669 resultados para silence


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Estudos de Minorias


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It is difficult to overstate the importance of Juan Rulfo’s two major pieces of fictional narrative work—his haunting, enigmatic novel Pedro Páramo (1955) and his unrelenting depictions of the failures of post-revolutionary Mexico in his short story collection El Llano en llamas (1953). In her foreword to the Margaret Sayers Peden English translation, Susan Sontag hails Pedro Páramo as ‘not only one of the masterpieces of 20th Century world literature, but one of the most influential of the century’s books’. García Márquez has compared the influence of Rulfo on 20th Century world literature to that of Sophocles: ‘No son más de 300 páginas, pero son casi tantas y creo tan perdurables como las que conocemos de Sófocles’ and, completing this oftrepeated triumvirate of recommendations, Jorge Luis Borges has referred to Pedro Páramo as: ‘una de las mejores novelas de las literaturas de lengua hispánica, y aun de la literatura.’ Despite the praise heaped upon Rulfo’s two most famous books, when his third book of fiction, El gallo de oro y otros textos para cine, was finally published in 1980, just six years before his death, it was greeted with almost critical silence. It is precisely this publication that provides the focus of this investigation. The collection contains three texts—El despojo, La fórmula secreta and El gallo de oro. Constituting a third of the fictional work he published in his lifetime, expanding upon themes present in El Llano en llamas and Pedro Páramo while, at the same time, examining new ground, no thematic discussion of Rulfo’s written output is complete without including these texts. Yet they are frequently dismissed. In this way this investigation attempts to go some way towards filling this critical gap in the work of one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century


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This thesis explores the meaning-making practices of migrant and non-migrant children in relation to identities, race, belonging and childhood itself in their everyday lives and in the context of ‘normalizing’ discourses and spaces in Ireland. The relational, spatial and institutional contexts of children’s worlds are examined in the arenas of school, home, family, peer groups and consumer culture. The research develops a situated account of children’s complex subject positions, belongings and exclusions, as negotiated within discursive constructs, emerging in the ‘in-between’ spaces explored with other children and with adults. As a peripheral EU area both geographically and economically, Ireland has traditionally been a country of net emigration. This situation changed briefly in the late 1990s to early 2000s, sparking broad debate on Ireland’s perceived ‘new’ ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity arising from the arrival of migrant people both from within and beyond the EU as workers and as asylum seekers, and drawing attention to issues of race, identity, equality and integration in Irish society. Based in a West of Ireland town where migrant children and children of migrants comprise very small minorities in classroom settings, this research engages with a particular demographic of children who have started primary school since these changes have occurred. It seeks to represent the complexities of the processes which constitute children’s subjectivities, and which also produce and reproduce race and childhood itself in this context. The role of local, national and global spaces, relational networks and discursive currents as they are experienced and negotiated by children are explored, and the significance of embodied, sensory and affective processes are integrated into the analysis. Notions of the functions and rhetorics of play and playfulness (Sutton-Smith 1997) form a central thread that runs throughout the thesis, where play is both a feature of children’s cultural worlds and a site of resistance or ‘thinking otherwise’. The study seeks to examine how children actively participate in (re)producing definitions of both childhood and race arising in local, national and global spaces, demonstrating that while contestations of the boundaries of childhood discourses are contingently successful, race tends to be strongly reiterated, clinging to bodies and places and compromising belonging. In addition, it explores how children access belongings through agentic and imaginative practices with regard to peer and family relationships, particularly highlighting constructions of home, while also illustrating practices of excluding children positioned as unintelligible, including the role of silences in such situations. Finally, drawing on teachers’ understandings and on children’s playful micro-level negotiations of race, the study argues that assumptions of childhood innocence contribute to justifying depoliticised discourses of race in the early primary school years, and also tend to silence children’s own dialogues with this issue. Central throughout the thesis is an emphasis on the productive potentials of children’s marginal positioning in processes of transgressing definitional boundaries, including the generation of post-race conceptualisations that revealed the borders of race as performative and fluid. It suggests that interrupting exclusionary raced identities in Irish primary schools requires engagement with children’s world-making practices and the multiple resources that inform their lives.


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This paper, based on a narrative research inquiry, presents and explores a number of stories relating to the experience and identity of members of the small Irish Protestant minority. Drawing on these stories it uses Foucault’s conceptualisation of power and discourse to consider community, social withdrawal, and two different but linked expressions of silence as acts of resistance. These were simultaneously utilised to preserve a culture and ethos diametrically opposed to the religious and political hegemony of the Irish Catholic state and to combat the threat of extinction. The article concludes that an exploration of Ireland’s traditional religious minority not only raises awareness concerning a specific group’s experience but extends an understanding of the issues with which minorities (in more general terms) may have to cope in order to survive.


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Currently, the sole strategy for managing food hypersensitivity involves strict avoidance of the trigger. Several alternate strategies for the treatment of food allergies are currently under study. Also being explored is the process of eliminating allergenic proteins from crop plants. Legumes are a rich source of protein and are an essential component of the human diet. Unfortunately, legumes, including soybean and peanut, are also common sources of food allergens. Four protein families and superfamilies account for the majority of legume allergens, which include storage proteins of seeds (cupins and prolamins), profilins, and the larger group of pathogenesis-related proteins. Two strategies have been used to produce hypoallergenic legume crops: (1) germplasm lines are screened for the absence or reduced content of specific allergenic proteins and (2) genetic transformation is used to silence native genes encoding allergenic proteins. Both approaches have been successful in producing cultivars of soybeans and peanuts with reduced allergenic proteins. However, it is unknown whether the cultivars are actually hypoallergenic to those with sensitivity. This review describes efforts to produce hypoallergenic cultivars of soybean and peanut and discusses the challenges that need to be overcome before such products could be available in the marketplace.


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The growth and proliferation of invasive bacteria in engineered systems is an ongoing problem. While there are a variety of physical and chemical processes to remove and inactivate bacterial pathogens, there are many situations in which these tools are no longer effective or appropriate for the treatment of a microbial target. For example, certain strains of bacteria are becoming resistant to commonly used disinfectants, such as chlorine and UV. Additionally, the overuse of antibiotics has contributed to the spread of antibiotic resistance, and there is concern that wastewater treatment processes are contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Due to the continually evolving nature of bacteria, it is difficult to develop methods for universal bacterial control in a wide range of engineered systems, as many of our treatment processes are static in nature. Still, invasive bacteria are present in many natural and engineered systems, where the application of broad acting disinfectants is impractical, because their use may inhibit the original desired bioprocesses. Therefore, to better control the growth of treatment resistant bacteria and to address limitations with the current disinfection processes, novel tools that are both specific and adaptable need to be developed and characterized.

In this dissertation, two possible biological disinfection processes were investigated for use in controlling invasive bacteria in engineered systems. First, antisense gene silencing, which is the specific use of oligonucleotides to silence gene expression, was investigated. This work was followed by the investigation of bacteriophages (phages), which are viruses that are specific to bacteria, in engineered systems.

For the antisense gene silencing work, a computational approach was used to quantify the number of off-targets and to determine the effects of off-targets in prokaryotic organisms. For the organisms of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv the mean number of off-targets was found to be 15.0 + 13.2 and 38.2 + 61.4, respectively, which results in a reduction of greater than 90% of the effective oligonucleotide concentration. It was also demonstrated that there was a high variability in the number of off-targets over the length of a gene, but that on average, there was no general gene location that could be targeted to reduce off-targets. Therefore, this analysis needs to be performed for each gene in question. It was also demonstrated that the thermodynamic binding energy between the oligonucleotide and the mRNA accounted for 83% of the variation in the silencing efficiency, compared to the number of off-targets, which explained 43% of the variance of the silencing efficiency. This suggests that optimizing thermodynamic parameters must be prioritized over minimizing the number of off-targets. In conclusion for the antisense work, these results suggest that off-target hybrids can account for a greater than 90% reduction in the concentration of the silencing oligonucleotides, and that the effective concentration can be increased through the rational design of silencing targets by minimizing off-target hybrids.

Regarding the work with phages, the disinfection rates of bacteria in the presence of phages was determined. The disinfection rates of E. coli K12 MG1655 in the presence of coliphage Ec2 ranged up to 2 h-1, and were dependent on both the initial phage and bacterial concentrations. Increasing initial phage concentrations resulted in increasing disinfection rates, and generally, increasing initial bacterial concentrations resulted in increasing disinfection rates. However, disinfection rates were found to plateau at higher bacterial and phage concentrations. A multiple linear regression model was used to predict the disinfection rates as a function of the initial phage and bacterial concentrations, and this model was able to explain 93% of the variance in the disinfection rates. The disinfection rates were also modeled with a particle aggregation model. The results from these model simulations suggested that at lower phage and bacterial concentrations there are not enough collisions to support active disinfection rates, which therefore, limits the conditions and systems where phage based bacterial disinfection is possible. Additionally, the particle aggregation model over predicted the disinfection rates at higher phage and bacterial concentrations of 108 PFU/mL and 108 CFU/mL, suggesting other interactions were occurring at these higher concentrations. Overall, this work highlights the need for the development of alternative models to more accurately describe the dynamics of this system at a variety of phage and bacterial concentrations. Finally, the minimum required hydraulic residence time was calculated for a continuous stirred-tank reactor and a plug flow reactor (PFR) as a function of both the initial phage and bacterial concentrations, which suggested that phage treatment in a PFR is theoretically possible.

In addition to determining disinfection rates, the long-term bacterial growth inhibition potential was determined for a variety of phages with both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. It was determined, that on average, phages can be used to inhibit bacterial growth for up to 24 h, and that this effect was concentration dependent for various phages at specific time points. Additionally, it was found that a phage cocktail was no more effective at inhibiting bacterial growth over the long-term than the best performing phage in isolation.

Finally, for an industrial application, the use of phages to inhibit invasive Lactobacilli in ethanol fermentations was investigated. It was demonstrated that phage 8014-B2 can achieve a greater than 3-log inactivation of Lactobacillus plantarum during a 48 h fermentation. Additionally, it was shown that phages can be used to protect final product yields and maintain yeast viability. Through modeling the fermentation system with differential equations it was determined that there was a 10 h window in the beginning of the fermentation run, where the addition of phages can be used to protect final product yields, and after 20 h no additional benefit of the phage addition was observed.

In conclusion, this dissertation improved the current methods for designing antisense gene silencing targets for prokaryotic organisms, and characterized phages from an engineering perspective. First, the current design strategy for antisense targets in prokaryotic organisms was improved through the development of an algorithm that minimized the number of off-targets. For the phage work, a framework was developed to predict the disinfection rates in terms of the initial phage and bacterial concentrations. In addition, the long-term bacterial growth inhibition potential of multiple phages was determined for several bacteria. In regard to the phage application, phages were shown to protect both final product yields and yeast concentrations during fermentation. Taken together, this work suggests that the rational design of phage treatment is possible and further work is needed to expand on this foundation.


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This monograph examines a selection of Vincent Bourne's Latin verse in its classical, neo-Latin and vernacular contexts, with particular attention to the theme of identity (and differing forms of identity). Its aim is to initiate the resurrection from silence of an author whose self-fashioning is achieved by investigating the identity of the self in relation to the other and by foregrounding multiple attempts to fashion other selves.

From Back Cover of published book:

Through close and perceptive analysis of Bourne's negotiation of poetic identity, Haan argues in new ways for the blend of classicism and Romanticism informing his marginalized status. As such, the book promises to revive scholarship on Bourne, and to be of use to students and scholars of Latin as well as vernacular verse.
Carla Mazzio, Professor of English, University of Chicago.

Estelle Haan is the UK's most eminent neo-Latinist. Her books with the APS on Milton (From Academia to Amicitia, Transactions 88, part 6) and Addison (Vergilius Redivivus, Transactions 95, part 2) are both important contributions to our knowledge of those authors, and their scholarship is presented in a way that accommodates the growing number of specialists who do not read Latin. Much of the content of this study is entirely new, and it is written in a way that will make it accessible to non-Latinists. The connections with English-language poets that Professor Haan adduces page after page will be a very considerable resource for students of vernacular poetry.
Gordon Campbell, Professor of Renaissance Literature, University of Leicester.

I have long thought that a modern study of Vincent Bourne was very much needed, and am greatly pleased that one has now been written. Estelle Haan offers a thoughtful and sensitive study that has remarkable depth. She capitalizes on the familiarity with other eighteenth-century English poets about whom she has previously written (Cowper, Gray, and most recently Addison) and she makes use of contempoary literary theory without becoming dependent on any single approach or disfiguring her writing with critical jargon. This work will, one hopes, provoke further research into Bourne and his poetry.
Dana F. Sutton, Professor Emeritus of Classics, The University of California, Irvine.


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The Northern Ireland conflict has been described as one of the most over-researched conflicts in the world. However, this is a relatively recent development. For many years, when the conflict was most intense, social scientists in Northern Ireland were silent and not vocal. The sectarian violence that dominated the life in Northern Ireland as well as the fact that the country was a fundamentally unjust society contributed to this silence. However, since the peace process began in the mid 1990s, a growing number of qualitative studies have been published, utilising one-to-one interviews and focus group discussions, in order to "make people's voices heard" and deal with the consequences of the so-called "Troubles". This paper looks into the emergence of a qualitative social research landscape in Northern Ireland beyond the conflict and explores issues so far neglected. It is argued that a number of factors have contributed to this, among them the availability of research funding to voluntary and community sector organisations that use their data to influence policy-making and equality legislation in a country which is still deeply divided along socio-religious lines.


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To date there has been little research on young people and sexuality in Northern Ireland. This paper draws on the first major study in this area to analyse the delivery of formal sex education in schools. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to access young people's opinions about the quality of the sex education they had received at school. Overall, they reported high levels of dissatisfaction, with notable variations in relation to both gender and religious affiliation. In one sense their opinions mesh well with those of young people in other parts of these islands. At the same time the specificity of sexuality in Ireland plays a key role in producing the moral system that underlies much of formal sex education in schools. Underpinned by a particularly traditional and conservative strain of Christian morality, sex education in Northern Ireland schools is marked by conservatism and silence and by the avoidance of opportunities for informed choice in relation to sexuality on the part of young people.


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We often wonder what is the role or the role that intellectuals, academics and artists can play in countries and conflict environments, for this specific case, countries and environments that do not have real protection both its integrity and satisfaction their basic and special needs. Beyond establishing what mode as artists, intellectuals and academics can contribute to meeting these requirements, this article is intended to establish a position on the importance acquired symbolic forms and reflected in the writers regardless whether philosophers or writers, let put the rawness of what happens and there comes the lonely spirits whose loneliness imposed and caused never chosen, appears to them as a lifestyle. For Philippe Claudel and the case of Paul Ricoeur, they are thus chosen for this article as incessant dialogues of the ways in which the rootlessness provides food for thought especially for those we see as different titles you are assigned to experiences of violence.


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Desde tiempos de José Carlos Mariátegui, la crítica literaria indigenista viene articulando un discurso etnocentrista cuyo eje de producción se sitúa en Perú y los países vecinos, pero rara vez se ha mencionado una obra argentina que trate sobre las desigualdades que sufren los indígenas de ese país. Ni siquiera la academia argentina ha analizado ninguna novela desde la óptica indigenista.En un país cuyos gobiernos, desde el siglo XIX, han tratado de borrar cualquier traza de sangre indígena en su población, ya sea mediante la asimilación, exterminio o invisibilidad, y cuyas zonas de mayor asentamiento indígena se encuentran lejos del hegemónico Buenos Aires, las narraciones de problemas sociales ajenos quedaban encajonadas en el recóndito mundo de la literatura regional.Sin embargo, durante los años de eclosión del movimiento indigenista, escritores argentinos se hicieron eco de los sufrimientos y demandas de sus compatriotas indígenas por medio de novelas que sobrepasaron el peyorativo epíteto regionalista y que incomprensiblemente, han sido olvidadas.En este artículo, que forma parte de un estudio más amplio, se aborda el silencio crítico, se contextualiza la producción indigenista de la época y se analizan brevemente algunas de las obras.


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Evolving RNA interference (RNAi) platforms are providing opportunities to probe gene function in parasitic helminths using reverse genetics. Although relatively robust methods for the application of RNAi in parasitic flatworms have been established, reports of successful RNAi are confined to three genera and there are no known reports of the application of RNAi to the class Cestoda. Here we report the successful application of RNAi to a cestode. Our target species was the common ruminant tapeworm, Moniezia expansa which can significantly impact the health/productivity of cattle, sheep and goats. Initial efforts aimed to silence the neuronally expressed neuropeptide F gene (Me-npf-1), which encodes one of the most abundant neuropeptides in flatworms and a homologue of vertebrate neuropeptide Y (NPY). Double stranded (ds)RNAs, delivered by electroporation and soaking (4-8 h), failed to trigger consistent Me-npf-1 transcript knock-down in adult worms; small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were also ineffective. Identical approaches resulted in significant and consistent transcript knock-down of actin transcript (71 +/- 4%) following soaking in Me-act-1 dsRNA. Similar successes were seen with hydrophobic lipid-binding protein (Me-lbp-1), with a dsRNA inducing significant target transcript reduction (72 +/- 5%). To confirm the validity of the observed transcript knock-downs we further investigated Me-act-1 RNAi worms for associated changes in protein levels, morphology and phenotype. Me-act-1 RNAi worms displayed significant reductions in both filamentous actin immunostaining (62 +/- 3%) and the amount of actin detected in Western blots (54 +/- 13%). Morphologically, Me-act-1 RNAi worms displayed profound tegumental disruption/blebbing. Further, muscle tension recordings from Me-act-1 RNAi worms revealed a significant reduction in both the number of worms contracting in response to praziquantel (20 +/- 12%) and in their contractile ability. These data demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, a functional RNAi pathway in a cestode and show that the robust knock-down of abundant gene transcripts is achievable using long dsRNAs following short exposure times. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper is to compare the approach to promoting positive relationships between Catholics and Protestants in two types of integrated primary school in Northern Ireland. Drawing on qualitative interviews with teachers, governors and parents in one transforming school and one grant maintained integrated school, i.e. one representative of each of the two types, the paper shows that whilst there are distinctions in the ways that the schools promote their image and ethos, the ‘lived reality’ of the schools, as reported by the research participants, is almost indistinguishable. The paper suggests that both schools tend not to refer to or explore cultural difference and that this tendency to ‘minimise difference’ seems to have the potential to silence school members who do wish to explore their own and other cultures. It is argued that such practices are likely to impede rather than facilitate the progress of good inter-community relations.


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This article compares two documentary treatments of the Central Park vigil for John Lennon in 1980: Happy Birthday to John (Jonas Mekas, 1995, 16mm, 18 min.), and Dix minutes de silence pour John Lennon/Ten Minutes Silence for John Lennon (Raymond Depardon, 1980, 16mm, 10 min.). Mekas and Depardon might seem an improbable combination but as the article demonstrates there are affinities, if not direct points of convergence, in outlook and documentary method: both sensibilities have been shaped by migrant experiences, and much of their work, for all its formal and structural differences, is preoccupied with experiences of exile and displacement, rootedness and the meaning of home, the country and the city (and in Mekas’s case, the country in the city). Mekas and Depardon are also Europeans who have developed an intimate social and artistic relationship with New York City; both are concerned with the place of autobiography in their work, using captions, inter-titles, diary entries, photographs, and 1st person commentary to complicate relations between the imaginary and the documentary. In addition to discussing the significance of these preoccupations, and differences in the manner in which both filmmakers witness the apotheosis of Lennon as cultural martyr (and natural New Yorker), the article also examines the phenomenon of public mourning, and how it often displaces its ostensible subject: associatively, in the case of Mekas; incidentally, in the case of Depardon; and intentionally, in the case of the mass media, and popular culture.


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Using Northern Ireland as a case study, this paper explores how lawyers responded to the challenges of entrenched discrimination, sustained political violence and an emerging peace process. Drawing upon the literature of the sociology of lawyering, it examines whether lawyers can or should be more than ‘paid technicians’ in such circumstances. It focuses in particular upon a number of ‘critical junctures’ in the legal history of the jurisdiction and uncouples key elements of the local legal culture which contributed to an ethos of quietism. The paper argues that the version of legal professionalism that emerged in Northern Ireland was contingent and socially constructed and, with notable exceptions, obfuscated a collective failure of moral courage. It concludes that facing the truth concerning past silence is fundamental to a properly embedded rule of law and a more grounded notion of what it means to be a lawyer in a conflict.