932 resultados para message passing
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS
Every day, a substantial proportion of the general population experiences the distressing and frightening signs of an upcoming psychiatric illness. The consequences can be enormous because severe psychiatric disorders typically cause the loss of the ability to work and often mean a long-term burden for both the patients and their families. Even though most developed countries have an exceptionally high density of general practitioners and psychiatrists in private practice, getting a mental health appointment and seeing a doctor is often very difficult for patients with acute psychiatric symptoms. This study aimed at quantifying the time delay involved in seeking medical attendance when psychiatric disorders begin to develop.
Mechanical thrombectomy is increasingly applied during the treatment of acute stroke. Various devices have been advocated with different sites of force effect at the thrombus. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the angiographic route of passing systematically and therefore to assess the site of deployment of mechanical devices in correlation to the thrombus in interventional stroke treatment. Twenty-one consecutive patients with endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke with 26 passing procedures were evaluated prospectively. Occlusion site was the M1-segment in 17 cases (65.4%), ICA termination in five cases (19.2%), M2-segment in two cases (7.7%), the A2-segment in one case (3.8%) and basilar artery in one case (3.8%). On angiographic images the microwire and microcatheter passage was evaluated by illustrating the entry point and course across the occlusion site in relation to the thrombus in different projections and in correlation to the recanalisation result. Results were correlated to the origin of the thrombi according to the TOAST criteria. In all cases the point of entry to the occlusion site was delineated laterally to the thrombus in at least one projection. The course of the wire across the occluded segment in relation to the thrombus was found to be laterally in 22 procedures (84.6%). In the majority of M1-occlusions (12/17, 70.6%) the passage was found in the cranial aspect of the thrombus. In four procedures (15.4%) angiograms in different projections did not unequivocally confirm a passage laterally to the thrombus. The route of passing the thrombus was independent of thrombus origin according to the TOAST criteria. In the majority of cases the complete route of passing the occlusion site was visualized angiographically. Entrance of the microwire and microcatheter at proximal surface of the thrombus takes place laterally to the thrombus and accordingly the passage takes place between the thrombus and the vessel wall independent of thrombus origin. A penetration of the thrombus was not observed. This route of passing has implications on deployment and transmission of force in relation to the thrombus in mechanical approaches and consequently on the development of retrieval devices.
To improve health and reduce costs, we need to encourage patients to make better healthcare decisions. Many informatics interventions are aimed at improving health outcomes by influencing patient behavior. However, we know little about how the content of a message in these interventions can influence a health-related decision. In this research we formulate a conceptual model to help explain and guide the design of “persuasive messages”, those which can change and influence patient behavior. We apply the conceptual model to design persuasive appointment reminder messages using humancentered design principles. Finally, we empirically test our hypotheses in a randomized controlled trial in order to determine the effectiveness of persuasive appointment reminders to reduce the number of missed appointments in a sample of 1016 subjects in a community health center. The results of the study confirm that reminder messages are effective in reducing missed appointment compared with no reminders (p=0.028). Further, reminder messages that incorporate heuristic cues such as authority, commitment, liking, and scarcity are more effective than reminder messages without such cues (p=0.006). However, the addition of systematic arguments or reasons for attending appointments have no effect on appointment adherence (p=0.646). The results of this research suggest that the content of reminder messages may be an important factor in helping to reduce missed appointments.
by Moses Buttenwieser
Population growth is always increasing, and thus the concept of smart and cognitive cities is becoming more important. Developed countries are aware of and working towards needed changes in city management. However, emerging countries require the optimization of their own city management. This chapter illustrates, based on a use case, how a city in an emerging country can quickly progress using the concept of smart and cognitive cities. Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is chosen for the test case. More than half of the population of Nairobi lives in slums with poor sanitation, and many slum inhabitants often share a single toilet, so the proper functioning and reliable maintenance of toilets are crucial. For this purpose, an approach for processing text messages based on cognitive computing (using soft computing methods) is introduced. Slum inhabitants can inform the responsible center via text messages in cases when toilets are not functioning properly. Through cognitive computer systems, the responsible center can fix the problem in a quick and efficient way by sending repair workers to the area. Focusing on the slum of Kibera, an easy-to-handle approach for slum inhabitants is presented, which can make the city more efficient, sustainable and resilient (i.e., cognitive).
Introduction: According to the ecological view, coordination establishes byvirtueof social context. Affordances thought of as situational opportunities to interact are assumed to represent the guiding principles underlying decisions involved in interpersonal coordination. It’s generally agreed that affordances are not an objective part of the (social) environment but that they depend on the constructive perception of involved subjects. Theory and empirical data hold that cognitive operations enabling domain-specific efficacy beliefs are involved in the perception of affordances. The aim of the present study was to test the effects of these cognitive concepts in the subjective construction of local affordances and their influence on decision making in football. Methods: 71 football players (M = 24.3 years, SD = 3.3, 21 % women) from different divisions participated in the study. Participants were presented scenarios of offensive game situations. They were asked to take the perspective of the person on the ball and to indicate where they would pass the ball from within each situation. The participants stated their decisions in two conditions with different game score (1:0 vs. 0:1). The playing fields of all scenarios were then divided into ten zones. For each zone, participants were asked to rate their confidence in being able to pass the ball there (self-efficacy), the likelihood of the group staying in ball possession if the ball were passed into the zone (group-efficacy I), the likelihood of the ball being covered safely by a team member (pass control / group-efficacy II), and whether a pass would establish a better initial position to attack the opponents’ goal (offensive convenience). Answers were reported on visual analog scales ranging from 1 to 10. Data were analyzed specifying general linear models for binomially distributed data (Mplus). Maximum likelihood with non-normality robust standard errors was chosen to estimate parameters. Results: Analyses showed that zone- and domain-specific efficacy beliefs significantly affected passing decisions. Because of collinearity with self-efficacy and group-efficacy I, group-efficacy II was excluded from the models to ease interpretation of the results. Generally, zones with high values in the subjective ratings had a higher probability to be chosen as passing destination (βself-efficacy = 0.133, p < .001, OR = 1.142; βgroup-efficacy I = 0.128, p < .001, OR = 1.137; βoffensive convenience = 0.057, p < .01, OR = 1.059). There were, however, characteristic differences in the two score conditions. While group-efficacy I was the only significant predictor in condition 1 (βgroup-efficacy I = 0.379, p < .001), only self-efficacy and offensive convenience contributed to passing decisions in condition 2 (βself-efficacy = 0.135, p < .01; βoffensive convenience = 0.120, p < .001). Discussion: The results indicate that subjectively distinct attributes projected to playfield zones affect passing decisions. The study proposes a probabilistic alternative to Lewin’s (1951) hodological and deterministic field theory and enables insight into how dimensions of the psychological landscape afford passing behavior. Being part of a team, this psychological landscape is not only constituted by probabilities that refer to the potential and consequences of individual behavior, but also to that of the group system of which individuals are part of. Hence, in regulating action decisions in group settings, informers are extended to aspects referring to the group-level. References: Lewin, K. (1951). In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Field theory in social sciences: Selected theoretical papers by Kurt Lewin. New York: Harper & Brothers.
In this paper, vehicle-track interaction for a new slab track design, conceived to reduce noise and vibration levels has been analyzed, assessing the derailment risk for trains running on curved track when encountering a broken rail. Two different types of rail fastening systems with different elasticities have been analysed and compared. Numerical methods were used in order to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the train-track interaction. Multibody system (MBS) modelling techniques were combined with techniques based on the finite element method (FEM). MBS modelling was used for modelling the vehicle and FEM for simulating the elastic track. The simulation model was validated by comparing simulated results to experimental data obtained in field testing. During the simulations various safety indices, characteristic of derailment risk, were analysed. The simulations realised at the maximum running velocity of 110 km/h showed a similar behaviour for several track types. When reducing the running speed, the safety indices worsened for both cases. Although the worst behaviour was observed for the track with a greater elasticity, in none of the simulations did a derailment occur when running over the broken rail.
Vehicle–track interaction for a new resilient slab track designed to reduce noise and vibration levels was analysed, in order to assess the derailment risk on a curved track when encountering a broken rail. Sensitivity of the rail support spacing of the relative position of the rail breakage between two adjacent rail supports and of running speed were analysed for two different elasticities of the rail fastening system. In none of the cases analysed was observed an appreciable difference between either of the elastic systems. As was expected, the most unfavourable situations were those with greater rail support spacing and those with greater distance from the breakage to the nearest rail support, although in none of the simulations performed did a derailment occur when running over the broken rail. When varying the running speed, the most favourable condition was obtained for an intermediate speed, due to the superposition of two antagonistic effects.
The paper resumes the results obtained applying various implementations of the direct boundary element method (BEM) to the solution of the Laplace Equation governing the potential flow problem during everyday service manoeuvres of high-speed trains. In particular the results of train passing events at three different speed combinations are presented. Some recommendations are given in order to reduce calculation times which as is demonstrated can be cut down to not exceed reasonable limits even when using nowadays office PCs. Thus the method is shown to be a very valuable tool for the design engineer.
In traditional nomadic societies, social life was created around mobile points rekindled in different places each time. After the settled urbanization period, where social life centred on fixed attractions, we are opening a new era, where thanks to technology, we are able to create meeting points on the fly. Contemporary public space for passer-by users will be again based on traces instead of lines, reflecting current reality far more accurately.