897 resultados para middle-aged adults


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Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma (AFH) is a rare soft tissue neoplasm of intermediate biologic potential and uncertain differentiation, most often arising in the extremities of children and young adults. Although it has characteristic histologic features of a lymphoid cuff surrounding nodules of ovoid cells with blood-filled cystic cavities, diagnosis is often difficult due to its morphologic heterogeneity and lack of specific immunoprofile. Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma is associated with recurrent chromosomal translocations, leading to characteristic EWSR1-CREB1, EWSR1-ATF1, and, rarely, FUS-ATF1 gene fusions; fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), detecting EWSR1 or FUS rearrangements, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for EWSR1-CREB1 and EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts have become routine ancillary tools. We present a large comparative series of FISH and RT-PCR for AFH. Seventeen neoplasms (from 16 patients) histologically diagnosed as AFH were assessed for EWSR1 rearrangements or EWSR1-CREB1 and EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts. All 17 were positive for either FISH or RT-PCR or both. Of 16, 14 (87.5%) had detectable EWSR1-CREB1 or EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts by RT-PCR, whereas 13 (76.5%) of 17 had positive EWSR1 rearrangement with FISH. All 13 of 13 non-AFH control neoplasms failed to show EWSR1-CREB1 or EWSR1-ATF1 fusion transcripts, whereas EWSR1 rearrangement was present in 2 of these 13 cases (which were histopathologically myoepithelial neoplasms). This study shows that EWSR1-CREB1 or EWSR1-ATF1 fusions predominate in AFH (supporting previous reports that FUS rearrangement is rare in AFH) and that RT-PCR has a comparable detection rate to FISH for AFH. Importantly, cases of AFH can be missed if RT-PCR is not performed in conjunction with FISH, and RT-PCR has the added advantage of specificity, which is crucial, as EWSR1 rearrangements are present in a variety of neoplasms in the histologic differential diagnosis of AFH, that differ in behavior and treatment.


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Abstract: The first metatarsal sesamoid bones are not always taken into consideration when making a diagnosis, in pathologies that affect the region of the first metatarsal head. This is due to the insufficient knowledge of all the pathologies that can affect the sesamoids and the relative little incidence that they have. With the increment of sports activities, in particular the running, increasingly affects of the symptoms concerning this region are observed. Methods: A literature search was performed in 5 databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and BUCEA). The terms included in the search were: sesamoids, anatomy, biomechanics, sesamoids review and sesamoids pathology. In the initial search articles with no more than 10 years, only humans and revision texts are considered. Results: 24 articles were selected and include different pathologies with diagnosis using imaging tests and treatments, both conservative and surgical; as well as aspects from the biomechanics of the metatarsal-sesamoid joint. Conclusion: Sesamoids due of his anatomy, topography and function can be involved in a lot of pathologies; with similar signs and symptoms that can confuse the podiatry when he has to make a correct diagnosis or treatment.


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Teniendo en cuenta el drástico aumento en Colombia y el mundo de la población adulta mayor la pirámide poblacional se ha invertido. Lo que ha generado que cada vez haya más adultos mayores y la esperanza de vida sea mayor. Motivo por el cual surge la importancia de conocer diversos aspectos del envejecimiento, entre ellos los estereotipos. Adicionalmente hay muy poca investigación relacionada con los estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento según el género y el periodo de desarrollo. Levy (2009) encontró que son los jóvenes quienes tienen más estereotipos negativos sobre el envejecimiento pues estos sienten que la vejez está muy lejos de su realidad actual y no es en una amenaza personal. Por otro lado Bodner, Bergman y Cohen (2012), encontraron que son los hombres quienes tienen más estereotipos negativos sobre el envejecimiento. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir el efecto del periodo del desarrollo y el género en los estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento en 860 adultos colombianos. Se midió la variable de estereotipos sobre el envejecimiento a través del cuestionario de Ramírez y Palacios (2015) y el periodo del desarrollo y el género a través de un cuestionario de datos sociodemograficos. Contrario a lo esperado, los resultados mostraron que no existe relación entre los estereotipos negativos con el género, el periodo del desarrollo, ni en la interacción de estos. En cambio, se encontraron diferencias entre los estereotipos positivos el género y el periodo de desarrollo. Se considera importante continuar realizando investigaciones relacionadas con esta temática pues cada vez son más los adultos mayores y la manera en que nos relacionemos con ellos, va a determinar un mejor proceso de envejecimiento para ellos.


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Introducción. La hipertensión arterial es una de las patologías más representativas en términos de morbi-mortalidad y afectación de la calidad de vida de los usuarios de una EPS privada en Bogotá. Se cuenta en la literatura con múltiples prácticas para favorecer la adherencia al tratamiento de la hipertensión, pero se evidencia que en muchos pacientes no se logran las metas terapéuticas establecidas, generando a largo plazo complicaciones que impactan en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y en el costo en salud. Es por esto que en la EPS se establece desde el 2012 el programa: Ruta para la gestión del autocuidado, como una estrategia de intervención complementaria sobre los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, con el fin de apoyar a los usuarios del programa de promoción y prevención Atención Específica integral (AEI) en el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones terapéuticas farmacológicas y no farmacológicas generadas por el equipo de salud. La ruta está dirigida especialmente al grupo de pacientes hipertensos con dificultades en la adherencia al programa de promoción y prevención, o en el logro de metas terapéuticas, y busca implementar estrategias de intervención educativa orientadas a fomentar la capacidad de las personas para adaptarse y auto gestionar los desafíos que representa convivir con el diagnóstico de una patología crónica. Por lo anterior la presente investigación busca evaluar el efecto del programa Ruta para la gestión del autocuidado en el control de cifras tensionales en pacientes hipertensos en en una EPS privada de Bogotá en el año 2015. Objetivo. Establecer si la participación en el programa Ruta para la gestión del autocuidado influye en los valores de cifras tensionales de pacientes hipertensos, graduados del programa en una EPS privada de Bogotá en el año 2015. Metodología. Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, observacional longitudinal retrospectivo de una intervención antes y después, para evaluar el efecto del programa Ruta de gestión de autocuidado, en el control de cifras tensionales, índice de masa corporal y perímetro abdominal de pacientes con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial afiliados a la EPS privada en Bogotá, graduados del programa entre el 1 de Enero de 2015 a Diciembre de 2015. Población del estudio 409 pacientes, con muestreo por conveniencia. La recolección de datos fue a partir de fuentes secundarias de historia clínica sistematizada de la EPS. Resultados. La población de estudio fueron 409 pacientes, de los cuales el 69,2% son mujeres (n=283). El promedio de la edad de los pacientes fue de 60,16+/-0.9 años, los mayores de 60 años son el grupo más representativo con un 54% (n=220), el estrato socioeconómico 1 es el 77% (n=315), , el tiempo de duración de la ruta de autocuidado de la población analizada más frecuente fue de 4 a 6 meses con un 60,4% (n=247) y el tratamiento más utilizado es el combinado con 53,1% (n=217). Antes del inicio de la Ruta de gestión de autocuidado, 138 pacientes tuvieron valores de tensión arterial sistólica en rangos de hipertensión, al finalizar la misma disminuyeron los valores a rangos de normalidad 96 pacientes (69,6%). De los pacientes que iniciaron con tensión arterial sistólica en rangos de normalidad (n=271), el 12,5% al finalizar la ruta tuvieron valores en rangos de hipertensión (n=34). El cambio en los rangos de tensión arterial sistólica evidenció que es estadísticamente significativo (p=0.000) con un OR de 2,8:1, lo cual indica que la variación de pacientes con valores de tensión arterial sistólica en rangos de hipertensión a valores en rango de normotensión, ocurre 2,8 veces más en quienes realizan la ruta de gestión de autocuidado que los que no. Antes del inicio de la Ruta de gestión de autocuidado, 70 pacientes tuvieron valores de tensión arterial diastólica en rangos de hipertensión, al finalizar la misma disminuyeron los valores a rangos de normalidad 56 pacientes (80%). De los pacientes que iniciaron con tensión arterial diastólica en rangos de normalidad (n=339), el 8,3% al finalizar la ruta tuvieron valores en rangos de hipertensión (n=28). El cambio en los rangos de tensión arterial diastólica, evidenció que es estadísticamente significativo (p=0.001) con un OR de 2,0:1, lo cual indica que la variación de pacientes con valores de tensión arterial diastólica en rangos de hipertensión a valores en rango de normotensión, ocurre 2 veces más en quienes realizan la ruta de gestión de autocuidado que los que no. Conclusión. La implementación de modelos educativos en la atención primaria en salud en las unidades de atención de servicios ambulatorios en la EPS, generan un impacto positivo en el control de las cifras tensionales. El tener pacientes controlados incide en la disminución de morbimortalidad, costos de hospitalización médica y mejora en la calidad de vida.


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El concepto de actividad física es concebido de diferentes formas. Mostrando que existen varios factores que afectan de manera directa e indirecta la percepción que los sujetos construyen entorno a él, generando así una aproximación a diferentes definiciones de la actividad física desde varias perspectivas y dimensiones, donde predomina una noción netamente biológica. Este estudio pretende analizar, como desde las clases sociales se concibe la actividad física en sus conceptos y prácticas considerando los modelos de determinantes y determinación social para la salud. Con fin de comprender como los autores de la literatura científica conciben la actividad física y la relación con las clases sociales, desde una perspectiva teórica de los determinantes sociales de la salud y la teoría de la determinación social, se realizó una revisión documental y análisis de contenido de los conceptos y prácticas de la actividad física que se han considerado en los últimos 10 años. Para ello se seleccionaron las bases de datos PubMed y BVS (Biblioteca Virtual de Salud) por sus énfasis en publicaciones de salud mundialmente. Mostrando que la actividad física es concebida dominantemente desde una perspectiva biológica que ejerce una mirada reduccionista. Las relaciones entre actividad física y las clases sociales están claramente establecidas, sin embargo, estas relaciones pueden discrepar teniendo en cuenta el concepto de clase social, el contexto y la orientación de los autores y las poblaciones objetos de estudio. Obteniendo como resultado que los estudios documentados, revisados y analizados muestran una clara tendencia al modelo de determinantes; no obstante, algunos estudios en sus análisis se orientan hacia el modelo de determinación social. En cuanto al concepto de clases sociales los autores consideran una combinación de factores culturales y económicos sin atreverse a adoptar un concepto específico.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the factors that influence midlife women to make positive exercise and dietary changes. In late 2005 questionnaires were mailed to 866 women aged 51–66 years from rural and urban locations in Queensland, Australia and participating in Stage 2 of the Healthy Aging of Women Study. The questionnaires sought data on socio-demographics, body mass index (BMI), chronic health conditions, self-efficacy, exercise and dietary behavior change since age 40, and health-related quality of life. Five hundred and sixty four (69%) were completed and returned by early 2006. Data analysis comprised descriptive and bivariate statistics and structural equation modeling. The results showed that midlife is a significant time for women to make positive health behavior changes. Approximately one-third of the sample (34.6%) indicated that they had increased their exercise and around 60% had made an effort to eat more healthily since age 40. Modeling showed self-efficacy to be important in making both exercise and dietary changes. Although education appeared to influence self-efficacy in relation to exercise change, this was not the case for dietary change. The study has application for programs promoting healthy aging among women, and implies that those with low education, high BMI and poor mental health may need considerable support to improve their lifestyles.


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Elevated plasma fibronectin levels occur in various clinical states including arterial disease. Increasing evidence suggests that atherothrombosis and venous thromboembolism (VTE) share common risk factors. To assess the hypothesis that high plasma fibronectin levels are associated with VTE, we compared plasma fibronectin levels in the Scripps Venous Thrombosis Registry for 113 VTE cases vs. age and sex matched controls. VTE cases had significantly higher mean fibronectin concentration compared to controls (127% vs. 103%, p<0.0001); the difference was greater for idiopathic VTE cases compared to secondary VTE cases (133% vs. 120%, respectively). Using a cut-off of >90% of the control values, the odds ratio (OR) for association of VTE for fibronectin plasma levels above the 90th percentile were 9.37 (95% CI 2.73-32.2; p<0.001) and this OR remained significant after adjustment for sex, age, body mass index (BMI), factor V Leiden and prothrombin nt20210A (OR 7.60, 95% CI 2.14-27.0; p=0.002). In particular, the OR was statistically significant for idiopathic VTE before and after these statistical adjustments. For the total male cohort, the OR was significant before and after statistical adjustments and was not significant for the total female cohort. In summary, our results suggest that elevated plasma fibronectin levels are associated with VTE especially in males, and extend the potential association between biomarkers and risk factors for arterial atherothrombosis and VTE. © 2008 Schattauer GmbH.


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BACKGROUND - High-density lipoprotein (HDL) protects against arterial atherothrombosis, but it is unknown whether it protects against recurrent venous thromboembolism. METHODS AND RESULTS - We studied 772 patients after a first spontaneous venous thromboembolism (average follow-up 48 months) and recorded the end point of symptomatic recurrent venous thromboembolism, which developed in 100 of the 772 patients. The relationship between plasma lipoprotein parameters and recurrence was evaluated. Plasma apolipoproteins AI and B were measured by immunoassays for all subjects. Compared with those without recurrence, patients with recurrence had lower mean (±SD) levels of apolipoprotein AI (1.12±0.22 versus 1.23±0.27 mg/mL, P<0.001) but similar apolipoprotein B levels. The relative risk of recurrence was 0.87 (95% CI, 0.80 to 0.94) for each increase of 0.1 mg/mL in plasma apolipoprotein AI. Compared with patients with apolipoprotein AI levels in the lowest tertile (<1.07 mg/mL), the relative risk of recurrence was 0.46 (95% CI, 0.27 to 0.77) for the highest-tertile patients (apolipoprotein AI >1.30 mg/mL) and 0.78 (95% CI, 0.50 to 1.22) for midtertile patients (apolipoprotein AI of 1.07 to 1.30 mg/mL). Using nuclear magnetic resonance, we determined the levels of 10 major lipoprotein subclasses and HDL cholesterol for 71 patients with recurrence and 142 matched patients without recurrence. We found a strong trend for association between recurrence and low levels of HDL particles and HDL cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS - Patients with high levels of apolipoprotein AI and HDL have a decreased risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism. © 2007 American Heart Association, Inc.


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Background-Although dyslipoproteinemia is associated with arterial atherothrombosis, little is known about plasma lipoproteins in venous thrombosis patients. Methods and Results-We determined plasma lipoprotein subclass concentrations using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and antigenic levels of apolipoproteins AI and B in blood samples from 49 male venous thrombosis patients and matched controls aged <55 years. Venous thrombosis patients had significantly lower levels of HDL particles, large HDL particles, HDL cholesterol, and apolipoprotein AI and significantly higher levels of LDL particles and small LDL particles. The quartile-based odds ratios for decreased HDL particle and apolipoprotein AI levels in patients compared with controls were 6.5 and 6.0 (95% CI, 2.3 to 19 and 2.1 to 17), respectively. Odds ratios for apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein AI ratio and LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio were 6.3 and 2.7 (95% CI, 1.9 to 21 and 1.1 to 6.5), respectively. When polymorphisms in genes for hepatic lipase, endothelial lipase, and cholesteryl ester transfer protein were analyzed, patients differed significantly from controls in the allelic frequency for the TaqI B1/B2 polymorphism in cholesteryl ester transfer protein, consistent with the observed pattern of lower HDL and higher LDL. Conclusions-Venous thrombosis in men aged <55 years old is associated with dyslipoproteinemia involving lower levels of HDL particles, elevated levels of small LDL particles, and an elevated ratio of apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein AI. This dyslipoproteinemia seems associated with a related cholesteryl ester transfer protein genotype difference. © 2005 American Heart Association, Inc.


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In this paper, we examine the relationship between marital status and female labor force participation in Korea, and argue that marriage remains a major obstacle to young Korean women's employment. We find that an average married woman is much less likely (by 40–60%) to participate in the labor force than a single woman in urban Korea. Further investigation into the participation patterns among married women reveals that labor force participation rate (LFPR) varies with husband's occupation and her own age. Lower LFPR among the young married women is explained by demand-side factors, while relatively higher LFPR among the middle-aged married women is mostly explained by the supply-side factors.


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The CDKN2A gene encodes p16 (CDKN2A), a cell-cycle inhibitor protein which prevents inappropriate cell cycling and, hence, proliferation. Germ-line mutations in CDKN2A predispose to the familial atypical multiple-mole melanoma (FAMMM) syndrome but also have been seen in rare families in which only 1 or 2 individuals are affected by cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM). We therefore sequenced exons 1alpha and 2 of CDKN2A using lymphocyte DNA isolated from index cases from 67 families with cancers at multiple sites, where the patterns of cancer did not resemble those attributable to known genes such as hMLH1, hMLH2, BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 or other cancer susceptibility genes. We found one mutation, a mis-sense mutation resulting in a methionine to isoleucine change at codon 53 (M531) of exon 2. The individual tested had developed 2 CMMs but had no dysplastic nevi and lacked a family history of dysplastic nevi or CMM. Other family members had been diagnosed with oral cancer (2 persons), bladder cancer (1 person) and possibly gall-bladder cancer. While this mutation has been reported in Australian and North American melanoma kindreds, we did not observe it in 618 chromosomes from Scottish and Canadian controls. Functional studies revealed that the CDKN2A variant carrying the M531 change was unable to bind effectively to CDK4, showing that this mutation is of pathological significance. Our results have confirmed that CDKN2A mutations are not limited to FAMMM kindreds but also demonstrate that multi-site cancer families without melanoma are very unlikely to contain CDKN2A mutations.


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The most common human cancers are malignant neoplasms of the skin. Incidence of cutaneous melanoma is rising especially steeply, with minimal progress in non-surgical treatment of advanced disease. Despite significant effort to identify independent predictors of melanoma outcome, no accepted histopathological, molecular or immunohistochemical marker defines subsets of this neoplasm. Accordingly, though melanoma is thought to present with different 'taxonomic' forms, these are considered part of a continuous spectrum rather than discrete entities. Here we report the discovery of a subset of melanomas identified by mathematical analysis of gene expression in a series of samples. Remarkably, many genes underlying the classification of this subset are differentially regulated in invasive melanomas that form primitive tubular networks in vitro, a feature of some highly aggressive metastatic melanomas. Global transcript analysis can identify unrecognized subtypes of cutaneous melanoma and predict experimentally verifiable phenotypic characteristics that may be of importance to disease progression.


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"That Blackfella Bloodsucka Dance!" A novel in which a part-blood Aboriginal Australian becomes a full-blood vampire (see the above pdf for the first 50 pages FREE!). Synopsis. In this bold and cheeky meditation on religion, middle-aged muscleman, uncertain Catholic and wanna-be academic Sterling de Bortoli is a self-described Octaroon: a one eighth Aboriginal Australian. Neither black nor white this part-blood Blackfella struggles with concepts of identity, moving between the two worlds but not really belonging to either. Thus he pursues a frustrated, anarchic, homeless existence in Canberra and Melbourne, until, through the influence of the Anti-Christ, his Dark Lord Maria, he travels to Islamic Morocco. It's a land completely foreign to his Dreamtime totem, and it's where de Bortoli learns to be a full-blood vampire ... a monster who never says sorry. ISBN: 978-3-8454-4518-2 Available in hard copy and E-book.