921 resultados para reinforcement classes
El jocs populars i tradicionals són un element educatiu i cultural molt important. Des de sempre han estat una font d’activitat física i comporten tota una sèrie de components motors i de valors que haurien de ser tinguts en compte a l’hora d’incloure’ls a les sessions d’educació física. Aquest estudi té com a objectiu conèixer la situació d’aquesta tipologia de jocs a les sessions d’educació física de dos centres educatius del municipi de San Juan la Laguna. Alhora es pretén comparar el paper que tenen els jocs populars i tradicionals en un centre de primària i en un de secundària de la població esmentada. A través de l’anàlisi dels currículums, de l’observació de les sessions d’educació física i de les entrevistes amb diversos docents, s’arriba a la conclusió que les pràctiques lúdiques populars i tradicionals tenen poca presència a l’educació física guatemalenca.
Amb aquest treball d‟investigació es pretén fer veure al docent la importància d‟una adequada gestió del temps de classe d‟Educació Física (E.F.), concretament, abans, durant i al final de la sessió, amb l‟objectiu d‟augmentar el temps de compromís motor dels alumnes. Tanmateix citaré autors i esmentaré estudis que demostren que un increment en el temps de compromís motor per part de l‟alumne, augmenta la probabilitat de que s‟assoleixin els objectius proposats i, per tant, el procés d‟ensenyament – aprenentatge serà més eficaç. En conseqüència, s‟analitzen les categories i variables temporals (temps d‟informació del professor, temps d‟organització dels alumnes i del material i temps d‟imprevistos) que poden restar minuts al temps de pràctica motriu i, a la vegada, es presenten una sèrie de recursos i estratègies que ajuden al professor d‟E.F a reduir les accions i variables temporals que incideixen negativament a fi i efecte d‟augmentar el temps de pràctica motriu.
L‟objectiu de l‟estudi és observar els diferents factors que fan incrementar la motivació dels alumnes a les classes d‟Educació Física. Aquesta recerca té com a finalitat descriure i interpretar el clima motivacional que envolta les sessions d‟Educació Física mitjançant l‟estudi de dos mestres de l‟especialitat. L‟estudi es centra en l‟observació de les diferents estratègies que utilitzen els docents per afavorir el clima motivacional a les sessions d‟Educació Física en els cursos de segon i tercer d‟Educació Primària. Aquesta recerca té com a base teòrica l‟estudi realitzat prèviament per diferents autors, com per exemple, Cecchini (2002), Cervelló (2005) i Pascual (2011). Paraules clau: Motivació, Educació Física, clima motivacional, entusiasme del docent, tasca, l‟autoritat del docent, el reconeixement del docent, grups de treball, l‟avaluació i el temps de treball.
This is the second part of the final report submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation. Part 1 contained a comparison of unaged fiber composite and steel dowels and derivation of the appropriate theoretical model for analyzing the results. Part 2 of this final report covers the theoretical and experimental models for accelerated aging of fiber composite reinforcing bars and dowels cast in a concrete environment. Part 2 contains results from testing of unaged and aged fiber composite dowels and steel dowels, in addition to unaged and aged fiber composite reinforcing bars. Additional tests have been performed on unaged dowels (both steel and fibercomposite) to verify results from Part 1 and to keep the testing program consistent. Slight modifications have been made to the dowel specimens presented in Part 1. These modifications are noted in the Section 3.4 of this report. The flexural modulus of elasticity for the FC dowel bar given in Part 1 of the final report (Table 3. 2) was for the incorrect structural shape (non-circular cross section). The value is corrected and given in Part 2 of the final report (Table 3.4 for the.modulus of elasticity supplied by the manufacturer, and Tables 3. 5 and 3. 6 for experimentally determined modulus of elasticities) • The value in Part 1 was not used for any analysis of the FC dowel bars.
Transverse joints are placed in portland cement concrete pavements to control the development of random cracking due to stresses induced by moisture and thermal gradients and restrained slab movement. These joints are strengthened through the use of load transfer devices, typically dowel bars, designed to transfer load across the joint from one pavement slab to the next. Epoxy coated steel bars are the materials of choice at the present time, but have experienced some difficulties with resistance to corrosion from deicing salts. The research project investigated the use of alternative materials, dowel size and spacing to determine the benefits and limitations of each material. In this project two types of fiber composite materials, stainless steel solid dowels and epoxy coated dowels were tested for five years in side by side installation in a portion of U.S. 65 near Des Moines, Iowa, between 1997 and 2002. The work was directed at analyzing the load transfer characteristics of 8-in. vs. 12-in. spacing of the dowels and the alternative dowel materials, fiber composite (1.5- and 1.88-in. diameter) and stainless steel (1.5-in. diameter), compared to typical 1.5-in. diameter epoxy-coated steel dowels placed on 12-in. spacing. Data were collected biannually within each series of joints and variables in terms of load transfer in each lane (outer wheel path), visual distress, joint openings, and faulting in each wheel path. After five years of performance the following observations were made from the data collected. Each of the dowel materials is performing equally in terms of load transfer, joint movement and faulting. Stainless steel dowels are providing load transfer performance equal to or greater than epoxy-coated steel dowels at the end of five years. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) dowels of the sizes and materials tested should be spaced no greater than 8 in. apart to achieve comparable performance to epoxy coated dowels. No evidence of deterioration due to road salts was identified on any of the products tested. The relatively high cost of stainless steel solid and FRP dowels was a limitation at the time of this study conclusion. Work is continuing with the subject materials in laboratory studies to determine the proper shape, spacing, chemical composition and testing specification to make the FRP and stainless (clad or solid) dowels a viable alternative joint load transfer material for long lasting portland cement concrete pavements.
O trabalho foi conduzido de outubro de 2002 a abril de 2003, em Coronel Pacheco, MG, com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da altura do resíduo pós-pastejo (50 e 100 cm) sobre a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) interceptada pelo dossel e o coeficiente de extinção luminosa; a contribuição relativa de classes de perfilhos (basais e aéreos) sobre o índice de área foliar (IAF) e o acúmulo de forragem (AF), em pastos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cv. Napier manejados com intervalos de 30 dias entre pastejos. Foi usado o delineamento blocos completos ao acaso e um arranjo de parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições, com alturas de resíduo alocadas nas parcelas e as classes de perfilhos nas subparcelas. O IAF, a interceptação da RFA e o coeficiente de extinção luminosa foram influenciados pela altura do resíduo pós-pastejo. As interceptações da RFA foram maiores no verão do que na primavera, em pastos manejados com resíduo de 100 cm. As variações do IAF e da interceptação da RFA não estiveram associados, durante todos os ciclos de pastejo. O IAF e o AF apresentaram variações sazonais, relacionadas à participação de perfilhos basais e aéreos, na população de perfilhos do pasto.
The 1982 cost of a two-inch asphaltic concrete overlay, with fabric, was an average of 85% of the cost of a three-inch overlay (see attached calculations). A structural number can be assigned to the extra inch of overlay, whereas it is doubtful that any number can be assigned to the fabric. The observations made on the projects in this report leave little reason to be optimistic on the use of fabrics under asphalt overlays. This is especially true of the Floyd, Dallas and Clarke county projects. A great amount of fabric is being used nationwide for this purpose, probably more from sales promotion than from actual documented performance. Full scale field testing is continuing each time a project is let utilizing fabric reinforcement under asphaltic concrete overlays. It has already become apparent that the use of fabrics in AC overlays is not always cost effective.
The corrosion of steel reinforcement in an aging highway infrastructure is a major problem currently facing the transportation engineering community. In the United States alone, maintenance and replacement costs for deficient bridges are measured in billions of dollars. The application of corrosion-resistant steel reinforcement as an alternative reinforcement to existing mild steel reinforced concrete bridge decks has potential to mitigate corrosion problems, due to the fundamental properties associated with the materials. To investigate corrosion prevention through the use of corrosion-resistant alloys, the performance of corrosion resistance of MMFX microcomposite steel reinforcement, a high-strength, high-chromium steel reinforcement, was evaluated. The study consisted of both field and laboratory components conducted at the Iowa State University Bridge Engineering Center to determine whether MMFX reinforcement provides superior corrosion resistance to epoxy-coated mild steel reinforcement in bridge decks. Because definitive field evidence of the corrosion resistance of MMFX reinforcement may require several years of monitoring, strict attention was given to investigating reinforcement under accelerated conditions in the laboratory, based on typical ASTM and Rapid Macrocell accelerated corrosion tests. After 40 weeks of laboratory testing, the ASTM ACT corrosion potentials indicate that corrosion had not initiated for either MMFX or the as-delivered epoxy-coated reinforcement. Conversely, uncoated mild steel specimens underwent corrosion within the fifth week, while epoxy-coated reinforcement specimens with induced holidays underwent corrosion between 15 and 30 weeks. Within the fifth week of testing, the Rapid Macrocell ACT produced corrosion risk potentials that indicate active corrosion for all reinforcement types tested. While the limited results from the 40 weeks of laboratory testing may not constitute a prediction of life expectancy and life-cycle cost, a procedure is presented herein to determine life expectancy and associated life-cycle costs.
The function of dowel bars is the transfer of a load across the transverse joint from one pavement slab to the adjoining slab. In the past, these transfer mechanisms have been made of steel. However, pavement damage such as loss of bonding, deterioration, hollowing, cracking and spalling start to occur when the dowels begin to corrode. A significant amount of research has been done to evaluate alternative types of materials for use in the reinforcement of concrete pavements. Initial findings have indicated that stainless steel and fiber composite materials possess properties, such as flexural strength and corrosion resistance, that are equivalent to the Department of Transportation specifications for standard steel, 1 1/2 inch diameter dowel bars. Several factors affect the load transfer of dowels; these include diameter, alignment, grouting, bonding, spacing, corrosion resistance, joint spacing, slab thickness and dowel embedment length. This research is directed at the analysis of load transfer based on material type and dowel spacing. Specifically, this research is directed at analyzing the load transfer characteristics of: (a) 8-inch verses 12-inch spacing, and (b) alternative dowel material compared to epoxy coated steel dowels, will also be analyzed. This report documents the installation of the test sections, placed in 1997. Dowel material type and location are identified. Construction observations and limitations with each dowel material are shown.
A reinforcement learning (RL) method was used to train a virtual character to move participants to a specified location. The virtual environment depicted an alleyway displayed through a wide field-of-view head-tracked stereo head-mounted display. Based on proxemics theory, we predicted that when the character approached within a personal or intimate distance to the participants, they would be inclined to move backwards out of the way. We carried out a between-groups experiment with 30 female participants, with 10 assigned arbitrarily to each of the following three groups: In the Intimate condition the character could approach within 0.38m and in the Social condition no nearer than 1.2m. In the Random condition the actions of the virtual character were chosen randomly from among the same set as in the RL method, and the virtual character could approach within 0.38m. The experiment continued in each case until the participant either reached the target or 7 minutes had elapsed. The distributions of the times taken to reach the target showed significant differences between the three groups, with 9 out of 10 in the Intimate condition reaching the target significantly faster than the 6 out of 10 who reached the target in the Social condition. Only 1 out of 10 in the Random condition reached the target. The experiment is an example of applied presence theory: we rely on the many findings that people tend to respond realistically in immersive virtual environments, and use this to get people to achieve a task of which they had been unaware. This method opens up the door for many such applications where the virtual environment adapts to the responses of the human participants with the aim of achieving particular goals.
Orienting attention in space recruits fronto-parietal networks whose damage results in unilateral spatial neglect. However, attention orienting may also be governed by emotional and motivational factors; but it remains unknown whether these factors act through a modulation of the fronto-parietal attentional systems or distinct neural pathways. Here we asked whether attentional orienting is affected by learning about the reward value of targets in a visual search task, in a spatially specific manner, and whether these effects are preserved in right-brain damaged patients with left spatial neglect. We found that associating rewards with left-sided (but not right-sided) targets during search led to progressive exploration biases towards left space, in both healthy people and neglect patients. Such spatially specific biases occurred even without any conscious awareness of the asymmetric reward contingencies. These results show that reward-induced modulations of space representation are preserved despite a dysfunction of fronto-parietal networks associated with neglect, and therefore suggest that they may arise through spared subcortical networks directly acting on sensory processing and/or oculomotor circuits. These effects could be usefully exploited for potentiating rehabilitation strategies in neglect patients.