897 resultados para low carbon steel


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Density reduction of automotive steels is needed to reduce fuel consumption, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Aluminum addition has been found to be effective in making steels lighter. Such an addition does not change the crystal structure of the material. Steels modified with aluminum possess higher strength with very little compromise in ductility. In this work, different compositions of Fe-Al systems have been studied so that the desired properties of the material remain within the limit. A density reduction of approximately 10% has been achieved. The specific strength of optimal Fe-Al alloys is higher than conventional steels such as ultra-low-carbon steels.


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Investigations made by the authors and collaborators into the microstructural aspects of adiabatic shear localization are critically reviewed. The materials analyzed are low-carbon steels, 304 stainless steel, monocrystalline Fe-Ni-Cr, Ti and its alloys, Al-Li alloys, Zircaloy, copper, and Al/SiCp composites. The principal findings are the following: (a) there is a strain-rate-dependent critical strain for the development of shear bands; (b) deformed bands and white-etching bands correspond to different stages of deformation; (c) different slip activities occur in different stages of band development; (d) grain refinement and amorphization occur in shear bands; (e) loss of stress-carrying capability is more closely associated with microdefects rather than with localization of strain; (f) both crystalline rotation and slip play important roles; and (g) band development and band structures are material dependent. Additionally, avenues for new research directions are suggested.


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The fracture toughness and interfacial adhesion properties of a coating on its substrate are considered to be crucial intrinsic parameters determining performance and reliability of coating-substrate system. In this work, the fracture toughness and interfacial shear strength of a hard and brittle Cr coating on a normal medium carbon steel substrate were investigated by means of a tensile test. The normal medium carbon steel substrate electroplated with a hard and brittle Cr coating was quasi-statically stretched to induce an array of parallel cracks in the coating. An optical microscope was used to observe the cracking of the coating and the interfacial decohesion between the coating and the substrate during the loading. It was found that the cracking of the coating initiated at critical strain, and then the number of the cracks of the coating per unit axial distance increased with the increase in the tensile strain. At another critical strain, the number of the cracks of the coating became saturated, i.e. the number of cracks per unit axial distance became a constant after this critical strain. Based on the experiment result, the fracture toughness of the brittle coating can be determined using a mechanical model. Interestingly, even when the whole specimen fractured completely under an extreme strain of the substrate, the interfacial decohesion or buckling of the coating on its substrate was completely absent. The test result is different from that appeared in the literature though the identical test method and the brittle coating/ductile metal substrate system are taken. It was found that this difference can be attributed to an important mechanism that the Cr coating on the steel substrate has a good adhesion, and the ultimate interfacial shear strength between the Cr coating and the steel substrate has exceeded the maximum shear flow strength level of the steel substrate. This result also indicates that the maximum shear flow strength level of the ductile steel substrate can be only taken as a lower bound estimate on the ultimate shear strength of the interface. This estimation of the ultimate interfacial shear strength is consistent with the theoretical analysis and prediction presented in the literature.


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Nesse trabalho foram realizados experimentos para determinar as tensões residuais introduzidas no Aço A36, que é uma liga de baixo carbono e que é muito utilizado em vários setores da produção industrial, quando esta é submetida à soldagem do tipo MIG (Metal Gas Inert). A escolha desse tipo de soldagem foi para manter constantes os parâmetros que pudessem influenciar nos resultados. Nessa análise foi verificada a distribuição das tensões residuais na zona termicamente afetada, a distribuição da tensão em relação a profundidade. Para isso usamos uma remoção eletrolítica e um corte transversal pelo processo de eletroerosão. Nesse trabalho foi usado o método do sen2, devido a sua facilidade para a análise dos dados do Programa PSD. O resultado das mediadas realizadas na região do cordão de solda, zona termicamente afetada (ZTA) e metal base próxima da ZTA, mostrou uma variação da distribuição da tensão em relação à profundidade do material e na distância do ponto de soldagem. No ponto de soldagem um aumento da tensão em relação à profundidade do material. Os fatores que influenciaram na introdução dessas tensões no processo de soldagem, foram causados pelo gradiente de temperatura, pelo resfriamento heterogêneo do material e também pelo resfriamento rápido da superfície


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Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da modelagem de experimentos aplicados a um processo industrial de tratamento térmico. A motivação deste trabalho surgiu diante das dificuldades associadas aos processos de recozimento industrial de aços do tipo baixa liga, na tentativa de encontrar temperaturas nas quais as durezas superficiais dos aços atingissem valores suficientemente baixos, adequados para etapas posteriores de fabricação, em especial a usinagem. Inicialmente forem realizados diversos experimentos com diferentes aços, onde a dureza superficial é obtida em função da temperatura de recozimento e dos teores de carbono e silício das amostras utilizadas. Em seguida propôs-se um modelo quadrático para modelar a dureza superficial como função dessas três variáveis. A estimação de parâmetros do modelo proposto foi realizada com o emprego do algoritmo Simulated Annealing, uma meta-heurística para otimização global que procura imitar o processo de recozimento de um material sólido. Finalmente, usando-se o modelo proposto, foi resolvido o chamado problema inverso, o qual consiste na estimação da temperatura de recozimento em função dos teores de carbono e silício e da dureza desejada.


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade o estudo da resistência à pressão hidrostática do reparo realizado com chapa de aço de baixo carbono, colada com adesivo estrutural à base de epóxi em tubulações de aço com furo. Tubulações de parede fina, sob pressão interna, a tensão na direção longitudinal é a metade da tensão circunferencial do tubo, deste modo, o fator de forma da área do reparo, ou seja, a variação das dimensões da chapa nas direções longitudinal e circunferencial do tubo foi investigado. A influência da força de falha do reparo, quando varia-se a dimensão da chapa nas direções citadas, foram analisadas estatisticamente utilizando-se um planejamento fatorial de experimentos. Altos valores de resistência hidrostática do reparo foram encontrados (em torno de 240 bar) quando comparados com as pressões normais de trabalho (em torno de 70 bar) de uma tubulação similar as utilizadas nos testes. Os resultados da pressão de falha do reparo dos 10 grupos analisados apresentaram desvios padrão pequenos, menor que 12 %, demonstrando a eficiência dos procedimentos adotados na confecção do reparo. Os estudos demonstram a não existência de um fator de forma na resistência do reparo devido a variação nas dimensões da chapa nas direções longitudinal e circunferencial do tubo bem como a alta influência na resistência do reparo quando aumenta a área da chapa. Os resultados apontam para o desenvolvimento de um novo procedimento de reparo de contingência.


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Sistemas deslizantes com interface formada com aços baixa liga e polímeros variados são vastamente utilizados na indústria automotiva em sistemas de transmissão de torque submetidas à carregamento axial. Geralmente esses sistemas são acoplados aos sistemas de direção e interagem quase diretamente com o usuário final do veículo. Para conhecer as condições de desgaste mais severas as quais esses sistemas são submetidos e tentar minimiza-las, foi proposta a análise tribológica, em tribômetro do tipo pino-no-disco, da interface aço SAE 1020 com poliamida 11 em água destilada, solução aquosa com 5% em massa de cloreto de sódio e solução aquosa com 184,21 g/l. de areia natural, de acordo com as normas técnicas automotivas VW PV1210:2010-02 e VW PV2982:2013-07. Os ensaios foram realizados em frequências de 3,0 Hz e 1,5 Hz com quantidade fixada em 10.000 ciclos de rotação. O potencial de corrosão em circuito aberto foi monitorado ao longo dos ensaios e a taxa de desgaste foi calculada. Foram evidenciados maiores coeficientes de atrito, maiores taxas de desgaste e maiores amplitudes de potencial de corrosão nas amostras ensaiadas em solução de areia; com valores mais brandos para as amostras ensaiadas em água destilada e valores intermediários para as amostras ensaiadas em solução de cloreto de sódio.


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This paper describes the effects of abrasive hardness and size on the 2-body abrasive wear mechanisms of a boronized low alloy steel. It is found that the wear resistance of the boronized steel is much greater against alumina abrasive than against silicon carbide. This difference in wear resistance is much enhanced when the particle size or the applied load is increased. Scanning electron microscopy of the worn specimens and of the used abrasive papers revealed that the enhanced difference in wear resistance between coarse alumina and silicon carbide papers is due to a change in the wear mechanism produced by silicon carbide papers with increasing abrasive particle size.


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Stellite 6® powders were deposited on carbon steel using Supersonic Laser Deposition. The microstructure and performance of the coatings were examined using SEM, optical microscopy, EDS, XRD, microhardness testing and pin-on-disc wear testing. The results showed that the microstructure and wear behaviour of the most successful SLD deposition conditions with N2 at a pressure of 30bar, a temperature of 450°C and a deposition power of 1.5kW were compared with that of optimised laser cladding. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Portland cement (PC) is the most widely used binder for ground improvement. However, there are significant environmental impacts associated with its production in terms of high energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Hence, the use of industrial by-products materials or new low-carbon footprint alternative cements has been encouraged. Ground granulated blastfurnace slag (GGBS), a by-product of the steel industry, has been successfully used for such an application, usually activated with an alkali such as lime or PC. In this study the use of MgO as a novel activator for GGBS in ground improvement of soft soils is addressed and its performance was compared to the above two conventional activators as well as PC alone. The GGBS:activator ratio used in this study was 9:1. A range of tests was performed at three curing periods (7, 28 and 90 days), including unconfined compressive strength (UCS), permeability and microstructure analysis. The results show that the MgO performed as the most efficient activator yielding the highest strength and the lowest permeability indicating a very high stabilisation efficiency of the system. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) polymer composites are envisioned as the next-generation composite materials for a wide range of applications. In this work, we investigate the erosive wear behavior of epoxy matrix composites reinforced with both randomly dispersed and aligned carbon nanotube (CNT) arrays. The aligned CNT composites are prepared in two different configurations, where the sidewalls and ends of nanotubes are exposed to the composite surface. Results have shown that the composite with vertically aligned CNT-arrays exhibits superior erosive wear resistance compared to any of the other types of composites, and the erosion rate reaches a similar performance level to that of carbon steel at 20° impingement angle. The erosive wear mechanism of this type of composite, at various impingement angles, is studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). We report that the erosive wear performance shows strong dependence on the alignment geometries of CNTs within the epoxy matrix under identical nanotube loading fractions. Correlations between the eroded surface roughness and the erosion rates of the CNT composites are studied by surface profilometry. This work demonstrates methods to fabricate CNT based polymer composites with high loading fractions of the filler, alignment control of nanotubes and optimized erosive wear properties. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The high cycle and Very-High-Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) properties of a structural steel with smooth and notched specimens were studied by employing a rotary bending machine with frequency of 52.5 Hz. For smooth specimens, VHCF failure did occur at fatigue cycles of 7.1 x 10(8) with the related S-N curve of stepwise tendency. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used for the observations of the fracture surfaces It shows that for smooth specimens the crack origination is surface mode in the failure regime of less than 10(7) cycles While at VHCF regime, the material failed from the nonmetallic inclusion lies in the interior of material, leading to the formation of fisheye pattern. The dimensions of crack initiation region were measured and discussed with respect to the number of cycles to failure. The mechanism analysis by means of low temperature fracture technique shows that the nonmetallic inclusion in the interior of specimen tends to debond from surrounding matrix and form a crack. The crack propagates and results to the final failure. The stress intensity factor and fatigue strength were calculated to investigate the crack initiation properties. VHCF study on the notched specimens shows that the obtained S-N curve decreases continuously. SEM analysis reveals that multiple crack origins are dominant on specimen surface and that fatigue crack tends to initiate from the surface of the specimen. Based on the fatigue tests and observations, a model of crack initiation was used to describe the transition of fatigue initiation site from subsurface to surface for smooth and notched specimens. The model reveals the influences of load, grain size, inclusion size and surface notch on the crack initiation transition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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A newly synthesized benzoic-triazole derivative 3,5-dimethylbenzoic acid [1,2,4]triazol-l-ylmethyl ester (DBT) was investigated as a corrosion inhibitor of mild steel in 1 M HCl solution using weight loss measurements, potentiodynamic polarization, SEM, and EIS methods. The results revealed that DBT was an excellent inhibitor, and the inhibition efficiencies obtained from weight loss and electrochemical experiments were in good agreement. Using the potentiodynamic polarization technique, the inhibitor was proved to have a mixed-type character for mild steel by suppressing both anodic and cathodic reactions on the metal surface. The number of water molecules (X) replaced by a molecule of organic adsorbate was determined from the Flory-Huggins, Dhar-Flory-Huggins, and Bockris-Swinkels substitutional adsorption isotherms applied to the data obtained from the gravimetric experiments performed on a mild steel specimen in 1 M HCl solution at 298 K.


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Research on corrosion of steel structures in various marine environments is essential to assure the safety of structures and can effectively prolong their service life. In order to provide data for anticorrosion design of oil exploitation structures in the Bohai Bay, the corrosion behaviour and properties of steel in beach soil, using typical steel samples (Q235A carbon steel and API 5Lx52 pipeline steel) buried 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m deep under typical beach soils in Tanggu, Yangjiaogou, Xingcheng, Yingkou and Chengdao for 1-2 years were studied. The carbon steel and pipeline steel were both corroded severely in the beach soil, with the form of corrosion being mainly uniform with some localised attack (pitting corrosion). The corrosion rate of the carbon steel was up to 0.16 mm/year with a maximum penetration depth of 0.76 mm and that of the pipeline steel was up to 0.14 mm/year, with a maximum penetration depth of 0.53 mm. Compared with carbon steel, the pipeline steel generally had better corrosion resistance in most test beach soils. The corrosion rates and the maximum corrosion depths of carbon steel and pipeline steel were in the order: Tanggu>Xingcheng>Chengdao>Yingkou>Yangjiaogou with corrosion altering with depth of burial. The corrosion of steel in the beach soil involves a mixed mechanism with different degrees of soil aeration and microbial activity present. It is concluded that long term in situ plate laying experiments must be carried out to obtain data on steel corrosion in this beach soil environment so that the effective protection measures can be implemented.