892 resultados para primary prevention.
Estimation of absolute risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), preferably with population-specific risk charts, has become a cornerstone of CVD primary prevention. Regular recalibration of risk charts may be necessary due to decreasing CVD rates and CVD risk factor levels. The SCORE risk charts for fatal CVD risk assessment were first calibrated for Germany with 1998 risk factor level data and 1999 mortality statistics. We present an update of these risk charts based on the SCORE methodology including estimates of relative risks from SCORE, risk factor levels from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults 2008-11 (DEGS1) and official mortality statistics from 2012. Competing risks methods were applied and estimates were independently validated. Updated risk charts were calculated based on cholesterol, smoking, systolic blood pressure risk factor levels, sex and 5-year age-groups. The absolute 10-year risk estimates of fatal CVD were lower according to the updated risk charts compared to the first calibration for Germany. In a nationwide sample of 3062 adults aged 40-65 years free of major CVD from DEGS1, the mean 10-year risk of fatal CVD estimated by the updated charts was lower by 29% and the estimated proportion of high risk people (10-year risk > = 5%) by 50% compared to the older risk charts. This recalibration shows a need for regular updates of risk charts according to changes in mortality and risk factor levels in order to sustain the identification of people with a high CVD risk.
Lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) is 5% and five-year survival at early-stage is 92%. CRC risk following index colonoscopy should establish post-screening surveillance benefit, which may be greater in high-risk patients. This review evaluated published cost-effectiveness estimates of post-polypectomy surveillance to assess the potential for personalised recommendations by risk sub-group. Current data suggested colonoscopy identifies those at low-risk of CRC, who may not benefit from intensive surveillance, which risks unnecessary harms and inefficient use of colonoscopy resources. Meta-analyses of incidence of advanced-neoplasia post-polypectomy for low-risk was comparable to those without adenoma; both rates were under the lifetime risk of 5%. Therefore, greater personalisation through de-intensified strategies for low-risk individuals could be beneficial and could employ non-invasive testing such as faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) combined with primary prevention or chemoprevention, thereby reserving colonoscopy for targeted use in personalised risk-stratified surveillance.
This systematic review aims to:
1. Assess if there is evidence supporting a program of personalised surveillance in patients with colorectal adenoma according to risk sub-group.
2. Compare the effectiveness of surveillance colonoscopy with alternative prevention strategies.
3. Assess trade-off between costs, benefits and adverse effects which must be considered in a decision to adopt or reject personalised surveillance.
ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.
AIMS: Device-based remote monitoring (RM) has been linked to improved clinical outcomes at short to medium-term follow-up. Whether this benefit extends to long-term follow-up is unknown. We sought to assess the effect of device-based RM on long-term clinical outcomes in recipients of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD). METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study of consecutive patients who underwent ICD implantation for primary prevention. RM was initiated with patient consent according to availability of RM hardware at implantation. Patients with concomitant cardiac resynchronization therapy were excluded. Data on hospitalizations, mortality and cause of death were systematically assessed using a nationwide healthcare platform. A Cox proportional hazards model was employed to estimate the effect of RM on mortality and a composite endpoint of cardiovascular mortality and hospital admission due to heart failure (HF). RESULTS: 312 patients were included with a median follow-up of 37.7months (range 1 to 146). 121 patients (38.2%) were under RM since the first outpatient visit post-ICD and 191 were in conventional follow-up. No differences were found regarding age, left ventricular ejection fraction, heart failure etiology or NYHA class at implantation. Patients under RM had higher long-term survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0.50, CI 0.27-0.93, p=0.029) and lower incidence of the composite outcome (HR 0.47, CI 0.27-0.82, p=0.008). After multivariate survival analysis, overall survival was independently associated with younger age, higher LVEF, NYHA class lower than 3 and RM. CONCLUSION: RM was independently associated with increased long-term survival and a lower incidence of a composite endpoint of hospitalization for HF or cardiovascular mortality.
Introdução: A violência nas relações de intimidade não tem idade, nem status social e/ou económico. É um fenómeno que está impregnado nas sociedades ao longo da história. Tem uma face visível que é o dano individual e social e pode repercutir-se por várias gerações. A prevenção da violência passa pelo estudo dos fatores de risco e de proteção, e de como atuam, constituindo este campo uma das prioridades máximas da investigação sobre a violência (Organização Mundial de Saúde, OMS, 2011). Objetivos: Descrever os fatores de risco e de proteção para a violência nas relações de intimidade (VRI) a partir de olhar de adolescentes do 9º ano de escolaridade. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, que integra uma investigação quase experimental para validação de um Programa de Promoção de Relações de Intimidade Saudáveis (PRIS), realizada em 2016 com estudantes do 9º ano de um agrupamento de escolas de Portugal. Participaram 104 adolescentes com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e 17 anos. Os dados foram colhidos após a obtenção do consentimento informado, através de um formulário e observação dos participantes após visualização de um filme sobre a violência no namoro. Os dados obtidos foram sujeitos a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os adolescentes apresentaram como fatores de risco para ser vítima de VRI as caraterísticas individuais e sociais, tais como o isolamento, a baixa autoestima, o medo, o "perdoar várias vezes", o agressor, e o desconhecimento sobre as caraterísticas da VRIs, o que dificulta a procura de ajuda. No âmbito do agressor, consideram fatores de risco predominantemente aspetos individuais, incluindo a agressividade, o ciúme, o controlo e a manipulação da vítima. Os adolescentes tiveram dificuldade em descrever fatores de proteção para o agressor, referindo a ajuda psicológica, a ajuda da família e dos amigos. Em relação à vítima, referiram o apoio recebido dos pais, em especial a confiança na mãe, dos amigos e das linhas telefónicas e instituições de ajuda. Conclusões: A conscientização sobre os fatores de risco e de proteção da vítima e do agressor é de extrema importância para a prevenção da VRI. A dificuldade expressa pelos adolescentes em identificar os fatores protetores do agressor (para evitar novas agressões) reflete a necessidade de um maior enfoque nos agressores no desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção, integrando as estratégias e recursos a mobilizar para ajuda, podendo contribuir para interromper ou prevenir a violência. Esta é uma necessidade premente para colmatar as respostas existentes para o fenómeno da VRI que se tem centrado sobretudo na vítima.
ARAÚJO, Marluce Oliveira de; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. A mãe nas ações de acompanhamento do crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Revista Baiana de enfermagem, Salvador, v.19,n.1/2/3,p.93-103, jan./dez. 2004, jann./dez.2005.
The objective of this study was to gain an understanding of the effects of population heterogeneity, missing data, and causal relationships on parameter estimates from statistical models when analyzing change in medication use. From a public health perspective, two timely topics were addressed: the use and effects of statins in populations in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and polypharmacy in older population. Growth mixture models were applied to characterize the accumulation of cardiovascular and diabetes medications among apparently healthy population of statin initiators. The causal effect of statin adherence on the incidence of acute cardiovascular events was estimated using marginal structural models in comparison with discrete-time hazards models. The impact of missing data on the growth estimates of evolution of polypharmacy was examined comparing statistical models under different assumptions for missing data mechanism. The data came from Finnish administrative registers and from the population-based Geriatric Multidisciplinary Strategy for the Good Care of the Elderly study conducted in Kuopio, Finland, during 2004–07. Five distinct patterns of accumulating medications emerged among the population of apparently healthy statin initiators during two years after statin initiation. Proper accounting for time-varying dependencies between adherence to statins and confounders using marginal structural models produced comparable estimation results with those from a discrete-time hazards model. Missing data mechanism was shown to be a key component when estimating the evolution of polypharmacy among older persons. In conclusion, population heterogeneity, missing data and causal relationships are important aspects in longitudinal studies that associate with the study question and should be critically assessed when performing statistical analyses. Analyses should be supplemented with sensitivity analyses towards model assumptions.
Dada a elevada prevalência de cárie em Portugal em idades jovens, a equipa de saúde escolar do concelho de Oliveira do Bairro (distrito de Aveiro), desenvolveu, durante o ano letivo 2012/13, um projeto de educação para a saúde, denominado Senhor Dente, dirigido a crianças em idade pré‐escolar (3‐6 anos) que consistiu na implementação da escovagem na escola. Com este estudo pretendeu‐se determinar o grau de redução da placa bacteriana nas crianças abrangidas pelo referido projeto, de forma a avaliar a sua efetividade na redução das cáries dentárias. Efetuou‐se um estudo quasi experimental, no qual foi avaliado o índice de placa bacteriana individual antes e após a implementação do projeto (ninicial = 256; nfinal = 190). Antes da intervenção, estimou‐se uma prevalência de cárie dentária de 32,8% (IC 95%: 27,0‐38,6). Após a implementação da escovagem dentária na escola, observou‐se uma redução do índice de placa bacteriana de 2,45 (IC 95%: 2,38‐2,51), havendo uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a variação no índice de placa bacteriana e o valor inicial do índice de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados por cárie e, também, com o intervalo de tempo decorrido entre os 2 momentos de avaliação. Os resultados demonstraram a efetividade dos programas de saúde escolar que promovam a escovagem dentária diária na escola e sugerem a necessidade de avaliar qual deve ser a duração destes projetos, como forma de otimizar os recursos necessários para o seu desenvolvimento.
As infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) constituem um problema persistente de saúde pública, sendo os adolescentes e adultos jovens os que apresentam as taxas de prevalência mais elevadas para algumas IST. As IST não víricas nos países desenvolvidos incluem a Chlamydia Trachomatis, a Neisseria gonorrhoeae, o Treponema pallidume a Trichomonas vaginalis. A deteção precoce das IST não víricas tem impacto positivo a nível individual e na saúde pública: permite instituição atem- pada de tratamento adequado, a redução de transmissão entre parceiros, bem como reduzir as complicações a longo prazo, nomeadamente doença inflamatória pélvica, dor pélvica crónica, gravidez ectópica e infertilidade. Várias sociedades médicas internacionais publicaram recomendações para o rastreio de algumas IST não víricas em de- terminados grupos. Em Portugal, a Direção Geral de Saúde (DGS) atualizou em 2014 a norma sobre a notificação obrigatória de doenças transmissíveis, que inclui a gonorreia, a sífilis e a infeção por Chlamydia Trachomatis. Não obstante, os estudos sobre a epidemiologia de IST são parcos em Portugal e apenas recentemente foi contemplado o rastreio oportunístico de infeção genital por Chlamydia Trachomatis no Plano Nacional de Saúde 2011-2016. O médico de família através da sua abordagem holística centrada na pessoa, no seu contexto familiar e social (focando antecedentes pessoais / comportamentos de risco) tem necessariamente um papel determinante na prevenção primária e no rastreio das IST.
International audience
Sub-Saharan Africa faces an epidemic of diabetes. Visual loss from diabetic retinopathy (DR) is both preventable and treatable. This article reviews the epidemiology and clinical features of DR and current evidencebased interventions in three areas: primary prevention of retinopathy by optimum medical management, early detection of pre-symptomatic disease and management of established retinopathy to prevent or mitigate visual loss. There are significant challenges to DR care in resource poor environments. Appropriate provision of effective interventions by health services can reduce social and economic costs associated with patient care.
Neste estudo realiza-se uma reflexão crítica em torno da investigação-ação desenvolvida na Escola Secundária D. Dinis, por ocasião do Estágio. A investigação-ação pretendeu contribuir para a resposta à questão: «Em que medida é que as atividades de complemento curricular podem apoiar a alteração de comportamentos dos alunos face à Toxicodependência?» A amostra do estudo foi constituída por quarenta e um alunos, com idades compreendidas entre os quinze e os vinte e um anos, tendo a maioria dezasseis ou dezassete anos de idade. Os métodos e os instrumentos utilizados caraterizaram-se pela realização da atividade em cabanas de Tavira, a aplicação dos questionários antes e depois da atividade em Tavira e por último, a realização de uma conversa com os alunos envolvidos após a atividade acerca da prevenção primária da toxicodependência. Foram implementadas ações, no seio escolar, que permitiram envolver alunos, professores e funcionários, no sentido de realizar uma Prevenção Primária da Toxicodependência, em Tavira, com um conjunto de alunos da Escola Secundária D. Diniz. O impato [sic] das atividades foram estimadas a partir das diferenças das perceções dos alunos à entrada e saída das ações, face à temática em questão. Foi ainda analisada a formação desenvolvida e ainda uma “conversa” após a atividade, em jeito de balanço. A reflexão crítica foca-se no impato que a investigação-ação teve nos alunos, na comunidade escolar e no nosso desenvolvimento profissional, recorrendo-se à experiência vivida e à teoria para a sua fundamentação.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) in patients with menopause, and to compare the incidence of MS between surgical and natural menopause. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective, unblinded study of cases seen at the Menopause Clinic of the University Hospital “Dr. José eleuterio González” of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León from March 2009 to December 2011. The frequency of MS was determined based on Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) classiication. Results: at the end of the study, 391 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 50.1 years. We found a frequency of MS of 38.1%, the risk factor most often found was low HDL cholesterol (62.5%), followed by obesity (46.5%), hypercholesterolemia (42.3%), hyperglycemia (11.5%), and hypertension (7.7%). The incidence of natural and surgical menopause was 37.6% vs. 39.2% respectively; however, the result was not statistically signiicant (p = 0.093). Conclusions: Patients with menopause are at increased risk of developing MS. it is important to detect MS early in this of patients, when they have one risk factor to avoid complications which may trigger the syndrome. We recommend screening for MS during perimenopause, in order to detect and try to delay it in a timely manner and recommend primary prevention (diet and exercise), or secondary prevention in cases with one or more risk factors.
Objectives: To determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome (MS) in patients with menopause, and to compare the incidence of MS between surgical and natural menopause. Methods: This was an observational, longitudinal, descriptive, retrospective, unblinded study of cases seen at the Menopause Clinic of the University Hospital “Dr. José eleuterio González” of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León from March 2009 to December 2011. The frequency of MS was determined based on Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) classiication. Results: at the end of the study, 391 patients were evaluated. The mean age was 50.1 years. We found a frequency of MS of 38.1%, the risk factor most often found was low HDL-cholesterol (62.5%), followed by obesity (46.5%), hypercholesterolemia (42.3%), hyperglycemia (11.5%), and hypertension (7.7%). The incidence of natural and surgical menopause was 37.6% vs. 39.2% respectively; however, the result was not statistically signiicant (p = 0.093). Conclusions: Patients with menopause are at increased risk of developing MS. it is important to detect MS early in this of patients, when they have one risk factor to avoid complications which may trigger the syndrome. We recommend screening for MS during perimenopause, in order to detect and try to delay it in a timely manner and recommend primary prevention (diet and exercise), or secondary prevention in cases with one or more risk factors.
Purpose: To assess the prescribing patterns of asthma medications in a hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) with regard to the demographic pattern of the population. Methods: One hundred fifty four patients, 83 male and 71 female, were randomly selected from the outpatient respiratory diseases clinic of a tertiary hospital in Dubai, UAE over a 3-month period. Patients were asked to complete a structured questionnaire and data were analyzed using STATA 12 software. Results: Most of the patients were within the age range of 0 – 10 years. About 86 % of the patients were overweight. Half of the patients were non-smokers while 51 % of them had a family history of asthma. About 54 % of the patients received multiple drug therapy of which two-drug combinations were widely prescribed (31 %). The most utilized drug classes were short acting β-agonists (42 %), xanthine drugs (16 %), leukotriene modifiers (14 %) and oral and intravenous corticosteroids (13 %). Statistical significant differences among the age groups (F = 2.33, p = 0.0275) were found. Conclusion: Primary prevention to reduce the level of exposure to common risk factors for asthma would be a vital step to control the disease. More resources should be channeled into educating physicians and patients on rational drug utilization to improve the quality of patients’ care.