855 resultados para online abuse
Developing a workplace Policy on Domestic Violence and Abuse - Guidance for Employers
This guide for employers has been produced by the Regional Steering Group on Domestic Violence in line with the strategy and action plan “Tackling Violence at Home” published in October 2005. The Regional Steering Group is a group of about 30 members representing the statutory and voluntary agencies involved in dealing with domestic violence. The guidance provides advice on how employers can develop increased awareness and more effective responses to domestic violence in the workplace for the benefit of all staff. The Regional Steering Group acknowledges that some employers already have good workplace policies in place and it encourages all employers across the public, private, voluntary and community sectors to use the guidance to develop a workplace policy on domestic violence. åÊ
Executive Summary and Strategy Document (May 2006) The New Strategic Direction has a set of overarching long-term aims to: • Provide accessible and effective treatment and support for people who are consuming alcohol and/or using drugs in a potentially hazardous, harmful or dependent way. • Reduce the level, breadth and depth of alcohol and drug-related harm to users, their families and/or their carers and the wider community. • Increase awareness on all aspects of alcohol and drug-related harm in all settings and for all age groups. • Integrate those policies which contribute to the reduction of alcohol and drug-related harm into all Government Department strategies. • Develop a competent skilled workforce across all sectors that can respond to the complexities of alcohol and drug use and misuse. • Promote opportunities for those under the age of 18 years to develop appropriate skills, attitudes and behaviours to enable them to resist societal pressures to drink alcohol and/or use illicit drugs, with a particular emphasis on those identified as potentially vulnerable. • Reduce the availability of illicit drugs in Northern Ireland åÊ
Avui dia, la gestió d’esdeveniments online i la seva promoció és un mercat creixent gràcies a l’evolució de la web 2.0 i a les xarxes socials. Ticketmaster és el referent, tot i així, no existeix una oferta clara per gestionar la venda d’entrades d’esdeveniments d’una mida petita o mitjana i que aprofiti les xarxes socials i la integració d’aplicacions que aquestes proporcionen. L’objectiu és realitzar una aplicació web on els usuaris (propis o de Facebook) puguin crear esdeveniments, publicar-los i promocionar-los a les xarxes socials, així com gestionar les tasques i característiques relacionades com la venda d’entrades i la llista de convidats.
El proyecto consiste en la realización de un juego online para la consola de Microsoft Xbox 360 titulado IceFire. El videojuego pertenece al género de los MOBA y permitirá a los usuarios jugar de forma offline en el modo práctica pero tambien en un modo online donde crear o unirse a salas de juego donde empezar partidas en las que podrán elegir entre dos personajes distintos con sus habilidades propias y enfrentarse con su rival.
"Making Life Better" is the public health strategy for Northern Ireland 2013-2023. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce inequalities in health.
Aquest projecte consisteix en dissenyar i crear una aplicació web que cobreixi les necessitats de comerç electrònic d’una empresa que es dedica als consumibles d’informàtica. L’aplicació a implementar contindrà un catàleg de productes amb totes les seves característiques (preu, foto, descripció) part principal de la botiga virtual. També hi haurà un servei d’enregistrament per dur a terme el procés de compra amb èxit que proporcionarà les dades del client. També existirà la possibilitat per part de l’usuari d’escollir entre diverses formes de pagament i d’enviament del producte. A més hi haurà un panell d’administració a disposició del venedor per poder gestionar la botiga virtual de manera senzilla i còmoda.
The Working Group on Elder Abuse is pleased to present this Report. It provides a foundation for the development of policy and procedures to respond to actual or alleged cases of elder abuse. Aim of policy and proceduresThe aim of the policy and procedures presented here is to create a context in which older people and those concerned about the abuse of older people can disclose their concerns and receive an appropriate response. The basis of the policy (and the procedures flowing from it) is the recognition of the right of older people to live independent lives with dignity. Download document here
Annual Report of the Elder Abuse National Implementation Group, 2006 The specific function of the Elder Abuse National Implementation Group (EANIG) is to overview the implementation of Protecting Our Future (Department of Health and Children, 2002) by various government agencies and other bodies. Protecting our Future became official health policy in November 2002. The group met on four occasions during 2006. I would like to thank the following members who retired from the Group for their hard work and contribution to the elder abuse programme: Ms Mary McDermott, Cllr Eibhlin Byrne, Mr Shay Costello, Ms Anne-Marie Ross and Mr Tom Leonard. A full list of current members is provided at Appendix A. Click here to download PDF 157kb
Review Of The CircumstancesSurrounding The Elapse Of TimeIn Bringing To CompletionThe Western Health Board Inquiry IntoAllegations Of Abuse In The BrothersOf Charity Services, Galway Click here to download PDF 104kb
 Annual Report of the Elder Abuse National Implementation Group (EANIG) 2007/2008 Click here to download PDF 2.0mb
Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland 2008 EDITION – Online only update August 2010 Click here to download PDF 1.73MB
Protecting Our Future: Report of the Working Group on Elder Abuse (DOHC, 2002) was a seminal document setting out a framework and programme of work in relation to elder abuse. Prior to Protecting Our Future, the issue of elder abuse had not been explicitly articulated as a priority of health and social policy. The report included recommendations in 13 wide-ranging areas: the link to wider policy; policy on elder abuse; staff structure; legislation; impaired capacity; carers; awareness, education and training; financial abuse; advocacy; implementation; research and education; reporting abuse. It also recommended that progress in implementing Protecting Our Future should be reviewed. Download document here Download Action Plan here
L'utilisation de l'Internet comme medium pour faire ses courses et achats a vu une croissance exponentielle. Cependant, 99% des nouveaux business en ligne échouent. La plupart des acheteurs en ligne ne reviennent pas pour un ré-achat et 60% abandonnent leur chariot avant de conclure l'achat. En effet, après le premier achat, la rétention du consommateur en ligne devient critique au succès du vendeur de commerce électronique. Retenir des consommateurs peut sauver des coûts, accroître les profits, et permet de gagner un avantage compétitif.Les recherches précédentes ont identifié la loyauté comme étant le facteur le plus important dans la rétention du consommateur, et l'engagement ("commitment") comme étant un des facteurs les plus importants en marketing relationnel, offrant une réflexion sur la loyauté. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver d'étude en commerce électronique examinant l'impact de la loyauté en ligne et de l'engagement en ligne ("online commitment") sur le ré-achat en ligne. Un des avantages de l'achat en ligne c'est la capacité à chercher le meilleur prix avec un clic. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver de recherche empirique en commerce électronique qui examinait l'impact de la perception post-achat du prix sur le ré-achat en ligne.L'objectif de cette recherche est de développer un modèle théorique visant à comprendre le ré-achat en ligne, ou la continuité d'achat ("purchase continuance") du même magasin en ligne.Notre modèle de recherche a été testé dans un contexte de commerce électronique réel, sur un échantillon total de 1,866 vrais acheteurs d'un même magasin en ligne. L'étude est centrée sur le ré-achat. Par conséquent, les répondants sélectionnés aléatoirement devaient avoir acheté au moins une fois de ce magasin en ligne avant le début de l'enquête. Cinq mois plus tard, nous avons suivi les répondants pour voir s'ils étaient effectivement revenus pour un ré-achat.Notre analyse démontre que l'intention de ré-achat en ligne n'a pas d'impact significatif sur le ré-achat en ligne. La perception post-achat du prix en ligne ("post-purchase Price perception") et l'engagement normatif en ligne ("Normative Commitment") n'ont pas d'impact significatif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. L'engagement affectif en ligne ("Affective Commitment"), l'attitude loyale en ligne ("Attitudinal Loyalty"), le comportement loyal en ligne ("Behavioral Loyalty"), l'engagement calculé en ligne ("Calculative Commitment") ont un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. De plus, l'attitude loyale en ligne a un effet de médiation partielle entre l'engagement affectif en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. Le comportement loyal en ligne a un effet de mediation partielle entre l'attitude loyale en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne.Nous avons réalisé deux analyses complémentaires : 1) Sur un échantillon de premiers acheteurs, nous trouvons que la perception post-achat du prix en ligne a un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. 2) Nous avons divisé l'échantillon de l'étude principale entre des acheteurs répétitifs Suisse-Romands et Suisse-Allemands. Les résultats démontrent que les Suisse-Romands montrent plus d'émotions durant l'achat en ligne que les Suisse-Allemands. Nos résultats contribuent à la recherche académique mais aussi aux praticiens de l'industrie e-commerce.AbstractThe use of the Internet as a shopping and purchasing medium has seen exceptional growth. However, 99% of new online businesses fail. Most online buyers do not comeback for a repurchase, and 60% abandon their shopping cart before checkout. Indeed, after the first purchase, online consumer retention becomes critical to the success of the e-commerce vendor. Retaining existing customers can save costs, increase profits, and is a means of gaining competitive advantage.Past research identified loyalty as the most important factor in achieving customer retention, and commitment as one of the most important factors in relationship marketing, providing a good description of what type of thinking leads to loyalty. Yet, we could not find an e-commerce study investing the impact of both online loyalty and online commitment on online repurchase. One of the advantages of online shopping is the ability of browsing for the best price with one click. Yet, we could not find an e- commerce empirical research investigating the impact of post-purchase price perception on online repurchase.The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical model aimed at understanding online repurchase, or purchase continuance from the same online store.Our model was tested in a real e-commerce context with an overall sample of 1, 866 real online buyers from the same online store.The study focuses on repurchase. Therefore, randomly selected respondents had purchased from the online store at least once prior to the survey. Five months later, we tracked respondents to see if they actually came back for a repurchase.Our findings show that online Intention to repurchase has a non-significant impact on online Repurchase. Online post-purchase Price perception and online Normative Commitment have a non-significant impact on online Intention to repurchase, whereas online Affective Commitment, online Attitudinal Loyalty, online Behavioral Loyalty, and online Calculative Commitment have a positive impact on online Intention to repurchase. Furthermore, online Attitudinal Loyalty partially mediates between online Affective Commitment and online Intention to repurchase, and online Behavioral Loyalty partially mediates between online Attitudinal Loyalty and online Intention to repurchase.We conducted two follow up analyses: 1) On a sample of first time buyers, we find that online post-purchase Price perception has a positive impact on Intention. 2) We divided the main study's sample into Swiss-French and Swiss-German repeated buyers. Results show that Swiss-French show more emotions when shopping online than Swiss- Germans. Our findings contribute to academic research but also to practice.