954 resultados para sand dunes
Estimation of the dimensions of fluvial geobodies from core data is a notoriously difficult problem in reservoir modeling. To try and improve such estimates and, hence, reduce uncertainty in geomodels, data on dunes, unit bars, cross-bar channels, and compound bars and their associated deposits are presented herein from the sand-bed braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada. These data are used to test models that relate the scale of the formative bed forms to the dimensions of the preserved deposits and, therefore, provide an insight as to how such deposits may be preserved over geologic time. The preservation of bed-form geometry is quantified by comparing the Alluvial architecture above and below the maximum erosion depth of the modem channel deposits. This comparison shows that there is no significant difference in the mean set thickness of dune cross-strata above and below the basal erosion surface of the contemporary channel, thus suggesting that dimensional relationships between dune deposits and the formative bed-form dimensions are likely to be valid from both recent and older deposits. The data show that estimates of mean bankfull flow depth derived from dune, unit bar, and cross-bar channel deposits are all very similar. Thus, the use of all these metrics together can provide a useful check that all components and scales of the alluvial architecture have been identified correctly when building reservoir models. The data also highlight several practical issues with identifying and applying data relating to cross-strata. For example, the deposits of unit bars were found to be severely truncated in length and width, with only approximately 10% of the mean bar-form length remaining, and thus making identification in section difficult. For similar reasons, the deposits of compound bars were found to be especially difficult to recognize, and hence, estimates of channel depth based on this method may be problematic. Where only core data are available (i.e., no outcrop data exist), formative flow depths are suggested to be best reconstructed using cross-strata formed by dunes. However, theoretical relationships between the distribution of set thicknesses and formative dune height are found to result in slight overestimates of the latter and, hence, mean bankfull flow depths derived from these measurements. This article illustrates that the preservation of fluvial cross-strata and, thus, the paleohydraulic inferences that can be drawn from them, are a function of the ratio of the size and migration rate of bed forms and the time scale of aggradation and channel migration. These factors must thus be considered when deciding on appropriate length:thickness ratios for the purposes of object-based modeling in reservoir characterization.
Blood-feeding insects inject potent salivary components including complement inhibitors into their host's skin to acquire a blood meal. Sand fly saliva was shown to inhibit the classical pathway of complement; however, the molecular identity of the inhibitor remains unknown. Here, we identified SALO as the classical pathway complement inhibitor. SALO, an 11 kDa protein, has no homology to proteins of any other organism apart from New World sand flies. rSALO anti-complement activity has the same chromatographic properties as the Lu. longipalpis salivary gland homogenate (SGH)counterparts and anti-rSALO antibodies blocked the classical pathway complement activity of rSALO and SGH. Both rSALO and SGH inhibited C4b deposition and cleavage of C4. rSALO, however, did not inhibit the protease activity of C1s nor the enzymatic activity of factor Xa, uPA, thrombin, kallikrein, trypsin and plasmin. Importantly, rSALO did not inhibit the alternative or the lectin pathway of complement. In conclusion our data shows that SALO is a specific classical pathway complement inhibitor present in the saliva of Lu. longipalpis. Importantly, due to its small size and specificity, SALO may offer a therapeutic alternative for complement classical pathway-mediated pathogenic effects in human diseases.
It is often assumed that total head losses in a sand filter are solely due to the filtration media and that there are analytical solutions, such as the Ergun equation, to compute them. However, total head losses are also due to auxiliary elements (inlet and outlet pipes and filter nozzles), which produce undesirable head losses because they increase energy requirements without contributing to the filtration process. In this study, ANSYS Fluent version 6.3, a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software program, was used to compute head losses in different parts of a sand filter. Six different numerical filter models of varying complexities were used to understand the hydraulic behavior of the several filter elements and their importance in total head losses. The simulation results show that 84.6% of these were caused by the sand bed and 15.4% were due to auxiliary elements (4.4% in the outlet and inlet pipes, and 11.0% in the perforated plate and nozzles). Simulation results with different models show the important role of the nozzles in the hydraulic behavior of the sand filter. The relationship between the passing area through the nozzles and the passing area through the perforated plate is an important design parameter for the reduction of total head losses. A reduced relationship caused by nozzle clogging would disproportionately increase the total head losses in the sand filter
The update of the Finnish legislation concerning waste was unavoidable, to comply with the European Union (EU) requirements defined in the EU-Directive on Waste. The new waste law updates were enacted into the Finnish legislation on the 11.03.2011 and targeted for applicability by the 11.03.2012. This thesis investigates the implications of the new amendments to the waste legislation from the perspective of green sand foundries. The investigations are conducted by comparing two of Componenta’s green sand foundries and evaluating their waste streams. Additionally, the impacts of legislation amendments are critiqued on their environmental and economic aspects. The study’s comparison of waste fractions at the two foundries reveals that sand is dominant in absolute tonnage and costs. The increments of waste taxes forces foundries to focus on waste management, recycling and disposing. The new legislation’s promotion of material efficiency, also guides foundries towards the prevention of waste. A potential preventive measure is to regenerate waste sand resulting to cost savings on both raw-materials and waste management. However, the lack of absolute targets for waste prevention or recycling rates discourages the interests towards creating or adopting new technologies and methods for the waste handling.
This thesis includes detailed sedimentological and ichnological studies on two geological units: the Pebas Formation, with a special focus in its informal upper member, and the Nauta Formation. Both formations were deposited during the Miocene in Northeastern Peruvian Amazonia, in the Amazon retroarc foreland basin. The Pebas and Nauta successions mainly consist of non-consolidated, clastic sedimentary deposits arranged into sand- to mud-dominated heterolithic successions, which can be upward-coarsening to upward-fining. Sediments in both the Pebas and Nauta successions range from mud to fine- to medium-grained sand. The main facies observed were 1) mud-dominated horizontal heterolithic couplets; 2) rooted brownish mud; 3) lenticular, mud-draped, cross-stratified sand; 4) mud- to sand-dominated, inclined heterolithic stratification; 5) sand-dominated horizontal heterolithic couplets; and 6) mud-draped, trough cross-stratified sand. Locally, tidal rhythmites were documented. The facies are interpreted as: 1) muddy, shallow, subaqueous flats/shoals; 2) palaeosols; 3) secondary tidal channels or run-off creeks; 4) tidally influenced point bars; 5) shoreface deposits; and 6) subtidal compound dunes. Thalassinoides-dominated Glossifungites ichnofacies, low-diversity expressions of the Skolithos ichnofacies and depauperate suites consisting of elements common to the Cruziana ichnofacies strongly indicate brackish-water conditions. However, continental trace fossil assemblages, with possible elements common to the Scoyenia ichnofacies, have also been identified. In addition to the palaeoenvironmental study, a local hydrogeochemical characterisation of the Pebas and Nauta formations was also conducted. The geochemistry of the groundwaters reflects the characteristics and the soil geochemistry of the geological formations studied. The Pebas formation has low hardness, acid to neutral waters, whereas the upper Pebas has high hardness, acid to neutral waters. In both units, the arsenic content is locally high. The Nauta formation has low hardness acid groundwaters. A regional review of the Pebas and Nauta formations placed the local observations into a continental perspective and suggests that the whole Pebas-Nauta system was a probably shallow (some tens of metres at maximum), brackish- to freshwater, tidally-influenced epicontinental embayment with a probable semi-diurnal to mixed tidal regime and a microtidal range, surrounded by continental environments such as forest floors, lagoons, rivers and their flood plains, and lakes.
Aspects of population dynamics and life history of Paepalanthus polyanthus (Bong.) Kunth, a sand dune monocarpic plant, were evaluated. A five year study was carried out on three permanent plots (5 m x 5 m) in a sand dune slack at Joaquina beach, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. From December 1986 to June 1989, the population decreased due to the death of the post reproductive plants and a low emergence of seedlings. In June 1989, a great recruitment occurred, but no plants survived. The population re-established itself by 1990-1991. The emergence and high survival of seedlings depended on periods of high pluviosity. Nevertheless, the summer flooding and episodes of drought represented key factors in mortality. The birth and mortality rates varied among the areas. It is suggested that these differences are related with depth of the ground water and with vegetation cover at each site. Paepalanthus polyanthus can reproduce in the second year of life, but few plants do this. The chances of survival and reproduction increase with the size of the basal leaf rosette. Although the production of seeds increases with size, the risk of unexpected flooding, for instance, suggest that a great delay in reproduction might not be the most favorable strategy.
Cakile maritima occurs sporadically along the southern Brazilian coast, where it is restricted to more protected sites at the base of foredunes. Somatic dimorphism in C. maritima is manifested as morphologically distinct upper and lower fruit segments (silicules). The two morphs were tested for differences in size, number of seeds, dispersal ability and natural establishment. In the C. maritima population of southern Brazil, the lower silicule has more seeds than upper silicule, and lower seeds are more likely to abort than the upper ones. Seeds from upper segments were significantly larger than those from lower ones; however, their mass ranges overlap. The mean silicule mass was not significantly different from both segments, but the silicule/seed mass ratio from upper and lower segments was significantly different. Both segments had high ability to float in sea water, more than 50% were still afloat after 70 days. Nevertheless, dispersal occurs mainly to landward due to dominant wind action. Most of the seedlings were restricted to within a one-metre radius of the mother plant, and were principally derived from lower fruit segments.
A pesquisa avaliou a temperatura e o substrato para o teste de germinação das sementes de ipê-branco (Tabebuia roseo-alba (Ridl.) Sand.). Em mesa termogradiente, foram avaliados 11 intervalos de temperatura entre 15°C e 35°C, sob oito horas de fotoperíodo diário. Foram analisados também os substratos papel (sobre papel e rolo de papel) e vermiculita (entre vermiculita) sob 30°C e 35°C, em germinadores com oito horas de fotoperíodo diário. As sementes e as plântulas foram avaliadas diariamente, considerando os critérios indicados nas regras para análise de sementes, e calculados a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de germinação. A temperatura e o substrato interferem na germinação das sementes de ipê-branco; a condição mais favorável para o teste de germinação dessas sementes é 30°C em substrato papel.
The Sand Creek Prospect is located within the eastern exposed margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex. The occurrence is a plug and dyke porphyry molybdenum deposit. The rock types, listed in decreasing age: 1) metamorphlc schists and gneisses; 2) diorite suite rocks - diorite, quartz diorite, tonalite; 3) rocks of andesitic composition; 4) granodiorites, coarse porphyritic granodiorite, quartzfeldspar porphyry, feldspar porphyry; and 5) lamprophyre. Hydrothermal alteration is known to have resulted from emplacement of the hornblende-feldspar porphyry through to the quartz-feldspar porphyry. Molybdenum mineralization is chiefly associated with the quartz-feldspar porphyry. Ore mineralogy is dominated by pyrite with subordinate molybdenite, chalcopyrite, covelline, sphalerite, galena, scheelite, cassiterite and wolframite. Molybdenite exhibits a textural gradation outward from the quartz-feldspar porphyry. That is, disseminated rosettes and rosettes in quartz veins to fine-grained molybdenite in quartz veins and potassic altered fractures to fine-grained molybdenite paint or 6mears in the peripheral zones. The quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes were emplaced in an inhomogeneous stress field. The trend of dykes, faults and shear zones is 0^1° to 063° and dips between 58° NW and 86* SE. Joint Pole distribution reflects this fault orientation. These late deformatior maxima are probably superimposed upon annuli representing diapiric emplacement of the plutons. A model of emplacement involving two magmatic pulses is given in the following sequence: Diorite pulse (i) dioritequartz diorite, (ii) tonalites; granodiorite pulse (iii) hornblende-fildspar microporphyry, hornblende/biotite porphyry, (iv) coarse grained granodiorite, (v) quartz-feldspar porphyry, (vi) feldspar porphyry, and (vii) lamprophyre. The combination of plutonic and coarse porphyritic textures, extensive propylitic overprinting of potassic alteration assemblages suggests that the. prospect represents the lower reaches of a porphyry system.