996 resultados para product transfer


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In spite of their wide application in comminution circuits, hydrocyclones have at least one significant disadvantage in that their operation inherently tends to return the fine denser liberated minerals to the grinding mill. This results in unnecessary overgrinding which adds to the milling cost and can adversely affect the efficiency of downstream processes. In an attempt to solve this problem, a three-product cyclone has been developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) to generate a second overflow in which the fine dense liberated minerals can be selectively concentrated for further treatment. In this paper, the design and operation of the three-product cyclone are described. The influence of the length of the second vortex finder on the performance of a 150-mm unit treating a mixture of magnetite and silica is investigated. Conventional cyclone tests were also conducted under similar conditions. Using the operational performance data of the three-product and conventional cyclones, it is shown that by optimising the length of the second vortex finder, the amount of fine dense mineral particles that reports to the three-product cyclone underflow can be reduced. In addition, the three-product cyclone can be used to generate middlings stream that may be more suitable for flash flotation than the conventional cyclone underflow, or alternatively, could be classified with a microscreen to separate the valuables from the gangue. At the same time, a fines stream having similar properties to those of the conventional overflow can be obtained. Hence, if the middlings stream was used as feed for flash flotation or microscreening, the fines stream could be used in lieu of the conventional overflow without compromising the feed requirements for the conventional flotation circuit. Some of the other potential applications of the new cyclone are described. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Admission controls, such as trunk reservation, are often used in loss networks to optimise their performance. Since the numerical evaluation of performance measures is complex, much attention has been given to finding approximation methods. The Erlang Fixed-Point (EFP) approximation, which is based on an independent blocking assumption, has been used for networks both with and without controls. Several more elaborate approximation methods which account for dependencies in blocking behaviour have been developed for the uncontrolled setting. This paper is an exploratory investigation of extensions and synthesis of these methods to systems with controls, in particular, trunk reservation. In order to isolate the dependency factor, we restrict our attention to a highly linear network. We will compare the performance of the resulting approximations against the benchmark of the EFP approximation extended to the trunk reservation setting. By doing this, we seek to gain insight into the critical factors in constructing an effective approximation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Lanczos algorithm is appreciated in many situations due to its speed. and economy of storage. However, the advantage that the Lanczos basis vectors need not be kept is lost when the algorithm is used to compute the action of a matrix function on a vector. Either the basis vectors need to be kept, or the Lanczos process needs to be applied twice. In this study we describe an augmented Lanczos algorithm to compute a dot product relative to a function of a large sparse symmetric matrix, without keeping the basis vectors.


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Heat transfer levels have been investigated behind a rearward-facing step in a superorbital expansion tube. The heat transfer was measured along a flat plate and behind 2 and 3mm steps with the same length to step height ratio. Results were obtained with air as the test gas at speeds of 6.76kms(-1) and 9-60kms(-1) corresponding to stagnation enthalpies of 26MJ/kg and 48MJ/kg respectively. A laminar boundary layer was established on the flat plate and measured heat transfer levels were consistent with classical empirical correlations. In the case of flow behind a step, the measurements showed a gradual rise in heat transfer from the rear of the step to a plateau several step heights downstream for both flow conditions. Reattachment distance was estimated to be approximately 1.6 step heights downstream of the 2mm step at the low enthalpy condition through the use of flow visualisation.


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For products sold with warranty, the warranty servicing cost can be reduced by improving product reliability through a development process. However, this increases the unit manufacturing cost. Optimal development must achieve a trade-off between these two costs. The outcome of the development process is uncertain and needs to be taken into account in the determination of the optimal development effort. The paper develops a model where this uncertainty is taken into account. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: In the presence of dNTPs, intact HIV-1 virions are capable of reverse transcribing at least part of their genome, a process known as natural endogenous reverse transcription (NERT). PCR analysis of virion DNA produced by NERT revealed that the first strand transfer reaction (1stST) was inefficient in intact virions, with minus strand (-) strong stop DNA (ssDNA) copy numbers up to 200 times higher than post-1stST products measured using primers in U3 and U5. This was in marked contrast to the efficiency of 1stST observed in single-round cell infection assays, in which (-) ssDNA and U3-U5 copy numbers were indistinguishable. Objectives: To investigate the reasons for the discrepancy in first strand transfer efficiency between intact cell-free virus and the infection process. Study design: Alterations of both NERT reactions and the conditions of cell infection were used to test whether uncoating and/or entry play a role in the discrepancy in first strand transfer efficiency. Results and Conclusions: The difference in 1stST efficiency could not be attributed simply to viral uncoating, since addition of very low concentrations of detergent to NERT reactions removed the viral envelope without disrupting the reverse transcription complex, and these conditions resulted in no improvement in 1stST efficiency. Virus pseudotyped with surface glycoproteins from either vesicular stomatitis virus or amphotrophic murine leukaemia virus also showed low levels of 1stST in low detergent NERT assays and equivalent levels of (-) ssDNA and 1stST in single-round infections of cells, demonstrating that the gp120-mediated infection process did not select for virions capable of carrying out 1stST. These data indicate that a post-entry event or factor may be involved in efficient HIV-1 reverse transcription in vivo. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sulfite dehydrogenase (SDH) from Starkeya novella, a sulfite-oxidizing molybdenum-containing enzyme, has a novel tightly bound αβ-heterodimeric structure in which the Mo cofactor and the c-type heme are located on different subunits. Flash photolysis studies of intramolecular electron transfer (IET) in SDH show that the process is first-order, independent of solution viscosity, and not inhibited by sulfate, which strongly indicates that IET in SDH proceeds directly through the protein medium and does not involve substantial movement of the two subunits relative to each other. The IET results for SDH contrast with those for chicken and human sulfite oxidase (SO) in which the molybdenum domain is linked to a b-type heme domain through a flexible loop, and IET shows a remarkable dependence on sulfate concentration and viscosity that has been ascribed to interdomain docking. The results for SDH provide additional support for the interdomain docking hypothesis in animal SO and clearly demonstrate that dependence of IET on viscosity and sulfate is not an inherent property of all sulfite-oxidizing molybdenum enzymes.


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Electronic energy transfer (EET) rate constants between a naphthalene donor and anthracene acceptor in [ZnL4a](ClO4)(2) and [ZnL4b](ClO4)(2) were determined by time-resolved fluorescence where L-4a and L-4b are the trans and cis isomers of 6-((anthracen-9-yl-methyl)amino)-6,13-dimethyl-13-((naphthalen-1-yl-methyl)amino)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, respectively. These isomers differ in the relative disposition of the appended chromophores with respect to the macrocyclic plane. The trans isomer has an energy transfer rate constant (k(EET)) of 8.7 x 10(8) s(-1), whereas that of the cis isomer is significantly faster (2.3 x 10(9) s(-1)). Molecular modeling was used to determine the likely distribution of conformations in CH3CN solution for these complexes in an attempt to identify any distance or orientation dependency that may account for the differing rate constants observed. The calculated conformational distributions together with analysis by H-1 NMR for the [ZnL4a](2+) trans complex in the common trans-III N-based isomer gave a calculated Forster rate constant close to that observed experimentally. For the [ZnL4b](2+) cis complex, the experimentally determined rate constant may be attributed to a combination of trans-Ill and trans-I N-based isomeric forms of the complex in solution.


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Electrochemistry of bacterial cytochrome P450cin (CYP176A) reveals that, unusually, substrate binding does not affect the heme redox potential, although a marked pH dependence is consistent with a coupled single electron/single proton transfer reaction in the range 6 < pH < 10.


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As pol??ticas de Transfer??ncia Condicionada de Renda (TCR) s??o consideradas a mais nova gera????o de pol??ticas sociais. O fato tem chamado a aten????o de profissionais do setor p??blico e de acad??micos de diferentes ??reas. Nos ??ltimos anos, diversas experi??ncias, sobretudo na Am??rica Latina, t??m-se destacado pelo impacto positivo sobre os indicadores sociais da popula????o, entre elas: o Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, no Brasil; o Programa de Desarrollo Humano Oportunidades, no M??xico; e o Sistema Chile Solid??rio, no Chile. O Programa Bolsa Fam??lia, criado em 2003, constitui a maior pol??tica p??blica de TCR da Am??rica Latina, tanto em or??amento quanto em cobertura. Atualmente, atende cerca de 13.800.000 fam??lias, em todos os munic??pios do Pa??s. O Programa tem servido de modelo para a difus??o desse tipo de pol??tica no mundo. O tema envolve v??rias dimens??es da ??rea social, por se tratar de uma pol??tica essencialmente intersetorial. O Bolsa Fam??lia vem se destacando nos debates da administra????o p??blica, devido ?? sua forte capacidade de melhoria das condi????es das fam??lias benefici??rias. Diante disso, a 5a edi????o do Boletim Eletr??nico de Bibliografias Especializadas apresenta uma reuni??o de publica????es do acervo da Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos que abordam os seguintes temas: transfer??ncia condicionada de renda, programas sociais, desigualdade social, combate da pobreza e pol??ticas p??blicas. O objetivo ?? divulgar obras que auxiliem servidores p??blicos na reflex??o e compreens??o desses assuntos


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O Sistema de Gest??o de Conv??nios e Contratos de Repasse (Siconv) ?? a iniciativa do Governo Federal respons??vel por todo o ciclo de vida dos conv??nios, contratos de repasse e termos de parceria, no qual s??o registrados os atos, desde a formaliza????o da proposta at?? a presta????o de contas final. O Siconv inova no modelo de gest??o, proporciona celeridade aos procedimentos e desburocratiza as atividades fins, com foco na substitui????o do processo f??sico pelo eletr??nico e no registro de todos os procedimentos, o que permite maior transpar??ncia na execu????o das transfer??ncias volunt??rias da Uni??o. Destaca- se ainda que a disponibiliza????o do sistema aos usu??rios e tamb??m para a sociedade por meio do endere??o eletr??nico www.convenios.gov.br deve ser considerada como grande fator de inova????o, uma vez que, mesmo indiretamente, se apresenta como mais uma ferramenta de controle social.


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Em dezembro de 2001, o Proeta foi criado pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecu??ria (Embrapa) com apoio financeiro do Fundo Multilateral de Investimentos do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (Fumin/BID), por meio de um acordo de coopera????o t??cnica n??o-reembols??vel. O programa tem o objetivo de contribuir para a transfer??ncia de tecnologias e conhecimentos gerados pela Embrapa para empreendimentos de base tecnol??gica, mediante a utiliza????o do processo de incuba????o de empresas. Para concretizar a iniciativa, foram estabelecidas experi??ncias-piloto em cinco unidades de pesquisa da Embrapa, estrategicamente situadas nas regi??es Nordeste, Centro-Oeste e Sudeste. Entre os resultados e avan??os obtidos merecem destaque 21 tecnologias disponibilizadas, 14 conv??nios firmados com incubadoras, 16 propostas de neg??cios apresentadas, 14 empresas pr??-selecionadas e incubadas, e uma empresa graduada. A consolida????o das alian??as e parcerias no processo de incuba????o resultou em um sistema de inova????o que auxilia o desenvolvimento sustent??vel da cadeia produtiva do agroneg??cio, gerando benef??cios para a sociedade em geral


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O projeto trata da moderniza????o da sistem??tica de disponibiliza????o de informa????es referentes aos repasses das principais transfer??ncias constitucionais da Uni??o para Estados e Munic??pios, atrav??s da utiliza????o de v??rios canais de comunica????o, dentre as quais destaca-se a Internet. Com a implanta????o de novas tecnologias v??m-se atingindo os objetivos desejados propiciando de maneira transparente para a sociedade, atrav??s dos diversos mecanismos, a a????o do Governo Federal no cumprimento do dever constitucional de repassar os recursos federais arrecadados aos estados e munic??pios