878 resultados para onion routing
Today's wireless networks rely mostly on infrastructural support for their operation. With the concept of ubiquitous computing growing more popular, research on infrastructureless networks have been rapidly growing. However, such types of networks face serious security challenges when deployed. This dissertation focuses on designing a secure routing solution and trust modeling for these infrastructureless networks. ^ The dissertation presents a trusted routing protocol that is capable of finding a secure end-to-end route in the presence of malicious nodes acting either independently or in collusion, The solution protects the network from active internal attacks, known to be the most severe types of attacks in an ad hoc application. Route discovery is based on trust levels of the nodes, which need to be dynamically computed to reflect the malicious behavior in the network. As such, we have developed a trust computational model in conjunction with the secure routing protocol that analyzes the different malicious behavior and quantifies them in the model itself. Our work is the first step towards protecting an ad hoc network from colluding internal attack. To demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, extensive simulation has been carried out to evaluate the protocol efficiency and scalability with both network size and mobility. ^ This research has laid the foundation for developing a variety of techniques that will permit people to justifiably trust the use of ad hoc networks to perform critical functions, as well as to process sensitive information without depending on any infrastructural support and hence will enhance the use of ad hoc applications in both military and civilian domains. ^
In recent years, urban vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are gaining importance for inter-vehicle communication, because they allow for the local communication between vehicles without any infrastructure, configuration effort, and without expensive cellular networks. But such architecture may increase the complexity of routing since there is no central control system in urban VANETs. Therefore, a challenging research task is to improve urban VANETs' routing efficiency. ^ Hence, in this dissertation we propose two location-based routing protocols and a location management protocol to facilitate location-based routing in urban VANETs. The Multi-hop Routing Protocol (MURU) is proposed to make use of predicted mobility and geometry map in urban VANETs to estimate a path's life time and set up robust end-to-end routing paths. The Light-weight Routing Protocol (LIRU) is proposed to take advantage of the node diversity under dynamic channel condition to exploit opportunistic forwarding to achieve efficient data delivery. A scalable location management protocol (MALM) is also proposed to support location-based routing protocols in urban VANETs. MALM uses high mobility in VANETs to help disseminate vehicles' historical location information, and a vehicle is able to implement Kalman-filter based predicted to predict another vehicle's current location based on its historical location information. ^
This poster presentation features three route planning applications developed by the Florida International University GIS Center and the Geomatics program at the University of Florida, and outlines their context based differences. The first route planner has been developed for cyclists in three Florida counties, i.e. Miami Dade County, Broward County, and Palm Beach County. The second route planner computes safe pedestrian routes to schools and has been developed for Miami Dade County. The third route planner combines pre-compiled cultural/eco routes and point-to-point route planning for the City of Coral Gables. This poster highlights the differences in design (user interface) and implementation (routing options) between the three route planners as a result of a different application context and target audience.
Cooperative communication has gained much interest due to its ability to exploit the broadcasting nature of the wireless medium to mitigate multipath fading. There has been considerable amount of research on how cooperative transmission can improve the performance of the network by focusing on the physical layer issues. During the past few years, the researchers have started to take into consideration cooperative transmission in routing and there has been a growing interest in designing and evaluating cooperative routing protocols. Most of the existing cooperative routing algorithms are designed to reduce the energy consumption; however, packet collision minimization using cooperative routing has not been addressed yet. This dissertation presents an optimization framework to minimize collision probability using cooperative routing in wireless sensor networks. More specifically, we develop a mathematical model and formulate the problem as a large-scale Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming problem. We also propose a solution based on the branch and bound algorithm augmented with reducing the search space (branch and bound space reduction). The proposed strategy builds up the optimal routes from each source to the sink node by providing the best set of hops in each route, the best set of relays, and the optimal power allocation for the cooperative transmission links. To reduce the computational complexity, we propose two near optimal cooperative routing algorithms. In the first near optimal algorithm, we solve the problem by decoupling the optimal power allocation scheme from optimal route selection. Therefore, the problem is formulated by an Integer Non-Linear Programming, which is solved using a branch and bound space reduced method. In the second near optimal algorithm, the cooperative routing problem is solved by decoupling the transmission power and the relay node se- lection from the route selection. After solving the routing problems, the power allocation is applied in the selected route. Simulation results show the algorithms can significantly reduce the collision probability compared with existing cooperative routing schemes.
In questa tesi si è voluto interfacciare dispositivi di nuova generazione (Raspberry Pi), presenti in una topologia di rete già implementata, con dispositivi di vecchia generazione, come Router Cisco e Switch HP. Questi ultimi sono dispositivi fisici, mentre i Raspberry, tramite tool mininet e altre impostazioni, possono generare dispositivi virtuali. Si è quindi applicato un interfacciamento tra le due tipologie di apparati, creando una rete nuova, e adatta come caso a ricoprire le reti attuali, siccome questo è un esempio di come con poche modifiche si può intervenire su qualsiasi rete già operativa. Si sono quindi osservati i criteri generali su cui operano sia i router, che gli switch, e si sono osservati come questi interagiscono con un flusso di dati attraverso vari protocolli, alcuni rifacenti al modello ISO/OSI, altri all'OSPF.
L'ambiente di questa tesi è quello del Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTN), un'architettura di rete di telecomunicazioni avente come obiettivo le comunicazioni tra nodi di reti dette “challenged”, le quali devono affrontare problemi come tempi di propagazione elevati, alto tasso di errore e periodi di perdita delle connessioni. Il Bunde layer, un nuovo livello inserito tra trasporto e applicazione nell’architettura ISO/OSI, ed il protocollo ad esso associato, il Bundle Protocol (BP), sono stati progettati per rendere possibili le comunicazioni in queste reti. A volte fra la ricezione e l’invio può trascorrere un lungo periodo di tempo, a causa della indisponibilità del collegamento successivo; in questo periodo il bundle resta memorizzato in un database locale. Esistono varie implementazioni dell'architettura DTN come DTN2, implementazione di riferimento, e ION (Interplanetary Overlay Network), sviluppata da NASA JPL, per utilizzo in applicazioni spaziali; in esse i contatti tra i nodi sono deterministici, a differenza delle reti terrestri nelle quali i contatti sono generalmente opportunistici (non noti a priori). Per questo motivo all’interno di ION è presente un algoritmo di routing, detto CGR (Contact Graph Routing), progettato per operare in ambienti con connettività deterministica. È in fase di ricerca un algoritmo che opera in ambienti non deterministici, OCGR (Opportunistic Contact Graph Routing), che estende CGR. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di fornire una descrizione dettagliata del funzionamento di OCGR, partendo necessariamente da CGR sul quale è basato, eseguire dei test preliminari, richiesti da NASA JPL, ed analizzarne i risultati per verificare la possibilità di utilizzo e miglioramento dell’algoritmo. Sarà inoltre descritto l’ambiente DTN e i principali algoritmi di routing per ambienti opportunistici. Nella parte conclusiva sarà presentato il simulatore DTN “The ONE” e l’integrazione di CGR e OCGR al suo interno.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
We consider the problem of resource selection in clustered Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval (P2P IR) networks with cooperative peers. The clustered P2P IR framework presents a significant departure from general P2P IR architectures by employing clustering to ensure content coherence between resources at the resource selection layer, without disturbing document allocation. We propose that such a property could be leveraged in resource selection by adapting well-studied and popular inverted lists for centralized document retrieval. Accordingly, we propose the Inverted PeerCluster Index (IPI), an approach that adapts the inverted lists, in a straightforward manner, for resource selection in clustered P2P IR. IPI also encompasses a strikingly simple peer-specific scoring mechanism that exploits the said index for resource selection. Through an extensive empirical analysis on P2P IR testbeds, we establish that IPI competes well with the sophisticated state-of-the-art methods in virtually every parameter of interest for the resource selection task, in the context of clustered P2P IR.
Security Onion is a Network Security Manager (NSM) platform that provides multiple Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) including Host IDS (HIDS) and Network IDS (NIDS). Many types of data can be acquired using Security Onion for analysis. This includes data related to: Host, Network, Session, Asset, Alert and Protocols. Security Onion can be implemented as a standalone deployment with server and sensor included or with a master server and multiple sensors allowing for the system to be scaled as required. Many interfaces and tools are available for management of the system and analysis of data such as Sguil, Snorby, Squert and Enterprise Log Search and Archive (ELSA). These interfaces can be used for analysis of alerts and captured events and then can be further exported for analysis in Network Forensic Analysis Tools (NFAT) such as NetworkMiner, CapME or Xplico. The Security Onion platform also provides various methods of management such as Secure SHell (SSH) for management of server and sensors and Web client remote access. All of this with the ability to replay and analyse example malicious traffic makes the Security Onion a suitable low cost alternative for Network Security Management. In this paper, we have a feature and functionality review for the Security Onion in terms of: types of data, configuration, interface, tools and system management.
Recent paradigms in wireless communication architectures describe environments where nodes present a highly dynamic behavior (e.g., User Centric Networks). In such environments, routing is still performed based on the regular packet-switched behavior of store-and-forward. Albeit sufficient to compute at least an adequate path between a source and a destination, such routing behavior cannot adequately sustain the highly nomadic lifestyle that Internet users are today experiencing. This thesis aims to analyse the impact of the nodes’ mobility on routing scenarios. It also aims at the development of forwarding concepts that help in message forwarding across graphs where nodes exhibit human mobility patterns, as is the case of most of the user-centric wireless networks today. The first part of the work involved the analysis of the mobility impact on routing, and we found that node mobility significance can affect routing performance, and it depends on the link length, distance, and mobility patterns of nodes. The study of current mobility parameters showed that they capture mobility partially. The routing protocol robustness to node mobility depends on the routing metric sensitivity to node mobility. As such, mobility-aware routing metrics were devised to increase routing robustness to node mobility. Two categories of routing metrics proposed are the time-based and spatial correlation-based. For the validation of the metrics, several mobility models were used, which include the ones that mimic human mobility patterns. The metrics were implemented using the Network Simulator tool using two widely used multi-hop routing protocols of Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) and Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). Using the proposed metrics, we reduced the path re-computation frequency compared to the benchmark metric. This means that more stable nodes were used to route data. The time-based routing metrics generally performed well across the different node mobility scenarios used. We also noted a variation on the performance of the metrics, including the benchmark metric, under different mobility models, due to the differences in the node mobility governing rules of the models.
The Internet has grown in size at rapid rates since BGP records began, and continues to do so. This has raised concerns about the scalability of the current BGP routing system, as the routing state at each router in a shortest-path routing protocol will grow at a supra-linearly rate as the network grows. The concerns are that the memory capacity of routers will not be able to keep up with demands, and that the growth of the Internet will become ever more cramped as more and more of the world seeks the benefits of being connected. Compact routing schemes, where the routing state grows only sub-linearly relative to the growth of the network, could solve this problem and ensure that router memory would not be a bottleneck to Internet growth. These schemes trade away shortest-path routing for scalable memory state, by allowing some paths to have a certain amount of bounded “stretch”. The most promising such scheme is Cowen Routing, which can provide scalable, compact routing state for Internet routing, while still providing shortest-path routing to nearly all other nodes, with only slightly stretched paths to a very small subset of the network. Currently, there is no fully distributed form of Cowen Routing that would be practical for the Internet. This dissertation describes a fully distributed and compact protocol for Cowen routing, using the k-core graph decomposition. Previous compact routing work showed the k-core graph decomposition is useful for Cowen Routing on the Internet, but no distributed form existed. This dissertation gives a distributed k-core algorithm optimised to be efficient on dynamic graphs, along with with proofs of its correctness. The performance and efficiency of this distributed k-core algorithm is evaluated on large, Internet AS graphs, with excellent results. This dissertation then goes on to describe a fully distributed and compact Cowen Routing protocol. This protocol being comprised of a landmark selection process for Cowen Routing using the k-core algorithm, with mechanisms to ensure compact state at all times, including at bootstrap; a local cluster routing process, with mechanisms for policy application and control of cluster sizes, ensuring again that state can remain compact at all times; and a landmark routing process is described with a prioritisation mechanism for announcements that ensures compact state at all times.
In vitro selection is one of the most effective and efficient techniques for plant improvement. This is due to its ability to isolate plants with the desired character(s), either by applying a selection agent on the culture media to drive the selection of somaclones with the required character(s), or by establishing particular conditions that change in the genomes of somaclones toward the required character. The objective of this study was to identify a suitable protocol for in vitro selection of Allium white rot disease ( Sclerotium cepivorum ) tolerance in commercial Egyptian onion varieties, namely Giza 20, Giza 6 and Beheri Red. Oxalic acid (OA), the phytotoxin produced by Sclerotium cepivorum, was used as the selective agent. Seeds of the three Egyptian varieties were germinated on four concentrations (0.0, 0.02, 0.2, 2 and 20 mM) of Oxalic acid. Among the tested cultivars, Beheri Red had the highest germination frequency (52%) at all concentrations tested, followed by Giza 20 (42.6%), and Giza 6 at (32%). Cotyledon explants from the varieties were cultured on toxic MSBDK medium, supplemented with 0, 3, 6 and 12 mM OA. The survival of calli on MSBDK free toxic medium was 70.7% for all tested cultivars; however, MSBDK-stressed medium, with 3 mM OA reduced the viable calli to 42.1%. The highest OA concentration (12 mM) completely inhibited calli induction from cotyledons explants. A medium supplement with 3 mM OA retarded 80% of calli growth. Among 156 tested calli of Beheri Red, only 23 calli (14.7%) survived on toxic medium for 45 days. Similarly, there was 15.6% survival for Giza 20 calli, while 40.1% of the Giza 6 calli survived. Plantlets were regenerated from surviving calli and transplanted onto ex vitro, and formed bulb after acclimatisation.
Part 18: Optimization in Collaborative Networks