986 resultados para reflective phase shift
We propose and demonstrate single- and multiple-passband fiber grating transmission filters that are remotely tunable by exploitation of the optical pump-induced thermal effects in Er Yb-codoped fiber sections. A repeatable, wavelength-independent induced phase shift of 0.1p mW is obtained without hysteresis and anisotropic effects. A transmission extinction ratio of .23 dB with a 3-mW change in pump power is achieved.
We investigate the use of different direct detection modulation formats in a wavelength switched optical network. We find the minimum time it takes a tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser to recover after switching from one wavelength channel to another for different modulation formats. The recovery time is investigated utilizing a field programmable gate array which operates as a time resolved bit error rate detector. The detector offers 93 ps resolution operating at 10.7 Gb/s and allows for all the data received to contribute to the measurement, allowing low bit error rates to be measured at high speed. The recovery times for 10.7 Gb/s non-return-to-zero on–off keyed modulation, 10.7 Gb/s differentially phase shift keyed signal and 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed formats can be as low as 4 ns, 7 ns and 40 ns, respectively. The time resolved phase noise associated with laser settling is simultaneously measured for 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed data and it shows that the phase noise coupled with frequency error is the primary limitation on transmitting immediately after a laser switching event.
Bit-error rate performance of 20 Gbit/s WDM RZ-DPSK non-slope matched submarine transmission systems
Applying direct error counting, we assess the performance of 20 Gbit/s wavelength-division multiplexing return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) transmission at 0.4 bit/(s Hz) spectral efficiency for application on installed non-zero dispersion-shifted fibre based transoceanic submarine systems. The impact of the pulse duty cycle on the system performance is investigated and the reliability of the existing theoretical approaches to the BER estimation for the RZ-DPSK format is discussed.
Environmentally stable high-power erbium fiber soliton lasers are constructed by Kerr or carrier-type mode locking. We obtain high-energy pulses by using relatively short fiber lengths and providing large amounts of negative dispersion with chirped fiber Bragg gratings. The pulse energies and widths generated with both types of soliton laser are found to scale with the square root of the cavity dispersion. Kerr mode locking requires pulses with an approximately three times higher nonlinear phase shift in the cavity than carrier mode locking, which leads to the generation of slightly shorter pulses with as much as seven times higher pulse energies at the mode-locking threshold.
Direct computation of the bit-error rate (BER) and laboratory experiments are used to assess the performance of a non-slope matched transoceanic submarine transmission link operating at 20Gb/s channel rate and employing return-to-zero differential-phase shift keying (RZ-DPSK) signal modulation. Using this system as an example, we compare the accuracies of the existing theoretical approaches to the BER estimation for the RZ-DPSK format. © 2007 Optical Society of America.
Binocular combination for first-order (luminancedefined) stimuli has been widely studied, but we know rather little about this binocular process for spatial modulations of contrast (second-order stimuli). We used phase-matching and amplitude-matching tasks to assess binocular combination of second-order phase and modulation depth simultaneously. With fixed modulation in one eye, we found that binocularly perceived phase was shifted, and perceived amplitude increased almost linearly as modulation depth in the other eye increased. At larger disparities, the phase shift was larger and the amplitude change was smaller. The degree of interocular correlation of the carriers had no influence. These results can be explained by an initial extraction of the contrast envelopes before binocular combination (consistent with the lack of dependence on carrier correlation) followed by a weighted linear summation of second-order modulations in which the weights (gains) for each eye are driven by the first-order carrier contrasts as previously found for first-order binocular combination. Perceived modulation depth fell markedly with increasing phase disparity unlike previous findings that perceived first-order contrast was almost independent of phase disparity. We present a simple revision to a widely used interocular gain-control theory that unifies first- and second-order binocular summation with a single principle-contrast-weighted summation-and we further elaborate the model for first-order combination. Conclusion: Second-order combination is controlled by first-order contrast.
A highly sensitive liquid-level sensor based on dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser is proposed and demonstrated. The laser is formed by exploiting two parallel arranged phase-shift fiber Bragg gratings (ps-FBGs), acting as ultra-narrow bandwidth filters, into a doublering resonators. By beating the dual-wavelength lasing output, a stable microwave signal with frequency stability better than 5 MHz is obtained. The generated beat frequency varies with the change of dual-wavelength spacing. Based on this characteristic, with one ps-FBG serving as the sensing element and the other one acting as the reference element, a highly sensitive liquid level sensor is realized by monitoring the beat frequency shift of the laser. The sensor head is directly bonded to a float which can transfer buoyancy into axial strain on the fiber without introducing other elastic elements. The experimental results show that an ultra-high liquidlevel sensitivity of 2.12 × 107 MHz/m within the measurement range of 1.5 mm is achieved. The sensor presents multiple merits including ultra-high sensitivity, thermal insensitive, good reliability and stability. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
A complex Ginzburg-Landau equation subjected to local and global time-delay feedback terms is considered. In particular, multiple oscillatory solutions and their properties are studied. We present novel results regarding the disappearance of limit cycle solutions, derive analytical criteria for frequency degeneration, amplitude degeneration, frequency extrema. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of the phase shift parameter and show analytically that the stabilization of the steady state and the decay of all oscillations (amplitude death) cannot happen for global feedback only. Finally, we explain the onset of traveling wave patterns close to the regime of amplitude death.
We numerically optimise 2nd-order random DFB Raman laser amplifiers for transmission for the first time. Optical signal to noise ratio, nonlinear phase shift, signal power variation and the impact of the reflectivity of FBG are investigated in the links from 10 - 120 km.
We present the compensation of the equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN) in the long-haul n-level phase shift keying (n-PSK) coherent optical transmission system, by employing a scheme of phase modulated optical pilot carrier. © OSA 2013.
Long reach-passive optical networks (LR-PON) are being proposed as a means of enabling ubiquitous fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) by massive sharing of network resources and therefore reducing per customer costs to affordable levels. In this paper, we analyze the chain solutions for LR-PON deployment in urban and rural areas at 100-Gb/s point-to-point transmission using dual polarization-quaternary phase shift-keying (DP-QPSK) modulation. The numerical analysis shows that with appropriate finite impulse response (FIR) filter designs, 100-Gb/s transmission can be achieved with at least 512 way split and up to 160 km total distance, which is sufficient for many of the optical paths in a practical situation, for point-to-point link from one LR-PON to another LR-PON through the optical switch at the metro nodes and across a core light path through the core network without regeneration.
We report a unidirectional frequency dissemination scheme for high-fidelity optical carriers deployable over telecommunication networks. For the first time, a 10 Gb/s Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signal from an ultra-narrow linewidth laser was transmitted through a field-installed optical fibre with round-trip length of 124 km between Cork City and town of Clonakilty, without inline optical amplification. At the receiver, using coherent communication techniques and optical injection-locking the carrier was recovered with noise suppression. The beat signal between the original carrier at the transmitter and recovered carrier at the receiver shows a linewidth of 2.8 kHz. Long term stability measurements revealed fractional instabilities (True Allan deviation) of 3.3 × 10-14 for 1 s averaging time, prior to phase noise cancellation.
This paper studies the key aspects of an optical link which transmits a broadband microwave filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) signal. The study is presented in the context of creating an all-analogue real-time multigigabit orthogonal frequency division multiplexing electro-optical transceiver for short range and high-capacity data center networks. Passive microwave filters are used to perform the pulse shaping of the bit streams, allowing an orthogonal transmission without the necessity of digital signal processing (DSP). Accordingly, a cyclic prefix that would cause a reduction in the net data rate is not required. An experiment consisting of three orthogonally spaced 2.7 Gbaud quadrature phase shift keyed subchannels demonstrates that the spectral efficiency of traditional DSP-less subcarrier multiplexed links can be potentially doubled. A sensitivity of -29.5 dBm is achieved in a 1-km link.
Power converters are a key, but vulnerable component in switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives. In this paper, a new fault diagnosis scheme for SRM converters is proposed based on the wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) with a dc-link current sensor. Open- and short-circuit faults of the power switches in an asymmetrical half-bridge converter are analyzed in details. In order to obtain the fault signature from the phase currents, two pulse-width modulation signals with phase shift are injected into the lower-switches of the converter to extract the excitation current, and the WPD algorithm is then applied to the detected currents for fault diagnosis. Moreover, a discrete degree of the wavelet packet node energy is chosen as the fault coefficient. The converter faults can be diagnosed and located directly by determining the changes in the discrete degree from the detected currents. The proposed scheme requires only one current sensor in the dc link, while conventional methods need one sensor for each phase or additional detection circuits. The experimental results on a 750-W three-phase SRM are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis scheme.
Switched mode power supplies (SMPSs) are essential components in many applications, and electromagnetic interference is an important consideration in the SMPS design. Spread spectrum based PWM strategies have been used in SMPS designs to reduce the switching harmonics. This paper proposes a novel method to integrate a communication function into spread spectrum based PWM strategy without extra hardware costs. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and phase shift keying (PSK) data modulation are employed to the PWM of the SMPS, so that it has reduced switching harmonics and the input and output power line voltage ripples contain data. A data demodulation algorithm has been developed for receivers, and code division multiple access (CDMA) concept is employed as communication method for a system with multiple SMPSs. The proposed method has been implemented in both Buck and Boost converters. The experimental results validated the proposed DSSS based PWM strategy for both harmonic reduction and communication.