256 resultados para microfossil


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Among the groups of oceanic microfossils, only Radiolaria occur in abundances and preservation states sufficient to provide biostratigraphic control for restricted intervals within sediments recovered in Hole 1223A. The distribution of these microfossils has been divided into four major intervals, A-D. Radiolaria distribution Interval A occupies the depth range 0-3.0 meters below seafloor (mbsf), where the abundance of specimens is very low and preservation is poor. Radiolaria distribution Interval B occupies the depth range 3.02-7.1 mbsf. Radiolaria in Interval B are locally rare to abundant and well preserved, and assemblages range in age from pure early Eocene to early Eocene admixed with late Neogene taxa. Radiolaria distribution Interval C occupies the depth range 7.1-36.99 mbsf and is characterized by sediments either barren of microfossils or containing extremely rare early Eocene specimens. Radiolaria distribution Interval D occupies the depth range 36.99-38.7 mbsf (base of the recovered sedimentary section), where early Eocene Radiolaria are present in rare to common frequencies, but opal-A to opal-CT recrystallization has degraded the preservation state. The late Neogene assemblage of Radiolaria distribution Interval B is dated at 1.55-2.0 Ma, based on occurrences of Eucyrtidium matuyamai, Lamprocyclas heteroporos, and Theocorythium trachelium trachelium. The early Eocene assemblage of Radiolaria distribution Intervals B and D is somewhat problematically assigned to the Buryella clinata Zone.


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Two short time intervals centered at 2.3 and 4.7 Ma were studied to investigate short-term variations in surface-ocean processes as indicated by changes in the radiolarian microfossil population. These time intervals represent two different settings of late Neogene climate. The older interval represents a time when tropical circulation between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans was not blocked by the Isthmus of Panama, whereas the younger interval represents a time when Northern Hemisphere glaciation was present but did not display the dominance of the 100,000-yr cycle that characterizes the late Pleistocene. The younger time slice at 2.3 Ma was sampled at all Leg 138 sites except Site 844, where significant reworking was evident. All sites except 844, 853, and 854 were sampled for the older time slice. Samples were taken at 10- to 20-cm intervals at each site and spanned a GRAPE density maximum and minimum. Thus, it was possible to investigate whether the changes in carbonate content (as indicated by GRAPE density) were associated with changes in surface-ocean conditions (indicated by radiolarian assemblage variations). For both time slices, the radiolarian data indicate that intervals of decreased carbonate content are periods of cooler water conditions and possibly enhanced biogenic production. Times of increased carbonate content are associated with inferred warmer oceanographic conditions, as indicated by the dominance of tropical assemblages at 2.3 Ma and tropical and western Pacific assemblages during the time slice centered at 4.8 Ma. However, the spatial patterns of change during each time slice show a distinct difference in the mapped patterns of radiolarian assemblage dominance. The older time slice, representing a period before the closing of the Isthmus of Panama, shows more zonal patterns presumably associated with a more zonal character of equatorial circulation. After the closing of the isthmus, the shifts in faunal patterns between times of high and low carbonates are characterized by shifts in the dominance of the tropical and transitional assemblages, respectively, throughout the region.


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Stable isotopic records across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary in Maud Rise Holes 689B and 690C indicate that significant climatic changes occurred during the latest Cretaceous, beginning approximately 500 k.y. prior to the mass extinction event and the enrichment of iridium at the K/P boundary (66.4 Ma). An oxygen isotopic decrease of ~0.7 per mil - ~1.0 per mil is recorded in the Late Cretaceous planktonic and benthic foraminifers between 66.9 and 66.6 Ma. The negative isotope excursion was followed by a positive excursion of similar magnitude between 66.6 Ma (latest Cretaceous) and ~66.3 Ma (earliest Paleocene). No other isotopic excursions of this magnitude are recorded in the planktonic and benthic microfossil records 1.0 m.y prior to, and for 2.0 m.y following the mass extinction event at the K/P boundary. The magnitude and duration of these isotopic excursions were similar to those at the Paleocene/Eocene and Eocene/Oligocene boundaries. A major d13C excursion occurred 200 k.y. prior to the boundary, involving a positive shift in planktonic and benthic d13C of ~0.5 per mil - 0.75 per mil. Similar changes observed in other deep-sea sequences indicate that this reflected a global change in d13C of the oceanic total dissolved carbon (TDC) reservoir. The magnitude of this inferred carbon reservoir change and its association with high latitude surface-water temperature changes recorded in the d18O records implies that it was linked to global climate change through feedback loops in the carbon cycle. At the K/P boundary, the surface-to-deep water d13C gradient is reduced by approximately 0.6 per mil - ~0.2 per mil. However, unlike sequences elsewhere, the planktonic-benthic d13C gradient (Delta d13C) was not eliminated in the Antarctic. The surface-to-deep water gradient was re-established gradually during the 400 k.y. following the mass extinction. Full recovery of the Delta d13C occurred by ~60.0 Ma. In addition to the reduced vertical d13C gradient across the K/P boundary, there was a negative excursion in both planktonic and benthic d13C beginning approximately 100 k.y. after the boundary (66.3 Ma). This excursion resulted in benthic d13C values in the early Paleogene that were similar to those in the pre-K/P boundary intervals. This negative shift appears to reflect a change in the d13C of the oceanic TDC reservoir shift that may have resulted from reduced carbon burial and/or increased carbon flux to the oceans. Any model that attempts to explain the demise of the oceanic plankton at the end of the Cretaceous should consider the oceanic environmental changes that were occurring prior to the massive extinction event.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Geologie cores on two profiles oriented normaly to the continental shelf and slope, have been investigated to reconstruct the Quaternary sedimentary history of the southeast continental border of South Orkney (NW Weddell Sea). The sediments were described macroscopically and their fabric investigated by use of X-radiographs. Laboratory work comprised detailed grain-size analysis, determination of the watercontent, carbonate, organic carbon and sand fraction.composition. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes have been measured On planktonic foraminifera. Palaeomagnetism, analysis of 230Th-content and detailed comparison of the lithlogic Parameters with the oxygen isotope stages (Martinson curve) were used for stratigraphic classification of the sediments. The sediment cores from the continental slope comprise a maximum age of 300,000 years B. P.. Bottom currents, ice rafting and biogenic input are the main sources of sediment. Based on lithologic parameters a distinction between glacial and interglacial facies is possible. Silty clays without microfossils and few bioturbation characterise the sediments of the glacial facies. Only small amounts of icerafted debris can be recognized. This type of sediment was accumulated during times of lower sea-level and drastically reduced rate of bottom water production. Based on grain-size distribution, bottom current velocities of 0.01 cmls were calculated. Thick sea-ice coverage reduced biogenic production in the surface water, and as consequence benthic communities were depleted. Because of the reduced benthic life, sediments are only slithly bioturbated. At the beginning of the interglacial Stage, the sea-level rised rapidly, and calving rate of icebergs, combined with input of ice-rafted material, increased considerably. Sediments of this transition facies are silty cliiys with a high proportion of coarse ice-rafted debris, but without microfossils. With the onset of bottom water production in connection with shelf ice water, sediments of interglacial facies were formed. They consist of silty clays to clayey silts with considerable content of sand and gravel. Sediments are strongly bioturbated. Based On the sediment caracteristics, current velocities of the bottom water were calculated to be of 0.96 cmls for interglacials. At the southern slope of a NW/SE-striking ridge, bottom water current is channelized, resulting in a drastic increase of current velocities. Current velocities up to 7.5 cm/s lead to formation of residual sediments. While the continental slope has predominantly fine sediments, the South Orkney shelf are mainly sandy silts and silty sands with a high proportion of gravel. These sediments were formed dominantly by ice-rafting during Brunhes- and Matuyama-Epoch. Currents removed the fine fraction of the sediments. Based on microfossil contents it was not possible to differentiate sediments from glacial to interglacial. In the upper Parts of the cores graded sequences truncated by erosion were observed. These sequences were formed during Brunhes-Epoch by strong currents with velocities decreasing periodically from about 7.5 cm/s to about 1 cm/s. Sediments with a high proportion of siliceous microfossils but barren of foraminifera compose the lower part of the shelf cores. These sediments have formed during the warmer Matuyama-Epoch.


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Distribution of diatoms and planktonic and benthic foraminifers, as well as correlation of components of sandy grain size fraction were studied in the Quaternary sediment core LV28-42-5 (720 cm long) col¬lected on the southeastern slope (1045 m depth) of the Institute of Oceanology Rise, Sea of Okhotsk. This study allowed to reconstruct principle features of paleoceanographic evolution. In the course of penultimate and last continental glaciations (isotope stages 6 and 4-2) and during the later period of the last interglacial (substages 5.d-5.a) the following conditions were characteristic of this area: low temperatures of surface water, terrigenous sediment accumulation including coarse grained ice-rafted material, minimum bioproductivity and microfossil content in sediments, low sea level, reduced water exchange with the ocean, low position of old deep Pacific water. During the interglacial optimum (substage 5.e), as well as in the last deglaciation and Holocene (stage 1) water temperature and bioproductivity increased, sea level rose, and active surface water exchange between the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan took place. This resulted in intensive inflow of the old deep Pacific water into the Sea of Okhotsk and elevation of its upper boundary by few hundred meters. During the later intervals of these warm periods a dichothermal structure of the upper water layer formed and diatom oozes accumulated.


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Based on the quantitative study of diatoms and radiolarians, summer sea-surface temperature (SSST) and sea ice distribution were estimated from 122 sediment core localities in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean to reconstruct the last glacial environment at the EPILOG (19.5-16.0 ka or 23 000-19 000 cal yr. B.P.) time-slice. The statistical methods applied include the Imbrie and Kipp Method, the Modern Analog Technique and the General Additive Model. Summer SSTs reveal greater surface-water cooling than reconstructed by CLIMAP (Geol. Soc. Am. Map Chart. Ser. MC-36 (1981) 1), reaching a maximum (4-5 °C) in the present Subantarctic Zone of the Atlantic and Indian sector. The reconstruction of maximum winter sea ice (WSI) extent is in accordance with CLIMAP, showing an expansion of the WSI field by around 100% compared to the present. Although only limited information is available, the data clearly show that CLIMAP strongly overestimated the glacial summer sea ice extent. As a result of the northward expansion of Antarctic cold waters by 5-10° in latitude and a relatively small displacement of the Subtropical Front, thermal gradients were steepened during the last glacial in the northern zone of the Southern Ocean. Such reconstruction may, however, be inapposite for the Pacific sector. The few data available indicate reduced cooling in the southern Pacific and give suggestion for a non-uniform cooling of the glacial Southern Ocean.


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Investigations of piston cores from the Vema Channel and lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise suggest the presence of episodic flow of deep and bottom water during the Late Pleistocene. Cores from below the present-day foraminiferal lysocline (at ~4000 m) contain an incomplete depositional record consisting of Mn nodules and encrustations, hemipelagic clay, displaced high-latitude diatoms, and poorly preserved heterogeneous microfossil assemblages. Cores from the depth range between 2900 m and 4000 m contain an essentially complete Late Pleistocene record, and consist of well-defined carbonate dissolution cycles with periodicities of ~100,000 years. Low carbonate content and increased dissolution correspond to glacial episodes, as interpreted by oxygen isotopic analysis of bulk foraminiferal assemblages. The absence of diagnostic high-latitude indicators (Antarctic diatoms) within the dissolution cyclss, however, suggests that AABW may not have extended to significantly shallower elevations on the lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise during the Late Pleistocene. Therefore episodic AABW flow may not necessarily be the mechanism responsible for producing these cyclic events. This interpretation is also supported by the presence of an apparently complete Brunhes depositional record in the same cores, suggesting current velocities insufficient for significant erosion. Fluctuations in the properties and flow characteristics of another water mass, such as NADW, may be involved. The geologic evidence in core-top samples near the present-day AABW/NADW transition zone is consistent with either of two possible interpretations of the upper limit of AABW on the east flank of the channel. The foraminiferal lysocline, at ~4000 m, is near the top of the benthic thermocline and nepheloid layer, and may therefore correspond to the upper limit of relatively corrosive AABW. On the other hand, the carbonate compensation depth (CDD) at ~4250 m, which corresponds to the maximum gradient in the benthic thermocline, is characterized by rapid deposition of relatively fine-grained sediment. Such a zone of convergence and preferential sediment accumulation would be expected near the level of no motion in the AABW/NADW transition zone as a consequence of Ekman-layer veering of the mean velocity vector in the bottom boundary layer. It is possible that both of these interpretations are in part correct. The "level of no motion'' may in fact correspond to the CCD, while at the same time relatively corrosive water of Antarctic origin may mix with overlying NADW and therefore elevate the foraminifera] lysocline to depths above the level of no motion. Closely spaced observations of the hydrography and flow characteristics within the benthic thermocline will be required in order to use sediment parameters as more precise indicators of paleo-circulation.


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Natural Resources Wales and Steven Griffiths are thanked for access to Caerwys quarry and permission to work on the site. Sebastiaan Edelman and Thomas Logeman assisted with fieldwork and provided some of the field photographs. Bouke Lacet (Sedimentology laboratory, VU University Amsterdam) prepared the thin-sections. Three anonymous reviewers helped to sharpen the manuscript, and Sherry Cady provided valuable editorial advice and assistance. A.T.B. was inspired by Martin Brasier. He dedicates this manuscript to his father’s memory.


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Natural Resources Wales and Steven Griffiths are thanked for access to Caerwys quarry and permission to work on the site. Sebastiaan Edelman and Thomas Logeman assisted with fieldwork and provided some of the field photographs. Bouke Lacet (Sedimentology laboratory, VU University Amsterdam) prepared the thin-sections. Three anonymous reviewers helped to sharpen the manuscript, and Sherry Cady provided valuable editorial advice and assistance. A.T.B. was inspired by Martin Brasier. He dedicates this manuscript to his father’s memory.


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Natural Resources Wales and Steven Griffiths are thanked for access to Caerwys quarry and permission to work on the site. Sebastiaan Edelman and Thomas Logeman assisted with fieldwork and provided some of the field photographs. Bouke Lacet (Sedimentology laboratory, VU University Amsterdam) prepared the thin-sections. Three anonymous reviewers helped to sharpen the manuscript, and Sherry Cady provided valuable editorial advice and assistance. A.T.B. was inspired by Martin Brasier. He dedicates this manuscript to his father’s memory.


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A short sediment core from a local depression forming an intra basin on the Lomonosov Ridge, was retrieved during the Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition 2005 (HOTRAX). It contains a record of the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-3 showing exceptionally high abundances of calcareous microfossils during parts of MIS 3. Based on radiocarbon dating, linear sedimentation rates of 7-9 cm/ka persist during the last deglaciation. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is partly characterized by a hiatus. Planktic foraminiferal abundance variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral and calcareous nannofossils reflect changes in Arctic Ocean summer sea ice coverage and probably inflow of subpolar North Atlantic water. Calibration of the radiocarbon ages, using modeled reservoir corrections from previous studies and the microfossil abundance record of the studied core, results in marine reservoir ages of 1400 years or more, at least during the last deglaciation. Paired benthic-planktic radiocarbon dated foraminiferal samples indicate a slow decrease in age difference between surface and bottom waters from the Lateglacial to the Holocene, suggesting circulation and ventilation changes.


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The Holocene sediment record of Lake Tiefer See exhibits striking alternations between well-varved and non-varved intervals. Here we present a high resolution multi-proxy record for the past ~6000 years and discuss possible causes for the observed sediment variability. This approach comprises of microfacies, geochemical and microfossil analyses as well as of a multiple dating concept including varve counting, tephrochronology and radiocarbon dating. Four periods of predominantly well-varved sediment were identified at 6000-3950 cal. a BP, 3100-2850 cal. a BP, 2100-750 cal. a BP and AD 1924-present. Except of sub-recent varve formation, these periods are considered to reflect reduced lake circulation and consequently, stronger anoxic bottom water conditions. In contrast, intercalated intervals of poor varve preservation or even extensively mixed non-varved sediments indicate strengthened lake circulation. Sub-recent varve formation since AD 1924 is, in addition to natural forcing, influenced by enhanced lake productivity due to modern anthropogenic eutrophication. The general increase in periods of intensified lake circulation in Lake Tiefer See since ~4000 cal. a BP presumably is caused by gradual changes in Northern Hemisphere orbital forcing, leading to cooler and windier conditions in Central Europe. Superimposed decadal to centennial scale variability of the lake circulation regime likely is the result of additional human-induced changes of the catchment vegetation. The coincidence of major non-varved periods at Lake Tiefer See and intervals of bioturbated sediments in the Baltic Sea implies a broader regional significance of our findings.


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Oxygen isotopic studies both of benthic formanifera (Emiliani, 1954, doi:10.1126/science.119.3103.853; Savin et al., 1975, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1975)86<1499:TMP>2.0.CO;2; Shackleton and Kennett, 1975, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.29.117.1975; Savin, 1977, doi:10.1146/annurev.ea.05.050177.001535) and shallow-marine carbonates ( Dorman, 1966; Devereux, 1967; Buchart, 1978, doi:10.1038/275121a0) have provided a useful monitor of marine palaeotemperatures. The Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) has provided cores from many ocean basins to conduct detailed stable isotopic and palaeoceanographic studies of the Cenozoic and late Mesozoic. DSDP Sites 277 and 292, separated by ~60° latitude in Palaeogene times, each record an 18O enrichment in benthic foraminifera of nearly 1 per mil beginning at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Planktonic foraminiferal trends are similar to benthic trends in the high latitude southwest Pacific Ocean, but tropical planktonics show only a minor (~0.3 per mil) increase which may reflect a change in seawater composition. These results suggest a sudden cooling of Pacific deep waters and high latitude surface waters forms a useful stratigraphic marker for the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. This boundary is particularly important because of its association with several worldwide palaeo-oceanographic and biogeographic changes. These include a sudden drop in the calcite compensation depth of 1-2 km (van Andel et al., 1975; van Andel, 1975, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(75)90086-2); a decrease in planktonic microfossil diversity (Lipps, 1970, 10.2307/2406711; Kennett, 1978, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(78)90017-8; Sancetta, 1979, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90025-2); a change in planktonic biogeographic patterns (Kennett, 1978, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(78)90017-8; Sancetta, 1979, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90025-2; Haq and Lohmann, 1976, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(76)90008-6); and increased erosion of deep-sea sediments over wide areas (Kennet et al., 1972; Moore et al., 1978).