934 resultados para omni-channel
Abstract The cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5 plays a key role in cardiac excitability and conduction. Its importance for normal cardiac function has been highlighted by descriptions of numerous mutations of SCN5A (the gene encoding Nav1.5), causing cardiac arrhythmias which can lead to sudden cardiac death. The general aim of my PhD research project has been to investigate the regulation of Nav1.5 along two main axes: (1) We obtained experimental evidence revealing an interaction between Nav1.5 and a multiprotein complex comprising dystrophin. The first part of this study reports the characterization of this interaction. (2) The second part of the study is dedicated to the regulation of the cardiac sodium channel by the mineralocorticoid hormone named aldosterone. (1) Early in this study, we showed that Nav1.5 C-terminus was associated with dystrophin and that this interaction was mediated by syntrophin proteins. We used dystrophin-deficient mdx5cv mice to study the role of this interaction. We reported that dystrophin deficiency led to a reduction of both Nav1.5 protein level and the sodium current (INa). We also found that mdx5cv mice displayed atrial and ventricular conduction defects. Our results also indicated that proteasome inhibitor MG132 treatment of mdx5cv mice rescued Nav1.5 protein level and INa in cardiac tissue. (2) We showed that aldosterone treatment of mice cardiomyocytes led to an increase of the sodium current with no modification of Nav1.5 transcript and protein level. Altogether, these results suggest that the sodium current can be increased by distribution of intracellular pools of protein to the plasma membrane (e.g. upon aldosterone stimulation) and that interaction with dystrophin multiprotein complex is required for the stabilization of the channel at the plasma membrane. Finally, we obtained preliminary results suggesting that the proteasome could regulate Nav1.5 in mdx5cv mice. This study defines regulatory mechanisms of Nav1.5 which could play an important role in cardiac arrhythmia and bring new insight in cardiac conduction alterations observed in patients with dystrophinopathies. Moreover, this work suggests that Brugada syndrome, and some of the cardiac alterations seen in Duchenne patients may be caused by overlapping molecular mechanisms leading to a reduction of the cardiac sodium current.
Abstract The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits α, ß, and γ. This channel is involved in the regulation of sodium balance, which influences the periciliary liquid level in the lung, and blood pressure via the kidney. ENaC expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes is preferentially and rapidly assembled into heteromeric αßγ complexes. Expression of homomeric α or heteromeric αß and αγ complexes lead to channel expression at the cell surface wíth low activities. Recent studies have demonstrated that α and γ (but not ß) ENaC subunits undergo proteolytic cleavage by endogenous proteases (i.e. furin) correlating with increased channel activity. We therefore assayed the full-length subunits and their cleavage products at the cell surface, as well as in the intracellular pool for all homo- and heteromeric combínations (α, ß, γ, ßγ, αß, αγ, ßγ and αßγ) and measured the corresponding channel activities as amiloride-sensitive sodíum transport (INa). We showed that upon assembly, cleavage of the y ENaC subunit ís responsible for increasing INa. We further demonstrated that in disease states such as cystic fibrosis (CF) where there is disequilibrium in the proteaseprotease inhibitor balance, ENaC is over-activated by the serine protease elastase (NE). We demonstrated that elevated NE concentrations can cleave cell surface expressed γ ENaC (but not α, or ß ENaC), suggesting a causal relationship between γ ENaC cleavage and ENaC activation, taking place at the plasma membrane. In addition, we demonstrated that the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) serpinH1, which is co-expressed with ENaC in the distal nephron is capable of inhibiting the channel by preventing cleavage of the γ ENaC subunit. Aldosterone mediated increases in INa aze known to be inhibted by TGFß. TGFß is also known to increase serpinHl expression. The demonstrated inhibition of γ ENaC cleavage and channel activation by serpinH1 may be responsible for the effect of TGFß on aldosterone stimulation in the distal nephron. In summary, we show that cleavage of the γ subunit, but not the α or ß subunit is linked to channel activation in three seperate contexts. Résumé Le canal épithélial à sodium (ENaC) est constitué de trois sous-unités homologues α, ß, and γ. Ce canal est impliqué dans le maintien de la balance sodique qui influence le niveau du liquide périciliaire du poumon et la pression sanguine via le rein. Dans les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis ENaC est préférentiellement et rapidement exprimé en formant un complexe hétéromérique αßγ. En revanche, l'expression homomérique de α ou hétéromérique des complexes αß et αγ conduit à une expression à la surface cellulaire d'un canal ENaC ne possédant qu'une faible activité. Des études récentes ont mis en évidence que les sous-unités α et γ d'ENaC (mais pas ß) sont coupées par des protéases endogènes (les farines) et que ces clivages augmentent l'activité du canal. Nous avons donc analysé, aussi bien à la surface cellulaire que dans le cytoplasme, les produits des clivages de combinaison homo- et hétéromérique des sous-unités d'ENaC (α, ß, γ, ßγ, αß, αγ, ßγ et αßγ). En parallèle, nous avons étudié l'activité correspondante à ces canaux par la mesure du transport de sodium sensible à l'amiloride (INa). Nous avons montré que lors de l'assemblage des sous-unités d'ENaC, le clivage de γ correspond à l'augmentation de INa. Nous avons également mis en évidence que dans une maladie telle que la fibrose cystique (CF) caractérisée par un déséquilibre de la balance protéase-inhibiteur de protéase, ENaC est suractivé par une sérine protéase nommée élastase (NE). L'augmentation de la concentration de NE clive γ ENaC exprimé à la surface cellulaire (mais pas α, ni ß ENaC) suggérant une causalité entre le clivage d'ENaC et son activation à la membrane plasmique. De plus, nous avons démontré que l'inhibiteur de sérine protéase (serpin) serpinH1, qui est co-exprimé avec ENaC dans le néphron distal, inhibe l'activité du canal en empêchant le clivage de la sous-unité γ ENaC. Il est connu que le INa induit par l'aldostérone peut être inhibé par TGFß. Or TGFß augmente l'expression de serpinH1. L'inhibition du clivage de γ ENaC et de l'activation du canal par la serpinH1 que nous avons mis en évidence pourrait ainsi être responsable de l'effet de TGFß sur la stimulation du courant par l'aldostérone dans le néphron distal. En résumé, nous avons montré que le clivage de la sous-unité γ, mais pas des sous-unités α et ß, est lié à l'activation du canal dans trois contextes distincts. Résumé tout public Le corps humain est composé d'environ 10 000 milliards de cellules et d'approximativement 60% d'eau. Les cellules du corps sont les unités fondamentales de la vie et elles sont dépendantes de certains nutriments et molécules. Ces nutriments et molécules sont dissous dans l'eau qui est présente dans et hors des cellules. Le maintien d'une concentration adéquate - de ces nutriments et de ces molécules dans l'eau à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des cellules est -..essentiel pour leur survie. L'eau hors des cellules est nommée le fluide extracellulaire et peut être subdivisée en fluide interstitiel, qui se trouve autour des cellules, et en plasma, qui est le fluide des vaisseaux sanguins. Les fluides, les nutriments et les molécules sont constamment échangés entre les cellules, le fluide interstitiel, et le plasma. Le plasma circule dans le système circulatoire afin de distribuer les nutriments et molécules dans tout le corps et afin d'enlever les déchets cellulaires. Le rein joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation du volume et de la concentration du plasma en éliminant sélectivement les nutriments et les molécules via la formation de l'urine. L'être humain possède deux reins, constitués chacun d'environ 1 million de néphrons. Ces derniers sont responsables de réabsorber et de sécréter sélectivement les nutriments et les molécules. Le canal épithélial à sodium (ENaC) est localisé à la surface cellulaire des néphrons et est responsable de la réabsorption du sodium (Na+). Le Na+ est présent dans quasiment toute la nourriture que nous mangeons et représente, en terme de molécule, 50% du sel de cuisine. Si trop de sodium est consommé, ENaC est inactif, si bien que le Na+ n'est pas réabsorbé et quitte le corps par l'urine. Ce mécanisme permet d'éviter que la concentration plasmatique de Na+ ne devienne trop grande, ce qui résulterait en une augmentation de la pression sanguine. Si trop peu de Na+ est consommé, ENaC réabsorbe le Na+ de l'urine primaire ce qui permet de conserver la concentration de Na+ et de prévenir une diminution de la pression sanguine par une perte de Na+. ENaC est aussi présent dans les cellules des poumons qui sont les organes permettant la respiration. La respiration est aussi essentielle pour la survie des cellules. Les poumons ne doivent pas contenir trop de liquide afin de permettre la respiration, mais en même temps ils ne doivent pas non plus être trop secs. En effet, ceci tuerait les cellules et empêcherait aussi la respiration. ENaC permet de maintenir un niveau d'humidité approprié dans les poumons en absorbant du Na+ ce qui entraîne un mouvement osmotique d'eau. L'absorption de sodium par ENaC ~ est augmentée par les protéases (in vitro et ex vivo). Les protéases sont des molécules qui peuvent couper d'autres molécules à des endroits précis. Nous avons démonté que certaines protéases augmentent l'absorption de Na+ en coupant ENaC à des endroits spécifiques. L'inhibition de ces protéases diminue le transport de Na+ et empêche le clivage d'ENaC. Dans certaines maladies telle que la mucoviscidose, des protéases sont suractivées et augmentent l'activité d'ENaC de manière inappropriée conduisant à une trop forte absorption de Na+ et à un déséquilibre de la muqueuse des poumons. Cette étude est donc particulièrement importante dans le cadre de la recherche thérapeutique de ce genre de maladie.
To date, published studies of alluvial bar architecture in large rivers have been restricted mostly to case studies of individual bars and single locations. Relatively little is known about how the depositional processes and sedimentary architecture of kilometre-scale bars vary within a multi-kilometre reach or over several hundreds of kilometres downstream. This study presents Ground Penetrating Radar and core data from 11, kilometre-scale bars from the Rio Parana, Argentina. The investigated bars are located between 30km upstream and 540km downstream of the Rio Parana - Rio Paraguay confluence, where a significant volume of fine-grained suspended sediment is introduced into the network. Bar-scale cross-stratified sets, with lengths and widths up to 600m and thicknesses up to 12m, enable the distinction of large river deposits from stacked deposits of smaller rivers, but are only present in half the surface area of the bars. Up to 90% of bar-scale sets are found on top of finer-grained ripple-laminated bar-trough deposits. Bar-scale sets make up as much as 58% of the volume of the deposits in small, incipient mid-channel bars, but this proportion decreases significantly with increasing age and size of the bars. Contrary to what might be expected, a significant proportion of the sedimentary structures found in the Rio Parana is similar in scale to those found in much smaller rivers. In other words, large river deposits are not always characterized by big structures that allow a simple interpretation of river scale. However, the large scale of the depositional units in big rivers causes small-scale structures, such as ripple sets, to be grouped into thicker cosets, which indicate river scale even when no obvious large-scale sets are present. The results also show that the composition of bars differs between the studied reaches upstream and downstream of the confluence with the Rio Paraguay. Relative to other controls on downstream fining, the tributary input of fine-grained suspended material from the Rio Paraguay causes a marked change in the composition of the bar deposits. Compared to the upstream reaches, the sedimentary architecture of the downstream reaches in the top ca 5m of mid-channel bars shows: (i) an increase in the abundance and thickness (up to metre-scale) of laterally extensive (hundreds of metres) fine-grained layers; (ii) an increase in the percentage of deposits comprised of ripple sets (to >40% in the upper bar deposits); and (iii) an increase in bar-trough deposits and a corresponding decrease in bar-scale cross-strata (<10%). The thalweg deposits of the Rio Parana are composed of dune sets, even directly downstream from the Rio Paraguay where the upper channel deposits are dominantly fine-grained. Thus, the change in sedimentary facies due to a tributary point-source of fine-grained sediment is primarily expressed in the composition of the upper bar deposits.
Estimation of the dimensions of fluvial geobodies from core data is a notoriously difficult problem in reservoir modeling. To try and improve such estimates and, hence, reduce uncertainty in geomodels, data on dunes, unit bars, cross-bar channels, and compound bars and their associated deposits are presented herein from the sand-bed braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada. These data are used to test models that relate the scale of the formative bed forms to the dimensions of the preserved deposits and, therefore, provide an insight as to how such deposits may be preserved over geologic time. The preservation of bed-form geometry is quantified by comparing the Alluvial architecture above and below the maximum erosion depth of the modem channel deposits. This comparison shows that there is no significant difference in the mean set thickness of dune cross-strata above and below the basal erosion surface of the contemporary channel, thus suggesting that dimensional relationships between dune deposits and the formative bed-form dimensions are likely to be valid from both recent and older deposits. The data show that estimates of mean bankfull flow depth derived from dune, unit bar, and cross-bar channel deposits are all very similar. Thus, the use of all these metrics together can provide a useful check that all components and scales of the alluvial architecture have been identified correctly when building reservoir models. The data also highlight several practical issues with identifying and applying data relating to cross-strata. For example, the deposits of unit bars were found to be severely truncated in length and width, with only approximately 10% of the mean bar-form length remaining, and thus making identification in section difficult. For similar reasons, the deposits of compound bars were found to be especially difficult to recognize, and hence, estimates of channel depth based on this method may be problematic. Where only core data are available (i.e., no outcrop data exist), formative flow depths are suggested to be best reconstructed using cross-strata formed by dunes. However, theoretical relationships between the distribution of set thicknesses and formative dune height are found to result in slight overestimates of the latter and, hence, mean bankfull flow depths derived from these measurements. This article illustrates that the preservation of fluvial cross-strata and, thus, the paleohydraulic inferences that can be drawn from them, are a function of the ratio of the size and migration rate of bed forms and the time scale of aggradation and channel migration. These factors must thus be considered when deciding on appropriate length:thickness ratios for the purposes of object-based modeling in reservoir characterization.
We present experiments in which the laterally confined flow of a surfactant film driven by controlled surface tension gradients causes the subtended liquid layer to self-organize into an inner upstream microduct surrounded by the downstream flow. The anomalous interfacial flow profiles and the concomitant backflow are a result of the feedback between two-dimensional and three-dimensional microfluidics realized during flow in open microchannels. Bulk and surface particle image velocimetry data combined with an interfacial hydrodynamics model explain the dependence of the observed phenomena on channel geometry.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, kokevatko matkapuhelinalalla toimivat kanavapartnerit heitä varten suunnitellun asiakassuhdehallintajärjestelmän lisäarvopalveluna vaiko eivät. Työ toteutettiin asiakastyytyväisyystutkimuksen avulla, jossa mitattiin erilaisten partnereiden asennetta palvelua kohtaan. Työn tuloksena ilmeni, että palvelussa olevan informaation määrällä ei ollut suurta vaikutusta asiakkaiden tyytyväisyyteen. Syyt ovat pikemminkin yleisissä asenteissa vastaavia palveluja kohtaan.
The chicken acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1 has been crystallized as a homotrimer. We address here the oligomeric state of the functional ASIC1 in situ at the cell surface. The oligomeric states of functional ASIC1a and mutants with additional cysteines introduced in the extracellular pore vestibule were resolved on SDS-PAGE. The functional ASIC1 complexes were stabilized at the cell surface of Xenopus laevis oocytes or CHO cells either using the sulfhydryl crosslinker BMOE, or sodium tetrathionate (NaTT). Under these different crosslinking conditions ASIC1a migrates as four distinct oligomeric states that correspond by mass to multiples of a single ASIC1a subunit. The relative importance of each of the four ASIC1a oligomers was critically dependent on the availability of cysteines in the transmembrane domain for crosslinking, consistent with the presence of ASIC1a homo-oligomers. The expression of ASIC1a monomers, trimeric or tetrameric concatemeric cDNA constructs resulted in functional channels. The resulting ASIC1a complexes are resolved as a predominant tetramer over the other oligomeric forms, after stabilization with BMOE or NaTT and SDS-PAGE/western blot analysis. Our data identify a major ASIC1a homotetramer at the surface membrane of the cell expressing functional ASIC1a channel.
The membrane-bound serine protease CAP2/Tmprss4 has been previously identified in vitro as a positive regulator of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). To study its in vivo implication in ENaC-mediated sodium absorption, we generated a knockout mouse model for CAP2/Tmprss4. Mice deficient in CAP2/Tmprss4 were viable, fertile, and did not show any obvious histological abnormalities. Unexpectedly, when challenged with sodium-deficient diet, these mice did not develop any impairment in renal sodium handling as evidenced by normal plasma and urinary sodium and potassium electrolytes, as well as normal aldosterone levels. Despite minor alterations in ENaC mRNA expression, we found no evidence for altered proteolytic cleavage of ENaC subunits. In consequence, ENaC activity, as monitored by the amiloride-sensitive rectal potential difference (ΔPD), was not altered even under dietary sodium restriction. In summary, ENaC-mediated sodium balance is not affected by lack of CAP2/Tmprss4 expression and thus, does not seem to directly control ENaC expression and activity in vivo.
Free induction decay (FID) navigators were found to qualitatively detect rigid-body head movements, yet it is unknown to what extent they can provide quantitative motion estimates. Here, we acquired FID navigators at different sampling rates and simultaneously measured head movements using a highly accurate optical motion tracking system. This strategy allowed us to estimate the accuracy and precision of FID navigators for quantification of rigid-body head movements. Five subjects were scanned with a 32-channel head coil array on a clinical 3T MR scanner during several resting and guided head movement periods. For each subject we trained a linear regression model based on FID navigator and optical motion tracking signals. FID-based motion model accuracy and precision was evaluated using cross-validation. FID-based prediction of rigid-body head motion was found to be with a mean translational and rotational error of 0.14±0.21 mm and 0.08±0.13(°) , respectively. Robust model training with sub-millimeter and sub-degree accuracy could be achieved using 100 data points with motion magnitudes of ±2 mm and ±1(°) for translation and rotation. The obtained linear models appeared to be subject-specific as inter-subject application of a "universal" FID-based motion model resulted in poor prediction accuracy. The results show that substantial rigid-body motion information is encoded in FID navigator signal time courses. Although, the applied method currently requires the simultaneous acquisition of FID signals and optical tracking data, the findings suggest that multi-channel FID navigators have a potential to complement existing tracking technologies for accurate rigid-body motion detection and correction in MRI.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen teollisuustuotteelle, jota business-to-business -markkinoilla toimiva case-yritys valmistaa. Aihetta tarkastellaan ensin teoreettisesti lähdekirjallisuuden avulla ja sen jälkeen empiirisesti case-yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on normatiivinen eli soveltava case-tutkimus. Tutkimusote on kvalitatiivinen. Markkinointisuunnitelma laaditaan analysoimalla yrityksen ulkoista ja sisäistä toimintaympäristöä, asettamalla markkinoinnin tavoitteet, määrittelemällä markkinointistrategiat ja yksilöimällä toimintaohjeet. Markkinointisuunnitelman laatiminen kannattaa, sillä se tehostaa yrityksen ulkoista markkinointia. Tutkielman tuloksena voidaan todeta, että case-yrityksellä on hyvät mahdollisuudet menestyä hihnavaakamarkkinoilla uudella tuotteellaan, kunhan se saa nimeään tunnetuksi.
The study of the stomach contents of 97 specimens of the narrow mouthed cat shark Schroederichthys bivius shows that their basic food consists of crabs, mainly Munida subrugosa. No significant variations were observed between size classes. The strongly developed sexual dimorphism in Touch morphology and mouth shape was not correlated with the diet of males and females
Voltage-dependent K+ channels (Kv) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian cells, since Kv antagonists impair cell cycle progression. Although myofibers are terminally differentiated, some myoblasts may re-enter the cell cycle and proliferate. Since Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression is remodeled during tumorigenesis and is involved in smooth muscle proliferation, the purpose of this study was to analyze the expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in smooth muscle neoplasms. In the present study, we examined human samples of smooth muscle tumors together with healthy specimens. Thus, leiomyoma (LM) and leiomyosarcoma (LMS) tumors were analyzed. Results showed that Kv1.3 was poorly expressed in the healthy muscle and indolent LM specimens, whereas aggressive LMS showed high levels of Kv1.3 expression. Kv1.5 staining was correlated with malignancy. The findings show a remodeling of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in human smooth muscle sarcoma. A correlation of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression with tumor aggressiveness was observed. Thus, our results indicate Kv1.5 and Kv1.3 as potential tumorigenic targets for aggressive human LMS.
The CA1 region of the hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to ischemic damage. While NMDA receptors play a major role in excitotoxicity, it is thought to be exacerbated in this region by two forms of post-ischemic AMPA receptor (AMPAR) plasticity - namely, anoxic long-term potentiation (a-LTP), and a delayed increase in the prevalence of Ca2+ -permeable GluA2-lacking AMPARs (CP-AMPARs). The acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) which is expressed in CA1 pyramidal neurons, is also known to contribute to post-ischemic neuronal death and to physiologically induced LTP. This raises the question - does ASIC1a activation drive the post-ischemic forms of AMPAR plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons? We have tested this by examining organotypic hippocampal slice cultures (OHSCs) exposed to oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD), and dissociated cultures of hippocampal pyramidal neurons (HPN) exposed to low pH (acidosis). We find that both a-LTP and the delayed increase in the prevalence of CP-AMPARs are dependent on ASIC1a activation during ischemia. Indeed, acidosis alone is sufficient to induce the increase in CP-AMPARs. We also find that inhibition of ASIC1a channels circumvents any potential neuroprotective benefit arising from block of CP-AMPARs. By demonstrating that ASIC1a activation contributes to post-ischemic AMPAR plasticity, our results identify a functional interaction between acidotoxicity and excitotoxicity in hippocampal CA1 cells, and provide insight into the role of ASIC1a and CP-AMPARs as potential drug targets for neuroprotection. We thus propose that ASIC1a activation can drive certain forms of CP-AMPAR plasticity, and that inhibiting ASIC1a affords neuroprotection.