694 resultados para robô


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Involvement of the caudal raphe nuclei (raphe pallidus, RPa; raphe magnus, RMg, and raphe obscurus, ROb) in feeding behavior of adult rats was studied by measuring c-Fos protein expression, in animals submitted to the "meal-feeding" model of food restriction in which the rats were fed ad libitum only from 7:00 to 9:00 h, for 15 days. The experimental groups submitted to chronic fasting, named 'search for food' (SF), 'ingestion of food' (IF) and 'satiety of food' (SaF) were scheduled after a previous study in which the body weight and the general and feeding behaviors were evaluated by daily monitoring. Acute, 48-h fasting (AF) was used as control. In the chronic group, the animals presented a 16% reduction in body weight in the first week, followed by a continuous, slow rise in weight over the subsequent days. Entrainment of the sleep-wake cycle to the schedule of food presentation was also observed. The RPa was the most Fos immunopositive nucleus in the chronic fasting group, followed by the RMg. The ANOVA and Tukey test (P<0.05) confirmed these results. The IF group was significantly different from the other three groups, as also was the number of labeled cells in the RPa in SF and IF groups. Nevertheless, no significant difference was observed between RMg and RPa, or RMg and ROb in the SaF and AF. However, it is interesting to observe that the groups in which the animals were more active, searching for or ingesting food, presented a larger number of labeled cells. These results suggest a different involvement of the caudal raphe nuclei in the somatic and autonomic events of feeding behavior, corroborating the functions reported for them earlier.


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Varianttia B.


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Varianttia A.


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The occurrence of green seeded soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is a problem closely related to unfavorable climatic conditions, mainly drought, that occurs during the final stages of seed maturation. This problem causes serious losses to soybean seed quality in Brazil. In these seeds, chlorophyll is not properly degraded during maturation, drastically reducing seed quality. Using the chlorophyll fluorescence technique, it is possible to remove green seeds from the seed lot, improving seed quality in several species in which the occurrence of green seeds is also a problem. The objective of this research was to study the use of the chlorophyll fluorescence technique in sorting green seeds from soybean seed samples and its effects on quality. Five seed samples of soybean, cultivar TMG 113 RR, with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of green seeds were used in this study. Seeds from each sample were sorted into two fractions based on the chlorophyll fluorescence signals and then compared to the control (non-sorted seeds). The sorting process showed great differences between the low and high chlorophyll fluorescence fractions. It was concluded that: green seeds of soybeans present high chlorophyll fluorescence and that this characteristic affects the quality of the seeds; it is possible to improve the quality of soybean seed by removing green seeds using the chlorophyll fluorescence sorting technique.


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Apollonia (126 v). - Barbatus (124 v). - Bonifacius m. (80 v). - Catherina (135 v). - Decem millia mart. (89 v). - Dimitrius (63). - Dionysius (94). - Eufraxia (115 v). - Eufrosina (111v). - Eustachius (106). - Eutropius (77). - Febronia (68 v). - Joh. Bassandus (151 v). - Maria Magd. (127 v). - Petrus Celestinus (59 v). - Prisca (59). - Restituta (62). - Robertus abbas (83 v). - Rob. de Salle (1). - Rochus (79 v). - Sabbas (36 v). - Sabina (127). - Severinus (45).


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Contient : I Vincentius Belvac., epistola de morte amici consolatoria (15), de eruditione liberorum (55) ; II Rob. de Valleverbi de ortu scientiarum (135) ; De arte opponendi et respondendi (175v) ; De communibus artium liberalium (194) et mathematicarum (201)


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Contient : 1 Lettre de « LOYS DE BOURBON,... prince [DE CONDE]... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... Escript à Anizy, ce XXXe jour de mars 1566 » ; 2 Lettre de « LOYS DE BOURBON,... prince DE CONDE,... Escript à Anizy, ce XXe jour d'avril 1566 » ; 3 Lettre de « LOYS DE BOURBON,... prince [DE CONDE]... à monseigneur d'Humieres,... D'Annizy le Chasteau, ce XXIIe jour d'avril 1566 » ; 4 Lettre de « LOYS DE BOURBON,... prince [DE CONDE]... à monseigneur de Humieres,... De Valery, ce premier juing 1566 » ; 5 Lettre du « connestable... [ANNE DE] MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur de Humieres,... De St Maur, ce XIXe de novembre 1555 » ; 6 Lettre de « J[EAN] D'ESTREES,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... De Cuevres, le XXIIIIe febvrier 1567 » ; 7 Lettre de « N[ICOLAS] DE PELLEVE, c[ardinal] de Sens... à monsieur... d'Humieres,... A Paris, le XIIIIme novembre 1569 » ; 8 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Ponthoise, ce XVIIIe jour de janvier 1570 » ; 9 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Gaillon, ce XVIIIme jour de fevrier 1570 » ; 10 Lettre d'« A[NTOINE], cardinal DE CREQUY,... à monseigneur... de Humieres,... A Amiens, ce dernier de mars 1570 » ; 11 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Trye, ce VIIIme jour d'avril 1570 » ; 12 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... De Trye, ce XXVIIme jour d'apvril 1570 » ; 13 Déclaration du roi « CHARLES » IX, relative à la mort de l'amiral Coligny. « Faict à Paris, le XXVIIIe jour d'aoust 1572 ». Copie ; 14 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Villiers Costeretz, ce Ve jour de decembre 1570 » ; 15 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Paris, ce XIe jour de decembre 1570 » ; 16 Lettre de HENRI DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monseigneur d'Humieres,... De Rouen, le XIIIIe jour d'apvril 1571 » ; 17 Lettre de HENRI DE « MONTMORENCY,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... De Rouen, le XXVIIIme jour d'apvril 1571 » ; 18 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... De Trye, ce dernier jour d'apvril 1571 » ; 19 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humieres,... De Trye, ce XXVIIIe may 1571 » ; 20 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humieres,... De Trye, ce derrenier jour de may 1571 » ; 21 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humieres,... De Trye, ce VIIIe jour de juing 1571 » ; 22 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Doullens, ce XIe jour de jung 1571 » ; 23 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur... de Humieres,... De Paris, XVIIIme jour de juing 1571 » ; 24 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humieres,... De Magneley, ce premier jour de juillet 1571 » ; 25 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humieres,... De Maignelers, ce IIe jour de juillet 1571 » ; 26 Lettre de « CLAUDE [duchesse] DE LORRAINE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Loupy, le IIIIe d'aoust 1571 » ; 27 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De La Fere, le XVIe jour d'aoust 1571 » ; 28 Lettre de « HENRY DE BOURBON, prince DE CONDE,... à... monsieur de Humieres,... De Poitiers, ce VIe de janvyer 1572 » ; 29 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humyeres,... Du camp à Nyeul pres La Rochelle, le Xme mars 1573 » ; 30 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur d'Humieres,... De Chaulne, ce XXVIIIe aoust 1572 » ; 31 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS [duc DE LONGUEVILLE]... à monsieur d'Humieres,... De Chaulne, ce XXXe aoust 1572 » ; 32 Lettre « à monseigneur de Longueville,... D'Ecurie, le VIIIme de septembre 1572 » ; 33 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humieres,... D'Amyens, le IXe jour de septembre 1572 » ; 34 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monseigneur de Humieres,... D'Amyens, ce IXe jour d'octobre 1572 » ; 35 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... D'Amyens, ce XIIIe octobre 1572 » ; 36 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... D'Amyens, le XVIe octobre 1572 » ; 37 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humieres,... D'Amyens, ce XVIIe jour d'octobre 1572 » ; 38 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur d'Humieres,... D'Amyens, ce XXe octobre 1572 » ; 39 Lettre de « LEONOR D'ORLEANS, [duc] DE LONGUEVILLE,... à monsieur de Humieres,... D'Amyens, le XXVIIe jour d'octobre 1572 » ; 40 Lettre de « VILLEROY DE NEUFVILLE,... à monsieur... d'Humieres,... De Paris, ce Vme fevrier 1573 » ; 41 Lettre de « VILLEROY DE NEUFVILLE,... à monsieur... d'Humieres,... Escript à St Riquier, le Xme jour de mars 1573 » ; 42 « Les Compaignyes mandées au XXme juing 1573 à La Rochelle » ; 43 Lettre de « CHARLES DE LA MARK, conte [DE] MAULEVRIER,... à monsieur... de Humieres,... De Paris, le IIIe jour de juillet 1572 » ; 44 Lettre de « HENRY DE BOURBON, prince [DE CONDE]... à monseigneur de Humieres,... A Paris, ce XXVme jour de septembre 1573 » ; 45 Lettre de « C[HARLES], cardinal DE BOURBON,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... Au Chasteau de Vincennes, le XVIe jour de may 1574 » ; 46 Lettre de « C[HARLES], cardinal DE BOURBON,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... A Paris, le VIIIe de juing 1574 » ; 47 Lettre de VILLEROY « DE NEUFVILLE,... à monseigneur d'Humieres,... De Paris, le XIIIe de juillet 1574 » ; 48 Lettre de « LOYS, cardinal DE GUISE,... à monseigneur de Humyeres,... De Paris, ce XVe jour de septembre 1575 » ; 49 Lettre de « CHARLES DE LA MARK,... à monsieur... de Humieres,... De Paris, ce XXIe jour de decembre 1575 » ; 50 Lettre de « HENRY DE LORRAINE [duc DE GUISE]... à mousr de Humyeres,... De Paris, ce IIIe de decembre 1576 » ; 51 Lettre de « HENRY DE LORRAINE,... à monseigneur de Humieres,... De Paris, ce XXIIIe jour d'aoust » ; 52 Lettre des « president et gens... du conseil d'Artois... à monsieur... d'Humieres,... Escript en la chambre du conseil provinchial d'Artois, le second d'apvril 1578 » ; 53 Lettre de « HENRY DE BOURBON,... à madame de Humieres,... XXIe decembre 1579 » ; 54 Lettre de « C[HARLES], cardinal DE BOURBON,... à madame de Humieres,... A Paris, le XIXe jour de janvier 1580 » ; 55 Lettre d'« ANTOINETTE DE LA MARCHE,... mareschalle DE MONTMORENCY,... à madame d'Humieres,... De Paris, ce premier jour de fevrier 1580 » ; 56 Lettre de « C[MARLES], cardinal DE BOURBON,... à madame de Humieres,... A Rouen, ce premier jour de may 1582 » ; 57 Lettre de « C[HARLES], cardinal DE BOURBON,... à madame de Humieres,... De Paris, ce XVIIIe jour d'aoust 1582 » ; 58 Lettre de « GENLY,... à monsieur... de Humieres,... D'Abecourt, ce VIIIe may » ; 59 « Lettres patentes du roy pour la reprinse des proces cy devant intentez et conduicts entre ses subjects tant devant que depuis les troubles, et jugez contre les absens durant lesdicts troubles. A Paris, par Rob. Estienne, imprimeur du roy, M.D.LXVIII » ; 60 « Arrest et ordonnance de la court de parlement, sur l'injunction à tous officiers royaux et autres, de faire profession de leur foy et religion catholique. A Paris, pour Jehan Bonfons, libraire, demeurant en la rue neuve Nostre Dame, à l'enseigne Sainct Nicolas. M.D.LXII » ; 61 « Mandement du roy, pour le departement de toute sa gendarmerie et faire monstre generalle en armes es endroictz cy denommez, sur peine aux deffaillans d'estre cassez et sans aucun espoir d'estre relevez... Donné à Joinville, le dixieme jour de fevrier, l'an mil cinq cens soixante neuf... De l'imprimerie de Guillaume de Nyverd, imprimeur ordinaire du roy, et libraire à Paris, tenant sa boutique en la court du palais »


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Coach: Garney Henley Team (Alphabetically): Bruce Adams, Frank Capretta, Kevin Farrow, David Dennis, Rob Demott, Brian Hayden, Peter Kaija, Steve Kolenko, Leacoft Panton, Kevin Rome, Kevin Stevinson, Glen Tone, Moe Willoughby


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1970-71 Brock curling team in action. From L to R: Rob Kelly, John Donald, and John Goodwin


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Curlers Bill Anderson, Rob Kelly and Earl Hotton.


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Back Row: ?, John Stokes, Jim Brandford, Geoff Cudmore, Mike Nictota, Dave Iogna, Mike Cocca, Mike Taylor Front Row: ?, Rob Kelly, Alun Huges, Dave Underhill, Ken White, Joe ?, Mike ?, Jim Robinson


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The Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) is a ground nesting colonial seabird. Terns rely primarily on small prey fishes which they obtain through plunge diving for their survival as well as the survival of their offspring during the breeding season. The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a small bivalve mollusk that invaded North American waters in the late 1980's. Through its suspension feeding, the zebra mussel has the ability to alter the entire aquatic ecosystem, ultimately leading to a reduction in pelagic organisms including small prey fish. The objective of the study was to determine what (if any) indirect effects the invasion of the zebra mussel has had on fish prey captured by terns. The study took place in two separate two-year periods, 1990-91 and 1995-96 on a concrete breakwall off the north shore of Lake Erie near Port Colborne, Ontario. Daily nest checks revealed clutch initiation dates, egg-laying chronology, hatching success and morphological egg characteristics (length and breadth). Behavioural observations included time each sex spent in attendance with its brood, the frequency of feeding chicks and the prey species composition and size fed to chicks as well as to females (courtship feeding). Egg sizes did not differ between study periods, nor did feeding rates to chicks, suggesting that food was not a limiting resource. Terns spent less time with their broods (more time foraging) in the 1995-96 period. However, they also had significantly larger broods and fledged more offspring. The time of each individual foraging trip decreased, suggesting that fish were easier to obtain in 1995 and 1996. Lastly, kleptoparasitism rates decreased, suggesting that the costs of foraging (time, energy) actually decreased as fewer birds adopted this strategy to compensate for what I assumed to be a lack of available food (fish). The only significant difference between the periods of 1990, 1991 and 1995, 1996 was a change in diet. Terns delivered significantly fewer rainbow smelt and more emerald shiner in 1995 and 1996. However, the average size of fish delivered did not change. Thus, there was little impact on prey captured by Common Terns in Lake Erie since the invasion of the zebra mussel.


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In this thesis, I explore how the folk-rock music of Ani DiFranco has influenced the activist commitments, sensibilities, and activities of reproductive rights activists. My interest in the relation of popular music to social movements is informed by the work of Simon Frith (1987, 1996a, 1996b), Rob Rosenthal (2001), and Ann Savage (2003). Frith argues that popular music is an important contributor to personal identity and the ways that listeners see the world. Savage (2003) writes that fans develop a unique relationship with feminist/political music, and Rosenthal (2001) argues that popular music can be an important factor in building social movements. I use these arguments to ask what the influence of Ani DiFranco's music has been for reproductive rights activists who are her fans. I conducted in-depth interviews with ten reproductive rights activists who are fans of Ani DiFranco's music. All ten are women in their twenties and thirties living in Ontario or New York. Each has been listening to DiFranco's music for between two and fifteen years, and has considered herself a reproductive rights activist for between eighteen months and twenty years. I examine these women's narratives of their relationships with Ani DiFranco's music and their activist experience through the interconnected lenses of identity, consciousness, and practice. Listening to Ani DiFranco's music affects the fluid ways these women understand their identities as women, as feminists, and in solidarity with others. I draw on Freire's (1970) understanding of conscientization to consider the role that Ani's music has played in heightening women's awareness about reproductive rights issues. The feeling of solidarity with other (both real and perceived) activist fans gives them more confidence that they can make a difference in overcoming social injustice. They believe that Ani's music encourages productive anger, which in turn fuels their passion to take action to make change. Women use Ani's music deliberately for energy and encouragement in their continued activism, and find that it continues to resonate with their evolving identities as women, feminists, and activists. My study builds on those of Rosenthal (2001) and Savage (2003) by focusing on one artist and activists in one social movement. The characteristics of Ani DiFranco, her fan base, and the reproductive rights movement allow new understanding of the ways that female fans who are members of a female-dominated feminist movement interact with the music of a popular independent female artist.