961 resultados para politiofene GRIM celle solari organiche polimeri conduttori water-soluble fotovoltaico


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Caffeine extraction procedures from water soluble and water insoluble materials for preparing stimulating beverages are described. Water soluble materials used were instant tea and coffee and water insoluble materials were, among others, guaraná powder and maté leaves. The extraction of caffeine from water soluble materials, especially instant tea, is more suitable for an organic chemistry teaching laboratory than the classic experiment using tea leaves, due to the economy of time and a larger amount of extracted caffeine. The procedure is time-saving and requires only a four-hour period. The experiments illustrate the extraction process as used in undergraduate organic chemistry laboratories.


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After decades of polluting actions the environment manifests serious and global consequences. The contamination of soils and groundwater by organic compounds is a widespread problem mainly on account of contamination by leakage from underground storage tanks, which often results in the release of gasoline or other chemicals. The main problem about groundwater contamination is due to the toxicity of water-soluble components such as benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX). In the present work a study about classical and modern methods for remediation of BTX is reported.


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Solvent extraction has been successfully applied to metal ion preconcentration and often meant the use of toxic organic diluents. However, regulatory pressure is increasingly focusing on the use and disposal of organic solvents, and thus the development of nonhazardous alternatives is important. In this review, we examine the application of aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) to extraction of ions, analyzing their potential and limitations and suggest that ABSs could be an efficient substitute for oil/water biphasic systems. ABSs are formed by mixing certain inorganic salts and water-soluble polymers, or by mixing two water-soluble polymers.


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In this work, the artificial neural networks (ANN) and partial least squares (PLS) regression were applied to UV spectral data for quantitative determination of thiamin hydrochloride (VB1), riboflavin phosphate (VB2), pyridoxine hydrochloride (VB6) and nicotinamide (VPP) in pharmaceutical samples. For calibration purposes, commercial samples in 0.2 mol L-1 acetate buffer (pH 4.0) were employed as standards. The concentration ranges used in the calibration step were: 0.1 - 7.5 mg L-1 for VB1, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB2, 0.1 - 3.0 mg L-1 for VB6 and 0.4 - 30.0 mg L-1 for VPP. From the results it is possible to verify that both methods can be successfully applied for these determinations. The similar error values were obtained by using neural network or PLS methods. The proposed methodology is simple, rapid and can be easily used in quality control laboratories.


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A Berner impactor was used to collect size-differentiated aerosol samples from March to August 2003 in the city of Aveiro, on the Portuguese west coast. The samples were analysed for the main water-soluble ion species. The average concentration of sulphate, nitrate, chloride and ammonium was 6.38, 3.09, 1.67 and 1.27 µg m-3, respectively. The results show that SO4(2-) and NH4+ were consistently present in the fine fraction < 1 µm, which represents, on average, 72 and 89% of their total atmospheric concentrations, respectively. The NO3-particles were concentrated in the coarse size. Chloride presented the characteristic coarse mode for marine aerosols. During some spring/summer events, an ammonium surplus was observed (NH4+/SO4(2-) molar ratios > 2), possibly due to greater availability of ammonia coming from agricultural activities or from the neighbouring chemical industrial complex. During the remaining periods, the aerosol was found to be somewhat acidic and predominantly in the form of ammonium bisulphate (NH4+/SO4(2-) molar ratios = 0.5-1.25). Samples collected under a major or exclusive influence of maritime air masses were essentially constituted by coarse particles with enrichment in sea salt, while for air masses of continental origin the contribution of water-soluble ionic species in the fine mode was more pronounced.


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Broccoli is a vegetable consumed in many countries and a possible source of folates, which are water-soluble vitamins active during DNA synthesis. The folates found in the samples analyzed were 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and 5-formyltetrahydrofolate. The vitamin content varied between 413.7 and 742.2 µg/100 g for 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and from 4.8 to 12.8 µg/100 g for 5-formyltetrahydrofolate. In organic broccoli the amount of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate was significantly higher than in the same vegetable cultivated by traditional methods, for the commercial samples analyzed. The losses of these folates after cooking in water were of approximately 68%, most of it (53%) found in the cooking water.


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This work proposes an analytical procedure for direct determination of calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc in buffalo milk by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Samples were diluted with a solution containing 10% (v/v) of water-soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C) at pH 8. For comparison, buffalo milk samples were digested with HNO3 and H2O2. According to a paired t-test, the results obtained in the determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn in digested samples and in 10% (v/v) CFA-C medium were in agreement at a 95% confidence level. The developed procedure is simple, rapid, decrease the possibility of contamination and can be applied for the routine determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn in buffalo milk samples without any difficulty caused by matrix constituents, such as fat content, and particle size distribution in the milk emulsion.


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The use of poorly water soluble molecules in pharmaceutical area has grown. Since these molecules exhibit low oral bioavailability, they are not used in intravenous administrations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop their new formulations with the aim to increase their oral bioavailabilities as to enable intravenous applications. One of the few possibilities in achieving this is a nanonization process that can produce crystals smaller than 1 μm by high pressure homogenization and without use of organic solvents. This mini-review describes technical aspects of the nanocrystal production, morphological aspects (polymorphisms), the market relevance of the nanocrystals products that are already in clinical phase or at the market, as well as, perspectives for the near future.


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Cyclodextrins (CDs) are water soluble cyclic sugars with a hydrophobic nanometric cavity that permits the formation of host/guest inclusion complexes with a large variety of molecules, alternating their physical-chemical properties. In the present review CD research related to the processing of textiles is revised and discussed. CDs may function as encapsulating, dispersing and levelling agents in the dyeing and washing of textiles. Furthermore they may be anchored to polymers and textile fibers in order to impart special properties such as odor reduction, UV protection or for the controlled release of perfumes, aromas, mosquito repellents or substances with therapeutical effects.


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The performance of inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometers with axial and radial views for determination of iodine in table salt was evaluated. Interference and memory effects in nitric acid and water-soluble tertiary amines (CFA-C) media were studied. Based on a factorial experiment, one optimum instrument operational condition for axial configuration, and two optima conditions for radial configuration was established. The ICP OES with axial view was 5-fold more sensitive than the radial view. Both matrix matching and standard addition methods were used for iodine quantification and for most samples, both strategies of calibration led to similar results. Recoveries ranged from 104 to 114%.


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Water-soluble CdTe quantum dots are synthesized to investigate how short-chain surface ligands bearing -SH, -COOH, and -NH2 groups interact with CdTe during nucleation/growth processes. Their optical properties and colloidal stability after the ligand exchange are also investigated. We then characterize the resulting CdTe by fluorescence, UV–Vis absorption, and infrared spectroscopies. The stability of the colloidal dispersions was determined by their Zeta potentials. The results show that in the synthesis of water-soluble CdTe, surface ligands with at least two functional groups are required and the hard/soft character of them is an important factor in the stability of CdTe.


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This report describes a leiomyoma of the inferior third section of the esophagus removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient is a woman 55-years-age, carrying esophageal myoma of 40 mm in diameter wide, situated in the posterior wall of the lower esophagus. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the growth of the mass (6 mm when discovered 7 years previously, increased to 40 mm). Recently the patient returned suffering from pain, which could be attributed to his litiasic cholecystopaty. A small degree of low disphagia could also be observed. Radiologic imaging, direct endoscopic examination and endoscopic ultrasound showed that the mioma protruded on to the oesophagic lumen, discreetly diminishing there. A laparoscopic esophageal myomectomy was indicated at the same session of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Once the pneunoperitoneum was installed, five ports were placed as if for a hiatus hernia surgery. The cholecystectomy was uneventful. Next, an esophagoscopy was performed so as to determine the precise area covering the base of the tumour; at the right-lateral site. Longitudinal and circular fibres of the esophagus was severed over the lesion and the enucleation of the tumour was performed alternating the monopolar dissection, bipolar and hidrodisection. Control-endoscopy was carried out to verify mucosa integrity. Four suture points with poliglactine 3-0 string so as to close the musculature followed this. One suture was placed in for diminution of the size of the esophagean hiatus. Total time of intervention: two hours (30m for the cholecystectomy and one hour and thirty minutes for the myomectomy). Postoperative period: uneventful. Disappearance of the disphagia was observed. Radiologic transit control with water-soluble contrast at 4th post-operative day: good passage. Diagnosis from laboratory of pathology: conjunctive tumour formed by muscle non-striated cells: leiomyoma. The patient was re-examined on the two-month postoperative follow-up. General conditions were good and there were no complain of dysphagia. Neither there were any symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux.


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This report describes three cases of esophageal leiomyomas successfully resected by thoracoscopy. Surgical enucleation through minimally invasive surgery is the treatment of choice for esophageal leiomyoma. The conventional approach through a formal thoracotomy has the potential of causing excessive pain and patient discomfort. Moreover, the hospital stay and the recovery period are prolonged. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the size of the mass (<4 cm) and the presence of dysphagia. In one case there was a clear suspicion of malignancy. The tumour was located in the lower thoracic esophagus (case 1), in the middle thoracic esophagus (case 2) and in the upper esophagus (case 3). The CT was useful in identifying the relationship between the lesion and the organs of the mediastinum. The barium swallow study was able to locate the lesion along the esophagus. The endosonography determined the boundaries of the lesions. A right thoracoscopic approach was undertaken. Dissection of the esophagus around its entire perimeter was never necessary because all tumours were anterior or right sided. The tumours were better grasped with a traction suture than with forceps. The hidrodissection was very helpful. The water-soluble contrast swallow, performed on the fourth postoperative day, was normal. Clinical results were satisfactory in all patients. Biopsies should never be performed when the mucosa overlying is normal.


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Metallien laajamittaisen ja runsaan käytön vuoksi nykyään on keskityttävä aikaisempaa tarkemmin metallipäästöjen estämiseen ja puhdistamiseen. Metallien puhdistamiseen jätevesistä voidaan käyttää erilaisia yksikköoperaatiomenetelmiä, mutta selektiivisempään erotukseen päästään ioninvaihto- ja adsorbenttimateriaaleilla. Työn tarkoitusena on valmistaa ja tutkia nikkeliselektiivisiä adsorbenttimateriaaleja. Lisäksi tutkimuskohteena on nikkelin ja 1,10-fenantroliinin välisen kompleksin muodostuminen eri pH-arvoilla. Selektiivisten adsorbenttimateriaalien valmistaminen onnistuu liittämällä kiinteään kantajaan ligandi. Tämän työn tapauksessa nikkelitemplaatin liittäminen kiinteään kantajaan funktionalisointivaiheessa muodostaa adsorbenttiin nikkelille spesifisen kohdan. Käytännössä spesifisyyden syntyminen ei ole itsestäänselvyys, vaan se riippuu paljon funktionalisointitavasta. Tässä työssä funktionalisointitapana olivat fysikaalinen adsorptio ja impregnointi. Nikkelin ja 1,10-fenantroliinin välisen kompleksin muodostumista tutkittiin eri pH-arvojen lisäksi neljällä eri happokonsentraatiolla. Tuloksia verrattiin sellaisen liuoksen spektriin, missä oli pelkkää nikkeliä. Tuloksista havaittiin, että komplekseja muodostuu käytännössä samalla tavalla pH:n ollessa 1–6. Vasta 5 M HNO3 alkoi heikentää kompleksien muodostumista, ja 10 M HNO3 esti kompleksien muodostumisen täysin. Adsorbenttimateriaaleja valmistettiin useita erilaisia, joihin osaan liitettiin nikkelitemplaatti ja osa jätettiin ilman templaattia. Työssä keskityttiin tutkimaan erityisesti kolmea silikasta valmistettua materiaalia, joissa vain kahdessa oli nikkelitemplaatti. Nikkelitemplaattien olemassaololla ei havaittu olevan juurikaan merkitystä nikkelin erottamiseen vesiliuoksista. Materiaaleille tehdyt regenerointikokeet osoittivat, että materiaalien toiminta ja kapasiteetti eivät olleet toivotulla tasolla.


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The epidermis is the upper layer of the skin and keratinocytes are its most abundant cells. Tight junctions are cell junctions located in the granular layer of the epidermis. They maintain the polarity of the cells and regulate the movement of water-soluble molecules. Epidermal tight junctions may lose their integrity when there are defects in intercellular calcium regulation. Hailey-Hailey and Darier´s disease are dominantly inherited, blistering skin diseases. Hailey-Hailey disease is caused by mutations in the ATP2C1 gene encoding a calcium/manganese ATPase SPCA1 of the Golgi apparatus. Darier´s disease is caused by mutations in the ATP2A2 gene encoding a calcium ATPase SERCA2 of the endoplasmic reticulum. p38 regulates the differentiation of keratinocytes. The overall regulation of epidermal tight junctions is not well understood. The present study examined the regulation of tight junctions in the human epidermis with a focus on calcium ATPases and p38. Skin from Hailey-Hailey and Darier´s disease patients was studied by using immunofluorescence labeling which targeted intercellular junction proteins. Transepidermal water loss was also measured. ATP2C1 gene expression was silenced in cultured keratinocytes, by siRNA, which modeled Hailey-Hailey disease. Expression of intercellular junction proteins was studied at the mRNA and protein levels. Squamous cell carcinoma and normal human keratinocytes were used as a model for impaired and normal keratinocyte differentiation, and the role of p38 isoforms alpha and delta in the regulation of intercellular junction proteins was studied. Both p38 isoforms were silenced by adenovirus cell transduction, chemical inhibitors or siRNA and keratinocyte differentiation was assessed. The results of this thesis revealed that: i.) intercellular junction proteins are expressed normally in acantholytic skin areas of patients with Hailey-Hailey or Darier´s disease but the localization of ZO-1 expanded to the stratum spinosum; ii.) tight junction proteins, claudin-1 and -4, are regulated by ATP2C1 in non-differentiating keratinocytes; and iii.) p38 delta regulates the expression of tight junction protein ZO-1 in proliferating keratinocytes and in squamous cell carcinoma derived cells. ZO-1 silencing, however, did not affect the expression of other tight junction proteins, suggesting that they are differently regulated. This thesis introduces new mechanisms involved in the regulation of tight junctions revealing new interactions. It provides novel evidence linking intracellular calcium regulation and tight junctions.