988 resultados para rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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This work assessed the performance of membranes made of natural latex extracted from Hevea brasiliensis prepared with three different methods: polymerized immediately after collection without the use of ammonia (L1); polymerized after preservation in ammonia solution (L2); and polymerized after storage in ammonia, followed by Soxhlet technique for the extraction of substances (L3). Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane was used as control. Two 10-mm diameter bone defects were surgically made in the calvaria of thirty adult male New Zealand rabbits. Defects (total n = 60) were treated with guided bone regeneration (GBR) using L1, L2, L3 or PTFE membranes (n = 15 for each membrane). Ten animals were euthanized after 7, 20 and 60 days postoperatively so that five samples (n = 5) of each treatment were collected at each time, and bone regeneration was assessed microscopically. The microscopic analysis revealed defects filled with blood clot and new bone formation at the margins of the defect in all 7-day samples, while 20-day defects were mainly filled with fibrous connective tissue. After 60 days defects covered with L1 membranes showed a significantly larger bone formation area in comparison to the other groups (P < 0.05, ANOVA, Tukey). Additionally, bone tissue hypersensitization for L1 and PTFE membranes was also investigated in six additional rabbits. The animals were subjected to the same surgical procedure for the confection of one 10-mm diameter bone defect that was treated with L1 (n = 3) or PTFE (n = 3). Fifty-three days later, a second surgery was performed to make a second defect, which was treated with the same type of membrane used in the first surgery. Seven days later, the animals were euthanized and samples analyzed. No differences among L1 and PTFE samples collected from sensitized and non-sensitized animals were found (P > 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis). Therefore, the results demonstrated that latex membranes presented performance comparable to PTFE membranes, and that L1 membranes induced higher bone formation. L1 and PTFE membranes produced no hypersensitization in the bone tissue.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O sucesso do desenvolvimento da dinâmica das formações vegetais depende das relações estabelecidas entre as espécies vegetais com outros organismos e com o meio físico. Tais relações estão sujeitas a situações de estresse, podendo esse ser de caráter abiótico, como condições elevadas de radiação solar e temperatura e déficit hídrico ou de caráter biótico, como a herbivoria e o ataque de patógenos. Dessa maneira, em virtude à necessidade de um sistema de defesa, as plantas utilizam compostos químicos, como compostos fenólicos e ligninas, para se desenvolverem com proteção. Os compostos fenólicos são compostos oriundos do metabolismo secundário vegetal e ocorrem na parede celular dos tecidos vegetais, constituindo assim uma rápida linha de defesa vegetal a lesões e infecções e funcionando como substrato para atuação de enzimas de defesa como peroxidases e polifenoloxidases. Junto com a atuação dos compostos fenólicos, as ligninas fornecem à planta maior resistência mecânica e impermeabilidade suficiente aos vasos condutores do xilema, proporcionando, assim, desde um fundamental auxílio aos vegetais na conquista do ambiente terrestre até o estabelecimento de uma barreira protetora eficiente contra o ataque de microorganismos. Assim, por meio da extração e análise dos teores de compostos fenólicos e de ligninas de porção de raiz, caule, ápice caulinar e folhas maduras e imaturas de indivíduos de Erythrina speciosa Andrews, Eugenia uniflora L., Hevea brasiliensis M. Arg., Hymenaea courbaril L. var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee et Lang, Joannesia princeps Vell., Lecythis pisonis Cambess, Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch, Pachira aquatica Aubl. e Psidium guajava L., classificou-se como espécies pioneiras Erythrina speciosa Andrews, Hymenaea courbaril L. var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee et Lang, Joannesia princeps Vell., Pachira aquatica Aubl... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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As formações vegetais são altamente dinâmicas e dependem principalmente da taxa de crescimento das espécies vegetais, entretanto, esta está intimamente relacionada e suscetível a estresses abióticos, como elevada ou baixa radiação solar, temperaturas extremas, e bióticos, como taque de patógenos e de herbívoros, o que faz com que as plantas necessitem de um sistema de defesa altamente eficiente o qual consiste na atuação de compostos secundários, e de enzimas como por exemplo peroxidases e polifenoloxidases. A atividade das peroxidases constitui a mais importante via do sistema de defesa vegetal a patógenos no que se refere a cicatrização de ferimentos e à herbivoria, propiciando um aumento da lignificação nos tecidos lesados, o que aumenta a resistência dos mesmos, dificultando assim a ocorrência de novas lesões. Quanto às polifenoloxidases, também pertencentes ao grupo das oxidorredutases, são enzimas que também atuam diretamente na via de defesa das plantas ao ataque de patógenos e na cicatrização de ferimentos e processos de senescência. Por meio da extração e análise da atividade de Peroxidases e Polifenoloxidases em porção de raiz, caule, ápice e em folhas de indivíduos de Erythrina speciosa Andrews, Eugenia uniflora L., Hevea brasiliensis M. Arg., Hymenaea courbaril L. var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee et Lang, Joannesia princeps Vell., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch, Pachira aquatica Aubl. e Psidium guajava L., obteve-se comportamento pioneiro para as espécies Eugenia uniflora L., Hymenaea courbaril L. var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Lee et Lang, Joannesia princeps Vell. e Psidium guajava L., e comportamento não-pioneiro para as espécies Erythrina speciosa Andrews, Hevea brasiliensis M. Arg., Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch e Pachira aquatica Aubl.. Dessa maneira foi possível verificar que a análise da atividade peroxidásica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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As plantas apresentam moléculas que detectam a luz, entre elas estão os fitocromos que detectam mudanças na qualidade da luz nas regiões de vermelho (V) e vermelho-extremo (VE). O fitocromo age no crescimento das plantas possibilitando-as perceber o sombreamento por outras plantas, o que pode ocasionar no processo de estiolamento, ou seja, alongamento do caule. Assim, conforme aumenta o sombreamento, a razão V:VE diminui. Nas plantas de sol, quanto maior a proporção de VE, maior a taxa de estiolamento, enquanto que as plantas de sombra mostram pouca ou nenhuma redução na taxa de alongamento dos caules. Na sucessão florestal as plantas podem ser classificadas como pioneiras, sendo aquelas dependentes de luz e intolerantes à sombra, e as de transição ou clímax, que são tolerantes à sombra. Assim, este trabalho teve o intuito de analisar o processo de estiolamento de plântulas de espécies arbóreas nativas selecionadas, mantidas em condições de luz diferentes e correlacionar com a classe seral correspondente citada na literatura. As seguintes espécies foram analisadas: Bixa orellana, Caesalpinia peltophoroides, Dalbergia nigra, Erythrina speciosa, Eugenia uniflora, Hevea brasiliensis, Hymenaea courbaril, Licania tomentosa, Pachira aquatica, Piptadenia gonoacantha, Psidium guajava, Schizolobium parahyba. Todos os experimentos foram desenvolvidos no jardim experimental da UNESP de Rio Claro. As espécies foram expostas a seis condições luminosas diferentes, com razão V:VE de: 0,1; 0,19; 0,21; 0,35; 1,15 e 1,17. E radiação solar incidente de: 3,16UM; 44,78UM; 27,7UM; 73,54UM; 1987,00UM; 1453,00UM. Foram tiradas medidas do comprimento dos hipocótilos e epicótilos. Posteriormente foram realizadas análises estatísticas com nível de significância de 5%. As espécies consideradas pioneiras foram D. nigra e S. parahyba. E as espécies classificadas como não pioneiras foram:... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2358.2011.00526.x Biological evaluation of the bone healing process after application of two potentially osteogenic proteins: an animal experimental model Objective: The aim of this work was to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively the newly formed bone after insertion of rhBMP-2 and protein extracted from Hevea brasiliensis (P-1), associated or not with a carrier in critical bone defects created in Wistar rat calvarial bone, using histological and histomorphometrical analyses. Materials and methods: Eighty-four male Wistar rats were used, divided into two groups, according to the period of time until the sacrifice (2 and 6 weeks). Each one of these groups was subdivided into six groups with seven animals each, according to the treatments: (1) 5 mu g of pure rhBMP-2, (2) 5 mu g of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel, (3) pure monoolein gel, (4) 5 mu g of pure P-1, (5) 5 mu g of P-1/monoolein gel and (6) critical bone defect controls. The animals were euthanised and the calvarial bone tissue removed for histological and histomorphometrical analyses. Result and conclusion: The results showed an improvement in the bone healing process using the rhBMP-2 protein, associated or not with a material carrier in relation to the other groups, and this process demonstrated to be time dependent.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the capacity of natural latex membrane to accelerate and improve the regeneration quality of the of rat sciatic nerves. METHODS: Forty male adult Wistar rats were used, anesthetized and operated to cut the sciatic nerve and receive an autograft or a conduit made with a membrane derived from natural latex (Hevea brasiliensis). Four or eight weeks after surgery, to investigate motor nerve recovery, we analyzed the neurological function by walking pattern (footprints analysis and computerized treadmill), electrophysiological evaluation and histological analysis of regenerated nerve (autologous nerve graft or tissue cables between the nerve stumps), and anterior tibial and gastrocnemius muscles. RESULTS: All functional and morphological analysis showed that the rats transplanted with latex conduit had a better neurological recovery than those operated with autologous nerve: quality of footprints, performance on treadmill (p<0.01), electrophysiological response (p<0.05), and quality of histological aspects on neural regeneration. CONCLUSION: The data reported showed behavioral and functional recovery in rats implanted with latex conduit for sciatic nerve repair, supporting a complete morphological and physiological regeneration of the nerve.


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Background: The aim of this work was to study the new bone tissue formation after bone morphogenetic protein type 2 (rhBMP-2) and P-1 application, using 5 and 10 mu g of each, combined to a material carrier, in critical bone defects. Methods: It was used 70 Wistar rats (male, similar to 250 g) that were divided in 10 groups with seven animals on each. Groups are the following: critical bone defect only, pure monoolein gel, 5 mu g of pure P-1, 5 mu g of pure rhBMP-2, 5 mu g of P-1/monoolein gel, 5 mu g of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel, 10 mu g of pure P-1, 10 mu g of pure rhBMP-2, 10 mu g of P-1/monoolein gel, 10 mu g of rhBMP-2/monoolein gel. Animals were sacrificed after 4 weeks of the surgical procedure and the bone samples were submitted to histological, histomorphometrical, and immunohistochemical evaluations. Results: Animals treated with pure P-1 protein, in both situations with 5 mu g and 10 mu g, had no significant difference (P > 0.05) for new bone formation; other groups treated with 10 mu g were statistically significant (P < 0.05) among themselves and when compared with groups in which it was inserted the monoolein gel or critical bone defect only (P < 0.05). In the group involving the 10 mu g rhBMP-2/monoolein gel association, it was observed an extensive bone formation, even when compared with the same treatment without the gel carrier. Conclusion: Using this experimental animal model, more new bone tissue was found when it was inserted the rhBMP-2, especially when this protein was combined to the vehicle, and this process seems to be dose dependent. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2011.(c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background: In sites with diminished bone volume, the osseointegration of dental implants can be compromised. Innovative biomaterials have been developed to aid successful osseointegration outcomes. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the osteogenic potential of angiogenic latex proteins for improved bone formation and osseointegration of dental implants. Materials and Methods: Ten dogs were submitted to bilateral circumferential defects (5.0 x 6.3 mm) in the mandible. Dental implant (3.3 x 10.0 mm, TiUnite MK3 (TM), Nobel Biocare AB, Goteborg, Sweden) was installed in the center of the defects. The gap was filled either with coagulum (Cg), autogenous bone graft (BG), or latex angiogenic proteins pool (LPP). Five animals were sacrificed after 4 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively. Implant stability was evaluated using resonance frequency analysis (Osstell Mentor T, Osstell AB, Goteborg, Sweden), and bone formation was analyzed by histological and histometric analysis. Results: LPP showed bone regeneration similar to BG and Cg at 4 weeks and 12 weeks, respectively (p >= 3.05). Bone formation, osseointegration, and implant stability improved significantly from 4 to 12 weeks (p <= 2.05). Conclusion: Based on methodological limitations of this study, Cg alone delivers higher bone formation in the defect as compared with BG at 12 weeks; compared with Cg and BG, the treatment with LPP exhibits no advantage in terms of osteogenic potential in this experimental model, although overall osseointegration was not affected by the treatments employed in this study.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo proceder à caracterização de cinco novas cultivares de copa de seringueira resistentes ao mal-das-folhas para registro e proteção junto ao Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária de Abastecimento (Mapa) no período de 2014 a 2015.