427 resultados para pyrene


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O muricizeiro (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A. Juss) é árvore de pequeno porte que apresenta múltiplas potencialidades na produção de alimentos, de lenha e na medicina popular. Sua reprodução é por sementes que estão contidas em endocarpo pétreo constituindo o pirênio, popularmente denominado caroço, que ocasiona baixa e desuniforme taxa de germinação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do estádio de desenvolvimento da semente, da temperatura, da integridade do endocarpo e do ácido giberélico na germinação dessa espécie. Para tanto, três experimentos foram instalados em delineamentos inteiramente casualizados. O primeiro considerou dois estádios de maturação do fruto, dois estados de integridade do endocarpo e duas concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3); o segundo envolveu a utilização de envelhecimento acelerado e a presença ou ausência de ácido giberélico (GA3), e o terceiro, dois estádios de maturação do fruto, duas concentrações de ácido giberélico (GA3) e presença ou ausência de aeração. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as sementes apresentaram melhor qualidade fisiológica quando oriundas de frutos maduros e que sofreram abscisão natural. A pré-embebição de pirênios íntegros em ácido giberélico, na concentração de 1 g.L-1 por 24 horas sob alternância de temperatura de 25/35 ºC, favoreceu a germinação. Resultados satisfatórios ocorreram sob alternância de temperatura em câmara de germinação ou a céu aberto, em substrato constituído por areia lavada com fornecimento de água no período mais quente do dia.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a morfologia, anatomia e o processo germinativo de sementes de Phoenix roebelenii. Para o levantamento dos dados biométricos foram utilizadas 100 sementes de frutos recém-colhidos, deixados secar ao ar por um dia. Para a germinação, quatro repetições de 50 sementes tratadas com Vitavax-Thiran foram semeadas em bandejas de plástico, contendo Sphagnum sp. como substrato e mantidas sob condições ambientais de laboratório. Detalhes da morfologia da semente foram documentados com o uso de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e esquematizados com auxílio de câmara clara, acoplada ao estereomicroscópio. Foram confeccionadas lâminas permanentes com cortes do embrião, para o estudo de sua anatomia. As dimensões médias das sementes foram: 10,32mm comprimento, 5,21mm largura e 3,91mm espessura. O peso de 1000 sementes foi de 151,1g e 1kg continha 6600 unidades. O início da germinação variou entre 27 e 58 dias. As sementes são albuminosas, com endosperma duro e o embrião é pouco diferenciado, lateral e periférico. A germinação inicia-se pela abertura de um opérculo, através do qual é emitido o pecíolo cotiledonar com o eixo embrionário na extremidade. O pecíolo funciona, internamente, como um haustório, digerindo gradativamente o endosperma. Na sua parte posterior, desenvolve-se a plúmula, que emerge através de uma fenda. Nota-se o aparecimento de raízes secundárias na porção anterior da raiz primária.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Melcanpodium divaricatian is a member of the Asteraccae and in Brazil is known as false-calendula, its flowers being used in anti-inflammatory preparations, substituting the true calendula or marigold (Calendula officinalis L.). The flower extract was investigated for mutagenic and antimutagenic effect in the Sahnonella/microsome assay. The tested extract was not mutagenic in the strains TA100, TA98, TA97a and TA102 and decreased the mutagenicity of aflatoxin B1, benzo(a)pyrene and daunomycin. Chlorophyll and triterpenes were detected in the extract, and they might have contributed to the observed effect. Our data suggest that these medicinal plants possess cancer chemopreventive properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The antimutagenic effect of ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) and honeybee (Apis mellifera) venom, both collected in the State of Sb Paulo, Brazil, was assessed by the Salmonella/microsome assay upon direct- and indirect-acting mutagens. EEP had inhibitory effect (in an ascending order) on the mutagenicity power of daunomycin (TA102), benzo(a)pyrene (TA100), and aflatoxin B-1(TA98) and the venom acted against the mutagenicity of 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine (TA98) and daunomycin (TA102). (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The aim of this work is the treatment of produced water from oil by using electrochemical technology. Produced water is a major waste generated during the process of exploration and production in the oil industry. Several approaches are being studied aiming at the treatment of this effluent; among them can be cited the biological process and chemical treatments such as advanced oxidation process and electrochemical treatments (electrooxidation, electroflotation, electrocoagulation, electrocoagulation). This work studies the application of electrochemical technology in the treatment of the synthetic produced water effluent through the action of the electron, in order to remove or transform the toxic and harmful substances from the environment by redox reactions in less toxic substances. For this reason, we used a synthetic wastewater, containing a mixture H2SO4 0,5M and 16 HPAs, which are: naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo (a) anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k) fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(a, h)anthracene, benzo(g, h, i)perylene. Bulk electrochemical oxidation experiments were performed using a batch electrochemical reactor containing a pair of parallel electrodes, coupled with a power supply using a magnetic stirrer for favoring the transfer mass control. As anodic material was used, a Dimensionally Stable Anode (DSA) of Ti/Pt, while as cathode was used a Ti electrode. Several samples were collected at specific times and after that, the analysis of these samples were carried out by using Gas Chromatography Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC - MS) in order to determine the percentage of removal. The results showed that it was possible to achieve the removal of HPAs about 80% (in some cases, more than 80%). In addition, as an indicator of the economic feasibility of electrochemical treatment the energy consumption was analyzed for each hour of electrolysis, and based on the value kWh charged by ANEEL, the costs were estimated. Thus, the treatment costs of this research were quite attractive


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Many studies on environmental ecosystems quality related to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) have been carried out routinely due to their ubiquotus presence worldwide and to their potential toxicity after its biotransformation. PAH may be introduced into the environmet by natural and anthropogenic processes from direct runoff and discharges and indirect atmospheric deposition. Sources of naturally occurring PAHs include natural fires, natural oil seepage and recent biological or diagenetic processes. Anthropogenic sources of PAHs, acute or chronic, are combustion of organic matter (petroleum, coal, wood), waste and releases/spills of petroleum and derivatives (river runoff, sewage outfalls, maritime transport, pipelines). Besides the co-existence of multiples sources of PAH in the environmental samples, these compounds are subject to many processes that lead to geochemical fates (physical-chemical transformation, biodegradation and photo-oxidation), which leads to an alteration of their composition. All these facts make the identification of the hydrocarbons sources, if petrogenic, pyrolytic or natural, a challenge. One of the objectives of this study is to establish tools to identify the origin of hydrocarbons in environmental samples. PAH diagnostic ratios and PAH principal component analysis were tested on a critical area: Guanabara Bay sediments. Guanabara Bay is located in a complex urban area of Rio de Janeiro with a high anthropogenic influence, being an endpoint of chronic pollution from the Greater Rio and it was the scenario of an acute event of oil release in January 2000. It were quantified 38 compounds, parental and alkylated PAH, in 21 sediment samples collected in two surveys: 2000 and 2003. The PAH levels varied from 400 to 58439 ng g-1. Both tested techniques for origin identification of hydrocarbons have shown their applicability, being able to discriminate the PAH sources for the majority of the samples analysed. The bay sediments were separated into two big clusters: sediments with a clear pattern of petrogenic introduction of hydrocarbons (from intertidal area) and sediments with combustion characteristics (from subtidal region). Only a minority of the samples could not display a clear contribution of petrogenic or pyrolytic input. The diagnostic ratios that have exhibited high ability to distinguish combustion- and petroleum-derived PAH inputs for Guanabara Bay sediments were Phenanthrene+Anthracene/(Phenanthrene+Anthracene+C1Phenanthrene); Fluorantene/(Fluorantene+Pyrene); Σ (other 3-6 ring PAHs)/ Σ (5 alkylated PAH series). The PCA results prooved to be a useful tool for PAH source identification in the environment, corroborating the diagnostic indexes. In relation to the temporal evaluation carried out in this study, it was not verified significant changes on the class of predominant source of the samples. This result indicates that the hydrocarbons present in the Guanabara Bay sediments are mainly related to the long-term anthropogenic input and not directly related to acute events such as the oil spill of January 2000. This findings were similar to various international estuarine sites. Finally, this work had a complementary objective of evaluating the level of hydrocarbons exposure of the aquatic organisms of Guanabara Bay. It was a preliminary study in which a quantification of 12 individual biliar metabolites of PAH was performed in four demersal fish representing three different families. The analysed metabolites were 1-hydroxynaphtalene, 2-hidroxinaphtalene, 1hydroxyphenanthrene, 9-hydroxyphenanthrene, 2-hydroxyphenanthrene, 1hydroxypyrene, 3-hidroxibiphenil, 3- hydroxyphenanthrene, 1-hydroxychrysene, 9hydroxyfluorene, 4-hydroxyphenanthrene, 3-hydroxybenz(a)pyrene. The metabolites concentrations were found to be high, ranging from 13 to 177 µg g-1, however they were similar to worldwide regions under high anthropogenic input. Besides the metabolites established by the used protocol, it was possible to verified high concentrations of three other compounds not yet reported in the literature. They were related to pyrolytic PAH contribution to Guanabara Bay aquatic biota: 1-hydroxypyrine and 3-hydroxybenz(a)pyrine isomers


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Rutin is a flavonoid with antioxidant, vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating activities. To study the toxicity of rutin and its protective effect, this work investigated the cytotoxic, apoptosis-inducing, genotoxic and protective effects of rutin in HTC cells. In the MTT assay, the highest concentration tested (810 mu M) showed cytotoxicity after 72 h of treatment, where cell viability and cell proliferation was diminished. None of the concentrations of rutin tested induced apoptosis after 24 h treatment. The highest concentration of rutin after 24 h treatment induced DNA damage, shown in the comet assay, but did have a genotoxic effect in the micronucleus test. Rutin was tested against the pro-carcinogenic agent benzo(a)pyrene, at concentrations of 90, 270 and 810 mu M, and was found to reduce induced DNA damage significantly. This protective effect of rutin against a pro-carcinogen, suggests an important biological activity for this compound, which can contribute to human health through the diet. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The developmental anatomy and morphology of the ovule and seed in several species of Heliconia were investigated as part of an embryological study of the Heliconiaceae and to provide a better understanding of their relationships with the other families of the Zingiberales. Heliconia species have an ovule primordium with an outer integument of both dermal and subdermal origin. The archesporial cell is divided into a megasporocyte and a single parietal cell, which in turn are divided only anticlinally to form a single parietal layer, disintegrating later during gametogenesis. The embryo sac was fully developed prior to anthesis. In the developing seed, the endosperm was nuclear, with wall formation in the globular stage; a nucellar pad was observed during embryo development, but later became compressed. The ripe fruit contained seeds enveloped by a lignified endocarp that formed the pyrenes, with each pyrene having an operculum at the basal end; the embryo was considered to be differentiated. Most of these characteristics are shared with other Zingiberales, although the derivation of the operculum from the funicle and the formation of the main mechanical layer by the endocarp are unique to the Heliconiaceae.


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The effect of sonication on fluorescence probe solubilization in cationic vesicles of dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) was investigated by steady-state fluorescence of pyrene (Py), trans-diphenylpolyenes-diphenylbutadiene (DPB), diphenylhexatriene (DPH), and their corresponding 4,4'-dialkyl derivatives 4B4A and 4H4A fluorescence probes. The data indicate that sonication affects the bilayer polarity, the melting temperature (T (m)), and the cooperativity of the melting process due to changes in vesicle morphology. The effect of temperature on the fluorescence intensity and yielding I broken vertical bar(f) and anisotropy < r > shows that the ionizable probes 4B4A and 4H4A are solubilized close to the vesicle interfaces, whereas the non-ionizable DPH and DPB are deeper in the bilayers. Py solubilization indicates that sonicated vesicles exhibit less densely packed bilayers.


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A recently described non-viral gene delivery system [dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB)/monoolein (MO)] has been studied in detail to improve knowledge on the interactions between lamellar (DODAB) and non-lamellar-forming (MO) lipids, as a means to enhance their final cell transfection efficiency. Indeed, the morphology, fluidity, and size of these cationic surfactant/neutral lipid mixtures play an important role in the ability of these systems to complex nucleic acids. The different techniques used in this work, namely dynamic light scattering (DLS), fluorescence spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), light microscopy (LM), and surface pressure-area isotherms, allowed fully characterization of the phase behavior and aggregate morphology of DODAB/MO mixtures at different molar ratios. Overall, the results indicate that the final morphology of DODAB/MO aggregates depends on the balance between the tendency of DODAB to form zero-curvature bilayer structures and the propensity of MO to form non-bilayer structures with negative curvature. These results also show that in the MO-rich region, an increase in temperature has a similar effect on aggregate morphology as an increase in MO concentration. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two series of alkanediyl-a,w-bis (dimethylalkylammonium bromide (n-2-n and n-6-n; n=8, 10,12, and 16) have been synthesized and their micelles properties studied in aqueous solution using pyrene, pyrenecarboxaldehyde (PCA) and 1,8 anilinonaphtalene sulfonic acid sodium salt (ANS) as fluorescent probes. The micelles from these surfactants have been characterized on the basis of the information provided by micelle-solubilized fluorescent probes. The obtained results indicated that the surfactant concentration at which a marked decrease in l max parameter of pyrenecarboxaldehyde (PCA) occurs corresponds to the CMC determined by conductimetric measurements. Changes in the emission spectra of ANS and PCA observed in the submicellar range for both surfactants series (n-2-n and n-6-n) were interpreted as formation of pre-aggregates. It was found that the dimeric surfactants with long spacer (s= 6) form more hydrated aggregates when compared with those formed by the n-2-n and CnTAB surfactants series. This was attributed to a more difficult packing of n-6-n surfactant molecules to form micelles.


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Terpolymers of N-isopropylacrylamide, dodecyl methacrylate (DOMA) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) methacrylate, were synthesized by random copolymerization, and the composition was controlled to achieve systems having different thermosensitivities. H-1 NMR spectra and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) were employed to characterize the different samples obtained. The solution properties were studied by employing spectrophotometry, fluorescence, and dynamic light scattering techniques. The chemical compositions in the final terpolymers are close to those in the feed. The polymers exhibited cloud point temperatures (T-es) varying from 17 to 52 degrees C. Micropolarity studies using I-1/I-3 ratio of the vibronic bands of pyrene show the formation of amphiphilic aggregates capable of incorporating hydrophobic drugs as the polymer concentration is increased. The critical aggregation concentration (CAC) increases from 3.6 x 10(-3) to 1 x 10(-2) g/l with the PEG content varying from 5 to 35 mol%. Anisotropy measurements confirm the results obtained by pyrene fluorescence and show that the aggregates resulting from intermolecular interactions present different organizations. The hydrodynamic diameters (Dh) of the aggregates determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS) vary from 40 to 150 nm depending on the terpolymer composition. The T-cs and Dh values decreased with the ionic strength, and this behavior was attributed to the dehydration of the polymeric micelles. The capacity of solubilization of the aggregates was evaluated by employing pyrene, and the obtained results confirm the ability to incorporate hydrophobic molecules. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Dextrans (M-W = 11.000 and M-w = 40.000) have been modified with 4-hexyl benzoyl chloride and their aggregation behavior was studied in aqueous solution employing the fluorescent probes pyrene and 1,8 anilinonaphtalene sulfonic acid sodium salt (1,8 ANS). The photophysical studies showed that above a critical concentration the derivatives tend to form aggregates having different properties, which depend on both the degree of substitution (alpha) and the molecular weight of the sample. The parameter alpha has a marked effect on the critical aggregation concentrations (CAC) and aggregate proper-ties. Hydrophobic microenvironments can be detected for substituted dextrans having alpha values varying from 0.01 to 0.19. CAC values decreased by two orders and magnitude when the molecular weight increased from 11 to 40 kDa, leading to formation of more apolar aggregates and diminishing by about 30% the polarity of the microenviromnents. Pre-aggregation was evidenced by pyrene excimer emission and intermolecular interactions were responsible by the formation of aggregates leading to solution behaviour similar to that of common surfactants. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.