898 resultados para micro total analysis system
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o tamanho amostral mínimo (n) para comparar tratamentos em experimentos de consumo e de digestibilidade com bovinos, envolvendo múltiplos caracteres. Foram utilizados dados de digestibilidade de 72 novilhas com média de 18 meses de idade e 250 kg de peso. O experimento foi realizado na Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa de Pecuária do Sudeste, São Carlos, SP, de 1988 a 1989, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com nove tratamentos organizados em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (três grupos genéticos: Canchim, ½ Canchim + ½ Nelore e Nelore, e três níveis de proteína bruta: 6, 10 e 13%, com oito repetições cada, sendo a unidade experimental a novilha). Foram analisados consumo de ração (g/kg0,75) por quilograma de peso metabólico, energia digestível, nitrogênio retido (NR), NR (mg/kg0,75) e digestibilidades da matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido. O valor mínimo de n, que permite detectar diferenças significativas (delta) entre vetores de médias de tratamentos, foi obtido por meio de um programa SAS (Statistical Analysis System), considerando modelo de distribuição normal t-variada, média zero e matriz de covariância sigma, estatística T² de Hotelling, distribuição F com parâmetro de não centralidade (d²D), erros do tipo I (alfa), poder do teste (1 beta) e delta. O valor de n variou de 6 a 47, sendo mais influenciado por alteração nos valores de delta, do que nos valores de alfa e poder do teste.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar um método para estimar o número de indivíduos (n) a ser utilizado em experimentos que envolvam análises multivariadas de medidas repetidas no tempo, avaliadas sobre a mesma unidade experimental. O método foi testado com dados de produção de leite com 10 controles mensais (t = 1, 2, ... , 10) ou condições de avaliação de vacas da raça Holandesa. As estimativas de n foram obtidas por meio de um programa desenvolvido no Statistical Analysis System (SAS), considerando distribuição normal t variada, vetor de média zero e matriz de covariância sigma, estatística T² de Hotelling e distribuição F com parâmetro de não-centralidade delta²delta. A ligação dos dados observados com o método é feita por meio da matriz de variância-covariância. Para t > 2 condições de avaliação, o método estima o valor de n que permite detectar diferença mínima significativa (delta) entre médias de condições de avaliação, considerando diferentes níveis de erros do tipo I (alfa), poder do teste F (1-beta) e delta. Para as 10 condições de avaliação consideradas, as estimativas de n variaram de 11 a 89, sendo mais influenciadas por variações na delta, seguidas de alfa e beta.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a probabilidade de resposta da produção de cana-de-açúcar à adubação potássica, em razão da relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 no solo. Foram compilados dados de 106 experimentos de adubação potássica na cana-de-açúcar. Em cada experimento foi registrado o ciclo de cultivo (cana-planta ou cana-soca), os teores de K, Ca e Mg do solo antes da adubação potássica, a relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5, e se houve, ou não, resposta estatisticamente significativa da produção à adubação potássica. Foi utilizado o método estatístico de regressão logística, efetuado pelo procedimento CATMOD do Statistical Analysis System. A característica ciclo de cultivo foi eliminada do modelo, pois esta se apresentou como não-significativa no ajuste estatístico. A relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 do solo influenciou a probabilidade de resposta da produção de cana-de-açúcar à adubação potássica. À medida que a relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 aumentou, a probabilidade de resposta da produção de cana-de-açúcar à adubação potássica diminuiu. A relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 no solo foi classificada em baixa (<0,2547), média (0,2547 a 0,3349) e alta (>0,3349). A relação K+ (Ca2++Mg2+ )-0,5 no solo deve ser usada como mais um critério para orientar a adubação potássica na cultura da cana-de-açúcar.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência de fatores ambientais e genéticos nas características fenotípicas de búfalo (Bubalus bubalis) das raças Carabao, Jafarabadi, Murrah e Mediterrâneo e do tipo Baio. Os dados foram analisados usando-se o procedimento GLM do SAS (Statistical Analysis System), cujo modelo estatístico incluiu os efeitos fixos de ano e mês de nascimento, ordem de parto e sexo do animal. As médias encontradas para as variáveis foram: peso ao nascer de 32,79 kg (de 32,22 a 34,71 kg), peso da fêmea adulta de 514,31 kg, primeiro intervalo entre partos de 501,30 dias (de 483 a 564 dias), período de serviço de 191,30 dias (de 86 a 191 dias), idade ao primeiro parto de 1.088,03 dias (de 1.040 a 1.156 dias) e intervalo entre partos de 380,32 dias (de 373 a 392 dias). O grupo genético dos machos teve influência significativa nas características estudadas, exceto no peso da fêmea adulta. O sexo do bezerro influenciou o peso ao nascer e idade ao primeiro parto. A ordem de parto influenciou o peso ao nascer, período de serviço e intervalo entre partos. O ano e mês de nascimento influenciaram todas as características estudadas. As médias das características produtivas nas populações de bubalinos criadas na Região Amazônica demonstram que a espécie encontra-se adaptada àquelas condições, constituindo-se em uma alternativa para os criadores.
In contrast to vastly studied hypocotyl growth, little is known about diel regulation of leaf growth and its coordination with movements such as changes in leaf elevation angle (hyponasty). We developed a 3D live-leaf growth analysis system enabling simultaneous monitoring of growth and movements. Leaf growth is maximal several hours after dawn, requires light, and is regulated by daylength, suggesting coupling between growth and metabolism. We identify both blade and petiole positioning as important components of leaf movements in Arabidopsis thaliana and reveal a temporal delay between growth and movements. In hypocotyls, the combination of circadian expression of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4 (PIF4) and PIF5 and their light-regulated protein stability drives rhythmic hypocotyl elongation with peak growth at dawn. We find that PIF4 and PIF5 are not essential to sustain rhythmic leaf growth but influence their amplitude. Furthermore, EARLY FLOWERING3, a member of the evening complex (EC), is required to maintain the correct phase between growth and movement. Our study shows that the mechanisms underlying rhythmic hypocotyl and leaf growth differ. Moreover, we reveal the temporal relationship between leaf elongation and movements and demonstrate the importance of the EC for the coordination of these phenotypic traits.
The study herein discusses research aimed at elucidating the factors that contribute to a business' ability to maintain high growth. The database from the Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System (SABI, from its initials in Spanish) was used to identify 250 industrial Catalonian businesses with high growth during 2004-2007. These companies participated in a survey on strategies and management practices; in 2013, they were re-analyzed to investigate the factors that contributed to continued growth for certain companies. Through diverse statistical techniques, business policies related to quality, innovation, internationalization and finance were shown to influence business growth and sustainability over time. High-growth businesses have been studied throughout the world, but this is the first study to investigate the evolution of businesses after a high-growth phase.
Tässä työssä raportoidaan hybridihitsauksesta otettujen suurnopeuskuvasarjojen automaattisen analyysijärjestelmän kehittäminen.Järjestelmän tarkoitus oli tuottaa tietoa, joka avustaisi analysoijaa arvioimaan kuvatun hitsausprosessin laatua. Tutkimus keskittyi valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden ja lisäainepisaroiden lentosuuntien mittaamiseen. Valokaaria havaittiin kuvasarjoista sumean c-means-klusterointimenetelmän avullaja perättäisten valokaarien välistä aikaväliä käytettiin valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden mittarina. Pisaroita paikannettiin menetelmällä, jossa yhdistyi pääkomponenttianalyysi ja tukivektoriluokitin. Kalman-suodinta käytettiin tuottamaan arvioita pisaroiden lentosuunnista ja nopeuksista. Lentosuunnanmääritysmenetelmä luokitteli pisarat niiden arvioitujen lentosuuntien perusteella. Järjestelmän kehittämiseen käytettävissä olleet kuvasarjat poikkesivat merkittävästi toisistaan kuvanlaadun ja pisaroiden ulkomuodon osalta, johtuen eroista kuvaus- ja hitsausprosesseissa. Analyysijärjestelmä kehitettiin toimimaan pienellä osajoukolla kuvasarjoja, joissa oli tietynlainen kuvaus- ja hitsausprosessi ja joiden kuvanlaatu ja pisaroiden ulkomuoto olivat samankaltaisia, mutta järjestelmää testattiin myös osajoukon ulkopuolisilla kuvasarjoilla. Testitulokset osoittivat, että lentosuunnanmääritystarkkuus oli kohtuullisen suuri osajoukonsisällä ja pieni muissa kuvasarjoissa. Valokaaren taajuuden säännöllisyyden määritys oli tarkka useammassa kuvasarjassa.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of communication skills training (CST) on working alliance and to identify specific communicational elements related to working alliance. METHODS: Pre- and post-training simulated patient interviews (6-month interval) of oncology physicians and nurses (N=56) who benefited from CST were compared to two simulated patient interviews with a 6-month interval of oncology physicians and nurses (N=57) who did not benefit from CST. The patient-clinician interaction was analyzed by means of the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). Alliance was measured by the Working Alliance Inventory - Short Revised Form. RESULTS: While working alliance did not improve with CST, generalized linear mixed effect models demonstrated that the quality of verbal communication was related to alliance. Positive talk and psychosocial counseling fostered alliance whereas negative talk, biomedical information and patient's questions diminished alliance. CONCLUSION: Patient-clinician alliance is related to specific verbal communication behaviors. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Working alliance is a key element of patient-physician communication which deserves further investigation as a new marker and efficacy criterion of CST outcome.
VALOSADE (Value Added Logistics in Supply and Demand Chains) is the research project of Anita Lukka's VALORE (Value Added Logistics Research) research team inLappeenranta University of Technology. VALOSADE is included in ELO (Ebusiness logistics) technology program of Tekes (Finnish Technology Agency). SMILE (SME-sector, Internet applications and Logistical Efficiency) is one of four subprojects of VALOSADE. SMILE research focuses on case network that is composed of small and medium sized mechanical maintenance service providers and global wood processing customers. Basic principle of SMILE study is communication and ebusiness insupply and demand network. This first phase of research concentrates on creating backgrounds for SMILE study and for ebusiness solutions of maintenance case network. The focus is on general trends of ebusiness in supply chains and networksof different industries; total ebusiness system architecture of company networks; ebusiness strategy of company network; information value chain; different factors, which influence on ebusiness solution of company network; and the correlation between ebusiness and competitive advantage. Literature, interviews and benchmarking were used as research methods in this qualitative case study. Networks and end-to-end supply chains are the organizational structures, which can add value for end customer. Information is one of the key factors in these decentralized structures. Because of decentralization of business, information is produced and used in different companies and in different information systems. Information refinement services are needed to manage information flows in company networksbetween different systems. Furthermore, some new solutions like network information systems are utilised in optimising network performance and in standardizingnetwork common processes. Some cases have however indicated, that utilization of ebusiness in decentralized business model is not always a necessity, but value-add of ICT must be defined case-specifically. In the theory part of report, different ebusiness and architecture models are introduced. These models are compared to empirical case data in research results. The biggest difference between theory and empirical data is that models are mainly developed for large-scale companies - not for SMEs. This is due to that implemented network ebusiness solutions are mainly large company centered. Genuine SME network centred ebusiness models are quite rare, and the study in that area has been few in number. Business relationships between customer and their SME suppliers are nowadays concentrated more on collaborative tactical and strategic initiatives besides transaction based operational initiatives. However, ebusiness systems are further mainly based on exchange of operational transactional data. Collaborative ebusiness solutions are in planning or pilot phase in most case companies. Furthermore, many ebusiness solutions are nowadays between two participants, but network and end-to-end supply chain transparency and information systems are quite rare. Transaction volumes, data formats, the types of exchanged information, information criticality,type and duration of business relationship, internal information systems of partners, processes and operation models (e.g. different ordering models) differ among network companies, and furthermore companies are at different stages on networking and ebusiness readiness. Because of former factors, different customer-supplier combinations in network must utilise totally different ebusiness architectures, technologies, systems and standards.
Diplomityön päätavoitteena oli kehittää UPM-Kymmene Seaways Oy:lle ISO 14001 -standardiin pohjautuva ympäristöjärjestelmä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tuoda organisaatiolle tietämystä ympäristöjohtamisesta, sekä arvioida laaditun järjestelmän toimivuutta organisaation toiminnasta aiheutuvien ympäristöhaittojen vähentäjänä. Järjestelmän laatiminen käsitti suunnittelun, organisoinnin ja toteutuksen keskeisten dokumentointien osalta. Viime vuosina metsäteollisuusyrityksille on luotu paineita ympäristöasioiden hoitamisen tehostamisesta. Tämä on kohdistunut myös metsäteollisuuden kuljetuksiin, joten on ollut perusteltua kehittää myös kuljetusorganisaatioiden ympäristöjohtamista. UPM-Kymmene Seaways Oy:n ympäristöjohtamisen kehittämistyössä lähdettiin organisaation sidosryhmien odotuksista liikkeelle. Lisäksi tutustuttiin kuljetusten aiheuttamiin ympäristöhaittoihin ja selvitettiin organisaation vaikutusmahdollisuuksia haittojen vähentämiseen. Johtamisjärjestelmä pyrittiin luomaan luonnolliseksi osaksi jokapäiväistä toimintaa, joka ottaa ympäristöasiat huomioon myös toiminnan jatkuvassa kehittämisessä. Laadittu ympäristöjärjestelmä integroituna osaksi kokonaisvaltaista toimintajärjestelmää täytti organisaation sille asettamat tavoitteet melko hyvin. Järjestelmän mukana tuoma työn määrä ei kasvanut liian suureksi ja ympäristöasioista muodostui yksi merkittävä päätöksiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä.
Tässä luomistyössä on esitetty tutkimus informaation suojaamisen menetelmien osalta paikallisissa ja ryhmäkuntaisissa verkoissa. Tutkimukseen kuuluu nykyaikaisten kryptagraafisten järjestelmien, Internetin/Intranetin ohjelmointikeinojen ja pääsyoikeuksien jakelumenetelmien analyysi. Tutkimusten perusteella on laadittu ohjelmiston prototyyppi HTML-tiedostojen suojaamista varten. Ohjelmiston laatimisprosessi on sisältänyt vaatimusten, järjestelmän ja suojelukomponenttien suunnittelun ja protytyypin testauksen. Ohjelmiston realisoinnin jälkeen kirjoitettiin käyttöohjeet. Ohjelmiston prototyyppi suojaa informaatiota HTML-tiedoston koko käytön aikana ja eri yrityksissä voidaan käyttää sitä pienien laajennuksien jälkeen.
Estimation of human oxygen uptake (V˙o2) during exercise is often used as an alternative when its direct measurement is not feasible. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests estimating human V˙o2 during exercise on a cycle ergometer through an equation that considers individual's body mass and external work rate, but not pedaling rate (PR). We hypothesized that including PR in the ACSM equation would improve its V˙o2 prediction accuracy. Ten healthy male participants' (age 19-48 years) were recruited and their steady-state V˙o2 was recorded on a cycle ergometer for 16 combinations of external work rates (0, 50, 100, and 150 W) and PR (50, 70, 90, and 110 revolutions per minute). V˙o2 was calculated by means of a new equation, and by the ACSM equation for comparison. Kinematic data were collected by means of an infrared 3-D motion analysis system in order to explore the mechanical determinants of V˙o2. Including PR in the ACSM equation improved the accuracy for prediction of sub-maximal V˙o2 during exercise (mean bias 1.9 vs. 3.3 mL O2 kg(-1) min(-1)) but it did not affect the accuracy for prediction of maximal V˙o2 (P > 0.05). Confirming the validity of this new equation, the results were replicated for data reported in the literature in 51 participants. We conclude that PR is an important determinant of human V˙o2 during cycling exercise, and it should be considered when predicting oxygen consumption.
This study shows the possibility offered by modern ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry in doping control analysis. A high throughput screening method was developed for 100 substances belonging to the challenging classes of anabolic agents, hormones and metabolic modulators, synthetic cannabinoids and glucocorticoids, which should be detected at low concentrations in urine. To selectively extract these doping agents from urine, a supported liquid extraction procedure was implemented in a 48-well plate format. At the tested concentration levels ranging from 0.5 to 5 ng/mL, the recoveries were better than 70% for 48-68% of the compounds and higher than 50% for 83-87% of the tested substances. Due to the numerous interferences related to isomers of steroids and ions produced by the loss of water in the electrospray source, the choice of SFC separation conditions was very challenging. After careful optimization, a Diol stationary phase was employed. The total analysis time for the screening assay was only 8 min, and interferences as well as susceptibility to matrix effect (ME) were minimized. With the developed method, about 70% of the compounds had relative ME within the range ±20%, at a concentration of 1 and 5 ng/mL. Finally, limits of detection achieved with the above-described strategy including 5-fold preconcentration were below 0.1 ng/mL for the majority of the tested compounds. Therefore, LODs were systematically better than the minimum required performance levels established by the World anti-doping agency, except for very few metabolites.
The construction and evaluation of an inexpensive flow photometer for clinical analysis, using a bicolour LED and a phototransistor adapted for tubular flow cell, are described. The instrument presents some new features such as: automatic zero, electronic calibration and peak-hold signal. When compared with a classical photometer, it is simpler and has the advantages of a flow analysis system: lower volumes of reagents and samples, lower levels of contamination, shorter time for analysis and lower analysis costs. The instrument was used in the determination of the constituents in blood samples. The results obtained agree with those obtained by a classical photometer and the precision was better.
In the present paper, we report on the analytical use of a dynamic droplet based gas collection and an analysis system. A droplet formed at the tip of a tube represents a sampling approach that provides an indefinitely renewable surface and uses very little reagent. Sample gas flows past the droplet at a low flow rate. After the gas was sampled , the analysis can be carried out by different methodologies. The feasibility of the sensor is demonstrated by continuos determination of gaseous as: NO2, Cl2 and SO2.