758 resultados para nurse managers
Volume changes of the vitellarium components of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa are reported. The oocyte grew to approximately 409 times of its initial volume and reached a maximum value of 1.2 x 10(7) mu m(3). The follicle increase in size at a more or less constant rate up to the 12(th), showing an elevated growth rate thereafter. The mean number of follicles per ovariole was 16.42 +/- 3.58.
This exploratory descriptive study, of qualitative nature had the purpose to study how the nurses from a hospital school see the family as care participants. Six nurses from clinics of chronically ill patients were interviewed. The data analysis allowed to infer that the nurses had only little knowledge of the family's thematic during graduation, making the relationship with the accompanying families very difficult. Daily care during hospitalization period is marked by easy moments when members are willing to participate in the process, and by difficulties when they attempt to break institutional rules. It was suggested that new nurses have theoretical foundation to attend the family in several scenarios of care. It was considered the need of investments in professional training, and that the advance of humanization of services implies in exchange and integration of knowledge among patients, family members, health professionals, support staff and managers beyond the science field.
This study aimed at describing patients' perception of their communication with nurses when performing home dialysis. Data were collected from interviews guided by the question: What is communication like, between you and nurses, during home dialysis treatment? Results show participants' perception of treatment during home peritoneal dialysis [Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)]; relationship with nurses and family and the effects of treatment on one's existence. Patients can be self-caring and they learn to value the autonomy in their own care. However, some are unable to assume the responsibility for self-care. It was discovered that the connotation of inspection that some participants attributed to the nurse's visits, led to an alienation from the education process in the CAPD education. Findings suggest that effective communication and the development of the relationship of a working partnership with patients is crucial. Improvement in the nurses' communication, aiming at adapting it to the characteristics, limitations and specific needs of each patient, is significant for achieving better outcomes. © 2010 European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association/European Renal Care Association.
The fat body (FB) consists of two types of cells: throphocytes and oenocytes. Throphocytes are related to intermediary metabolism storing lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins while oenocytes play role in the lipids and lipoproteins production. The vitellogenin is the precursor of egg yolk (vitelline) and is synthesized on FB. The aim of this work was to analyze the effects of hormones acting in bee reproduction, as juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdisteroids (20 HE) on FB cells, where vitellogenin is synthesized. For the study were chose nurse workers that in Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides present activated ovaries and produce eggs, and virgin queens whose ovaries are not yet activated, presenting only previtellogenic follicles. FB trophocytes from these classes of bees were cultivated in media containing different amounts of JH and 20-HE. The effects on trophocytes cytoplasm reserves of lipids, proteins, and activity of acid phosphatase were compared by observing preparations from cultured FB, treated and control, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that the hormones effects are related to the bee's caste and functional ovary stage. The role of acid phosphatase on mobilization of the trophocyte reserves was also determined. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This paper tackles a Nurse Scheduling Problem which consists of generating work schedules for a set of nurses while considering their shift preferences and other requirements. The objective is to maximize the satisfaction of nurses' preferences and minimize the violation of soft constraints. This paper presents a new deterministic heuristic algorithm, called MAPA (multi-assignment problem-based algorithm), which is based on successive resolutions of the assignment problem. The algorithm has two phases: a constructive phase and an improvement phase. The constructive phase builds a full schedule by solving successive assignment problems, one for each day in the planning period. The improvement phase uses a couple of procedures that re-solve assignment problems to produce a better schedule. Given the deterministic nature of this algorithm, the same schedule is obtained each time that the algorithm is applied to the same problem instance. The performance of MAPA is benchmarked against published results for almost 250,000 instances from the NSPLib dataset. In most cases, particularly on large instances of the problem, the results produced by MAPA are better when compared to best-known solutions from the literature. The experiments reported here also show that the MAPA algorithm finds more feasible solutions compared with other algorithms in the literature, which suggest that this proposed approach is effective and robust. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Purpose: The study objective was to understand the meaning of evidence-based management for senior nurse leaders in accredited, public hospitals in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Design and Method: A phenomenological approach was used to analyze interviews conducted with 10 senior nurse leaders between August 2011 and March 2012. The analytic method was developed by the Brazilian phenomenologist, Martins. Findings: Senior nurse leaders described how they critically appraise many sources of evidence when making managerial decisions. They emphasized the importance of working with their teams to locally adapt and evaluate best evidence associated with managerial decision making and organizational innovations. Their statements also demonstrated how they use evidence-based management to support the adoption of evidence-based practices. They did not, however, provide specific strategies for seeking out and obtaining evidence. Notable challenges were traditional cultures and rigid bureaucracies, while major facilitators included accreditation, teamwork, and shared decision making. Conclusions: Evidence-based management necessitates a continuous process of locating, implementing, and evaluating evidence. In this study leaders provided multiple, concrete examples of all these processes except seeking out and locating evidence. They also gave examples of other leadership skills associated with successful adoption of evidence-based practice and management, particularly interdisciplinary teamwork and shared decision making. Clinical Relevance: This study demonstrates senior nurse leaders' awareness and utilization of evidence-based management. The study also suggests what aspects of evidence-based management need further development, such as more active identification of potential, new organizational innovations. © 2013 Sigma Theta Tau International.
Incluye Bibliografía
Prefacio de Alicia Bárcena y Luciano Sáez
INTRODUÇÃO: O Programa HIPERDIA foi implantado em 2001 na atenção básica devido à gravidade epidemiológica da Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e o Diabetes Mellitus (DM), afecções que podem acarretar sérias complicações incutindo limitações e sofrimento na vida de seus portadores e suas famílias. Nesse contexto, ressalte-se a importância da prevenção primária dessas afecções e de suas complicações. Passado mais de uma década de sua implementação, cabe refletir acerca do impacto nas condições de saúde que o Programa tem gerado entre seus usuários. OBJETIVOS: Elucidar os princípios, a filosofia e a política norteadora do Programa HIPERDIA do Ministério da Saúde (MS); descrever como funciona o atendimento do usuário pela equipe de saúde de um Programa HIPERDIA; explorar os comportamentos de vida e saúde demonstrados pelos usuários do HIPERDIA após sua inserção no Programa. DESCRIÇÃO METODOLÓGICA: Trata-se de um Estudo de Caso segundo Yin (2010) cujo objeto de estudo foi um Programa HIPERDIA executado numa Unidade Básica de Saúde da periferia de Belém-PA. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista com usuários, equipe e gestores do Programa, além da observação direta do campo, consulta de prontuários e da documentação oficial do MS. A análise dos dados obtidos foi feita por meio da estratégia analítica “Contando com Proposições Teóricas” e da técnica analítica “Combinação de Padrão”. RESULTADOS: A precarização da gestão do Programa HIPERDIA ilustrada por deficiências na infraestrutura, insumos, medicamentos e fragilidades na rede de referência e contrarreferência, a demanda espontânea excessiva que sobrecarrega a equipe de saúde alocada em número insuficiente e o contexto de pobreza e violência urbana em que os usuários vivem contribuem para a baixa adesão ao regime terapêutico e limitam a equipe em sua atuação interdisciplinar e integral. Ademais, o modelo de atenção vigente é pautado no tradicional, baseado em consultas e prescrições e que não tem se demonstrado suficiente para atender integralmente às necessidades de atenção ao portador de condição crônica, que requer cuidados prolongados com adoção de estilos de vida mais condizentes e saudáveis. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Grandes desafios se desenham diante dos dados emergidos deste estudo e envolvem ações macrogovernamentais e intersetoriais que promovam melhorias nas condições de vida da população o que requer vontade política para investimento dos recursos necessários. Não obstante a isso, a enfermagem pode dar sua contribuição promovendo cuidado cultural e ações de autocuidado, personalizando o plano de ação e trazendo a corresponsabilidade do usuário e sua família na melhoria de sua condição de saúde.