977 resultados para methyl 8 hydroxy 2,2 dimethyl 2h 1 chromene 6 carboxylate
in this issue...Annie Anderson, Hecla MIne, F. A. Thomson, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Sigma RHO, Mines football, Montana State University
In this issue...United Nations meeting, Newman Club, Sylvia White, Veteran's Day, Glee Club, Montana Power Company, Harvest Festival Dance, Joe Knuckey's Melody Makers
In this issue...Anaconda Scholarships, homecoming, David Rovig, Berkeley Pit, National Reactor Testing Station, Anaconda Company, Wesley Club, Star Lanes Bowling
The SnCl2-mediated reduction of nitro groups in 2-nitro-4-(2-nitro-benzylidene)-alkanoates and 4-nitro-2-(2-nitro-alkylidene)-alkanoates afforded via SN2′ reaction of ethyl nitroacetate and nitroethane with the acetyl derivatives of Baylis-Hillman adducts afforded by 2-nitro-substituted benzaldehydes leads to facile synthesis of substituted 1H-1-benzazepine and 3H-1-benzazepine. During the study an unprecedented rearrangement of 2-alkoxycarbonyl-1H-benzazepine to substituted isoquinoline has been observed.
Paraneoplastic pemphigus (PNP) shows autoantibodies mainly to plakin and desmosomal cadherin family proteins. We have recently identified alpha-2-macroglobulin-like-1 (A2ML1), a broad range protease inhibitor, as a unique PNP antigen. In this study, we tested a large number of PNP sera by various methods. Forty (69.0%) of 58 PNP sera recognized A2ML1 recombinant protein expressed in COS7 cells by immunofluorescence (IF) and/or immunoprecipitation (IP)/immunoblotting (IB). IP/IB showed higher sensitivity than IF. In addition, 22 (37.9%) PNP sera reacted with A2ML1 by IB of cultured normal human keratinocytes (NHKs) under non-reducing conditions. Statistical analyses using various clinical and immunological data showed that the presence of anti-A2ML1 autoantibodies was associated with early disease onset and absence of ocular lesions. Next, to investigate the pathogenic role of anti-A2ML1 antibody, we performed additional functional studies. Addition of anti-A2ML1 polyclonal antibody to culture media decreased NHK cell adhesion examined by dissociation assay, and increased plasmin activity detected by casein zymography, suggesting that anti-A2ML1 antibody may decrease NHK cell adhesion through plasmin activation by inhibition of A2ML1. This study demonstrates that autoantibodies to A2ML1 are frequently and specifically detected and may have a pathogenic role in PNP.
Salmonella typhimurium can colonize the gut, invade intestinal tissues, and cause enterocolitis. In vitro studies suggest different mechanisms leading to mucosal inflammation, including 1) direct modulation of proinflammatory signaling by bacterial type III effector proteins and 2) disruption or penetration of the intestinal epithelium so that penetrating bacteria or bacterial products can trigger innate immunity (i.e., TLR signaling). We studied these mechanisms in vivo using streptomycin-pretreated wild-type and knockout mice including MyD88(-/-) animals lacking an adaptor molecule required for signaling via most TLRs. The Salmonella SPI-1 and the SPI-2 type III secretion systems (TTSS) contributed to inflammation. Mutants that retain only a functional SPI-1 (M556; sseD::aphT) or a SPI-2 TTSS (SB161; DeltainvG) caused attenuated colitis, which reflected distinct aspects of the colitis caused by wild-type S. typhimurium: M556 caused diffuse cecal inflammation that did not require MyD88 signaling. In contrast, SB161 induced focal mucosal inflammation requiring MyD88. M556 but not SB161 was found in intestinal epithelial cells. In the lamina propria, M556 and SB161 appeared to reside in different leukocyte cell populations as indicated by differential CD11c staining. Only the SPI-2-dependent inflammatory pathway required aroA-dependent intracellular growth. Thus, S. typhimurium can use two independent mechanisms to elicit colitis in vivo: SPI-1-dependent and MyD88-independent signaling to epithelial cells and SPI-2-dependent intracellular proliferation in the lamina propria triggering MyD88-dependent innate immune responses.