989 resultados para rapid eye movement
The deployment of LOOME was performed by lowering the LOOME frame by winch, followed by positioning of the surface sensors across the most active site by ROV. The frame was placed on an inactive slab of hydrates, eastwards and adjacent to the hot spot. To the frame autonomous recording current meter was mounted, recording physical oceanography variables approximately two to three meter above the seafloor.
The deployment of LOOME was performed by lowering the LOOME frame by winch, followed by positioning of the surface sensors across the most active site by ROV. The frame was placed on an inactive slab of hydrates, eastwards and adjacent to the hot spot. As part of the LOOME-frame Sun & Sea multi parameter probe CTD 60M was deployed approximately 3 m above the seafloor. The device was rated to 2000 m water depth. As energy supply a DeepSea Power & Light SeaBattery (12V) was used, which allows a run time of the CTD 60M of more than a year. The memory capacity of the probe is sufficient to allow data storage for more than a year as well, applying a time resolution of better than one measurement per minute. The probe was configured to start running when the energy supply is connected and a magnetic switch is closed. An LED on top of CTD is indicating the current state of the probe. The major aim was to record the temperature and pressure regime in the bottom water at the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano.
Six sensor units each having a pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) sensor, plus a central logger, and connection cables were purchased from RBR (Ottawa). The sensing loggers were placed at a transect across the hot spot. Unfortunately, 5 of the 7 loggers were drowned. Only the central logger, that collected the data from the 6 sensor loggers, and one of the sensor loggers remained dry and functional. The sensor was positioned at 50 m south of the frame, in the center of the hot spot. The ORP did not show interpretable signals. The DO and pH signals showed good correlation (. At the end of October 2009 both signals decreased, the pH became as low as 4, possibly indicating increased seepage, or burial in expelled sediments. In December both sensors regained seawater values and then decreased again until the end of May 2010. A pH of 4 can only be reached by very high carbondioxide levels. The dynamics of the signals indicate eruptions and sediment movements from October 2009 till the end of the deployment.
It is presented a mathematical model of the oculomotor plant, based on experimental data in cats. The system that generates, from the neuronal processes at the motoneuron, the control signals to the eye muscles that moves the eye. In contrast with previous models, that base the eye movement related motoneuron behavior on a first order linear differential equation, non-linear effects are described: A dependency on the eye angular position of the model parameters.
Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) is an extensively studied sleep-promoting substance, but the neuroanatomical basis of PGD2-induced sleep is only partially understood. To determine potential regions involved in this response, we used Fos immunohistochemistry to identify neurons activated by infusion of PGD2 into the subarachnoid space below the rostral basal forebrain. PGD2 increased nonrapid eye movement sleep and induced striking expression of Fos in the ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO), a cluster of neurons that may promote sleep by inhibiting the tuberomammillary nucleus, the source of the ascending histaminergic arousal system. Fos expression in the VLPO was positively correlated with the preceding amount of sleep and negatively correlated with Fos expression in the tuberomammillary nucleus. PGD2 also increased Fos immunoreactivity in the basal leptomeninges and several regions implicated in autonomic regulation. These observations suggest that PGD2 may induce sleep via leptomeningeal PGD2 receptors with subsequent activation of the VLPO.
Earlier extracellular recordings during natural sleep have shown that, during slow-wave sleep (SWS), neocortical neurons display long-lasting periods of silence, whereas they are tonically active and discharge at higher rates during waking and sleep with rapid eye movements (REMs). We analyzed the nature of long-lasting periods of neuronal silence in SWS and the changes in firing rates related to ocular movements during REM sleep and waking using intracellular recordings from electrophysiologically identified neocortical neurons in nonanesthetized and nonparalyzed cats. We found that the silent periods during SWS are associated with neuronal hyperpolarizations, which are due to a mixture of K+ currents and disfacilitation processes. Conventional fast-spiking neurons (presumably local inhibitory interneurons) increased their firing rates during REMs and eye movements in waking. During REMs, the firing rates of regular-spiking neurons from associative areas decreased and intracellular traces revealed numerous, short-lasting, low-amplitude inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), that were reversed after intracellular chloride infusion. In awake cats, regular-spiking neurons could either increase or decrease their firing rates during eye movements. The short-lasting IPSPs associated with eye movements were still present in waking; they preceded the spikes and affected their timing. We propose that there are two different forms of firing rate control: disfacilitation induces long-lasting periods of silence that occur spontaneously during SWS, whereas active inhibition, consisting of low-amplitude, short-lasting IPSPs, is prevalent during REMs and precisely controls the timing of action potentials in waking.
Exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) puts women at risk for severe and chronic physical and mental health consequences, including elevations in IPV-related psychopathology and increased risk for future victimization. Previous research has examined attention as one of the key information processing mechanisms associated with elevated psychopathology and risk for victimization; however, the nature of attentional processing in response to IPV-related information in women exposed to IPV is poorly understood. Therefore, the current study aimed to further understanding of associations between attentional processing, IPV exposure, and related distress using measures of eye movement and subjective interpretations of IPV-related information. A sample of women exposed to IPV (n = 57) viewed sets of negative, positive, and neutral relationship images for 15 s each while having their eye movements monitored and later provided subjective ratings and interpretations of levels of risk and safety in those images. We examined associations of outcome measures with proximal victimization experiences and IPV-related psychopathology (i.e., depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and dissociation). Results indicated a bias to attend to negative relationship images relative to positive and neutral images, though this attention bias fluctuated over time and varied as a function of symptomatology such that depression corresponded with increases in attention to negative images over time and PTSD corresponded with decreases in attention to negative images. The general attention bias for negative images appeared to be explained by rumination on and/or difficulty disengaging from negative images, which was related to general elevations in psychopathology as well as exposure to revictimization by different perpetrators. Subjective interpretations and perception of danger cues were related to victimization history and level and type of IPV-related distress. We replicated these procedures with a sample of undergraduate students without IPV histories or related symptomatology (n = 33) and found that the overall attention bias for negative images was not replicated, despite general similarities in patterns of attention over time. Results therefore indicated associations between attentional processing and IPV exposure and related symptomatology. Implications for models of IPV-related psychopathology and attentional processing as well as directions for future study and interventions are discussed.
Physician training has greatly benefitted from insights gained in understanding the manner in which experts search medical images for abnormalities. The aims of this study were to compare the search patterns of 30 fourth-year dental students and 15 certified oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMRs) over panoramic images and to determine the most robust variables for future studies involving image visualization. Eye tracking was used to capture the eye movement patterns of both subject groups when examining 20 panoramic images classified as normal or abnormal. Abnormal images were further subclassified as having an obvious, intermediate, or subtle abnormality. The images were presented in random order to each participant, and data were collected on duration of the participants’ observations and total distance tracked, time to first eye fixation, and total duration and numbers of fixations on and off the area of interest (AOI). The results showed that the OMRs covered greater distances than the dental students (p<0.001) for normal images. For images of pathosis, the OMRs required less total time (p<0.001), made fewer eye fixations (p<0.01) with fewer saccades (p<0.001) than the students, and required less time before making the first fixation on the AOI (p<0.01). Furthermore, the OMRs covered less distance (p<0.001) than the dental students for obvious pathoses. For investigations of images of pathosis, time to first fixation is a robust parameter in predicting ability. For images with different levels of subtlety of pathoses, the number of fixations, total time spent, and numbers of revisits are important parameters to analyze when comparing observer groups with different levels of experience.
Electronic books (e-book) are an interesting option compared to classic paper books. Most e-reading devices of the first generation were based on e-ink technology. With the appearance of the Apple iPad on the market, TFT-LCDs became important in the field of e-reading. Both technologies have advantages and disadvantages but the question remains whether one or the other technology is better for reading. In the present study we analyzed and compared reading behavior when reading on e-inkreader (e-ink displays) and on tablets (TFT-LCDs) as measured by eye-tracking. The results suggest that the reading behavior on tablets is indeed very similar to the reading behavior on e-ink-reader. Participants showed no difference in fixation duration. Significant differences in reading speed and in the proportion of regressive saccades suggest that tablets, under special artificial light conditions, may even provide better legibility.
Physician training has greatly benefitted from insights gained in understanding the manner in which experts search medical images for abnormalities. The aims of this study were to compare the search patterns of 30 fourth-year dental students and 15 certified oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMRs) over panoramic images and to determine the most robust variables for future studies involving image visualization. Eye tracking was used to capture the eye movement patterns of both subject groups when examining 20 panoramic images classified as normal or abnormal. Abnormal images were further subclassified as having an obvious, intermediate, or subtle abnormality. The images were presented in random order to each participant, and data were collected on duration of the participants’ observations and total distance tracked, time to first eye fixation, and total duration and numbers of fixations on and off the area of interest (AOI). The results showed that the OMRs covered greater distances than the dental students (p<0.001) for normal images. For images of pathosis, the OMRs required less total time (p<0.001), made fewer eye fixations (p<0.01) with fewer saccades (p<0.001) than the students, and required less time before making the first fixation on the AOI (p<0.01). Furthermore, the OMRs covered less distance (p<0.001) than the dental students for obvious pathoses. For investigations of images of pathosis, time to first fixation is a robust parameter in predicting ability. For images with different levels of subtlety of pathoses, the number of fixations, total time spent, and numbers of revisits are important parameters to analyze when comparing observer groups with different levels of experience.
The short sediment temperature probe were deployed and recovered with the LOOME observatory in 2009 and 2010, respectively. In addition to temperature, the loggers also recorded bottom water pressure at a sampling interval of 20 minutes. Even though the data obtained from the short temperature probe was strongly disturbed by leakage through a corroded connector, the data shows clearly that the probe was pulled out of the sediment on October 26, 2009, presumably by advancing mud flows.
Pain changes postural activation of the trunk muscles. The cause of these changes is not known but one possibility relates to the information processing requirements and the stressful nature of pain. This study investigated this possibility by evaluating electromyographic activity (EMG) of the deep and superficial trunk muscles associated with voluntary rapid arm movement. Data were collected from control trials, trials during low back pain (LBP) elicited by injection of hypertonic saline into the back muscles, trials during a non-painful attention-demanding task, and during the same task that was also stressful. Pain did not change the reaction time (RT) of the movement, had variable effects on RT of the superficial trunk muscles, but consistently increased RT of the deepest abdominal muscle. The effect of the attention-demanding task was opposite: increased RT of the movement and the superficial trunk muscles but no effect on RT of the deep trunk muscles. Thus, activation of the deep trunk muscles occurred earlier relative to the movement. When the attention-demanding task was made stressful, the RT of the movement and superficial trunk muscles was unchanged but the RT of the deep trunk muscles was increased. Thus, the temporal relationship between deep trunk muscle activation and arm movement was restored. This means that although postural activation of the deep trunk muscles is not affected when central nervous system resources are limited, it is delayed when the individual is also under stress. However, a non-painful attention-demanding task does not replicate the effect of pain on postural control of the trunk muscles even when the task is stressful.
Control of the neck muscles is coordinated with the sensory organs of vision, hearing and balance. For instance, activity of splenius capitis (SC) is modified with gaze shift. This interaction between eye movement and neck muscle activity is likely to influence the control of neck movement. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eye position on neck muscle activity during cervical rotation. In eleven subjects we recorded electromyographic activity (EMG) of muscles that rotate the neck to the right [right obliquus capitis inferior (OI), multifides (MF), and SC, and left sternocleidomastoid (SCM)] with intramuscular or surface electrodes. In sitting, subjects rotated the neck in each direction to specific points in range that were held statically with gaze either fixed to a guide (at three different positions) that moved with the head to maintain a constant intra-orbit eye position or to a panel in front of the subject. Although right SC and left SCM EMG increased with rotation to the right, contrary to anatomical texts, OI EMG increased with both directions and MF EMG did not change from the activity recorded at rest. During neck rotation SCM and MF EMG was less when the eyes were maintained with a constant intra-orbit position that was opposite to the direction of rotation compared to trials in which the eyes were maintained in the same direction as the head movement. The inter-relationship between eye position and neck muscle activity may affect the control of neck posture and movement.
A number of neurodegenerative diseases caused by prions have been described recently. These include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, scrapie in sheep and BSE in cows. Patients with CJD may suffer a range of visual problems including eye movement deficits and visual hallucinations. In addition, it is possible that CJD may be acquired via corneal transplant and that prions may be transmitted by reusable contact lenses.