939 resultados para rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito do manejo de água em cultivares de arroz de terras altas no sistema de plantio direto, usando o tanque Classe A. Os tratamentos consistiram na combinação de três manejos (sequeiro e duas lminas) e duas cultivares (Confiança e Maravilha), com quatro repetições. A irrigação proporcionou aumento na altura de plantas, massa de 100 grãos, massa hectoltrica, produtividade de grãos, rendimento de benefício e redução do número de dias para o florescimento e ciclo total da cultura. Os valores adotados de coeficientes de cultura não influenciam nas características fenolgicas e produtivas da cultura. A produtividade de grãos não diferiu entre as cultivares Confiança e Maravilha.


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The use of chemical elements considered as beneficial to crops has become common among farmers. The silicon case is interesting, since despite not being essential physiologically for rice crop, it demonstrates that through its absorption it promotes benefits. Therefore, this experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of doses of SiO(2) (0, 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 and 900 kg ha(-1)) at seed sowing time, in two upland rice cultivars (IAC 201 and IAC 202), under sprinkler irrigation, during the agricultural years of 2002/03 and 2003/04 in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The cultivar IAC 202 can present higher yield than IAC 201, with similar industrial quality and lower laying index. Silicon applications were not sufficient to reduce laying index of IAC 201. In general, silicon application does not interfere in grain productivity and industrial yield of the cultivars used.


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The objective of this trial was to study the ensilage potential of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L,.). The material used in the evaluation was harvested from an experiment in a complete randomized blocks design with three replicates, with seventeen alfalfa cultivars, Criouil, Florida 77, P555, P581, Moapa, Gilboa, 34 Linea, C/W 8754, C/W 4468, C/W 86, C/W 8746, Hunter Field, Trifecta, Sequel, CUF 101, Aurora e Siriver, during three years. The harvest used for the determinations was collected at 30(th) day of plants development and the material was submitted to two treatments: no wilting - Fresh alfalfa frozen immediately after harvest; wilting fresh alfalfa exposed to sun by three hours to get 35% DM. The dry matter content (DM), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and buffer capacity (BC) were evaluated in rhp forages Wilting increased the dry matter content (39,98%), however there were not differences among cultivars. The same occurred for the WSC content, with interaction among cultivars and treatments. The alfalfa cultivars, when submitted to effective wilting practice, presented appropriated characteristics of dry matter and water-soluble carbohydrates for ensilage. Wilting had no effect on alfalfa buffer capacity.


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O objetivo do estudo foi determinar os conteúdos de saponinas, taninos e a solubilidade da proteína (SP) de 28 cultivares de alfafa: Crioula, Monarca, BR 4, Alto Great, MH 4, SW 9210 A, 5929, BR 1, EL Grande, 5715, MH 15, Valley Plus, BR 2, Rio, SW 8210, Maricopa, ICI 990, 5888, P 30, Alfa-200, WL 516, SW 8112 A, BR 3, Florida 77, Araucana, Falcon, Semit 921 e Sutter. O material analisado foi obtido do 10º e 14º corte, respectivamente; em 08/12/97 e 16/04/98, de um experimento desenvolvido na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, UNESP, Botucatu. Amostras de cada cultivar foram colhidas, pesadas e secas em estufa a 52ºC. As saponinas foram extraídas com solvente hidrofílico e lipofílico e o conteúdo foi calculado pela equação y=0,8121x-1,4759, R² = 1,00. A extração dos taninos totais e condensados foi efetuada por meio de ultra-som (12 min), sendo os taninos totais determinados pela equação: y=44,978 + 0,5644 com R²=0,9977 e os condensados, multiplicando-se a absorbância por 78,26 dividido pelo teor de matéria seca. A SP foi determinada pelo método de KOH, de acordo com a seguinte fórmula: SP (%) = proteína solvel x 100/proteína bruta da amostra. Os teores de saponinas, taninos totais e condensados e a solubilidade da proteína não diferiram (P>0,05) entre as cultivares. Houve efeito (P<0,05) da época de corte apenas sobre o teor de taninos totais. Os teores médios de saponinas de 1,00% aliados à baixa solubilidade média da proteína bruta (34,11%) não se constituem em fatores limitantes para uso dos cultivares de alfafa estudadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A qualidade da semente utilizada no processo de produção agrícola é um dos principais fatores a ser considerado para a implantação da cultura, havendo consenso entre todos os segmentos, sobre a importância do vigor das sementes e da necessidade de avaliá-lo. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar variações na condução do teste de deterioração controlada, verificando sua eficiência na identificação de diferentes níveis de vigor de sementes de rúcula, cultivar 'Cultivada' e 'Gigante' utilizando-se cinco lotes de sementes para cada um. As sementes foram submetidas à determinação do teor de água e a testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, emergência e, para verificar a eficiência na identificação de diferentes níveis de vigor, foram estudadas variações no teste de deterioração controlada (teor de água de 18, 21 e 24%, a 45°C durante 24 e 48 horas). O experimento foi montado no delineamento inteiramente casualizado e os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, sendo que as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Pelos resultados obtidos no teste de deterioração controlada, observou-se que não houve relação com as avaliações iniciais do potencial fisiolgico das sementes, principalmente para o teste de emergência. Concluiu-se que, nas condições estudadas, esse teste não é sensível o suficiente para a avaliação do potencial fisiolgico de sementes de rúcula, para ambas as cultivares estudadas.


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The lodging of some rice cultivars at harvest time can lead to significant losses in yield, and the inappropriate water and nitrogen management, under high-tech conditions, can aggravate the problem. The use of vegetal regulators is an alternative to reduce lodging, however, information on this topic are rare. The study aimed to evaluate the application of glyphosate sub doses (26 g ha -1, 52 g ha -1, 78 g ha -1, 104 g ha -1, 130 g ha -1, 156 g ha -1, and 182 g ha -1) on agronomical traits, development, and yield of upland rice crops irrigated by aspersion, during the floral differentiation period. The experiment was carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, through the agricultural years of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. The increase of glyphosate sub doses, at the floral differentiation period of the Primavera cultivar, reduced the plants height, panicle size, and, consequently, yield. Sub doses higher than or equal to 78 g ha -1 eliminated the plants lodging process.


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The growth analysis allows the characterization and understanding of the upland rice cultivars development. This study aimed at characterizing, by using the growth analysis, the physiological components and agronomic performance, as well as the differences among traditional, intermediate and modern upland rice cultivars. The experiment was conducted under upland rice conditions, favored by the use of supplementary irrigation. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with three treatments consisting of traditional (Caiapó), modern (Maravilha) and intermediate (BRS Primavera) cultivars and eight replications. The leaf area index (LAI), instantaneous growth rate (IGR), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and specific leaf area (SLA), as well as grain yield and yield components, were evaluated. The intermediate and traditional cultivars presented the highest total dry matter accumulation rate, while the traditional and modern ones showed the highest LAI. The intermediate cultivar presented the highest IGR, RGR, NAR and SLA levels, as well as the highest grain yield, as a consequence of the higher spikelet fertility and 1,000 grain mass.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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In Brazil, phosphorus availability is one factor that that more limit yield of upland rice under rainfed system. Then, better understanding of cultivars development at phosphorus soil fertilization is very important in the production systems making this more sustainable. The objective was to evaluate the influence of phosphorus doses applied to the soil over the root length, root and shoot dry matter, concentration and content of macronutrient and zinc in shoot and root as well as the efficiency of nutrient uptake per meter root of upland cultivars of intermediate and modern groups. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse conditions in a completely randomized design in factorial scheme 4 x 4. Treatments were four levels of P fertilization applied at the soil (0, 50, 100 and 200 mg dm(-3) of P) and four upland rice cultivars (Maravilha - modern group, IAC-201, IAC-202 and Carajas - intermediate group). There is increase in phosphorus availability in the soil with increasing levels of P fertilization. Under low phosphorus availability, cultivars of the intermediate group have better shoots and root system development in relation to the modern cultivar group. Level of phosphorus affected nutrients contents in shoots and root system of upland rice cultivars. The increasing phosphorus fertilization increased uptake of nutrients per meter of root; and although under higher phosphorus availability there was a greater root growth, in low phosphorus availability root growth was greater at the expense of shoot growth.


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Even the element silicon being the most uptake by rice plant, many benefit effect like: increase of pest and disease tolerance, decrease of lost of water by transpiration and better the leaf architecture becoming the leafs more erect, resulting as well at the better photosynthesis efficacy. There is not too much knowledge about the uptake march in upland rice plants. This study aimed to evaluate the content of silicon in two upland rice cultivars by the influence of the application of silicate and limestone at the soil. The experiment was carried in Hapludox soil in a completely randomized experimental design in 2x2x7 factorial scheme in four replications. The treatments were consisted of calcium silicate fertilizer and limestone in interaction with seven period of physiological stage, using the upland rice cultivars Caiapo and Maravilha. At the cultivar Maravilha Si accumulation begin from tillering and achieve it better value at the microsporogenesis, while the Caiapo cultivar, occurs between tillering until the mily grain. Caiapo shows efficient Si accumulation when it was supplied to the soil. Plant organs that more accumulated silicon in both upland rice cultivars followed decreased order: stem > leaf > panicle.