911 resultados para refractive index profile


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A series of in-line curvature sensors on a garment are used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. These results are used to obtain volumetric tidal changes of the human torso in agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously at the mouth. The curvature sensors are based on long-period gratings (LPGs) written in a progressive three-layered fiber to render the LPGs insensitive to the refractive index external to the fiber. A curvature sensor consists of the fiber long-period grating laid on a carbon fiber ribbon, which is then encapsulated in a low-temperature curing silicone rubber. The sensors have a spectral sensitivity to curvature, d lambda/dR from similar to 7-nm m to similar to 9-nm m. The interrogation technique is borrowed from derivative spectroscopy and monitors the changes in the transmission spectral profile of the LPG's attenuation band due to curvature. The multiplexing of the sensors is achieved by spectrally matching a series of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers to the LPGs. The versatility of this sensing garment is confirmed by it being used on six other human subjects covering a wide range of body mass indices. Just six fully functional sensors are required to obtain a volumetric error of around 6%. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Long period gratings written into a standard optical fibre were modified by a femtosecond laser, which produced an asymmetric change to the cladding's refractive index resulting in a directional bend sensor.


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A long period grating (LPG) written in a standard optical fibre was modified by using a femtosecond laser to induce an asymmetric change in the cladding's refractive index. This device produced blue and red wavelength shifts depending on the orientation of applied curvature, with maximum sensitivities of -1.6 nm m and +3.8 nm m, suggesting that this type of LPG may be useful as a shape sensor.


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The concept of random lasers exploiting multiple scattering of photons in an amplifying disordered medium in order to generate coherent light without a traditional laser resonator has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years. This research area lies at the interface of the fundamental theory of disordered systems and laser science. The idea was originally proposed in the context of astrophysics in the 1960s by V.S. Letokhov, who studied scattering with "negative absorption" of the interstellar molecular clouds. Research on random lasers has since developed into a mature experimental and theoretical field. A simple design of such lasers would be promising for potential applications. However, in traditional random lasers the properties of the output radiation are typically characterized by complex features in the spatial, spectral and time domains, making them less attractive than standard laser systems in terms of practical applications. Recently, an interesting and novel type of one-dimensional random laser that operates in a conventional telecommunication fibre without any pre-designed resonator mirrors-random distributed feedback fibre laser-was demonstrated. The positive feedback required for laser generation in random fibre lasers is provided by the Rayleigh scattering from the inhomogeneities of the refractive index that are naturally present in silica glass. In the proposed laser concept, the randomly backscattered light is amplified through the Raman effect, providing distributed gain over distances up to 100km. Although an effective reflection due to the Rayleigh scattering is extremely small (~0.1%), the lasing threshold may be exceeded when a sufficiently large distributed Raman gain is provided. Such a random distributed feedback fibre laser has a number of interesting and attractive features. The fibre waveguide geometry provides transverse confinement, and effectively one-dimensional random distributed feedback leads to the generation of a stationary near-Gaussian beam with a narrow spectrum. A random distributed feedback fibre laser has efficiency and performance that are comparable to and even exceed those of similar conventional fibre lasers. The key features of the generated radiation of random distributed feedback fibre lasers include: a stationary narrow-band continuous modeless spectrum that is free of mode competition, nonlinear power broadening, and an output beam with a Gaussian profile in the fundamental transverse mode (generated both in single mode and multi-mode fibres).This review presents the current status of research in the field of random fibre lasers and shows their potential and perspectives. We start with an introductory overview of conventional distributed feedback lasers and traditional random lasers to set the stage for discussion of random fibre lasers. We then present a theoretical analysis and experimental studies of various random fibre laser configurations, including widely tunable, multi-wavelength, narrow-band generation, and random fibre lasers operating in different spectral bands in the 1-1.6μm range. Then we discuss existing and future applications of random fibre lasers, including telecommunication and distributed long reach sensor systems. A theoretical description of random lasers is very challenging and is strongly linked with the theory of disordered systems and kinetic theory. We outline two key models governing the generation of random fibre lasers: the average power balance model and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation based model. Recently invented random distributed feedback fibre lasers represent a new and exciting field of research that brings together such diverse areas of science as laser physics, the theory of disordered systems, fibre optics and nonlinear science. Stable random generation in optical fibre opens up new possibilities for research on wave transport and localization in disordered media. We hope that this review will provide background information for research in various fields and will stimulate cross-disciplinary collaborations on random fibre lasers. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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A series of in-line curvature sensors on a garment are used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. These results are used to obtain volumetric tidal changes of the human torso showing reasonable agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously to record the volume at the mouth during breathing. The curvature sensors are based upon long period gratings written in a progressive three layered fibre that are insensitive to refractive index changes. The sensor platform consists of the long period grating laid upon a carbon fibre ribbon, which is encapsulated in a low temperature curing silicone rubber. An array of sensors is also used to reconstruct the shape changes of a resuscitation manikin during simulated respiration. The data for reconstruction is obtained by two methods of multiplexing and interrogation: firstly using the transmission spectral profile of the LPG's attenuation bands measured using an optical spectrum analyser; secondly using a derivative spectroscopy technique.


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A novel method for designing high channel-count fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) is proposed. For the first time, tailored group delay is introduced into the target reflection spectra to obtain a more even distribution of the refractive index modulation. This approach results in the reduction of the maximum refractive index modulation to physically realizable levels. The maximum index modulation reduction factors are all greater than 5.5. This is a significant improvement compared with previously reported results. Numerical results show that the thus designed high channel-count FBG filters exhibit superior characteristics including 30 dB channel isolation, a flat-top and near 100% reflectivity in each channel. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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Long period gratings written into a standard optical fibre were modified by a femtosecond laser, which produced an asymmetric change to the cladding's refractive index resulting in a directional bend sensor.


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A series of in-line curvature sensors on a garment are used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. These results are used to obtain volumetric tidal changes of the human torso in agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously at the mouth. The curvature sensors are based on long-period gratings (LPGs) written in a progressive three-layered fiber to render the LPGs insensitive to the refractive index external to the fiber. A curvature sensor consists of the fiber long-period grating laid on a carbon fiber ribbon, which is then encapsulated in a low-temperature curing silicone rubber. The sensors have a spectral sensitivity to curvature, dλ/dR from ∼7-nm m to ∼9-nm m. The interrogation technique is borrowed from derivative spectroscopy and monitors the changes in the transmission spectral profile of the LPG's attenuation band due to curvature. The multiplexing of the sensors is achieved by spectrally matching a series of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers to the LPGs. The versatility of this sensing garment is confirmed by it being used on six other human subjects covering a wide range of body mass indices. Just six fully functional sensors are required to obtain a volumetric error of around 6%. © 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Photonic structures with a sub-wavelength pitch, small enough to suppress diffraction, can behave as equivalent homogenous materials that can be engineered to exhibit a specific refractive index and dispersion. Here we discuss the design of a variety of integrated photonic devices, ranging from grating couplers to multimode interference couplers, for which the use of sub-wavelength structures enables unique characteristics. We will place special emphasis on the design and experimental demonstration of multi-mode interference couplers with an unprecedented bandwidth beyond 200nm at telecom wavelengths.


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The synthesis of polymerlike amorphous carbon(a-C:H) thin-films by microwave excited collisional hydrocarbon plasma process is reported. Stable and highly aromatic a-C:H were obtained containing significant inclusions of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV). PPV confers universal optoelectronic properties to the synthesized material. That is a-C:H with tailor-made refractive index are capable of becoming absorption-free in visible (red)-near infrared wavelength range. Production of large aromatic hydrocarbon including phenyl clusters and/or particles is attributed to enhanced coagulation of elemental plasma species under collisional plasma conditions. Detailed structural and morphological changes that occur in a-C:H during the plasma synthesis are also described.


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The hexagonal resonator characteristics of an individual ZnO-nanonail’s head were investigated via spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) at room temperature. The positions of most of distinct CL peaks in visible range were well matched to those of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) of a hexagonal dielectric cavity when we took birefringence and dispersion of refractive indices into account. The broad and weak peaks for TE polarization in long wavelength range were consistent with refractive-index values below the threshold for total internal inflection. CL peaks that were not matched to WGMs were identified as either triangular quasi-WGM or Fabry–Pérot resonance modes.


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Purpose. To create a binocular statistical eye model based on previously measured ocular biometric data. Methods. Thirty-nine parameters were determined for a group of 127 healthy subjects (37 male, 90 female; 96.8% Caucasian) with an average age of 39.9 ± 12.2 years and spherical equivalent refraction of −0.98 ± 1.77 D. These parameters described the biometry of both eyes and the subjects' age. Missing parameters were complemented by data from a previously published study. After confirmation of the Gaussian shape of their distributions, these parameters were used to calculate their mean and covariance matrices. These matrices were then used to calculate a multivariate Gaussian distribution. From this, an amount of random biometric data could be generated, which were then randomly selected to create a realistic population of random eyes. Results. All parameters had Gaussian distributions, with the exception of the parameters that describe total refraction (i.e., three parameters per eye). After these non-Gaussian parameters were omitted from the model, the generated data were found to be statistically indistinguishable from the original data for the remaining 33 parameters (TOST [two one-sided t tests]; P < 0.01). Parameters derived from the generated data were also significantly indistinguishable from those calculated with the original data (P > 0.05). The only exception to this was the lens refractive index, for which the generated data had a significantly larger SD. Conclusions. A statistical eye model can describe the biometric variations found in a population and is a useful addition to the classic eye models.


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Purpose: To investigate the effect of age on the contributions of the anterior cornea and internal components to ocular aberrations in the peripheral visual field. Methods: Ocular aberrations were measured in 10 young emmetropes and 7 older emmetropes using a modified commercial Hartmann-Shack aberrometer across 42° x 32° of central visual field. Anterior corneal aberrations were estimated from anterior corneal topography using theoretical ray-tracing. Internal aberrations were calculated by subtracting anterior corneal aberrations from ocular aberrations. Results: Anterior corneal aberrations of young subjects were reasonably compensated by the internal aberrations, except for astigmatism for which the internal contribution was small out to the 21° field limit. The internal coma and spherical aberration of the older subjects were considerably smaller in magnitude than those of the young subjects such that the compensation for anterior corneal aberrations was poorer. This can be explained by age-related changes in the lens shape and refractive index distribution. Conclusion: oss of balance between anterior cornea and internal components of higher order aberrations with increasing age, found previously for on-axis vision, applies also to the peripheral visual field.


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Purpose. The purpose of this article was to present methods capable of estimating the size and shape of the human eye lens without resorting to phakometry or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods. Previously published biometry and phakometry data of 66 emmetropic eyes of 66 subjects (age range [18, 63] years, spherical equivalent range [−0.75, +0.75] D) were used to define multiple linear regressions for the radii of curvature and thickness of the lens, from which the lens refractive index could be derived. MRI biometry was also available for a subset of 30 subjects, from which regressions could be determined for the vertex radii of curvature, conic constants, equatorial diameter, volume, and surface area. All regressions were compared with the phakometry and MRI data; the radii of curvature regressions were also compared with a method proposed by Bennett and Royston et al. Results. The regressions were in good agreement with the original measurements. This was especially the case for the regressions of lens thickness, volume, and surface area, which each had an R2 > 0.6. The regression for the posterior radius of curvature had an R2 < 0.2, making this regression unreliable. For all other regressions we found 0.25 < R2 < 0.6. The Bennett-Royston method also produced a good estimation of the radii of curvature, provided its parameters were adjusted appropriately. Conclusions. The regressions presented in this article offer a valuable alternative in case no measured lens biometry values are available; however care must be taken for possible outliers.


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This work is motivated by the need to efficiently machine the edges of ophthalmic polymer lenses for mounting in spectacle or instrument frames. The polymer materials used are required to have suitable optical characteristics such high refractive index and Abbe number, combined with low density and high scratch and impact resistance. Edge surface finish is an important aesthetic consideration; its quality is governed by the material removal operation and the physical properties of the material being processed. The wear behaviour of polymer materials is not as straightforward as for other materials due to their molecular and structural complexity, not to mention their time-dependent properties. Four commercial ophthalmic polymers have been studied in this work using nanoindentation techniques which are evaluated as tools for probing surface mechanical properties in order to better understand the grinding response of polymer materials.