801 resultados para sexuality and justice
The call to access and preserve the state records that document crimes committed by the state during Guatemala’s civil war has become an archival imperative entangled with neoliberal human rights discourses of “truth, justice, and memory.” 200,000 people were killed and disappeared in Guatemala’s civil war including acts of genocide in which 85% of massacres involved sexual violence committed against Mayan women. This dissertation argues that in an attempt to tell the official story of the civil war, American Human Rights organizations and academic institutions have constructed a normative identity whose humanity is attached to a scientific and evidentiary value as well as an archival status representing the materiality and institutionality of the record. Consequently, Human Rights discourses grounded in Western knowledges, in particular archival science and law, which prioritize the appearance of truth erase the material and epistemological experience of indigenous women during wartimes. As a result, the subjectivity that has surfaced on the record as most legible has mostly pertained to non-indigenous, middle class, urban, leftist men who were victims of enforced disappearance not genocide. This dissertation investigates this conflicting narrative that remembers a non-indigenous revolutionary masculine hero and grants him justice in human rights courtrooms simply because of a document attesting to his death. A main research question addressed in this project is why the promise of "truth and justice" under the name of human rights becomes a contentious site for gendered indigenous bodies? I conduct a discursive and rhetorical analysis of documentary film, declassified Guatemalan police and military records such as Operation Sofia, a military log known for “documenting the genocide” during rural counterinsurgencies executed by the military. I interrogate the ways in which racialized feminicides or the hyper-sexualized racial violence that has historically dehumanized indigenous women falls outside of discourses of vision constructed by Western positivist knowledges to reinscribe the ideal human right subject. I argue for alternative epistemological frames that recognize genocide as sexualized and gendered structures that have simultaneously produced racialized feminicides in order to disrupt the colonial structures of capitalism, patriarchy and heterosexuality. Ironically, these structures of power remain untouched by the dominant human rights discourse and its academic, NGO, and state collaborators that seek "truth and justice" in post-conflict Guatemala.
The area of sexuality is seen as very relevant at any stage of life, but with speciic characteristics in adolescence. Attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and values related to sexuality in the life cycle stage, are factors that can inluence the health of adolescents, affecting the integrity of the various levels of functionality. To know the attitudes of teenagers towards sexuality and analyze its relationship with gender and religion. It is a study of quantitative approach, observational, descriptive and analytical. A questionnaire was applied on a sample of 432 adolescents aged between 14 and 18 years. The results show that most young people presents more liberal positions and less conservative towards sexuality positions. The girls expressed more liberal attitudes compared to boys. The girls value more affective dimension. With regard to religion, the attitudes of teenagers towards sexuality Catholics no are different from non-Catholic teens. Although in recent years there had been changes in cultural patterns, which are relected in a relative change of mentalities, we found that sexuality in general still remains associated with myths and taboos. Teens revealed liberal attitudes about sexuality in general, but also show fear, shame and embarrassment regarding their sexuality and embarrassment in communicating about it.
This dissertation presents a thick ethnography that engages in the micro-analysis of the situationality of black middle-class collective identification processes through an examination of performances by members of the nine historically black sororities and fraternities at Atlanta Greek Picnic, an annual festival that occurs at the beginning of June in Atlanta, Georgia. It mainly attracts undergraduate and graduate members of these university-based organizations, as they exist all over the United States. This exploration of black Greek-letter organization (BGLO) performances uncovers processes through which young black middle-class individuals attempt to combine two universes that are at first glance in complete opposition to each other: the domain of the traditional black middle-class values with representations and fashions stemming from black popular culture. These constructions also attempt to incorporate—in a contradiction of sorts— black popular cultural elements in the objective to deconstruct the social conservatism that characterizes middle-class values, particularly in relation to sexuality and its representation in social behaviors and performances. This negotiation between prescribed v middle-class values of respectability and black popular culture provides a space wherein black individuals challenge and/or perpetuate those dominant tropes through identity performances that feed into the formation of black sexual politics, which I examine through a variety of BGLO staged and non-staged performances. ^
This thesis will explore the whether queer theory has had any real influence on the law on marriage and civil partnership in Scotland. It will do so by examining the work of Michael Foucault and Judith Butler, reviewing both The History of Sexuality Volume One, and Gender Trouble to establish what queer theory has to say on gender and sexuality. Both works expose the artificiality of gender and sexuality, and in doing so, show that marriage and civil partnership are institutions created to support these artificial structures. Marriage and civil partnership are not isolated from the continuing influence of queer discourse on both gender and sexuality; however, as I will show, the influence has been contained largely to opening up privilege, both legally and socially, to those who wish to conform to structures that remain heteronormative and prescriptive.
Cities are small-scale complex socio-ecological systems, that host around 60% of world population. Ecosystem Services (ES) provided by urban ecosystems offer multiple benefits necessary to cope with present and future urban challenges. These ES include microclimate regulation, runoff control, as well as opportunities for mental and physical recreation, affecting citizen’s health and wellbeing. Creating a balance between urban development, land take containment, climate adaptation and availability of Urban Green Areas and their related benefits, can improve the quality of the lives of the inhabitants, the economic performance of the city and the social justice and cohesion aspects. This work starts analysing current literature around the topic of Ecosystem Services (ES), Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) and Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and their integration within current European and International sustainability policies. Then, the thesis focuses on the role of ES, GBI and NBS towards urban sustainability and resilience setting the basis to build the core methodological and conceptual approach of this work. The developed ES-based conceptual approach provides guidance on how to map and assess ES, to better inform policy making and to give the proper value to ES within urban context. The proposed interdisciplinary approach navigates the topic of mapping and assessing ES benefits in terms of regulatory services, with a focus on climate mitigation and adaptation, and cultural services, to enhance wellbeing and justice in urban areas. Last, this thesis proposes a trans-disciplinary and participatory approach to build resilience over time around all relevant urban ES. The two case studies that will be presented in this dissertation, the city of Bologna and the city of Barcelona, have been used to implement, tailor and test the proposed conceptual framework, raising valuable inputs for planning, policies and science.
Following the approval of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, sustainability became a hotly debated topic. In order to build a better and more sustainable future by 2030, this agenda addressed several global issues, including inequality, climate change, peace, and justice, in the form of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that should be understood and pursued by nations, corporations, institutions, and individuals. In this thesis, we researched how to exploit and integrate Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Data Visualization to promote knowledge and awareness about SDG 8, which wants to encourage lasting, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. In particular, we focused on three targets: green economy, sustainable tourism, employment, decent work for all, and social protection. The primary goal of this research is to determine whether HCI approaches may be used to create and validate interactive data visualization that can serve as helpful decision-making aids for specific groups and raise their knowledge of public-interest issues. To accomplish this goal, we analyzed four case studies. In the first two, we wanted to promote knowledge and awareness about green economy issues: we investigated the Human-Building Interaction inside a Smart Campus and the dematerialization process inside a University. In the third, we focused on smart tourism, investigating the relationship between locals and tourists to create meaningful connections and promote more sustainable tourism. In the fourth, we explored the industry context to highlight sustainability policies inside well-known companies. This research focuses on the hypothesis that interactive data visualization tools can make communities aware of sustainability aspects related to SDG8 and its targets. The research questions addressed are two: "how to promote awareness about SDG8 and its targets through interactive data visualizations?" and "to what extent are these interactive data visualizations effective?".
The study describes the comprehension of concepts about sexuality by youths diagnosed with intellectual deficiency, during classes on sexual education. The analysis of selected episodes from video transcriptions of five classes (Human Body, Kiss, Flirting, Coitus, Condom/STD) showed: the appropriation and understanding of concepts, partial difficulties of comprehension, and inhibition. The analysis of the transcripts indicated that all students were attentive to the classes, participated in the proposed tasks, and answered the questions. The observed signs of inhibition and the expression of values were similar to those observed in other youngsters, indicating the appropriation of culturally established values. The obtained evidences contrast with mythical visions related to sexuality in these youngsters, and suggest more studies about their competences.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Sexualidade e saúde reprodutiva configuram questões relevantes para o cuidado integral à saúde de pessoas vivendo com HIV. Políticas públicas e serviços de saúde, entretanto, têm dedicado insuficiente atenção ao assunto. O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender como adolescentes e jovens soropositivos lidam com suas experiências sexuais e projetos de namoro, desejo de constituir família e de ter filhos. O estudo qualitativo entrevistou em profundidade 21 adolescentes vivendo com HIV (por transmissão vertical, sexual ou sanguínea) e 13 cuidadores de crianças e jovens, vivendo em São Paulo e em Santos, Brasil. As narrativas descrevem como aprenderam a lidar com a sexualidade e a ansiedade da revelação do diagnóstico nesse contexto. Destacam-se nas narrativas o despreparo, a desinformação sobre prevenção e a falta de apoio para lidar com a situação, assim como o estigma e a discriminação que atravessa grande parte das dificuldades relatadas. O artigo discute criticamente alguns dos desafios postos para uma adequada atenção à questão no Brasil, especialmente a consideração de jovens soropositivos como sujeitos de direitos sexuais, sugerindo diretrizes para a incorporação desta temática a um cuidado integral e humanizado de crianças e jovens vivendo com HIV.
O presente estudo hipotetiza que as diferentes matrizes clínicas que Freud encontrava em sua prática, e que lhe possibilitavam acréscimos teóricos, direcionaram seus distintos olhares sobre a cultura, fazendo-o privilegiar alguns elementos éticos em detrimento de outros. Desse modo, indicaremos: (1) como a histeria gerou a questão do conflito entre sexualidade e moral na civilização; (2) como a neurose obsessiva possibilitou a entrada dos temas da agressividade e do ódio como entraves contra os quais a cultura se esforça por lutar, assim como a presença marcante no psiquismo da consciência moral e do sentimento de culpa; (3) por fim, como as ditas afecções narcísicas trouxeram a Freud o papel do egoísmo e da destrutividade como inimigos da cultura. Nesse percurso nos aproximaremos das questões ligadas à problematização ética na "psicologia" freudiana e, a partir daí, do destaque que terá a dimensão moral na concepção freudiana do sujeito.
OBJETIVO: Conhecer a atribuição de significado dada por bioeticistas brasileiros quanto à equidade no sistema de saúde. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória. Entre julho de 2007 e julho de 2008, foram entrevistados 20 bioeticistas, dirigentes e ex-dirigentes da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioética e de suas regionais (2005-2008). O tratamento dos dados foi realizado por análise de discurso. RESULTADOS: Os discursos levaram ao estabelecimento das seguintes ideias centrais: tratar desigualmente os desiguais conforme suas necessidades; equidade e desigualdades compensadas; equidade e maximização dos benefícios; equidade e mérito social; equidade e direitos. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam a existência entre os bioeticistas pesquisados de uma diversidade de interpretações sobre equidade no sistema de saúde, reforçando a noção de que é difícil, no mundo contemporâneo, decidir sobre o que seria um sistema justo e equânime.
Nos últimos 20 anos, houve uma melhoria de praticamente todos os indicadores da saúde materna no Brasil, assim como grande ampliação do acesso aos serviços de saúde. Paradoxalmente, não há qualquer evidência de melhoria na mortalidade materna. Este texto tem como objetivo trazer elementos para a compreensão deste paradoxo, através do exame dos modelos típicos de assistência ao parto, no SUS e no setor privado. Analisaremos as propostas de mudança para uma assistência mais baseada em evidências sobre a segurança destes modelos, sua relação com os direitos das mulheres, e com os conflitos de interesse e resistências à mudança dos modelos. Examinamos os pressupostos de gênero que modulam a assistência e os vieses de gênero na pesquisa neste campo, expressos na superestimação dos benefícios da tecnologia, e na subestimação ou na negação dos desconfortos e efeitos adversos das intervenções. Crenças da cultura sexual não raro são tidas como explicações 'científicas' sobre o corpo, a parturição e a sexualidade, e se refletem na imposição de sofrimentos e riscos desnecessários, nas intervenções danosas à integridade genital, e na negação do direito a acompanhantes. Esta 'pessimização do parto' é instrumental para favorecer, por comparação, o modelo da cesárea de rotina. Por fim, discutimos como o uso da categoria gênero pode contribuir para promover direitos e mudanças institucionais, como no caso dos acompanhantes no parto
The objective of this study is to evaluate the entries associated to the sexual function of patients undergoing physical disability rehabilitation, as well as the course of changes and medical approach through a retrospective review of medical charts. Methods: Medical records referring to the period between July and September, 1998 were evaluated. The data was divided into two groups, records containing physician`s entries on sexual function and/or entries of other health care professionals. The following aspects were investigated: whether complaints were spontaneously voiced by the patient, and whether diagnosis had been reached, with corresponding management. Results: Out of 245 medical records investigated, 17 (6.9%) contained clinical observations on the sexual function; out of those, 14 reached diagnosis. Twelve records (4.9%) had information by non-medical healthcare professionals. Out of 17 entries by doctors, 16 referred to male patients, which was found to be significant (p = 0.0202). Conclusions: Records for the sexual function of patients undergoing physical rehabilitation are scarce. In this population, the sexual function of male patients had more extensive investigation on the part of physicians when compared to other health care professionals.
Começarei com um Princípio Fundamental Constitucional que está (ainda) em vigor: o Direito à Justiça. Art. 20º da Constituição da República Portuguesa: “Acesso ao direito e tutela jurisdicional efectiva”: “1. A todos é assegurado o acesso ao direito e aos tribunais para defesa dos seus direitos e interesses legalmente protegidos, não podendo a justiça ser denegada por insuficiência de meios económicos.”. Abstract: I will begin with a Constitutional Fundamental Principle that is (still) in force: the Right to Justice. Art 20 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. "Access to law and effective judicial protection": "1. Everyone is guaranteed access to the law and the courts to defend their legally protected rights and interests, and justice may not be denied for insufficient economic means. ".
Como Carlos Pinto de Abreu refere e bem, no seu livro e no seminário, entre juízes, partes ou sujeitos processuais, advogados ou solicitadores, magistrados do Ministério Público ou testemunhas, peritos ou funcionários, encontramos “pessoas que podem ser mais ou menos sérias”, por sinal “motivadas por outros interesses que não os de servir a Verdade e a Justiça”; Abstract: Carlos Pinto de Abreu as regards and well in his book and seminar, between judges, parties or procedural subject, lawyers or solicitors, prosecutors and witnesses, experts or officials, found "people who may be more or less serious" , by the way "motivated by interests other than those serving the Truth and Justice".