497 resultados para seizures
A Clibadium sylvestre é largamente distribuída na região amazônica, onde é conhecida como cunambi ou cunhambi, e sua ingestão causa embriaguez, ou mesmo morte dos peixes, demonstrando propriedade ictiotóxica. Os compostos existentes nas folhas da Clibadium sylvestre são poderosos estimulantes do sistema nervoso central, suas folhas contêm substâncias com potencial convulsivante. As alterações eletroencefalográficas, crise convulsiva e os efeitos de drogas no controle do comportamento convulsivo foram estudados bem como a via metabólica dos componentes acetato de cunaniol e cunaniol. O trabalho foi realizado em ratos wistar machos adultos, tratados com DE50 de 2,92 mg/kg ou DL50 de 3,64 mg/kg de cunaniol a via de administração utilizada foi a intraperitoneal. Após a administração do cunaniol, a evolução das crises convulsivas foram observadas, permitindo classificá-las de acordo com a intensidade de apresentação e relacionar com a concentração plasmática do cunaniol. Os parâmetros eletroencefalográficos, da atuação das drogas no controle das convulsões e a característica cíclica foram determinadas e avaliadas. A análise de plasma obtido por cromatografia líquida após a aplicação das substâncias convulsivantes indicam que o acetato de cunaniol sofre desacetilação dando origem ao cunaniol, droga responsável pelo quadro convulsivo. Dados eletrocorticográficos demonstraram cinco padrões de traçados diferentes durante registro de 4 horas permanecendo com alterações de traçado por 12 horas após aplicação. As drogas utilizadas para prevenir o desencadeamento das convulsões, as mais efetivas foram o Diazepam, o Fenobarbital e a Quetamina. O comportamento convulsivo foi classificado em cinco estágios. Para a ocorrência dos estágios 4 e 5 não houve diferenças estatísticas quanto à concentração plasmática de cunaniol.
Este trabalho avaliou o potencial cortical provocado visual de crianças com história de epilepsia com o objetivo de identificar marcadores eletrofisiológicos que indicassem alterações corticais em epilepsia. Foram estudados 34 sujeitos com história de epilepsia (18 sujeitos com epilepsia parcial e 16 com epilepsia generalizada). O grupo controle foi composto por 19 sujeitos sem história de crises epilépticas com faixa etária semelhante aos pacientes. Os componentes do potencial cortical provocado visual transiente para apresentação por padrão reverso de tabuleiros de xadrez foram avaliados quanto à amplitude, tempo implícito e razões de amplitude entre os componentes. Foi observado que os pacientes com epilepsia generalizada apresentaram componente N75 com amplitude maior que os demais grupos, enquanto as razões de amplitude N75/P100 e P100/N135foram menores em pacientes com epilepsia parcial que em outros grupos. Houve fraca correlação linear entre os parâmetros do potencial cortical provocado visual e a idade de início das crises epilépticas ou tempo de utilização das medicações antiepilépticas. Conclui-se que o componente N75 e as razões de amplitude N75/P100 e P100/N135 podem ser bons indicadores eletrofisiológicos para alterações funcionais corticais em epilepsia.
O transtorno epiléptico apresenta alta prevalência e severidade. Além da gravidade da epilepsia per se, este distúrbio pode ser acompanhado de várias comorbidades, sendo a depressão a principal comorbidade psiquiátrica. Os mecanismos envolvidos na relação epilepsia/depressão ainda não estão bem esclarecidos, e sabe-se que o tratamento de ambos os distúrbios pode ser problemático, já que alguns anticonvulsivantes podem causar ou aumentar sintomas depressivos, enquanto alguns antidepressivos parecem aumentar a susceptibilidade a convulsões. Por outro lado, estudos têm demonstrado que alguns antidepressivos, além de seguros, também possuem atividade anticonvulsivante como a venlafaxina, um inibidor da recaptação de serotonina e noradrenalina (IRSN). Considerando que a duloxetina, outro IRSN, apresenta uma inibição mais potente sobre transportados monoaminérgicos e que não existe nada na literatura a respeito de sua influência sobre convulsões apesar de que está sendo aplicado atualmente na clínica, o objetivo do nosso estudo é verificar o possível efeito anticonvulsivante da duloxetina através do modelo de convulsões induzidas pelo pentilenotetrazol (PTZ) em camundongos. Para tal, camundongos foram pré-tratados com duloxetina (10, 20, 40 mg/kg/i.p.) e trinta minutos após receberam uma injeção intraperitoneal de PTZ (60 mg/kg). Por vinte minutos os animais foram monitorados para a avaliação dos tempos de latência para o primeiro espasmo mioclônico e a primeira crise tônico-clônica, como também o tempo de duração das convulsões e de sobrevida. A análise eletroencefalográfica foi utilizada para avaliar a severidade das crises (aumento da amplitude das ondas). Após esse período os animais foram sacrificados, o córtex cerebral dissecado e análises bioquímicas (atividade da superóxido desmutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), níveis de nitritos e peroxidação lipídica) foram feitas para investigação dos mecanismos pelos quais a droga influencia as convulsões. Os resultados preliminares demonstraram que a duloxetina apresenta atividade anticonvulsivante, sendo capaz de aumentar significativamente o tempo de latência tanto para o primeiro espasmo clônico, como para a primeira convulsão tônico-clônica induzidas pelo pentilenotetrazol. Ainda a avaliação eletroencefalográfica demonstrou que a duloxetina na dose de 20 mg/kg diminuiu significativamente a amplitude das ondas enquanto a dose de 40 mg/kg aumentou significativamente a amplitude em comparação a todos os tratamentos. Quanto à avaliação da influência no estresse oxidativo, animais tratados apenas com PTZ apresentaram um aumento significativo do nível de peroxidação lipídica, e diminuição da atividade da SOD e da CAT. Quanto ao nível de nitritos não houve nenhuma alteração significativa entre os tratamentos. A duloxetina na dose de 20 mg/kg se mostrou efetiva para evitar as alterações induzidas pelo PTZ nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo avaliados. A atividade anticonvulsivante da duloxetina (20 mg/kg) colabora com a teoria que tem sido apresentada nos últimos ano de que a modulação da neurotransmissão serotonérgica e noradrenérgica pode ter efeito anticonvulsivante. Ainda, a capacidade da duloxetina de inibir a exacerbação do estresse oxidativo envolvido nas convulsões induzidas pelo PTZ corrobora com estudos que demonstram que algumas substâncias anticonvulsivantes podem modular as convulsões pelo menos em parte por sua atividade antioxidante. Portanto concluímos que a duloxetine é um adjuvante promissor para o tratamento de pacientes que apresentam a comorbidade epilepsia e depressão.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Ethnopharmacological relevance: In Brazil, a phytotherapeutic preparation produced from a standardized tincture of Cinchona calisaya Weddel such that each mL of product contains 400 mu g of quinine, known in Portuguese as Agua Inglesa (R) (English water), is indicated by the manufacturer as a tonic, appetite stimulant, and digestive. However, this preparation has long been used in folk medicine as a female fertility stimulant. Despite its widespread use in folk medicine to stimulate female fertility, no study has been undertaken to assess the potential teratogenic and genotoxic effects of this phytotherapeutic preparation. The aim of the present study was to investigate possible toxic reproductive effects in mice caused by exposure to Agua Inglesa (R), either before mating or during the pre- and post-embryo implantation periods. The genotoxic potential was evaluated using the micronucleus assay.Material, Methods, and Results: Virgin female mice, with at least one estrous cycle evidenced by vaginal cytology, were divided into five groups of 15 individuals each (Group I - control, Group II - treated with ethanol solution at 16%, Groups III, IV and V treated with phytotherapeutic preparation at 1.5 mL/kg/day, 3.0 mL/kg/day and 4.5 mL/kg/day, respectively). After the first 28 days of treatment, females were caged individually with adult fertile males. Pregnant females continued to receive treatment for seven days (preimplantation period). Body weight was recorded weekly during treatment. Signs of toxicity (weight loss, food intake, piloerection, apathy, prostration, diarrhea, seizures, behavioral changes, and locomotion) were also observed. The females were sacrificed on the 15th day of pregnancy, uterine horns were evaluated for implantation, and the placental index was recorded. In the micronucleus test, 2000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) per animal, obtained from bone marrow, were scored. Results The results showed that exposure of the females during the pre- and post-implantation periods did not significantly alter the reproductive capacity (p < 0.05); however, in higher dose (three times human dose)reduction of fetal weight was observed. There was no difference between the control and phytotherapeutic preparation (p > 0.05) in terms of the average number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes.Conclusions: Although folk medicine suggests that the Agua Inglesa (R) preparation is useful as a female fertility stimulant, no such effect was confirmed in mice. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective - For patients with medication refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), surgery offers the hope of a cure. However, up to 30% of patients with MTLE continue to experience disabling seizures after surgery. The reasons why some patients do not achieve seizure freedom are poorly understood. A promising theory suggests that epileptogenic networks are broadly distributed in surgically refractory MTLE, involving regions beyond the medial temporal lobe. In this retrospective study, we aimed to investigate the distribution of epileptogenic networks in MTLE using Bayesian distributed EEG source analysis from preoperative ictal onset recordings. This analysis has the advantage of generating maps of source probability, which can be subjected to voxel-based statistical analyses.Methods - We compared 10 patients who achieved post-surgical seizure freedom with 10 patients who continued experiencing seizures after surgery. Voxel-based Wilcoxon tests were employed with correction for multiple comparisons.Results - We observed that ictal EEG source intensities were significantly more likely to occur in lateral temporal and posterior medial temporal regions in patients with continued seizures post-surgery.Conclusions - Our findings support the theory of broader spatial distribution of epileptogenic networks at seizure onset in patients with surgically refractory MTLE.
The hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrinopathy reported in dogs, caused by a deficiency in the synthesis of parathyroid hormone (PTH). The lack of PTH causes hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, resulting in a series of neurological and neuromuscular disorders. Unlike most endocrinopathies, hypoparathyroidism is a disease in which the exogenous hormone replacement is not being viable, becoming the treatment a challenge. The present report aims to describe a case of primary hypoparathyroidism in a Schnauzer dog with seizures and neuromuscular disorders, and successful treatment employed, this being the first case, according to the literature, of hypoparathyroidism diagnosed in Brazil. The hypoparathyroidism should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of seizure. A complete neurological evaluation and determination of serum ionized calcium and parathyroid hormone are essential for the diagnosis of this disease. Early diagnosis may improve the quality of life of affected animals, since after the initiation of therapy, there is complete remission of clinical signs.
It has been demonstrated that, on abrupt withdrawal, patients with chronic exposure can experience a number of symptoms indicative of a dependent state. In clinical patients, the earliest to arise and most persistent signal of withdrawal from chronic benzodiazepine (Bzp) treatment is anxiety. In laboratory animals, anxiety-like effects following abrupt interruption of chronic Bzp treatment can also be reproduced. In fact, signs that oscillate from irritability to extreme fear behaviours and seizures have been described already. As anxiety remains one of the most important symptoms of Bzp withdrawal, in this study we evaluated the anxiety levels of rats withdrawn from diazepam. Also studied were the effects on the motor performance and preattentive sensory gating process of rats under diazepam chronic treatment and upon 48-h withdrawal on three animal models of anxiety, the elevated plus-maze (EPM), ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) and startle + prepulse inhibition tests. Data obtained showed an anxiolytic- and anxiogenic-like profile of the chronic intake of and withdrawal from diazepam regimen in the EPM test, 22-KHz USV and startle reflex. Diazepam chronic effects or its withdrawal were ineffective in promoting any alteration in the prepulse inhibition (PPI). However, an increase of PPI was achieved in both sucrose and diazepam pretreated rats on 48-h withdrawal, suggesting a procedural rather than a specific effect of withdrawal on sensory gating processes. It is also possible that the prepulse can function as a conditioned stimulus to informing the delivery of an aversive event, as the auditory startling-eliciting stimulus. All these findings are indicative of a sensitization of the neural substrates of aversion in diazepam withdrawn animals without concomitant changes on the processing of sensory information
Seizure is a clinical manifestation of abnormal neuronal hyperactivity of the cerebral cortex, presentation clinical varies according to the location and extent of the brain. The classic seizure begins with an inicial period, named prodrome, followed by the aura, the ictus and finally the post-ictus phase. Seizures can be generalized or focal/partial types. Focal seizures with secondary generalization are the most common type in dogs. The seizure can be divided etiologically in intracraneal (idiopathic epilepsy; sintomatic; probably sintomatic epilepsy) and extracraneal disorders. After determining the etiology of seizures and critical analysis of the frequency, severity, and worry they cause to the owner, you should make the decision whether to launch an anticonvulsant drug therapy. Although the ideal is the elimination of seizures, the real goal should be to decrease the frequency and intensity of crises, without affecting the quality of life of patients taking the drugs used side effects acceptable. The veterinary should consider the bioavailability of the drug, contraindications, toxicity, drug interactions, the amount of daily administration, the availability of the owner and the cost of therapy. Seizures can be controlled in about 70- 80% of the dogs and in the majority of the cats when treated with Phenobarbital alone. Addition of a second drug (usually potassium bromide), decreases the number of seizures in more that 50% in about 70-80% of dogs. However, approximately 20-30% of dogs are refractory to this treatment. In these cases, it will be necessary to think in other pharmacological alternatives, like felbamate, gabapentin, levetiracetam, zonisamid, among others. It has been concluded that... (Complete abstract click eletronic access below)
This study intends to analyze the regional influences for the language and the characterization of characters of the environment João Guimarães Rosa, stressing the important of language as cultural heritage. The study is based on the concepts of Culture and defended by Region of Cultural Geography, Language as an asset by Iphan, interviews and works of Rosa, and publications related to Rosa's works. Having the definition of place as a center of meaning constructed by experience (Tuan, 1983), and that the region is now seen based on the set of perceptions and lived down from seizures, evaluations, decisions and behaviors collectives (Bezzi, 2004), qualitative research provides grounds of the discussion it’s importance of communication and the same transcript. Through the study of language, characters and actions of the author's own notes to create the environment for the study of behavior, lived and / or imagined in the stories. Based on the literature review has set itself the aim of the study of the language coupled with the behavior of certain individuals of the same group have a cultural identity is recognized and valued as historic and cultural heritage
Feline hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease is a cholestatic syndrome that affects domestic cats and is characterized by excess fat accumulation in the liver of cats. Symptoms commonly seen with this syndrome are anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice, and occasionally behavioral or neurologic signs such as excessive drooling, blindness, coma, and seizures. The diagnosis is based on the patient history, clinical examination, complementary examination, and the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytology and/or histopathology of hepatic tissue. In serum biochemistry, the main findings include increased serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST) and bilirubin. The gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is normal or slightly increased. The cornerstone of therapy is aggressive feeding to supply the cat full caloric requirements. Without aggressive nutritional support and intensive monitoring the fatty liver disease can be fatal
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder that impairs life quality (LQ) and interferes in emotional, personal, social and family relationship aspects. This study evaluated 165 people with epilepsy diagnosis, ranging from 18 to 75 years old (M=41,28; SD= 13,26), by means of the QQV-65 (Life Quality Questionnaire with 65 questions) and investigated the association between the questionnaire scores and the disease features, comparing patients who showed refrectory seizures with patients with partially controled seizures. There was no difference in relation to the two groups regarding the LQ factor. The QQV-65 emotional factor was the most affected in both groups, since the estimated mean z-escore was 51,0±14,4 for Group I and 49,9±14,7 for Group II. Regarding the type of crisis, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that Health was the only factor in QQV-65 that showed a statistically significant difference between the z-scores (P = 0.024). However, for the frequency of epileptic seizures, except Health (P = 0.185), other factors QQV-65 proved to be related in a statistically significant way (P> 0.05). The research demonstrated that seizure control perception is quite important in the evaluation of life quality in all its aspects (health, body, society, emotion, locus of control, self-concept and cognition).
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)