compuesta por nodos, que simbolizan sistemas, cuyas interacciones se representan por enlaces, y su comportamiento y topología puede caracterizarse por un elevado número de medidas. Existe evidencia teórica y empírica de que muchas de ellas están fuertemente correlacionadas entre sí. Por lo tanto, se ha conseguido seleccionar un pequeño grupo que caracteriza eficazmente estas redes, y condensa la información redundante. Para el análisis de redes funcionales, la selección de un umbral adecuado para decidir si un determinado valor de conectividad de la matriz de FC es significativo y debe ser incluido para un análisis posterior, se convierte en un paso crucial. En esta tesis, se han obtenido resultados más precisos al utilizar un test de subrogadas, basado en los datos, para evaluar individualmente cada uno de los enlaces, que al establecer a priori un umbral fijo para la densidad de conexiones. Finalmente, todas estas cuestiones se han aplicado al estudio de la epilepsia, caso práctico en el que se analizan las redes funcionales MEG, en estado de reposo, de dos grupos de pacientes epilépticos (generalizada idiopática y focal frontal) en comparación con sujetos control sanos. La epilepsia es uno de los trastornos neurológicos más comunes, con más de 55 millones de afectados en el mundo. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por la predisposición a generar ataques epilépticos de actividad neuronal anormal y excesiva o bien síncrona, y por tanto, es el escenario perfecto para este tipo de análisis al tiempo que presenta un gran interés tanto desde el punto de vista clínico como de investigación. Los resultados manifiestan alteraciones especificas en la conectividad y un cambio en la topología de las redes en cerebros epilépticos, desplazando la importancia del ‘foco’ a la ‘red’, enfoque que va adquiriendo relevancia en las investigaciones recientes sobre epilepsia. ABSTRACT There are about 1014 neuronal synapses in the human brain. This huge number of connections provides the substrate for neuronal ensembles to become transiently synchronized, producing the emergence of cognitive functions such as perception, learning or thinking. Understanding the complex brain network organization on the basis of neuroimaging data represents one of the most important and exciting challenges for systems neuroscience. Several measures have been recently proposed to evaluate at various scales (single cells, cortical columns, or brain areas) how the different parts of the brain communicate. We can classify them, according to their symmetry, into two groups: symmetric measures, such as correlation, coherence or phase synchronization indexes, evaluate functional connectivity (FC); and on the other hand, the asymmetric ones, such as Granger causality or transfer entropy, are able to detect effective connectivity (EC) revealing the direction of the interaction. In modern neurosciences, the interest in functional brain networks has increased strongly with the onset of new algorithms to study interdependence between time series, the advent of modern complex network theory and the introduction of powerful techniques to record neurophysiological data, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG). However, when analyzing neurophysiological data with this approach several questions arise. In this thesis, I intend to tackle some of the practical open problems in the field. First of all, the increase in the number of time series analysis algorithms to study brain FC/EC, along with their mathematical complexity, creates the necessity of arranging them into a single, unified toolbox that allow neuroscientists, neurophysiologists and researchers from related fields to easily access and make use of them. I developed such a toolbox for this aim, it is named HERMES (http://hermes.ctb.upm.es), and encompasses several of the most common indexes for the assessment of FC and EC running for MatlabR environment. I believe that this toolbox will be very helpful to all the researchers working in the emerging field of brain connectivity analysis and will entail a great value for the scientific community. The second important practical issue tackled in this thesis is the evaluation of the sensitivity to deep brain sources of two different MEG sensors: planar gradiometers and magnetometers, in combination with the related methodological approach, using two phase synchronization indexes: phase locking value (PLV) y phase lag index (PLI), the latter one being less sensitive to volume conduction effect. Thus, I compared their performance when studying brain networks, obtaining that magnetometer sensors and PLV presented higher artificial values as compared with planar gradiometers and PLI respectively. However, when it came to characterize epileptic networks it was the PLV which gives better results, as PLI FC networks where very sparse. Complex network analysis has provided new concepts which improved characterization of interacting dynamical systems. With this background, networks could be considered composed of nodes, symbolizing systems, whose interactions with each other are represented by edges. A growing number of network measures is been applied in network analysis. However, there is theoretical and empirical evidence that many of these indexes are strongly correlated with each other. Therefore, in this thesis I reduced them to a small set, which could more efficiently characterize networks. Within this framework, selecting an appropriate threshold to decide whether a certain connectivity value of the FC matrix is significant and should be included in the network analysis becomes a crucial step, in this thesis, I used the surrogate data tests to make an individual data-driven evaluation of each of the edges significance and confirmed more accurate results than when just setting to a fixed value the density of connections. All these methodologies were applied to the study of epilepsy, analysing resting state MEG functional networks, in two groups of epileptic patients (generalized and focal epilepsy) that were compared to matching control subjects. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, with more than 55 million people affected worldwide, characterized by its predisposition to generate epileptic seizures of abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity, and thus, this scenario and analysis, present a great interest from both the clinical and the research perspective. Results revealed specific disruptions in connectivity and network topology and evidenced that networks’ topology is changed in epileptic brains, supporting the shift from ‘focus’ to ‘networks’ which is gaining importance in modern epilepsy research.
A permanent line of mouse embryo fibroblasts was treated with concentrations of the anticancer drug methotrexate (MTX) that left 20–50% surviving colonies. The surviving population initially multiplied at a much slower rate than controls after subculture in the absence of the drug, and required 9–12 days of serial subculture, with selective growth of the faster growing cells, to approximate the control rate. To determine the distribution of growth rates of cells in the original posttreatment populations, many single cells were isolated in multiwell plates immediately after the treatment period, and the resulting clones were serially subcultured. Most of the control clones underwent about 2 population doublings per day (PD/D). Almost all the survivors of MTX treatment multiplied at heterogeneously reduced rates, ranging from 0.6 PD/D to as high as control rates for a very few clones. They maintained the reduced rates through many subcultivations. The heritability of the reduced growth rates indicates that most cells that retain proliferative capacity after treatment with MTX carry random genetic damage that is perpetuated through many divisions of their progeny. Similar results have been described for cells that survive x-irradiation, and suggest random genetic damage is a common occurrence among cells in rapidly growing tissues that survive cytotoxic treatment. It also occurs in serial subcultures of cells that had been held under the constraint of confluence for extended periods, which suggests that the accumulation of random genetic damage to somatic cells during aging of mammals underlies the reduction of growth rate and function of the cells that characterizes the aging process.
To examine the role of intercellular interaction on cell differentiation and gene expression in human prostate, we separated the two major epithelial cell populations and studied them in isolation and in combination with stromal cells. The epithelial cells were separated by flow cytometry using antibodies against differentially expressed cell-surface markers CD44 and CD57. Basal epithelial cells express CD44, and luminal epithelial cells express CD57. The CD57+ luminal cells are the terminally differentiated secretory cells of the gland that synthesize prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Expression of PSA is regulated by androgen, and PSA mRNA is one of the abundant messages in these cells. We show that PSA expression by the CD57+ cells is abolished after prostate tissue is dispersed by collagenase into single cells. Expression is restored when CD57+ cells are reconstituted with stromal cells. The CD44+ basal cells possess characteristics of stem cells and are the candidate progenitors of luminal cells. Differentiation, as reflected by PSA production, can be detected when CD44+ cells are cocultured with stromal cells. Our studies show that cell–cell interaction plays an important role in prostatic cytodifferentiation and the maintenance of the differentiated state.
The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a widely used model system for studying a variety of basic processes in development, including cell–cell signaling, signal transduction, pattern formation, cell motility, and the movement of tissue-like aggregates of cells. Many aspects of cell motion are poorly understood, including how individual cell behavior produces the collective motion of cells observed within the mound and slug. Herein, we describe a biologically realistic model for motile D. discoideum cells that can generate active forces, that interact via surface molecules, and that can detect and respond to chemotactic signals. We model the cells as deformable viscoelastic ellipsoids and incorporate signal transduction and cell–cell signaling by using a previously developed model. The shape constraint restricts the admissible deformations but makes the simulation of a large number of interacting cells feasible. Because the model is based on known processes, the parameters can be estimated or measured experimentally. We show that this model can reproduce the observations on the chemotactic behavior of single cells, streaming during aggregation, and the collective motion of an aggregate of cells driven by a small group of pacemakers. The model predicts that the motion of two-dimensional slugs [Bonner, J. T. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 9355–9359] results from the same behaviors that are exhibited by individual cells; it is not necessary to invoke different mechanisms or behaviors. Our computational experiments also suggest previously uncharacterized phenomena that may be experimentally observable.
Cell-wall mechanical properties play an integral part in the growth and form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast to the tremendous knowledge on the genetics of S. cerevisiae, almost nothing is known about its mechanical properties. We have developed a micromanipulation technique to measure the force required to burst single cells and have recently established a mathematical model to extract the mechanical properties of the cell wall from such data. Here we determine the average surface modulus of the S. cerevisiae cell wall to be 11.1 ± 0.6 N/m and 12.9 ± 0.7 N/m in exponential and stationary phases, respectively, giving corresponding Young's moduli of 112 ± 6 MPa and 107 ± 6 MPa. This result demonstrates that yeast cell populations strengthen as they enter stationary phase by increasing wall thickness and hence the surface modulus, without altering the average elastic properties of the cell-wall material. We also determined the average breaking strain of the cell wall to be 82% ± 3% in exponential phase and 80% ± 3% in stationary phase. This finding provides a failure criterion that can be used to predict when applied stresses (e.g., because of fluid flow) will lead to wall rupture. This work analyzes yeast compression experiments in different growth phases by using engineering methodology.
We report here a hitherto undescribed form of cell migration. When a suspension of human keratinocytes is plated on a fibrin matrix, single cells invade the matrix and progress through it as rounded cells by dissolving the fibrin and thereby creating tunnels. These tunnels are cylindrical or helical, the latter being the result of constant change in the path of cellular advance around the helical axis. Helical tunnel formation is strongly promoted by epidermal growth factor. The rate of migration of the cell through the track of a helical tunnel (up to 2.1 mm per day) is about 7-fold greater than through a cylindrical tunnel. Pericellular fibrinolysis leading to tunnel formation depends on the presence of plasminogen in the medium and its conversion to plasmin by a cellular activator. Formation of tunnels requires that plasminogen activator be localized on the advancing surface of the keratinocyte; we propose that the tunnel is cylindrical when the site of release of plasmin is located at a fixed point on the cell surface and helical when the site of release precesses.
Wounding of endothelial cells is associated with altered direct intercellular communication. To determine whether gap junctional communication participates to the wound repair process, we have compared connexin (Cx) expression, cell-to-cell coupling and kinetics of wound repair in monolayer cultures of PymT-transformed mouse endothelial cells (clone bEnd.3) and in bEnd.3 cells expressing different dominant negative Cx inhibitors. In parental bEnd.3 cells, mechanical wounding increased expression of Cx43 and decreased expression of Cx37 at the site of injury, whereas Cx40 expression was unaffected. These wound-induced changes in Cx expression were associated with functional changes in cell-to-cell coupling, as assessed with different fluorescent tracers. Stable transfection with cDNAs encoding for the chimeric connexin 3243H7 or the fusion protein Cx43-βGal resulted in perturbed gap junctional communication between bEnd.3 cells under both basal and wounded conditions. The time required for complete repair of a defined wound within a confluent monolayer was increased by ∼50% in cells expressing the dominant negative Cx inhibitors, whereas other cell properties, such as proliferation rate, migration of single cells, cyst formation and extracellular proteolytic activity, were unaltered. These findings demonstrate that proper Cx expression is required for coordinated migration during repair of an endothelial wound.
Prolonged incubation of NIH 3T3 cells under the growth constraint of confluence results in a persistent impairment of proliferation when the cells are subcultured at low density and a greatly increased probability of neoplastic transformation in assays for transformation. These properties, along with the large accumulation of age pigment bodies in the confluent cells, are cardinal cellular characteristics of aging in organisms and validate the system as a model of cellular aging. Two cultures labeled alpha and beta were obtained after prolonged confluence; both were dominated by cells that were both slowed in growth at low population density and enhanced in growth capacity at high density, a marker of neoplastic transformation. An experiment was designed to study the reversibility of these age-related properties by serial subculture at low density of the two uncloned cultures and their progeny clones derived from assuredly single cells. Both uncloned cultures had many transformed cells and a reduced growth rate on subculture. Serial subculture resulted in a gradual increase in growth rates of both populations, but a reversal of transformation only in the alpha population. The clones originating from both populations varied in the degree of growth impairment and neoplastic transformation. None of the alpha clones increased in growth rate on low density passage nor did the transformed clones among them revert to normal growth behavior. The fastest growing beta clone was originally slower than the control clone, but caught up to it after four weekly subcultures. The other beta clones retained their reduced growth rates. Four of the five beta clones, including the fastest grower, were transformed, and none reverted on subculture. We conclude that the apparent reversal of impaired growth and transformation in the uncloned parental alpha population resulted from the selective growth at low density of fast growing nontransformed clones. The reversal of impaired growth in the uncloned parental beta population was also the result of selective growth of fast growing clones, but in this case they were highly transformed so no apparent reversal of transformation occurred. The clonal results indicate that neither the impaired growth nor the neoplastic transformation found in aging cells is reversible. We discuss the possible contribution of epigenetic and genetic processes to these irreversible changes.
Myxococcus xanthus is a Gram-negative bacterium that aggregates to form fruiting bodies when nutrients are limiting. Previous studies showed that the frz mutants that are defective in chemotaxis exhibited irregular and infrequent patterns of cellular reversal. In contrast, wild-type cells, when examined individually, reverse relatively frequently, about once every 6 min. It is not known how the change of reversal frequency effects cellular aggregation during fruiting body formation in M. xanthus. In this study, we stained cells with a tetrazolium dye so that we could track the reversal frequencies of single cells and cells in groups. We found that developmental cells in large groups reverse much less than cells in small groups or as single cells. This reduced cellular reversal frequency is related to the frz signal transduction system and correlated with the methylation of FrzCD (a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein). Cells containing a mutation in the frz genes or in the genes required for social motility do not respond in this way. The reduction in cellular reversals as developmental cells accumulate in groups suggests a simple hypothesis for the aggregation of cells into discrete mounds during fruiting body formation. We also found that M. xanthus cells glide with equal frequency in the forward or reverse directions, indicating that cells do not contain a "head" or "tail."