863 resultados para pathological pain
Human abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a zoonotic disease caused by ingestion of the L3 larvae of Angiostrongylus costaricensis. The human infection gives rise to a pathological condition characterized by acute abdominal pain, secondary to an inflammatory granulomatous reaction, marked eosinophilia and eosinophilic vasculitis. Most commonly this disease is limited to intestinal location, primary ileocecal, affecting the mesenteric arterial branches and intestinal walls. We present one of the few cases reported around the world with simultaneous involvement of the intestines and liver, including proved presence of nematodes inside the hepatic arteriole.
We report the case of a 10-year-old girl with two episodes of light-headedness and chest pain during exercise. She had an unremarkable clinical record, physical examination, ECG, and echocardiogram. Noninvasive ischemia tests were positive, but coronary angiography was normal. Exercise stress echocardiogram revealed an exercise-induced intra-left-ventricular obstruction with a peak gradient of 78 mmHg and replicated her symptoms. After starting beta-blocker therapy her clinical status improved and no residual obstruction was detected. The authors review this unsuspected clinical condition, seldom reported in the adult population and, to our knowledge, never before in a child.
Experimental inoculations of approximately 100,000 infective Toxocara cati larval eggs were done in twelve pigs. The T. cati eggs used for inoculation were collected from cat's feces. Another group of three pigs served as an uninfected control. Groups of infected pigs were euthanized at seven, 14, 21, and 28 days post-inoculation (dpi). Tissue samples were taken for digestion and histopathology changes in early phase. The number of larvae recovered from the lungs peaked at seven and 14 dpi and were also present at 21, and 28 dpi. Larvae of T. cati were present in the lymph nodes of the small and large intestine at seven, 14, and 28 dpi and at seven, 14, 21, and 28 dpi respectively. In other studied tissues, no larvae or less than one larva per gram was detected. The pathological response observed in the liver and lungs at seven and 14 dpi, showed white spots on the liver surface and areas of consolidation were observed in the lungs. The lungs showed an inflammatory reaction with larvae in center at 28 dpi. In the liver we observed periportal and perilobular hepatitis. The lymph nodes of the intestines displayed eosinophil lymphadenitis with reactive centers containing parasitic forms in some of them. The granulomatous reaction was not observed in any tissues. The role of the other examined tissues had less significance. The relevance of this parasite as an etiological agent that leads to disease in paratenic hosts is evident.
BACKGROUND: Both primary and secondary gynaecological neuroendocrine (NE) tumours are uncommon, and the literature is scarce concerning their imaging features. METHODS: This article reviews the epidemiological, clinical and imaging features with pathological correlation of gynaecological NE tumours. RESULTS: The clinical features of gynaecological NE tumours are non-specific and depend on the organ of origin and on the extension and aggressiveness of the disease. The imaging approach to these tumours is similar to that for other histological types and the Revised International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Staging System also applies to NE tumours. Neuroendocrine tumours were recently divided into two groups: poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) and well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). NECs include small cell carcinoma and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, while NETs account for typical and atypical carcinoids. Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoid are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. The former typically behaves aggressively; the latter usually behaves in a benign fashion and tends to be confined to the organ. CONCLUSION: While dealing with ovarian carcinoids, extra-ovarian extension, bilaterality and multinodularity raise the suspicion of metastatic disease. NE tumours of the endometrium and other gynaecological locations are very rare. TEACHING POINTS: • Primary or secondary neurondocrine (NE) tumours of the female genital tract are rare. • Cervical small cell carcinoma and ovarian carcinoids are the most common gynaecological NE tumours. • Cervical small cell carcinomas usually behave aggressively. • Ovarian carcinoids tend to behave in a benign fashion. • The imaging approach to gynaecological NE tumours and other histological types is similar.
INTRODUCTION: Labour is considered to be one of the most painful and significant experiences in a woman's life. The aim of this study was to examine whether women's attachment style is a predictor of the pain experienced throughout labour and post-delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Thirty-two pregnant women were assessed during the third trimester of pregnancy and during labour. Adult attachment was assessed with the Adult Attachment Scale ' Revised. The perceived intensity of labour pain was measured using a visual analogue scale for pain in the early stage of labour, throughout labour and post-delivery. RESULTS:Women with an insecure attachment style reported more pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation (p < 0.05), before the administration of analgesia (p < 0.01) and post-delivery (p < 0.05) than those securely attached. In multivariate models, attachment style was a significant predictor of labour pain at 3 cm of cervical dilatation and before the first administration of analgesia but not of the perceived pain post-delivery. DISCUSSION: These findings confirm that labour pain is influenced by relevant psychological factors and suggest that a woman's attachment style may be a risk factor for greater pain during labour. CONCLUSION:Future studies in the context of obstetric pain may consider the attachment style as an indicator of individual differences in the pain response during labour. This may have important implications in anaesthesiology and to promote a relevant shift in institutional practices and therapeutic procedures.
RESUMO: Um dos principais resultados das intervenções de Fisioterapia dirigidas a utentes com Dor Lombar Crónica (DLC) é reduzir a incapacidade funcional. A Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS) é um instrumento amplamente aceite a nível internacional na medição do nível de incapacidade funcional reportada pelos indivíduos com DLC. O objetivo deste estudo é dar um contributo para a adaptação cultural da versão portuguesa da QBPDS (QBPDS-VP) e investigar o poder de resposta e interpretabilidade da escala. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo metodológico, multicentro, baseado num coorte prospetivo de 132 utentes com DLC. Os utentes foram recrutados a partir da lista de espera de 16 serviços de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação/Fisioterapia de várias áreas geográficas de Portugal. A QBPDS- VP foi administrada 3 vezes, em 3 momentos de recolha de dados distintos: T0 - momento inicial (utentes em lista de espera); T1 - 1 semana de intervalo (início dos tratamentos de Fisioterapia); e T2 - 6 semanas de intervalo (pós-intervenção de Fisioterapia). Os dados recolhidos em T0 foram utilizados para a análise fatorial e para o estudo da consistência interna (n=132); os dados da amostra emparelhada de T0 e T1 (n=132) para a fiabilidade teste-reteste; e os dados da amostra emparelhada de T0 e T2 (n=120) para a análise do poder de resposta e interpretabilidade. A âncora externa utilizada foi a perceção global de mudança, neste caso a PGIC- VP, que foi respondida em T1 e T2. O nível de significância para o qual os valores se consideraram satisfatórios foi de p≤ 0,05. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado no software IBM SPSS Statistics (versão 20). Resultados: A QBPDS- VP é uma escala unidimensional, que revela uma excelente consistência interna (α de Cronbach= 0,95) e uma fiabilidade teste-reteste satisfatória (CCI= 0,696; IC 95%: 0,581–0,783). Esta escala demonstrou um poder de resposta moderado, quando aplicada em utentes com DLC ( = 0,426 e AAC= 0,741; IC 95%: 0,645 – 0,837). A Diferença Mínima Detetável (DMD) estimada foi de 19 pontos e as estimativas da Diferença Mínima Clinicamente Importante (DMCI) variaram entre 7 (pelo método curva ROC) e 8 pontos (pelo método “diferença média de pontuação”). A estimativa pela curva ROC deriva do ponto ótimo de corte de 6,5 pontos, com Área Abaixo da Curva (AAC)= 0,741, sensibilidade de 72%, e especificidade de 71%. Uma análise complementar da curva ROC baseada nas diferenças de pontuações da QBPDS, expressa em percentagem, revelou um ponto ótimo de corte de - 24% (AAC= 0,737, sensibilidade de 71%, e especificidade de 71%). Para pontuações iniciais da QBPDS- VP mais altas (≥34 pontos), foi encontrado um ponto ótimo de corte de 10,5 pontos (AAC= 0,738, sensibilidade de 73%, e especificidade de 67%). Conclusão: A QBPDS-VP demonstrou bons níveis de fiabilidade e poder de resposta, recomendando-se o seu uso na medição e avaliação da incapacidade funcional de utentes com DLC. A DMD estimada, de 19 pontos, determinou uma amplitude válida da QBPDS-VP de 19 a 81 pontos. Este estudo propõe estimativas de DMCI da QBPDS- VP numa aplicação específica da escala (em utentes com DLC que são referidos para a intervenção de Fisioterapia). A pontuação inicial da QBPDS- VP deve ser considerada na interpretação de mudanças de pontuação, após a intervenção de Fisioterapia.------------ ABSTRACT: One of the main results of physiotherapy interventions for patients with Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is decrease the functional disability. The Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale (QBPDS) is an instrument widely accepted internationally, in measuring the level of disability reported by individuals with CLBP. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the cultural adaptation of the Portuguese version of QBPDS (QBPDS - PV) and investigate the Responsiveness and Interpretability of QBPDS-PV. Methodology: This was a methodological and multicenter study, based on a sample of 132 subjects with CLBP. The patients were recruited from the waiting lists of 16 medicine rehabilitation service, in many Portugal districts. The Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale was administered in three different moments: T0 – baseline (patients in the waiting list); T1- one week after T0 (the beginning of treatment); and T2 – six weeks after T1 (the posttreatment). The data collected at T0 were used for factor analysis and to study the internal consistency (n = 132); paired sample data of T0 and T1 (n=132) were used for test-retest reliability, and sample data paired for T0 and T2 (n=120) used for responsiveness and interpretability analysis. The external anchor was the global perception of change, measured by the Portuguese version of Patient’s Global Impression of Change (PGIC) Scale. The minimal level of significance established was p ≤ 0,05. Data analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics software (version 20). Results: The QBPDS-PV is a unidimensional scale, demonstrates an excellent internal consistency (Cronbach's α=0.95) and satisfactory test-retest reliability (ICC= 0.696, 95% CI: 0.581–0.783). The scale revealed moderate responsiveness when applied to patients with CLBP ( = 0.426 and AUC= 0.741, 95% CI: 0.645 - 0.837). The Smallest Detectable Change (SDC) was 19 points, whereas the Minimal Clinically Important Change (MCIC) ranged between 7 (ROC curve method) and 8 points (by the "mean difference score"). The estimate was derived from the ROC curve by an optimal cutoff point of 6.5 points, with Area Under the Curve (AUC)= 0.741, sensitivity 72%, and specificity of 71%. A complementary analysis of the ROC curve based on differences in QBPDS scores from baseline, expressed in percentage, revealed an optimal cutoff point of -24% (AUC= 0.737, sensitivity of 71%, and specificity of 71%). For the highest initial scores of QBPDS-PV (≥ 34 points) was found an optimal cutoff of 10.5 points (AUC= 0.738, sensitivity of 73%, and specificity 67%). Conclusion: The QBPDS-PV demonstrated good levels of reliability and responsiveness, being recommended its use in the measurement and evaluation of disability of patients with CLBP. The SDC of 19 points determined the QBPDS‟ scale width of 19 to 81. This study proposes MCIC values for QBPDS –PV for this specific setting (in CLBP patients who are referred for physiotherapy intervention). The QBPDS –PV baseline score have to be taken into account while interpreting the score change after physiotherapy intervention.
Familial renal glucosuria (FRG) is a rare co -dominantly inherited benign phenotype characterized by the presence of glucose in the urine. It is caused by mutations in the SLC5A2 gene that encodes SGLT2, a Na+ -glucose co -transporter. The purpose of our current work was twofold: to characterize the molecular and phenotype findings of an FRG cohort and, in addition, to detail the SGLT2 expression in the adult human kidney. The phenotype of FRG pedigrees was evaluated using direct sequencing for the identification of sequence variations in the SLC5A2 gene. The expression of SGLT2 in the adult human kidney was studied by immunofluorescence on kidney biopsy specimens. In the absence of renal biopsies from FRG individuals, and in order to evaluate the potential disruption of SGLT2 expression in a glucosuric nephropathy, we have selected cases of nucleoside analogues induced proximal tubular toxicity. We identified six novel SLC5A2 mutations in six FRG pedigrees and described the occurrence of hyperuricosuria associated with hypouricaemia in the two probands with the most severe phenotypes. Histopathological studies proved that SGLT2 is localized to the brush -border of the proximal tubular epithelia cell and that this normal pattern was found to be disrupted in cases of nucleoside analogues induced tubulopathy. We present six novel SLC5A2 mutations, further contributing to the allelic heterogeneity in FRG, and identified hyperuricosuria and hypouricaemia as part of the FRG phenotype. SGLT2 is localized to the brush -border of the proximal tubule in the adult human normal kidney, and aberrant expression of the co -transporter may underlie the glucosuria seen with the use of nucleoside analogues.
We report a case of an inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder in a 31 year-old woman. She presented at the emergency room with low abdominal pain and urinary symptoms. Abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed and revealed asymmetric thickening of the urinary bladder wall. Cystoscopy with urinary cytology revealed a benign nature of the process. The patient underwent partial cystectomy and the pathologic examination of the specimen revealed an inflammatory pseudotumor. We reviewed the clinical, imaging and pathological features of the inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder and discussed its differential diagnosis.
We performed a clinico-pathological study of 163 untreated cases of chronic hepatitis C. Eighty five percent of the patients were clinically asymptomatic and their physical examinations sbowed unremarkable or minimal changes at the time of the liver biopsy Liver function tests tended to present slight abnormalities, involving mild elevations of the activity of the aminotransferases and gamma-glutamil transferase levels. In spite of these mild abnormalities advanced chronic liver disease ivas histologically detected in eighty nine percent of the patients, mainly showing chronic active hepatitis. The most characteristic histological finding ivas an interlobular bile duct damage which correlated with the presence of tymphoid aggregates in the portal tracts and with the development of fibrosis.
RESUMO: A dor lombar crónica (DLC) é uma das condições clínicas mais comuns e com elevados custos socioeconómicos no mundo ocidental. Estudos recentes indicam que os utentes com DLC apresentam diferentes padrões de atividade que influenciam os níveis de incapacidade funcional. Contudo, a evidência acerca destas associações é, ainda, limitada e inconclusiva. Em Portugal, não existe, do nosso conhecimento, nenhuma escala validada para a população portuguesa que meça estes padrões de atividade em utentes com DLC. Objetivos: Adaptar culturalmente a escala Patterns of Activity Measure – Pain (POAM-P) para a população portuguesa com dor lombar crónica inespecífica (DLCI) e contribuir para a sua validação. Metodologia: A versão original (inglesa) do POAM-P foi traduzida e adaptada para a língua portuguesa (POAM-P-VP) através de uma equipa multidisciplinar que incluiu tradutores, retrotradutores (cegos e independentes), peritos de diferentes áreas e utentes com DLCI, de acordo com as recomendações de linhas orientadoras atuais para este processo. A análise factorial e das propriedades psicométricas da POAM-P-VP contou com uma amostra de 132 utentes. A consistência interna foi analisada através do coeficiente alpha de Cronbach (α) e para a análise da fiabilidade teste-reteste recorreu-se ao coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC:2,1). A análise da validade de construto convergente e discriminativa das componentes da POAM-P-VP foi conseguida através da aplicação da versão portuguesa da escala Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-13-VP), e recorrendo ao cálculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Todos os cálculos estatísticos foram realizados no software IBM SPSS Statistics (versão 20). Resultados: A análise factorial permitiu identificar três componentes da POAM-P-VP (evitamento, persistência excessiva e persistência consistente com a dor), sendo estruturalmente diferentes das subescalas do POAM-P original. Estas componentes apresentaram uma consistência interna boa a elevada. As componentes 1 e 2 apresentaram uma fiabilidade teste-reteste moderada a excelente, e a componente 3 uma fiabilidade teste-reteste pobre, limitando o seu poder de uso na prática clínica e em investigação. Relativamente à validade de construto, nenhuma das hipóteses estabelecidas no estudo apriori foram verificadas, não podendo aferir acerca da relação dos padrões de atividade com a cinesiofobia, medida pelo TSK-13-VP. Porém, a componente de evitamento da POAM-P-VP parece medir conteúdos partilhados com a TSK-13-VP (rs = 0.15, p<0.048). Conclusão: A adaptação e contributo para a validação da versão portuguesa da escala POAM-P constituiu um ponto de partida para a existência de um instrumento de medição de padrões de atividade de utentes portugueses com DLC, requerendo mais estudos para a sua validação. Apesar de algumas limitações, considera-se que este estudo é de grande importância para os fisioterapeutas e investigadores que buscam um maior conhecimento e efetividade das abordagens de intervenção em utentes com dor lombar crónica.-------------- ABSTRACT: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most common clinical conditions as well as one with high economical costs within western countries. Recent studies have shown that patients with LBP present different patterns of activity which influence their levels of functional capacity. However, evidence on these associations is still limited and inconclusive. To our knowledge, there is in Portugal no valid scale for measuring these patterns of activity in CLBP patients. Purpose: Culturally adapt the Patterns of Activity Measure – Pain (POAM-P) scale to the Portuguese population with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSLBP) and contribute to its validation. Method: The original English version of POAM-P was blindly and independently translated, back translated and adapted to the Portuguese language (POAM-P-VP) by a multidisciplinary team of translators, experts from different fields, and patients with NSLBP, according to established guidelines for this process. Factorial and psychometric properties’ analysis of POAM-P-VP comprised a sample of 132 patients. The internal consistency was analyzed based on Cronbach's alpha-coefficient (α) and for test-retest reliability analysis the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used. The analysis of convergent and discriminant construct validity of POAM-P-VP components was achieved through the use of the Portuguese version of the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK-13-VP), using the Spearman coefficient calculation. All statistical calculations were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics software (v.20). Results: The factor analysis allowed for the identification of three components of POAM-P-VP (avoidance, excessive persistence and pain-contingent persistence), structurally different from the original POAM-P subscales. These components demonstrated a good to high level of internal consistency. Components 1 and 2 demonstrated moderate to excellent test-retest reliability, whereas component 3 presented low test-retest reliability thus limiting its clinical and investigative use. With regard to construct validity, none of the previously established hypothesis was verified, therefore not making it possible to assess the relation between activity patterns and kinesiophobia, measured by TSK-13-VP. However, the avoidance component of POAM-P-VP seems to share measurable contents with TSK-13-VP (rs = 0.15, p<0.048). Conclusion: The adaptation and contribution to the validation of the Portuguese version of POAM-P scale, sets a starting point to the existence of a useful instrument for measuring activity patterns in Portuguese CLBP patients, requiring further studies towards its validation. Despite some limitations, this study is considered of high importance to physiotherapists as well as investigators in search of deeper knowledge and effective practical approaches on chronic low back pain patients.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the neural mobilization technique on electromyography function, disability degree, and pain in patients with leprosy. METHODS: A sample of 56 individuals with leprosy was randomized into an experimental group, composed of 29 individuals undergoing treatment with neural mobilization, and a control group of 27 individuals who underwent conventional treatment. In both groups, the lesions in the lower limbs were treated. In the treatment with neural mobilization, the procedure used was mobilization of the lumbosacral roots and sciatic nerve biased to the peroneal nerve that innervates the anterior tibial muscle, which was evaluated in the electromyography. RESULTS: Analysis of the electromyography function showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in the experimental group in both the right (Δ%=22.1, p=0.013) and the left anterior tibial muscles (Δ%=27.7, p=0.009), compared with the control group pre- and post-test. Analysis of the strength both in the movement of horizontal extension (Δ%right=11.7, p=0.003/Δ%left=27.4, p=0.002) and in the movement of back flexion (Δ%right=31.1; p=0.000/Δ%left=34.7, p=0.000) showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in both the right and the left segments when comparing the experimental group pre- and post-test. The experimental group showed a significant reduction (p=0.000) in pain perception and disability degree when the pre- and post-test were compared and when compared with the control group in the post-test. CONCLUSIONS: Leprosy patients undergoing the technique of neural mobilization had an improvement in electromyography function and muscle strength, reducing disability degree and pain.
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the degree of disability, pain levels, muscle strength, and electromyographic function (RMS) in individuals with leprosy. METHODS: We assessed 29 individuals with leprosy showing common peroneal nerve damage and grade 1 or 2 disability who were referred for physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as a control group of 19 healthy participants without leprosy. All subjects underwent analyses of degree of disability, electromyographic tests, voluntary muscle force, and the Visual Analog Pain Scale. RESULTS: McNemar's test found higher levels of grade 2 of disability (Δ = 75.9%; p = 0.0001) among individuals with leprosy. The Mann-Whitney test showed greater pain levels (Δ = 5.0; p = 0.0001) in patients with leprosy who had less extension strength in the right and left extensor hallucis longus muscles (Δ = 1.28, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.55, p = 0.0001, respectively) and dorsiflexion of the right and left feet (Δ = 1.24, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.45, p = 0.0001, respectively) than control subjects. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the RMS score for dorsiflexion of the right (Δ = 181.66 m·s-2, p = 0.001) and left (Δ = 102.57m·s-2, p = 0.002) feet was lower in patients with leprosy than in control subjects, but intragroup comparisons showed no difference. CONCLUSIONS: Leprosy had a negative influence on all of the study variables, indicating the need for immediate physiotherapeutic intervention in individuals with leprosy. This investigation opens perspectives for future studies that analyze leprosy treatment with physical therapeutic intervention.
RESUMO: Introdução: Vários estudos têm encontrado evidência para a relação entre as crenças e atitudes dos profissionais de saúde, a sua abordagem de tratamento, referida como orientada segundo o modelo biomédico ou modelo biopsicossocial (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), e os resultados obtidos. É sugerido que, no tratamento da dor lombar crónica, os profissionais que orientam o seu raciocínio e prática segundo o modelo biomédico, tendem a obter piores resultados quando comparados com os obtidos pelos profissionais que orientam o seu raciocínio e prática segundo uma abordagem biopsicossocial. Esta área de estudo tem salientado a importância de desenhar instrumentos capazes de identificar a orientação preferencial dos profissionais de saúde no tratamento da dor crónica de natureza músculo-esquelética, entre os quais se encontra a “Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists” (PABS-PT). Objetivo: Adaptar culturalmente a PABS-PT para a população de fisioterapeutas portugueses que intervêm em utentes com dor (lombar) crónica, e contribuir para a sua validação Metodologia: A versão original (língua inglesa) do PABS-PT foi adaptada para a língua e cultura portuguesas, através das etapas definidas nas normas orientadoras estabelecidas para este processo (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). A avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa foi realizada com recurso a uma amostra de 202 fisioterapeutas e estudantes finalistas do curso de licenciatura em Fisioterapia. Inicialmente foi realizada a análise fatorial exploratória da escala através do método das componentes principais. Posteriormente avaliou-se a consistência interna das componentes obtidas com recurso ao alpha de Cronbach (α). Para analisar a validade de constructo foram correlacionadas as componentes obtidas com a versão portuguesa da “Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale” (HC-PAIRS), recorrendo ao cálculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: O processo de adaptação cultural não revelou dificuldades importantes sendo considerado que a versão portuguesa da PABS-PT é de fácil compreensão e preenchimento, e os seus itens adequados para avaliar as crenças e atitudes dos fisioterapeutas portugueses relativas à intervenção na dor crónica músculo-esquelética. Os resultados revelaram uma estrutura fatorial de duas componentes, identificadas com as componentes da escala original que explicam 30,96% da variância total. A consistência interna encontrada é boa, para a componente biomédica (α de Cronbach = 0,826), mas muito fraca para a componente biopsicossocial (α de Cronbach= 0,589). Relativamente à validade convergente e discriminativa, foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significativa e positiva, entre as componentes 1 (biomédica) da versão nportuguesa da PABS e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = 0,481, p≤ 0,005), e negativa, fraca e significativa entre a pontuação total da componente 2 (biopsicossocial) e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusão: A versão portuguesa do PABS-PT é de fácil compreensão e aparenta ser um instrumento válido para a medição da orientação preferencial dos fisioterapeutas, relativamente às suas atitudes e crenças na avaliação e tratamento de utentes com dor crónica de natureza músculo-esquelética. No entanto, a componente biopsicossocial requer uma análise mais aprofundada para que possa, com rigor, ser utilizada na definição de uma orientação preferencialmente biopsicossocial.--------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Previous studies have found a relation between the beliefs and attitudes of health professionals, their treatment approach, which can follows a biomedical or a biopsychosocial orientation (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), and the outcomes obtained. Therefore, is suggested that the professionals who tend to approach chronic low back pain patients according to the biomedical model have worse outcomes than professionals who use a biopsychosocial approach in there clinical reasoning. This research field has highlighted the importance of developing measures capable of identifying the preferred orientation of health professionals in the treatment of chronic pain of musculoskeletal nature, including the “Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists” (PABS-PT). Objective: To cross culturally adapt and validate the PABS-PT for the Portuguese population of physiotherapists. Methodology: The original version (English version) of the PABS-PT was adapted to the Portuguese language and culture, through the guidelines established for these processes (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). The psychometric evaluation of the Portuguese version was carried out on a sample of 202 p physiotherapist and final year students of the physiotherapy course. Initially, an exploratory factorial analysis was performed through the method of the main components. Then, the internal consistence of the main components was evaluated using the Cronbach’s alpha (α). The convergent construct validity was analysed through the correlation between the obtained components of PABS-PT and the Health Care Provider’s Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS), using the Spearmen correlation coefficient. Results: No major difficulties were found during the cultural adaptation process of PABS-PT to Portugal, which means that the Portuguese version is easy to understand and fulfill, and items are appropriated to evaluate the beliefs and attitudes of the Portuguese physiotherapists who treat chronic pain of musculoskeletal origins. The results revealed a factorial structure of two components, as the original scale, explaining 30,96% of the total variance. Internal consistence results were good, for the biomedical component (Cronbach’s α = 0,826), but very weak for the biopsychosocial componente (Cronbach’s α = 0,589). Relatively to convergent and discriminative validity, a statistically significant association was found, between the components 1 (biomedical) of the Portuguese version of PABS-PT and the HC-PAIRS (Rs= 0,481, p≤ 0,005) and negative, weak and significant between the total score of component 2 (biopsychosocial) and the HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusion: The Portuguese Version of PABS-PT is easy to understand and seems to be a valid instrument to measure the attitudes and beliefs of physiotherapists in the management of patients with chronic low back pain. However, the biopsychosocial component requires a further deep analysis to examine a preferable biopsychosocial orientation.