992 resultados para polymer optical flber (POF)
AIMS Patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) feature thrombus-rich lesions with large necrotic core, which are usually associated with delayed arterial healing and impaired stent-related outcomes. The use of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (Absorb) has the potential to overcome these limitations owing to restoration of native vessel lumen and physiology at long term. The purpose of this randomized trial was to compare the arterial healing response at short term, as a surrogate for safety and efficacy, between the Absorb and the metallic everolimus-eluting stent (EES) in patients with STEMI. METHODS AND RESULTS ABSORB-STEMI TROFI II was a multicentre, single-blind, non-inferiority, randomized controlled trial. Patients with STEMI who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention were randomly allocated 1:1 to treatment with the Absorb or EES. The primary endpoint was the 6-month optical frequency domain imaging healing score (HS) based on the presence of uncovered and/or malapposed stent struts and intraluminal filling defects. Main secondary endpoint included the device-oriented composite endpoint (DOCE) according to the Academic Research Consortium definition. Between 06 January 2014 and 21 September 2014, 191 patients (Absorb [n = 95] or EES [n = 96]; mean age 58.6 years old; 17.8% females) were enrolled at eight centres. At 6 months, HS was lower in the Absorb arm when compared with EES arm [1.74 (2.39) vs. 2.80 (4.44); difference (90% CI) -1.06 (-1.96, -0.16); Pnon-inferiority <0.001]. Device-oriented composite endpoint was also comparably low between groups (1.1% Absorb vs. 0% EES). One case of definite subacute stent thrombosis occurred in the Absorb arm (1.1% vs. 0% EES; P = ns). CONCLUSION Stenting of culprit lesions with Absorb in the setting of STEMI resulted in a nearly complete arterial healing which was comparable with that of metallic EES at 6 months. These findings provide the basis for further exploration in clinically oriented outcome trials.
AIMS The Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (Absorb BVS) provides similar clinical outcomes compared with a durable polymer-based everolimus-eluting metallic stent (EES) in stable coronary artery disease patients. ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) lesions have been associated with delayed arterial healing and impaired stent-related outcomes. The purpose of the present study is to compare directly the arterial healing response, angiographic efficacy and clinical outcomes between the Absorb BVS and metallic EES. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 191 patients with acute STEMI were randomly allocated to treatment with the Absorb BVS or a metallic EES 1:1. The primary endpoint is the neointimal healing (NIH) score, which is calculated based on a score taking into consideration the presence of uncovered and malapposed stent struts, intraluminal filling defects and excessive neointimal proliferation, as detected by optical frequency domain imaging (OFDI) six months after the index procedure. The study will provide 90% power to show non-inferiority of the Absorb BVS compared with the EES. CONCLUSIONS This will be the first randomised study investigating the arterial healing response following implantation of the Absorb BVS compared with the EES. The healing response assessed by a novel NIH score in conjunction with results on angiographic efficacy parameters and device-oriented events will elucidate disease-specific applications of bioresorbable scaffolds.
OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of amphilimus-eluting stents (AES) with that of everolimus-eluting stents (EES) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). BACKGROUND The AES is a polymer-free drug-eluting stent that elutes sirolimus formulated with an amphiphilic carrier from laser-dug wells. This technology could be associated with a high efficacy in patients with DM. METHODS This was a multicenter, randomized, noninferiority trial. Patients with DM medically treated with oral glucose-lowering agents or insulin and de novo coronary lesions were randomized in a 1:1 fashion to AES or EES. The primary endpoint was the neointimal (NI) volume obstruction assessed by optical coherence tomography at 9-month follow-up. RESULTS A total of 116 lesions in 112 patients were randomized. Overall, 40% were insulin-treated patients, with a median HbA1c of 7.3% (interquartile range: 6.7% to 8.0%). The primary endpoint, NI volume obstruction, was 11.97 ± 5.94% for AES versus 16.11 ± 18.18% for EES, meeting the noninferiority criteria (p = 0.0003). Pre-specified subgroup analyses showed a significant interaction between stent type and glycemic control (p = 0.02), with a significant reduction in NI hyperplasia in the AES group in patients with the higher HbA1c (p = 0.03). By quantitative coronary angiography, in-stent late loss was 0.14 ± 0.24 for AES versus 0.24 ± 0.57 mm for EES (p = 0.27), with a larger minimal lumen diameter at follow-up for AES (p = 0.02), mainly driven by 2 cases of occlusive restenosis in the EES group. CONCLUSIONS AES are noninferior to EES for the coronary revascularization of patients with DM. These results suggest a high efficacy of the AES and may support the potential benefit of this stent in patients with DM. (A Randomized Comparison of Reservoir-Based Polymer-Free Amphilimus-Eluting Stents Versus Everolimus-Eluting Stents With Durable Polymer in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus [RESERVOIR]; NCT01710748).
This project assessed the effectiveness of polymer gel dosimeters as tools for measuring the dose deposited by and LET of a proton beam. A total of three BANG® dosimeter formulations were evaluated: BANG®-3-Pro-2 BANGkits™ for dose measurement and two BANG®-3 variants, the LET-Baseline and LET-Meter dosimeters, for LET measurement. All dosimeters were read out using an OCT scanner. The basic characteristics of the BANGkits™ were assessed in a series of photon and electron irradiations. The dose-response relationship was found to be sigmoidal with a threshold for response of approximately 15 cGy. The active region of the dosimeter, the volume in which dosimeter response is not inhibited by oxygen, was found to make up roughly one fourth of the total dosimeter volume. Delivering a dose across multiple fractions was found to yield a greater response than delivering the same dose in a single irradiation. The dosimeter was found to accurately measure a dose distribution produced by overlapping photon fields, yielding gamma pass rates of 95.4% and 93.1% from two planar gamma analyses. Proton irradiations were performed for measurements of proton dose and LET. Initial irradiations performed through the side of a dosimeter led to OCT artifacts. Gamma pass rates of 85.7% and 89.9% were observed in two planar gamma analyses. In irradiations performed through the base of a dosimeter, gel response was found to increase with height in the dosimeter, even in areas of constant dose. After a correction was applied, gamma pass rates of 94.6% and 99.3% were observed in two planar gamma analyses. Absolute dose measurements were substantially higher (33%-100%) than the delivered doses for proton irradiations. Issues encountered while calibrating the LET-Meter gel restricted analysis of the LET measurement data to the SOBP of a proton beam. LET-Meter overresponse was found to increase linearly with track-average LET across the LET range that could be investigated (1.5 keV/micron – 3.5 keV/micron).
Among the different optical modulator technologies available such as polymer, III-V semiconductors, Silicon, the well-known Lithium Niobate (LN) offers the best trade-off in terms of performances, ease of use, and power handling capability [1-9]. The LN technology is still widely deployed within the current high data rate fibre optic communications networks. This technology is also the most mature and guarantees the reliability which is required for space applications [9].In or der to fulfil the target specifications of opto-microwave payloads, an optimization of the design of a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator working at the 1500nm telecom wavelength was performed in the frame of the ESA-ARTES "Multi GigaHertz Optical Modulator" (MGOM) project in order to reach ultra-low optical insertion loss and low effective driving voltage in the Ka band. The selected modulator configuration was the X-cut crystal orientation, associated to high stability Titanium in-diffusion process for the optical waveguide. Starting from an initial modulator configuration exhibiting 9 V drive voltage @ 30 GHz, a complete redesign of the coplanar microwave electrodes was carried out in order to reach a 6 V drive voltage @ 30GHz version. This redesign was associated to an optimization of the interaction between the optical waveguide and the electrodes. Following the optimisation steps, an evaluation program was applied on a lot of 8 identical modulators. A full characterisation was carried out to compare performances, showing small variations between the initial and final functional characteristics. In parallel, two similar modulators were submitted to both gamma (10-100 krad) and proton irradiation (10.109 p/cm²) with minor performance degradation.
El ensamblado de nanotubos de carbono (CNT) como una fibra macroscópica en la cual están orientados preferentemente paralelos entre sí y al eje de la fibra, ha dado como resultado un nuevo tipo de fibra de altas prestaciones derivadas de la explotación eficiente de las propiedades axiales de los CNTs, y que tiene un gran número de aplicaciones potenciales. Fibras continuas de CNTs se produjeron en el Instituto IMDEA Materiales mediante el proceso de hilado directo durante la reacción de síntesis por deposición química de vapores. Uno de los objetivos de esta tesis es el estudio de la estructura de estas fibras mediante técnicas del estado del arte de difracción de rayos X de sincrotrón y la elaboración de un modelo estructural de dicho material. Mediciones texturales de adsorción de gases, análisis de micrografías de electrones y dispersión de rayos X de ángulo alto y bajo (WAXS/SAXS) indican que el material tiene una estructura mesoporosa con una distribución de tamaño de poros ancha derivada del amplio rango de separaciones entre manojos de CNTs, así como una superficie específica de 170m2/g. Los valores de dimensión fractal obtenidos mediante SAXS y análisis Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) de mediciones texturales coinciden en 2.4 y 2.5, respectivamente, resaltando el carácter de red de la estructura de dichas fibras. La estructura mesoporosa y tipo hilo de las fibra de CNT es accesible a la infiltración de moléculas externas (líquidos o polímeros). En este trabajo se estudian los cambios en la estructura multiescala de las fibras de CNTs al interactuar con líquidos y polímeros. Los efectos de la densificación en la estructura de fibras secas de CNT son estudiados mediante WAXS/SAXS. El tratamiento de densificación junta los manojos de la fibra (los poros disminuyen de tamaño), resultando en un incremento de la densidad de la fibra. Sin embargo, los dominios estructurales correspondientes a la transferencia de esfuerzo mecánica y carga eléctrica en los nanotubos no son afectados durante este proceso de densificación; como consecuencia no se produce un efecto sustancial en las propiedades mecánicas y eléctricas. Mediciones de SAXS and fibra de CNT antes y después de infiltración de líquidos confirman la penetración de una gran cantidad de líquidos que llena los poros internos de la fibra pero no se intercalan entre capas de nanotubos adyacentes. La infiltración de cadenas poliméricas de bajo peso molecular tiende a expandir los manojos en la fibra e incrementar el ángulo de apertura de los poros. Los resultados de SAXS indican que la estructura interna de la fibra en términos de la organización de las capas de tubos y su orientación no es afectada cuando las muestras consisten en fibras infiltradas con polímeros de alto peso molecular. La cristalización de varios polímeros semicristalinos es acelerada por la presencia de fibras de CNTs alineados y produce el crecimiento de una capa transcristalina normal a la superficie de la fibra. Esto es observado directamente mediante microscopía óptica polarizada, y detectado mediante calorimetría DSC. Las lamelas en la capa transcristalina tienen orientación de la cadena polimérica paralela a la fibra y por lo tanto a los nanotubos, de acuerdo con los patrones de WAXS. Esta orientación preferencial se sugiere como parte de la fuerza impulsora en la nucleación. La nucleación del dominio cristalino polimérico en la superficie de los CNT no es epitaxial. Ocurre sin haber correspondencia entre las estructuras cristalinas del polímero y los nanotubos. Estas observaciones contribuyen a la compresión del fenómeno de nucleación en CNTs y otros nanocarbonos, y sientan las bases para el desarrollo de composites poliméricos de gran escala basados en fibra larga de CNTs alineados. ABSTRACT The assembly of carbon nanotubes into a macroscopic fibre material where they are preferentially aligned parallel to each other and to the fibre axis has resulted in a new class of high-performance fibres, which efficiently exploits the axial properties of the building blocks and has numerous applications. Long, continuous CNT fibres were produced in IMDEA Materials Institute by direct fibre spinning from a chemical vapour deposition reaction. These fibres have a complex hierarchical structure covering multiple length scales. One objective of this thesis is to reveal this structure by means of state-of-the-art techniques such as synchrotron X-ray diffraction, and to build a model to link the fibre structural elements. Texture and gas absorption measurements, using electron microscopy, wide angle and small angle X-ray scattering (WAXS/SAXS), and pore size distribution analysis by Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), indicate that the material has a mesoporous structure with a wide pore size distribution arising from the range of fibre bundle separation, and a high surface area _170m2/g. Fractal dimension values of 2.4_2.5 obtained from the SAXS and BJH measurements highlight the network structure of the fibre. Mesoporous and yarn-like structure of CNT fibres make them accessible to the infiltration of foreign molecules (liquid or polymer). This work studies multiscale structural changes when CNT fibres interact with liquids and polymers. The effects of densification on the structure of dry CNT fibres were measured by WAXS/SAXS. The densification treatment brings the fibre bundles closer (pores become smaller), leading to an increase in fibre density. However, structural domains made of the load and charge carrying nanotubes are not affected; consequently, it has no substantial effect on mechanical and electrical properties. SAXS measurements on the CNT fibres before and after liquid infiltration imply that most liquids are able to fill the internal pores but not to intercalate between nanotubes. Successful infiltration of low molecular weight polymer chains tends to expand the fibre bundles and increases the pore-opening angle. SAXS results indicate that the inner structure of the fibre, in terms of the nanotube layer arrangement and the fibre alignment, are not largely affected when infiltrated with polymers of relatively high molecular weight. The crystallisation of a variety of semicrystalline polymers is accelerated by the presence of aligned fibres of CNTs and results in the growth of a transcrystalline layer perpendicular to the fibre surface. This can be observed directly under polarised optical microscope, and detected by the exothermic peaks during differential scanning calorimetry. The discussion on the driving forces for the enhanced nucleation points out the preferential chain orientation of polymer lamella with the chain axis parallel to the fibre and thus to the nanotubes, which is confirmed by two-dimensional WAXS patterns. A non-epitaxial polymer crystal growth habit at the CNT-polymer interface is proposed, which is independent of lattice matching between the polymer and nanotubes. These findings contribute to the discussion on polymer nucleation on CNTs and other nanocarbons, and their implication for the development of large polymer composites based on long and aligned fibres of CNTs.
We present an optical sensing methodology to estimate the fatigue damage state of structures made of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), by measuring variations on the surface roughness. Variable amplitude loads (VAL), which represent realistic loads during aeronautical missions of fighter aircraft (FALSTAFF) have been applied to coupons until failure. Stiffness degradation and surface roughness variations have been measured during the life of the coupons obtaining a Pearson correlation of 0.75 between both variables. The data were compared with a previous study for Constant Amplitude Load (CAL) obtaining similar results. Conclusions suggest that the surface roughness measured in strategic zones is a useful technique for structural health monitoring of CFRP structures, and that it is independent of the type of load applied. Surface roughness can be measured in the field by optical techniques such as speckle, confocal perfilometers and interferometry, among others.
We have developed a new non-polar synthesis for lead sulfide (PbS) quantum-cubes in the conjugated polymer poly-2-methoxy, 5-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene) MEH-PPV. The conducting polymer acts to template and control the quantum-cube growth. Transmission electron microscopy of the composites has shown a bimodal distribution of cube sizes between 5 and 15 nm is produced with broad optical absorption from 300 to 650 nm. Photoluminescence suggests electronic coupling between the cubes and the conducting polymer matrix. The synthesis and initial characterization are presented in this paper. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We describe a single step method to synthesise lead sulphide (PbS) nanocrystals directly in the conjugated polymer poly (2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene) (MEH-PPV). This method allows size control of the nanocrystal via co-solvent ratios. We find good agreement between nanocrystal sizes determined by transmission electron microscopy and sizes theoretically determined from the absorption edge of the nanocrystals. Finally we show that this synthesis technique is not restricted to MEH-PPV and demonstrate that nanocrystals can be grown in Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT). (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We comment on the recent Letter by Argyros et al. [Opt. Lett. 29, 1882 (2004)] in which a microstructured polymer fiber doped with the dye Rhodamine 6G was discussed as a possible fiber laser source. We suggest that the lasing action at 632 nm was due to stimulated Raman scattering in the poly(methyl methacrylate) host material. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
An optical fibre sensor system for humidity and temperature, comprising two Bragg gratings recorded in silica and polymer fibre, has been characterised. The response of this system is very well conditioned (2-norm condition number = 8.8) and consequently uncertainties in wavelength measurement do not lead to large errors in the recovered humidity and temperature.
Different types of microstructures including microchannels and microslots were made in optical fibers using femtosecond laser inscription and chemical etching. Integrated with UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, these microstructures have miniature, robustness and high sensitivity features and have been used to implement novel devices for various sensing applications. The fiber microchannels were used to detect the refractive index change of liquid presenting sensitivities up to 7.4 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) and 166.7 dB/RIU based on wavelength and power detection, respectively. A microslot-in-fiber based liquid core waveguide as a refractometer has been proposed and the device was used to measure refractive index, and a sensitivity up to 945 nm/RIU (10-6/pm) was obtained. By filling epoxy in the microslot and subsequent UV light curing, a hybrid waveguide grating structure with polymer core and glass cladding was fabricated. The obtained device was highly thermal responsive, demonstrating a linear coefficient of 211 pm/°C.
Polymer composites are one of the most attractive near-term means to exploit the unique properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene. This is particularly true for composites aimed at electronics and photonics, where a number of promising applications have already been demonstrated. One such example is nanotube-based saturable absorbers. These can be used as all-optical switches, optical amplifier noise suppressors, or mode-lockers to generate ultrashort laser pulses. Here, we review various aspects of fabrication, characterization, device implementation and operation of nanotube-polymer composites to be used in photonic applications. We also summarize recent results on graphene-based saturable absorbers for ultrafast lasers.
The application of a rapid screening method for the construction of ternary phase diagrams is described for the first time, providing detailed visualization of phase boundaries in solvent-mediated blends. Our new approach rapidly identifies ternary blend compositions that afford optically clear materials, useful for applications where transparent films are necessary. The use of 96-well plates and a scanning plate reader has enabled rapid optical characterization to be carried out by transmission spectrophotometry (450 nm), whilst the nature and extent of crystallinity was examined subsequently by wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). The moderating effect of cellulose acetate butyrate can be visualized as driving the position of the phase boundaries in poly(l-lactic acid)/polycaprolactone (PLLA/PCL) blends. More surprisingly, the boundaries are critically dependent on the molecular weight of the crystallizable PLLA and PCL, with higher molecular weight polymers leading to blends with reduced phase separation. On the other hand, the propensity to crystallize was more evident in shorter chains. WAXS provides a convenient way of characterizing the contribution of the individual blend components to the crystalline regions across the range of blend compositions. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry.
Fiber Bragg grating sensors recorded in poly(methyl methacrylate) fiber often exhibit hysteresis in the response of Bragg wavelength to strain, particularly when exposed to high levels of strain. We show that, when such a fiber grating sensor is bonded directly to a substrate, the hysteresis is reduced by more than 12 times, compared to the case where the sensor is suspended freely between two supports. © 2013 Optical Society of America.