965 resultados para retention time


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O objetivo desse projeto de pesquisa foi avaliar a redução do sulfato e promover a remoção do sulfeto, por via de conversão a enxofre elementar, em reatores combinados anaeróbio/microaerado. Para tanto foram utilizados três sistemas com objetivos específicos. A primeira configuração foi um reator anaeróbio de leito fixo e ordenado integrado a um reator microaerado com membrana externa (ABFSB-RME) com o qual se avaliou a influência do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e da presença de biomassa aderida na remoção do sulfeto. A segunda configuração avaliada foi um reator UASB com um reator microaerado de membrana helicoidal externa (UASB-RMHE), com o qual se avaliou a formação de biofilme no interior da membrana e a alteração do pH para a remoção do sulfeto em sua fase gasosa. A terceira configuração foi um reator anaeróbio de leito fixo e ordenado combinado a um reator microaerado com membrana helicoidal e submersa ao meio liquido (ABFSB-RMHS) com a finalidade de avaliar a remoção do sulfeto com aplicação de fluxo de ar no interior da membrana e avaliar a influência do TDH na eficiência de conversão do sulfeto. Os resultados indicam que a troca periódica das membranas tem influência na eficiência da conversão do sulfeto para o sistema ABFSB-RME. O sistema UASB-RMHE apresentou dados de remoção de sulfeto estáveis durante 35 dias, com remoção de até 90%, porém a retro lavagem da membrana é essencial para o aumento da vida útil do sistema A alteração do pH provocou a deslocamento de equilíbrio do sulfeto, e apresentou remoção do sulfeto no biogás de 98% para pH 7,5 e 50% para pH 7,0. O sistema ABFSB-RMHS propiciou remoção estável de sulfeto e a formação em camadas de enxofre elementar ao redor da membrana que se rompiam permitindo, assim, a sedimentação e recuperação do material sólido. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa mostraram que os sistemas apresentam viabilidade e potencial no tratamento de águas ricas em compostos de enxofre e para a recuperação de enxofre elementar, além de apresentar versatilidade por meio de variáveis operacionais, com as quais se podem obter o controle e aperfeiçoamento do sistema.


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Nessa pesquisa foram testadas tanto CCM com membranas e sem membranas que tinham por característica reproduzir sistemas de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A etapa experimental desse trabalho foi dividida entre o Brasil (ensaios com CCM sem a MTP e utilizando esgoto sanitário) e Portugal (ensaios com CCM tradicionais de uma e duas câmaras, utilizando água residuária sintética e a bactéria Lactobacillus pentosus). A execução em dois locais diferentes resultou em um maior aprofundamento e desenvolvimento da pesquisa. As CCM foram avaliadas principalmente quanto ao potencial elétrico e eficiência da degradação de compostos orgânicos (esgoto sanitário e água residuária sintética). Para os dados obtidos no Brasil, as três configurações apresentaram maior diferença na potência em função do modo de operação. A operação intermitente apresentou a maior potência (11 mW/m2) para a CCM cilíndrica de fluxo ascendente, enquanto que operação continua a maior potência (4,2 mW/m2) foi obtida para a CCM retangular de fluxo horizontal, a qual também apresentava uma maior facilidade na manutenção quanto aos eletrodos (adição/remoção). A CCM cúbica de fluxo ascendente devido a sua concepção simples demandava um sistema complementar para o aumento da remoção de DQO. Apesar da baixa potência mensurada para os ensaios realizados no Brasil há de se pontuar que os mesmos foram obtidos para reatores sem membranas e utilizando o esgoto sanitário, o qual apresentou grande sazonalidade. Para a etapa realizada em Portugal, foi possível realizar quinze diferentes ensaios e mais um ensaio específico de crescimento. A maior potência (10,37 mW/m2) foi obtida para CCM de câmara dupla operada de modo contínuo para um tempo de detenção hidráulico (TDH) de 20 horas. A maior potência obtida para a CCM de câmara única foi de 5,53 mW/m2 quando houve a adição do extrato de levedura (função teórica de mediador). A potência da CCM, na maioria das vezes, esteve relacionada à proporção de sólidos voláteis e totais, SV/ST, quantidade de bactérias, pH, características de operação e por fim a configuração da CCM. O ensaio de crescimento revelou a correlação da potência em função da quantidade de bactérias inseridas da massa do biofilme (SV) e mostra-se como uma ferramenta na avaliação da potência das CCM.


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Compostos farmacêuticos são identificados em matrizes ambientais em ordens de grandeza de ng.L-1 a μg.L-1. Dentre os fármacos, os antibióticos têm recebido atenção especial devido aos problemas que podem causar à biota aquática. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a citotoxicidade de Amoxicilina e Clavulanato de Potássio isolados e em associação para mexilhões Perna perna utilizando o ensaio do tempo de retenção do corante vermelho neutro, que avalia a estabilidade da membrana lisossômica de hemócitos dos organismos teste. A Amoxicilina causou citotoxicidade aos mexilhões nas concentrações de: CEO: 1 ng.L-1, CI25-24h: 0,44 ng.L-1, CI25-48h: 1,19 ng.L-1 e CI25-72h: 0,85 ng.L-1, o Clavulanato de Potássio foi citotóxico nas concentrações de: 10 ng.L-1 em 24h e 50 ng.L-1 e 100 ng.L-1 em 48h e 72h. Os valores de concentração inibitória foram de CI25-24h: 3,11 ng.L-1, CI25-48h: 3,45 ng.L-1 e CI25-72h: 3,43 ng.L-1. No ensaio realizado com a associação dos fármacos todas as concentrações foram citotóxicas aos mexilhões em 48h e em 72h apenas 40 ng.L-1 de Amoxicilina + 10 ng.L-1 de Clavulanato de Potássio e 200 ng.L-1 de Amoxicilina + 50 ng.L-1 de Clavulanato de Potássio. As concentrações inibitórias foram: CI25-48h: 1,67 ng.L-1 e CI25-72h: 1,36 ng.L-1 a partir dos dados de Amoxicilina e CI25-48h: 0,42 ng.L-1 e CI25-72h: 0,34 ng.L-1 a partir dos dados de Clavulanato de Potássio.


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O fenômeno conhecido como Nitrificação e Desnitrificação Simultânea (SND) significa que em um mesmo reator ocorre simultaneamente a nitrificação e a desnitrificação, sob condições de operações idênticas, podendo ser justificada principalmente pela teoria de microambiente no floco ou biofilme. Assim, em um único reator, sob condições controladas de oxigênio dissolvido (OD) e elevados tempos de residênciacelular épossível que ocorra a nitrificação e a criação de zonas anóxicas no interior dos flocos ou biofilme para a ocorrência da desnitrificação. Neste sentido, a tecnologia MBBR/IFAStem como característicaelevado tempo de residência celular do biofilme formado nos meios suporte presentes no reator. Deste modo, neste estudo avaliou-se a remoção de nitrogênio via SND em um sistema IFAS quando submetido a diferentes concentrações de OD e Tempo de DetençãoHidraulica de 5,5 e 11 horas, tratando efluente sanitário e efluente sintético. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram que pode ser possível desenvolver efetiva SND com concentrações de OD média de 1,0 mg.L-1 e 1,5 mg.L-1. Sendo que, foram obtidas eficiência média de remoção de NTde cerca de 68% e concentrações médias efluente de N-NH4 de aproximadamente 5,0 mg L-1, de N-NO3 inferiores a 4,5 mg L-1 e de N-NO2 em torno de 0,1 mg L-1, e com eficiência média de remoção DQO solúvel acima de 90%, quando empregado efluente sintético. Ademais, por meio da avaliação da emissão de Óxido Nitroso (N2O), foi possível comprovar que a desnitrificação ocorreu de forma efetiva.


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Nitrifying bacteria were selected from shrimp farm water and sediment (natural seed) in Thailand and from commercial seed cultures. The microbial consortia from each source giving the best ammonia removal during batch culture pre-enrichments were used as inocula for two sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Nitrifiers were cultivated in the SBRs with 100 mg NH4-N/I and artificial wastewater containing 25 ppt salinity. The two SBRs were operated at a 7 d hydraulic retention time (HRT) for 77 d after which the HRT was reduced to 3.5 d. The amounts of ammonia removed from the influent by microorganisms sourced from the natural seed were 85% and 92% for the 7 d HIRT and the 3.5 d HRT, respectively. The ammonia removals of microbial consortia from the commercial seed were 71% and 83% for these HRTs respectively. The quantity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) was determined in the SBRs using the most probable number (MPN) technique. Both AOB and NOB increased in number over the long-term operation of both SBRs. According to quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probing, AOB from the natural seed and commercial seed comprised 21 +/- 2% and 30 +/- 2%, respectively of all bacteria. NOB could not be detected with currently-reported FISH probes, suggesting that novel NOB were enriched from both sources. Taken collectively, the results from this study provide an indication that the nitrifiers from shrimp farm sources are more effective at ammonia removal than those from commercial seed cultures.


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The research was aimed at developing a technology to combine the production of useful microfungi with the treatment of wastewater from food processing. A recycle bioreactor equipped with a micro-screen was developed as a wastewater treatment system on a laboratory scale to contain a Rhizopus culture and maintain its dominance under non-aseptic conditions. Competitive growth of bacteria was observed, but this was minimised by manipulation of the solids retention time and the hydraulic retention time. Removal of about 90% of the waste organic material (as BOD) from the wastewater was achieved simultaneously. Since essentially all fungi are retained behind the 100 mum aperture screen, the solids retention time could be controlled by the rate of harvesting. The hydraulic retention time was employed to control the bacterial growth as the bacteria were washed through the screen at a short HRT. A steady state model was developed to determine these two parameters. This model predicts the effluent quality. Experimental work is still needed to determine the growth characteristics of the selected fungal species under optimum conditions (pH and temperature).


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The recent discovery that the natriuretic peptide OvCNPb (Ornithorhynchus venom C-type natriuretic peptide B) from platypus (Ornithorynchus anatinus) venom contains a D-amino acid residue suggested that other D-amino-acid-containing peptides might be present in the venom. In the present study, we show that DLP-2 (defensin-like peptide-2), a 42-amino-acid residue polypeptide in the platypus venom, also contains a D-amino acid residue, D-methionine, at position 2, while DLP-4, which has an identical amino acid sequence, has all amino acids in the L-form. These findings were supported further by the detection of isomerase activity in the platypus gland venom extract that converts DLP-4 into DLP-2. In the light of this new information, the tertiary structure of DLP-2 was recalculated using a new structural template with D-Met(2). The structure of DLP-4 was also determined in order to evaluate the effect of a D-amino acid at position 2 on the structure and possibly to explain the large retention time difference observed for the two molecules in reverse-phase HPLC. The solution structures of the DLP-2 and DLP-4 are very similar to each other and to the earlier reported structure of DLP-2, which assumed that all amino acids were in the L-form. Our results suggest that the incorporation of the D-amino acid at position 2 has minimal effect on the overall fold in solution.


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Tamoxifen is a known hepatocarcinogen in rats and is associated with an increased incidence of endometrial. cancer in patients. One mechanism for these actions is via bioactivation, where reactive metabolites are generated that are capable of binding to DNA or protein. Several metabolites of tamoxifen have been identified that appear to predispose to adduct formation. These include alpha-hydroxytamoxifen, alpha,4-dihydroxytamoxifen, and alpha-hydroxy-N-desmethyltamoxifen. Previous studies have shown that cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes play an important role in the biotransformation of tamoxifen. The aim of our work was to determine which P450 enzymes were capable of producing a-hydroxylated metabolites from tamoxifen. When tamoxifen (18 or 250,mu M) was used as the substrate, P450 3A4, and to a lesser extent, P450 2D6, P450 2B6, P450 3A5, P450 2C9, and P450 2C19 all produced a metabolite with the same HPLC retention time as alpha-hydroxytamoxifen at either substrate concentration tested. This peak was well-separated from 4-hydroxy-N-desmethyltamoxifen, which eluted substantially later under the chromatographic conditions used. No alpha,4-dihydroxytamoxifen was detected in incubations with any of the forms with tamoxifen as substrate. However, when 4-hydroxytamoxifen (100,mu M) was used as the substrate, P450 2B6, P450 3A4, P450 3A5, P450 1B1, P450 1A1, and P450 2D6 all produced detectable concentrations of a,4-dihydroxytamoxifen. These studies demonstrate that multiple human P450s, including forms found in the endometrium, may generate reactive metabolites in women undergoing tamoxifen therapy, which could subsequently play a role in the development of endometrial cancer.


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Entrainment in flotation can be considered as a two-step process, including the transfer of the suspended solids in the top of the pulp region just below the pulp-froth interface to the froth phase and the transfer of the entrained particles in the froth phase to the concentrate. Both steps have a strong classification characteristic. The degree of entrainment describes the classification effect of the drainage process in the froth phase. This paper briefly reviews two existing models of degree of entrainment. Experimental data were collected from an Outokumpu 3 m(3) tank cell in the Xstrata Mt. Isa Mines copper concentrator. The data are fitted to the models and the effect of cell operating conditions including air rate and froth height on the degree of entrainment is examined on a size-by-size basis. It is found that there is a strong correlation between the entrainment and the water recovery, which is close to lineal. for the fines. The degree of entrainment decreases with increase in particle size. Within the normal range of cell operating conditions, few particles coarser than 50 mu m are recovered by entrainment. In general, the degree of entrainment increases with increase in the ail rate and decreases with increase in the froth height. Air rate and froth height strongly interact with each other and affect the entrainment process mainly via changes in the froth retention time, the froth structure and froth properties. As a result, other mechanisms such as entrapment may become important in recovering the coarse entrained particles. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor was operated with alternating anoxic/aerobic conditions for nitrogen removal. Flocs and granules co-existed in the same reactor, with distinct aggregate structure and size, for over 180 days of reactor operation' Process data showed complete nitrogen removal, with temporary nitrite accumulation before full depletion of ammonia in the aerobic phase. Microbial quantification of the biomass by fluorescence in situ hybridisation showed that granules contained most of the nitrite-oxidising bacteria (NOB) whereas the ammonium-oxidising bacteria (AOB) seemed to be more abundant in the flocs. This was supported by microsensor measurements, which showed a higher potential of NO2- uptake than NH4 uptake in the granules. The segregation is possibly linked to the different growth rates of the two types of nitrifiers and the reactor operational conditions, which produced different sludge retention time for flocs and granules. The apparent physical separation of AOB and NOB in two growth forms could potentially affect mass transfer of NO2- from AOB to NOB, but the data presented here shows that it did not impact negatively on the overall nitrogen removal. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to conduct a number of controlled digestions to obtain easily comparable cellulose solubilisation rates and to compare these rates to those found in the literature to see which operational differences were significant in affecting cellulose degradation during anaerobic digestion. The results suggested that differences in volumetric cellulose solubilisation rates were not indicative of the true performance of cellulose digestion systems. When cellulose solubilisation rates were normalised by the mass of cellulose in the reactor at each time step, the comparison of the rates became more meaningful. Cellulose solubilisation was surface area limited. Therefore, changes in the loading rate of cellulose to the reactor altered the volumetric solubilisation rate without changing the mass normalised rate. Comparison of mass normalised solubilisation rates from this study and the literature demonstrated that differences in reactor configuration and operational conditions did not significantly impact on the solubilisation rate whereas the difference in composition of the microbial communities showed a marked effect. This work highlights the importance of using appropriately normalised data when making comparisons between systems with differing operational conditions. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Separate treatment of dewatering liquor from anaerobic sludge digestion significantly reduces the nitrogen load of the main stream and improves overall nitrogen elimination. Such ammonium-rich wastewater is particularly suited to be treated by high rate processes which achieve a rapid elimination of nitrogen with a minimal COD requirement. Processes whereby ammonium is oxidised to nitrite only (nitritation) followed by denitritation with carbon addition can achieve this. Nitrogen removal by nitritation/denitritation was optimised using a novel SBR operation with continuous dewatering liquor addition. Efficient and robust nitrogen elimination was obtained at a total hydraulic retention time of 1 day via the nitrite pathway. Around 85-90% nitrogen removal was achieved at an ammonium loading rate of 1.2 g NH4+-N m(-3) d(-1). Ethanol was used as electron donor for denitritation at a ratio of 2.2gCODg(-1) N removed. Conventional nitritation/denitritation with rapid addition of the dewatering liquor at the beginning of the cycle often resulted in considerable nitric oxide (NO) accumulation during the anoxic phase possibly leading to unstable denitritation. Some NO production was still observed in the novel continuous mode, but denitritation was never seriously affected. Thus, process stability can be increased and the high specific reaction rates as well as the continuous feeding result in decreased reactor size for full-scale operation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two experiments were conducted to measure urea recycling and rumen flow dynamics in young rusa deer fed low (LP) or high (HP) protein diets. Pool size and flux rate of labelled urea. into and out of the blood pool were measured using single intravenous (i.v.) injection solutions containing [C-14] - and [N-15]-urea. A curve peeling technique was used to fit the enrichment of N-15 or specific radioactivity (SRA) of C-14 to exponential equations. Body urea-N pool size was significantly greater (P < 0.05) when a HP, compared to a LP diet, was fed. Urea space, expressed as a percent of live weight, total flux rate of urea through the blood pool and the irreversible loss of urea was similar for both diets. The mean (+/- S.E.M.) concentration of plasma urea-N was greater when animals were fed the HP diet compared to the LP diet (2 1.1 +/- 0.3 versus 14.4 +/- 1.4 mg/100 ml, respectively). Voluntary feed intake and digestibility of dietary components were also measured. Daily dry matter intakes were not affected by the crude protein (CP) content of the diet, although apparent DM digestibility was significantly greater for HP diet fed in both experiments. An intraruminal infusion of CrEDTA was used to determine rumen flow dynamics. Ruminal mean retention time, relative net outflow rate of water and passage rate constant (k(w)) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) when the HP diet was fed compared to the LP diet. The extent of urea metabolism and flux rates of urea between the blood and secondary pools appear similar to those previously reported for other ruminants fed diets contrasting in CP content. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study has been made, using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, of the migration of TMQ (a quinoline type) and 6PPD (a paraphenylenediamine type) antidegradants from a tyre sidewall compound into adjacent casing and liner compounds containing no antidegradant. Migration takes place at a rapid rate, even during the vulcanisation of the composite. After 4000 hours ageing in nitrogen at 100oC, there is a higher level of antidegradants in the casing than in the sidewall. An equilibrium distribution is not obtained. After 114 days at 50oC in 95% relative humidity, the level of solvent extractable 6PPD fell to zero, but subsequent ageing for 2 years in 50 pphm ozone showed no evidence of sidewall cracking. It is suggested that the antidegradant is still active but linked to the polymer chain. An analytical method, for the type and amount of sulphenamide accelerators in vulcanised rubber compounds, has been developed. During the vulcanisation process, the accelerators decay, liberating specific amines which have been solvent extracted, derivatised with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and the yellow coloured zwitter ion analysed using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. The decay of the accelerator and sulphur during the vulcanisation process, has been studied. It has been demonstrated that the sulphur crosslinking with a styrenebutadiene polymer is a first order reaction, after an initial period during which the accelerator content falls to zero. Variations in sulphur to accelerator ratios gave consistent rate constants for the crosslinking, except for a sulphur level of less than 1% by weight and a ratiio of accelerator to sulphur of 1:1.3. The retention time of the reaction product between sulphur and accelerator from an HPLC column changes with cure time, showing that the precurser to crosslinking is an ever changing material. One of these reaction products has been analysed.


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In recent years, freshwater fish farmers have come under increasing pressure from the Water Authorities to control the quality of their farm effluents. This project aimed to investigate methods of treating aquacultural effluent in an efficient and cost-effective manner, and to incorporate the knowledge gained into an Expert System which could then be used in an advice service to farmers. From the results of this research it was established that sedimentation and the use of low pollution diets are the only cost effective methods of controlling the quality of fish farm effluents. Settlement has been extensively investigated and it was found that the removal of suspended solids in a settlement pond is only likely to be effective if the inlet solids concentration is in excess of 8 mg/litre. The probability of good settlement can be enhanced by keeping the ratio of length/retention time (a form of mean fluid velocity) below 4.0 metres/minute. The removal of BOD requires inlet solids concentrations in excess of 20 mg/litre to be effective, and this is seldom attained on commercial fish farms. Settlement, generally, does not remove appreciable quantities of ammonia from effluents, but algae can absorb ammonia by nutrient uptake under certain conditions. The use of low pollution, high performance diets gives pollutant yields which are low when compared with published figures obtained by many previous workers. Two Expert Systems were constructed, both of which diagnose possible causes of poor effluent quality on fish farms and suggest solutions. The first system uses knowledge gained from a literature review and the second employs the knowledge obtained from this project's experimental work. Consent details for over 100 fish farms were obtained from the public registers kept by the Water Authorities. Large variations in policy from one Authority to the next were found. These data have been compiled in a computer file for ease of comparison.