986 resultados para radical-scavenging potential


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Phytochemical analyses as well as antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the extracts of C. sumatrensis aerial parts were investigated in this study. METHODS: The aerial parts of C. sumatrensis were air dried, weighed and exhaustively extracted with hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol successively. The crude extracts were screened for metabolites. These extracts of the plant were evaluated for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities using agar diffusion and DPPH method respectively. The extracts were also analysed using Gas chromatography – Mass spectrometry, and the chromatogram coupled with mass spectra of the compounds were matched with a standard library. RESULTS: Preliminary phytochemical investigation of crude n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the aerial parts of Conyza sumatrensis revealed the presence of anthraquinones, flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolics, tannin, glycosides and carbohydrate. All the crude extracts gave a clear zone of inhibition against the growth of the test bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli , Bacillus subtilis , Pseudomona aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi , Klebsiellae pneumonae ) at moderate to high concentrations, as well as test fungi ( Candida albicans , Aspergillus niger , penicillium notatum and Rhizopus stolonifer ) at high concentration. Methanolic extract exhibited significant radical scavenging property with IC50 of 17.08 μg/mL while n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts showed no significant antioxidant activity. GC-MS of N-hexane extract showed a total number of eleven chemical constituents with α-Farnesene and spathulenol being the most abundance compounds constituting 20.27 and 22.28% of the extract respectively. Ethyl acetate extract revealed thirteen compounds with two most abundant compounds, cis-β-farnesene (16.64 %) and cis-pinane (21.09 %). While methanolic extract affords seventeen compounds with Ephytol being the most abundant compound (19.36 %).


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Wild mushrooms are mainly collected during the rainy season and valued as a nutritious food and sources of natural medicines and nutraceuticals. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and bioactive properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity) of Polyporus squamosus from two different origins, Portugal and Serbia. The sample from Portugal showed higher contents of as protein (17.14 g/100 g), fat (2.69 g/100 g), ash (3.15 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (77.02 g/100 g); the same sample gave the highest antioxidant activity: highest reducing power, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and lipid peroxidation inhibition in both β-carotene/linoleate and TBARS assay. These results could be related to its higher content in total tocopherols (1968.65 μg/100 g) and phenolic compounds (1.29 mg/100 g). Both extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against all the tested organisms. The samples from Serbia gave higher overall antibacterial activity and showed excellent antibiofilm activity (88.30 %). Overall, P. squamosus methanolic extracts possessed antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiofilm and anti-quorum sensing activity, and without toxicity for liver cells. This investigation highlights alternatives to be explored for the treatment of bacterial infections, in particular against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study provides important results for the chemical and bioactive properties, especially antimicrobial activity of the mushroom P. squamosus. Moreover, to the authors’ knowledge this is the first report on sugars, organic acids, and individual phenolic compounds in P. squamosus.


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El aguacate (Persea americana Miller) es una conocida fruta arb´orea con un alto contenido nutricional que crece en varias partes del mundo. El presente estudio compara los espectros del UV-Vis y del espectr´ometro infrarrojo con transformada de Fourier (FTIR) de la fruta y de la hoja de aguacate (c´ascara, pulpa y aceite) cultivado en Ecuador y posteriormente eval´ua su actividad antioxidante empleando el 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH•). El estudio de los espctros UV-Vis y FTIR revel´o que el aguacate tiene predominantemente flavonoides. Entre la hoja y el fruto del aguacate, se comprob´o mediante el ensayo DPPH• (captura de radicales libres), que la hoja tuvo una mayor actividad antioxidante, la que oscila entre 84,46% y 80,12%, con valores de 32.60-32.73 μg equivalentes de ´acido g´alico por mL. Se demostr´o que el orden de la actividad antioxidante de los extractos es: hoja de aguacate > c´ascara > aceite > pulpa. La actividad antioxidante tuvo una correlaci´on positiva con el contenido total de flavonoides y estos extractos de plantas (especialmente de las hojas del aguacate) son ´utiles para el desarrollo de futuros productos antioxidantes.


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Purpose: To evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and anti-neuroinflammatory effects of Suaeda asparagoides ethylacetate extract (SAE) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated BV-2 microglial cells. Methods: The antioxidative activity of SAE was evaluated by measuring 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity spectrometrometrically. Cell viability was evaluated by 3-(4, 5dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5- diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, while LPS-stimulated BV-2 microglia were used to study the expression and production of inflammatory mediators, including nitric oxide (NO), inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α). Results: Pretreatment with SAE prior to LPS treatment significantly inhibited excessive production of NO (p < 0.001 at 20, 40, 80 and 100 μg/mL) in a dose-dependent manner, and was associated with down-regulation of expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). SAE also suppressed the LPSinduced increase in TNF-α level (p < 0.01at concentrations of 40 and 80 μg/mL) in BV-2 cells. Furthermore, DPPH-generated free radicals were inhibited by SAE in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusion: These results indicate that SAE possesses strong anti-oxidant properties, and inhibits excessive production of pro-inflammatory mediators, including NO, iNOS and TNF-α, in LPS-stimulated BV-2 cells


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Purpose: To characterise the phytochemical profile of whole plants of Centaurea balsamita, C. depressa and C. lycopifolia with LC-ESI-MS/MS, and as well as their antioxidant, anticholinesterase and antimicrobial activities. Methods: Organic and aqueous extracts of the three Centaurea species were evaluated for DPPH free radical, ABTS cation radical scavenging and cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC). Acetyland butyryl-cholinesterase enzyme inhibition abilities of the extracts using petroleum ether, acetone, methanol and water were studied to determine anticholinesterase activity, while antimicrobial activity was determined by disc diffusion method using appropriate antimicrobial standards and organisms. The phytochemical components of the methanol extracts were assessed by LC-MS/MS. Results: The methanol extract of C. balsamita exhibited much higher DPPH free and ABTS cation radicals scavenging activities (with IC50 of 62.65 ± 0.97 and 24.21 ± 0.70 mg/ml, respectively) than the other extracts. The petroleum ether extracts of the plant species exhibited moderate inhibitory activity against butyrylcholinesterase enzymes while the acetone extract of C. balsamita showed good antifungal activity against Candida albicans. Quinic acid (17513 ± 813 μg/g, 63874 ± 3066 μg/g and 108234 ± 5195 μg/g) was the major compound found in the methanol extracts of C. balsamita, C. depressa and C. Lycopifolia, respectively. Conclusion: These results indicate quinic acid is the major compound in the three plant species and that Centaurea balsamita has significant antioxidant, anticholinesterase and antimicrobial properties. Further studies to identify the compounds in the extracts responsible for the activities are required.


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Many diseases and related degenerative processes including heart, câncer and Parkinson diseases are associated with rcactive oxygen species (ROS). In an effort Io preveni diseases, search for com-pounds with antioxidant activity hás been a major interestof dif-ferent research groups in natural products research. The objective of this research was to investigatethe antioxidant activity of EtOH leaf extract ofjacarando decurrrens and its fractions using the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) assay [lJ, that uses s pé ciro me t ric method to determine radical scavenging activity, Rutinattheconcçntrationof l.Omg-L was used as the standard. Our results ha vê shown lhat crude extract and fractions had anti-oxidant activities mainly if tested at concentrations of 5.0 to 10.0mg-L. such activities, however. were lesser or equal to the standard (Table 1). The triterpenes, ursolic and oleanohc acids, were detected in the crude extract, Jd-1 and Jd-2, Possibly, these triterpenes are the active constituents responsible for the antioxi-dant activity |2j. At lower concentrations (0,6mg-L than the standard. Jd-3 fraction was the most active. The presenceof flavo-noids and glycosilated compounds were detected in jcl-3 fraction (2], This is the first attempt to demonstrate antioxidant activities found i n Já cara n (ia decurrens leaf extracts. Acknowledgements. Re-search funded by FAPESP. The State of São Paulo Research Founda-tion. Brazil, Referentes: 11) Koleva I. et ai. (2002). Phytochem Anal. 13: 8-17, (2! Oh CJ, et ai. (2007)- Free Radie Rés. 41(6): 638-44.


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Il problema dello smaltimento delle plastiche tradizionali di origine petrolchimica ha stimolato l’interesse verso i materiali plastici bio-based biodegradabili come i PHB che, al contrario, possono essere degradati facilmente e in tempi rapidi dai batteri naturalmente presenti nell’ecosistema. Uno dei principali campi di applicazione dei PHA è quello del food packaging. L’uso di imballaggi attivi dove un antiossidante, disperso nella matrice polimerica, migra dall’imballaggio al cibo può essere utile per aumentare la shelf life degli alimenti ma anche per introdurre con la dieta fonti antiossidanti esogene che neutralizzano gli effetti dannosi dei radicali liberi, normalmente prodotti dai processi biologici. I tannini sono antiossidanti naturali che agiscono da riducenti, donano un idrogeno ai radicali liberi stabilizzandoli (free radical scavengers). Si può quindi usare il tannino estratto dal legno come bioadditivo per matrici biopolimeriche (PHB). Recuperando questo prodotto di scarto dell’industria agro-alimentare, si riesce ad abbassare il costo del prodotto finale che risulterà inoltre 100% biodegradabile e con capacità antiossidanti, quindi particolarmente adatto per il food packaging monouso. La bioplastica finale è stata ottenuta “melt mixando” il tannino in polvere, il PHB in pellets e il catalizzatore Ti(OBu)4 liquido in un mescolatore interno Brabender. Sono stati creati 4 campioni a percentuale crescente di tannino e catalizzatore. Sono state effettuate: - Prove di estrazione in acqua per capire quanto tannino non si fosse legato alla matrice biopolimerica. - Analisi FTIR per capire se fosse avvenuto un legame di transesterificazione tra matrice e tannino usando il Ti(OBu)4. - Prove di radical scavenging activity attraverso la spettroscopia uv-visibile per quantificare il potere antiossidante del tannino. - Analisi GPC, DSC e prove di trazione per confrontare le proprietà meccaniche e termiche dei campioni con quelle del PHB puro.


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Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy) has long been known to protect experimental animals from the injury associated with oxidative and inflammatory conditions. In the latter case, a parallel decrease in tissue protein nitration levels has been observed. Protein nitration represents a shift in nitric oxide actions from physiological to pathophysiological and potentially damaging pathways involving its derived oxidants such as nitrogen dioxide and peroxynitrite. In infectious diseases, protein tyrosine nitration of tissues and cells has been taken as evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide-derived oxidants in microbicidal mechanisms. To examine whether tempol inhibits the microbicidal action of macrophages, we investigated its effects on Leishmania amazonensis infection in vitro (RAW 264.7 murine macrophages) and in vivo (C57B1/6 mice). Tempol was administered in the drinking water at 2 mM throughout the experiments and shown to reach infected footpads as the nitroxide plus the hydroxylamine derivative by EPR analysis. At the time of maximum infection (6 weeks), tempol increased footpad lesion size (120%) and parasite burden (150%). In lesion extracts, tempol decreased overall nitric oxide products and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase to about 80% of the levels in control animals. Nitric oxide-derived products produced by radical mechanisms, such as 3-nitrotyrosine and nitrosothiol, decreased to about 40% of the levels in control mice. The results indicate that tempol worsened L. amazonensis infection by a dual mechanism involving down-regulation of iNOS expression and scavenging of nitric oxide-derived oxidants. Thus, the development of therapeutic strategies based on nitroxides should take into account the potential risk of altering host resistance to parasite infection. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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CCSD(T)/cc-pVnZ (n = D, T, Q) calculations followed by extrapolations to the CBS limit are used to characterize stationary states of species participating in the N((4)S) + CH(3) (2A ``) reaction on the triplet PES. A mechanistic model is investigated and reaction rates are computed for every step and the overall reaction. Our best CBS estimate (1.93 x 10(10) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)) for the overall rate constant leading to the formation of H(2)CN + H compares well with the experimental values (8.5 x 10 (11) and 1.3 x 10(10) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)), thus reducing significantly the discrepancy of a previous theoretical result (9.1 x 10(12) cm(3) molecule(1) s(1)). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently published studies suggest that the anesthetic technique used during oncologic surgery affects cancer recurrence. To evaluate the effect of anesthetic technique on disease progression and long-term survival, we compared patients receiving general anesthesia plus intraoperative and postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia with patients receiving general anesthesia alone undergoing open retropubic radical prostatectomy with extended pelvic lymph node dissection.


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Neglected agricultural products (NAPs) are defined as discarded material in agricultural production. Corn cobs are a major waste of agriculture maize. Here, a methanolic extract from corn cobs (MEC) was obtained. MEC contains phenolic compounds, protein, carbohydrates (1.4:0.001:0.001). We evaluated the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential of MEC. Furthermore, its antiproliferative property against tumor cells was assessed through MTT assays and proteins related to apoptosis in tumor cells were examined by western blot. MEC showed no hydroxyl radical scavenger capacity, but it showed antioxidant activity in Total Antioxidant Capacity and DPPH scavenger ability assays. MEC showed higher Reducing Power than ascorbic acid and exhibited high Superoxide Scavenging activity. In tumor cell culture, MEC increased catalase, metallothionein and superoxide dismutase expression in accordance with the antioxidant tests. In vivo antioxidant test, MEC restored SOD and CAT, decreased malondialdehyde activities and showed high Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity in animals treated with CCl4. Furthermore, MEC decreased HeLa cells viability by apoptosis due an increase of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, caspase 3 active. Protein kinase C expression increased was also detected in treated tumor cells. Thus, our findings pointed out the biotechnological potential of corn cobs as a source of molecules with pharmacological activity.


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Características físico-químicas (cor, pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais, conteúdo de lipídios e umidade) e níveis de compostos bioativos (ácido ascórbico, fenólicos totais) foram determinados em quinze amostras de polpas de frutos procedentes da região Amazônica (abiu, acerola, açaí, araçá-boi, bacaba, bacuri, buriti, cajá, cajarana, caju, cupuaçu, graviola, murici, noni e tamarindo). A atividade de radicais livres foi avaliada pelo método de ABTS. Algumas polpas apresentaram alta potencialidade antioxidante, associada com a atividade antirradicais livres obtida e os conteúdos dos componentes bioativos como compostos fenólicos e ácido ascórbico, destacando-se acerola e acaí. O conteúdo total de compostos fenólicos foi correlacionado à capacidade antioxidante das polpas.


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Nitrofurazone (NF) presents activity against Chagas' disease, yet it has a high toxicity. Its analog, hydroxymethylnitrofurazone (NFOH), is more potent against Trypanosoma cruzi and much less toxic than the parent drug, NF. The electrochemical reduction of NFOH in an aqueous medium using a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) is presented. By cyclic voltammetry in anacidic medium, one irreversible reduction peak related to hydroxylamine derivative formation was registered, being linearly pH dependent. However, from pH > 7, a reversible reduction peak at a more positive potential appears and corresponds to the formation of a nitro radical anion. The radical-anion kinetic stability was evaluated by Ip(a)/Ip(c) the current ratio of the R-NO(2)/R-NO(2)-redox couple. The nitro radical anion decays with a second-order rate constant (k(2)) of 6.07, 2.06, and 1.44(X 10(3)) L mol(-1) s(-1) corresponding to pH 8.29, 9.29, and 10.2, respectively, with a corresponding half-time life (t(1/2)) of 0.33, 0.97, and 1.4 s for each pH value. By polishing the GCE surface with diamond powder and comparing with the GCE surface polished with alumina, it is shown that the presence of alumina affects the lifetime of the nitro radical anion. (C) 2009 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3130082] All rights reserved.


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In addition to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, mitochondria have been implicated in the regulation of several physiological responses in plants, such as programmed cell death (PCD) activation. Salicylic acid (SA) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential signaling molecules involved in such physiological responses; however, the mechanisms by which they act remain unknown. In non-photosynthesizing tissues, mitochondria appear to serve as the main source of ROS generation. Evidence suggests that SA and ROS could regulate plant PCD through a synergistic mechanism that involves mitochondria. Herein, we isolate and characterize the mitochondria from non-photosynthesizing cell suspension cultures of Rubus fruticosus. Furthermore, we assess the primary site of ROS generation and the effects of SA on isolated organelles. Mitochondrial Complex III was found to be the major source of ROS generation in this model. In addition, we discovered that SA inhibits the electron transport chain by inactivating the semiquinone radical during the Q cycle. Computational analyses confirmed the experimental data, and a mechanism for this action is proposed.


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This work evaluated the Modulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by the cisplatin-human DNA interaction in a cell-free experimental model by the carotenoids bixin and lycopene extracted from, natural dietary Sources and purified through luminol- and Cypridina luciferin methoxy-analogue (MCLA)- enhanced chemiluminescence assays. The results showed that the ROS generation by DNA-cisplatin interaction was inhibited by both lycopene and bixin in a concentration-dependent manner. At a concentration of 100 mu M, lycopene and bixin inhibited Superoxide anion (O center dot(2)) generation at 90% and 82%, respectively, and the total ROS generation at 44% and 42%, respectively. The formation of significant amounts of isomers or degradation products of both carotenoids was not observed after ROS scavenging, as evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Taken together, these results Suggest that carotenoids can be helpful to Modulate the oxidative stress found in cancer therapy with cisplatin. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.