348 resultados para logit


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Health departments, research institutions, policy-makers, and healthcare providers are often interested in knowing the health status of their clients/constituents. Without the resources, financially or administratively, to go out into the community and conduct health assessments directly, these entities frequently rely on data from population-based surveys to supply the information they need. Unfortunately, these surveys are ill-equipped for the job due to sample size and privacy concerns. Small area estimation (SAE) techniques have excellent potential in such circumstances, but have been underutilized in public health due to lack of awareness and confidence in applying its methods. The goal of this research is to make model-based SAE accessible to a broad readership using clear, example-based learning. Specifically, we applied the principles of multilevel, unit-level SAE to describe the geographic distribution of HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas.^ Multilevel (3 level: individual, county, public health region) random-intercept logit models of HPV vaccination (receipt of ≥ 1 dose Gardasil® ) were fit to data from the 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (outcome and level 1 covariates) and a number of secondary sources (group-level covariates). Sampling weights were scaled (level 1) or constructed (levels 2 & 3), and incorporated at every level. Using the regression coefficients (and standard errors) from the final models, I simulated 10,000 datasets for each regression coefficient from the normal distribution and applied them to the logit model to estimate HPV vaccine coverage in each county and respective demographic subgroup. For simplicity, I only provide coverage estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) for counties.^ County-level coverage among females aged 11-17 varied from 6.8-29.0%. For females aged 18-26, coverage varied from 1.9%-23.8%. Aggregated to the state level, these values translate to indirect state estimates of 15.5% and 11.4%, respectively; both of which fall within the confidence intervals for the direct estimates of HPV vaccine coverage in Texas (Females 11-17: 17.7%, 95% CI: 13.6, 21.9; Females 18-26: 12.0%, 95% CI: 6.2, 17.7).^ Small area estimation has great potential for informing policy, program development and evaluation, and the provision of health services. Harnessing the flexibility of multilevel, unit-level SAE to estimate HPV vaccine coverage among females aged 11-26 in Texas counties, I have provided (1) practical guidance on how to conceptualize and conduct modelbased SAE, (2) a robust framework that can be applied to other health outcomes or geographic levels of aggregation, and (3) HPV vaccine coverage data that may inform the development of health education programs, the provision of health services, the planning of additional research studies, and the creation of local health policies.^


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Purpose of the Study: This study evaluated the prevalence of periodontal disease between Mexican American elderly and European American elderly residing in three socio-economically distinct neighborhoods in San Antonio, Texas. ^ Study Group: Subjects for the original protocol were participants of the Oral Health: San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging (OH: SALSA), which began with National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding in 1993 (M.J. Saunders, PI). The cohort in the study was the individuals who had been enrolled in Phases I and III of the San Antonio Heart Study (SAHS). This SAHS/SALSA sample is a community-based probability sample of Mexican American and European American residents from three socio-economically distinct San Antonio neighborhoods: low-income barrio, middle-income transitional, and upper-income suburban. The OH: SALSA cohort was established between July 1993 and May 1998 by sampling two subsets of the San Antonio Heart Study (SAHS) cohort. These subsets included the San Antonio Longitudinal Study of Aging (SALSA) cohort, comprised of the oldest members of the SAHS (age 65+ yrs. old), and a younger set of controls (age 35-64 yrs. old) sampled from the remainder of the SAHS cohort. ^ Methods: The study used simple descriptive statistics to describe the sociodemographic characteristics and periodontal disease indicators of the OH: SALSA participants. Means and standard deviations were used to summarize continuous measures. Proportions were used to summarize categorical measures. Simple m x n chi square statistics was used to compare ethnic differences. A multivariable ordered logit regression was used to estimate the prevalence of periodontal disease and test ethnic group and neighborhood differences in the prevalence of periodontal disease. A multivariable model adjustment for socio-economic status (income and education), gender, and age (treated as confounders) was applied. ^ Summary: In the unadjusted and adjusted model, Mexican American elderly demonstrated the greatest prevalence for periodontitis, p < 0.05. Mexican American elderly in barrio neighborhoods demonstrated the greatest prevalence for severe periodontitis, with unadjusted prevalence rates of 31.7%, 22.3%, and 22.4% for Mexican American elderly barrio, transitional, and suburban neighborhoods, respectively. Also, Mexican American elderly had adjusted prevalence rates of 29.4%, 23.7%, and 20.4% for barrio, transitional, and suburban neighborhoods, respectively. ^ Conclusion: This study indicates that the prevalence of periodontal disease is an important oral health issue among the Mexican American elderly. The results suggest that the socioeconomic status of the residential neighborhood increased the risk for severe periodontal disease among the Mexican American elderly when compared to European American elderly. A viable approach to recognizing oral health disparities in our growing population of Mexican American elderly is imperative for the provision of special care programs that will help increase the quality of care in this minority population.^


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Cryoablation for small renal tumors has demonstrated sufficient clinical efficacy over the past decade as a non-surgical nephron-sparing approach for treating renal masses for patients who are not surgical candidates. Minimally invasive percutaneous cryoablations have been performed with image guidance from CT, ultrasound, and MRI. During the MRI-guided cryoablation procedure, the interventional radiologist visually compares the iceball size on monitoring images with respect to the original tumor on separate planning images. The comparisons made during the monitoring step are time consuming, inefficient and sometimes lack the precision needed for decision making, requiring the radiologist to make further changes later in the procedure. This study sought to mitigate uncertainty in these visual comparisons by quantifying tissue response to cryoablation and providing visualization of the response during the procedure. Based on retrospective analysis of MR-guided cryoablation patient data, registration and segmentation algorithms were investigated and implemented for periprocedural visualization to deliver iceball position/size with respect to planning images registered within 3.3mm with at least 70% overlap and a quantitative logit model was developed to relate perfusion deficit in renal parenchyma visualized in verification images as a result of iceball size visualized in monitoring images. Through retrospective study of 20 patient cases, the relationship between likelihood of perfusion loss in renal parenchyma and distance within iceball was quantified and iteratively fit to a logit curve. Using the parameters from the logit fit, the margin for 95% perfusion loss likelihood was found to be 4.28 mm within the iceball. The observed margin corresponds well with the clinically accepted margin of 3-5mm within the iceball. In order to display the iceball position and perfusion loss likelihood to the radiologist, algorithms were implemented to create a fast segmentation and registration module which executed in under 2 minutes, within the clinically-relevant 3 minute monitoring period. Using 16 patient cases, the average Hausdorff distance was reduced from 10.1mm to 3.21 mm with average DSC increased from 46.6% to 82.6% before and after registration.


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This study analyzes there lative importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation).


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En el español rioplatense, la aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica es la norma (Terrell 1978), mientras que el debilitamiento en final de palabra ante vocal o pausa parece estar estigmatizado (Fontanella 1973; Barrios 2002). Los hablantes de este dialecto, sin embargo, tienen en principio la capacidad de controlar la tasa de debilitamiento para acercarse a diferentes normas de pronunciación, en especial en contextos de carácter formal como la interpretación de una canción. La principal hipótesis de este trabajo es que, ante una situación como esa, es esperable hallar una variación en la tasa de aspiración según cuál sea el género musical interpretado, lo cual se enlaza con resultados de estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la música popular (Trudgill 1983; Simpson 1999). En nuestro caso, el análisis se lleva a cabo sobre un corpus de 17 canciones agrupadas en dos géneros (tango y rock), y gira en torno a la figura del cantante y compositor Andrés Calamaro. El número total de realizaciones de /s/ preconsonántica relevados asciende a 701, de los cuales 393 corresponden a grabaciones de tango y 308 a grabaciones de rock. Para cada género, comparamos la tasa de aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica en las interpretaciones de Calamaro con las mismas canciones cantadas por diversos intérpretes (tanto de tango como de rock). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la transcripción fonética fueron sometidos a un análisis de regresión múltiple (modelo logit), el cual reveló que las variables 'género' e 'intérprete' predicen significativamente controlar por factores de carácter fonético (punto y modo de articulación de la consonante siguiente, acentuación de la sílaba en la cual aparece la /s/ implosiva), posicional (/s/ intermedia o final de palabra) y gramatical (/s/ como marca verbal o de plural), y son también reinterpretados utilizando la lógica del modelo de reglas variables (varbrul). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la /s/ preconsonántica es aspirada significativamente más en el tango que en el rock. También se verifica que, al interpretar tangos, Andrés Calamaro aspira significativamente menos dicho sonido que los cantantes que grabaron las versiones originales analizadas. Sin embargo, el propio Calamaro utiliza de manera significativamente más frecuente la aspiración cuando interpreta tangos que cuando interpreta canciones de rock. En conclusión, los resultados parecen respaldar la teoría de que los cantantes se acercan a una pronunciación más local cuando interpretan un género vernáculo (tango) y a una norma pan-hispánica cuando interpretan un género de carácter internacional (rock)


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En el español rioplatense, la aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica es la norma (Terrell 1978), mientras que el debilitamiento en final de palabra ante vocal o pausa parece estar estigmatizado (Fontanella 1973; Barrios 2002). Los hablantes de este dialecto, sin embargo, tienen en principio la capacidad de controlar la tasa de debilitamiento para acercarse a diferentes normas de pronunciación, en especial en contextos de carácter formal como la interpretación de una canción. La principal hipótesis de este trabajo es que, ante una situación como esa, es esperable hallar una variación en la tasa de aspiración según cuál sea el género musical interpretado, lo cual se enlaza con resultados de estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la música popular (Trudgill 1983; Simpson 1999). En nuestro caso, el análisis se lleva a cabo sobre un corpus de 17 canciones agrupadas en dos géneros (tango y rock), y gira en torno a la figura del cantante y compositor Andrés Calamaro. El número total de realizaciones de /s/ preconsonántica relevados asciende a 701, de los cuales 393 corresponden a grabaciones de tango y 308 a grabaciones de rock. Para cada género, comparamos la tasa de aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica en las interpretaciones de Calamaro con las mismas canciones cantadas por diversos intérpretes (tanto de tango como de rock). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la transcripción fonética fueron sometidos a un análisis de regresión múltiple (modelo logit), el cual reveló que las variables 'género' e 'intérprete' predicen significativamente controlar por factores de carácter fonético (punto y modo de articulación de la consonante siguiente, acentuación de la sílaba en la cual aparece la /s/ implosiva), posicional (/s/ intermedia o final de palabra) y gramatical (/s/ como marca verbal o de plural), y son también reinterpretados utilizando la lógica del modelo de reglas variables (varbrul). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la /s/ preconsonántica es aspirada significativamente más en el tango que en el rock. También se verifica que, al interpretar tangos, Andrés Calamaro aspira significativamente menos dicho sonido que los cantantes que grabaron las versiones originales analizadas. Sin embargo, el propio Calamaro utiliza de manera significativamente más frecuente la aspiración cuando interpreta tangos que cuando interpreta canciones de rock. En conclusión, los resultados parecen respaldar la teoría de que los cantantes se acercan a una pronunciación más local cuando interpretan un género vernáculo (tango) y a una norma pan-hispánica cuando interpretan un género de carácter internacional (rock)


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En el español rioplatense, la aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica es la norma (Terrell 1978), mientras que el debilitamiento en final de palabra ante vocal o pausa parece estar estigmatizado (Fontanella 1973; Barrios 2002). Los hablantes de este dialecto, sin embargo, tienen en principio la capacidad de controlar la tasa de debilitamiento para acercarse a diferentes normas de pronunciación, en especial en contextos de carácter formal como la interpretación de una canción. La principal hipótesis de este trabajo es que, ante una situación como esa, es esperable hallar una variación en la tasa de aspiración según cuál sea el género musical interpretado, lo cual se enlaza con resultados de estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la música popular (Trudgill 1983; Simpson 1999). En nuestro caso, el análisis se lleva a cabo sobre un corpus de 17 canciones agrupadas en dos géneros (tango y rock), y gira en torno a la figura del cantante y compositor Andrés Calamaro. El número total de realizaciones de /s/ preconsonántica relevados asciende a 701, de los cuales 393 corresponden a grabaciones de tango y 308 a grabaciones de rock. Para cada género, comparamos la tasa de aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica en las interpretaciones de Calamaro con las mismas canciones cantadas por diversos intérpretes (tanto de tango como de rock). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la transcripción fonética fueron sometidos a un análisis de regresión múltiple (modelo logit), el cual reveló que las variables 'género' e 'intérprete' predicen significativamente controlar por factores de carácter fonético (punto y modo de articulación de la consonante siguiente, acentuación de la sílaba en la cual aparece la /s/ implosiva), posicional (/s/ intermedia o final de palabra) y gramatical (/s/ como marca verbal o de plural), y son también reinterpretados utilizando la lógica del modelo de reglas variables (varbrul). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la /s/ preconsonántica es aspirada significativamente más en el tango que en el rock. También se verifica que, al interpretar tangos, Andrés Calamaro aspira significativamente menos dicho sonido que los cantantes que grabaron las versiones originales analizadas. Sin embargo, el propio Calamaro utiliza de manera significativamente más frecuente la aspiración cuando interpreta tangos que cuando interpreta canciones de rock. En conclusión, los resultados parecen respaldar la teoría de que los cantantes se acercan a una pronunciación más local cuando interpretan un género vernáculo (tango) y a una norma pan-hispánica cuando interpretan un género de carácter internacional (rock)


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This study aims to analyze households' attitude toward flood risk in Cotonou in the sense to identify whether they are willing or not to leave the flood-prone zones. Moreover, the attitudes toward the management of wastes and dirty water are analyzed. The data used in this study were obtained from two sources: the survey implemented during March 2011 on one hundred and fifty randomly selected households living in flood-prone areas of Cotonou, and Benin Living Standard Survey of 2006 (Part relative to Cotonou on 1,586 households). Moreover, climate data were used in this study. Multinomial probability model is used for the econometric analysis of the attitude toward flood risk. While the attitudes toward the management of wastes and dirty water are analyzed through a simple logit. The results show that 55.3% of households agreed to go elsewhere while 44.7% refused [we are better-off here (10.67%), due to the proximity of the activities (19.33), the best way is to build infrastructures that will protect against flood and family house (14.67%)]. The authorities have to rethink an alternative policy to what they have been doing such as building socio-economic houses outside Cotonou and propose to the households that are living the areas prone to inundation. Moreover, access to formal education has to be reinforced.


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This paper based on a primary survey of households (2004-05) in the slum clusters of Delhi examines whether migrants are likely to experience upward mobility in their place of destination or alternatively, if they merely transfer their poverty from rural areas to large cities. First, a simple bifurcation of population in terms of poor and non-poor sub-groups is examined along with the incidence of poverty across different categories of occupations and non-workers. Then, an explanation of the variations in per capita expenditure across households is provided, and a binomial logit model (poor/non-poor) is developed identifying the variables which raise (or reduce) the probability of being non-poor (or poor). Next, an estimate of the wellbeing (deprivation) index is derived from factor analysis of a large number of variables including demographic and economic aspects of households. Empirical findings suggest that while duration of migration and the wellbeing index do not have a definite relationship, migrant households who have been in the city for a very long time have a higher wellbeing index on average than those who migrated in the last ten years. This tends to support the view that migrants do not merely transfer rural poverty to urban areas, and further that population mobility yields improvement in the living standard, if only in the very long term. Implementation of "employment-cum-shelter" support schemes in the urban areas may contribute to their wellbeing.


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Recent studies have shown that party systems in emerging democracies do not always adequately reflect the various cleavages of society. Under such circumstances, retrospective voting may play a more important role than cleavage voting in determining electoral outcomes. For studies of retrospective voting, the choice between macro and micro level as the independent variable is a major methodological issue. Using individual-level data on Turkey, this paper addresses two major questions: (1) Are voters' decisions based on household economic conditions or national economic conditions? Do sociopolitical conditions also count? (2) Does the future evaluation of the economy affect voting decisions apart from past evaluation? Logit models are used in this research to answer these questions.


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The improvement of financial intermediation functions is crucial for a robust banking system. When lending, banks have to cope with such problems as information asymmetry and adverse selection. In order to mitigate these problems, banks have to product information and improve their techniques of lending. During the 1998 financial crisis, Indonesia's banking system suffered severe damage and revealed that the country's banking intermediation functions did not work well. This paper examines the financial intermediation functions of banks in Indonesia and analyzes the importance of bank lending to firms. The focus is on medium-sized firms, and "relationship lending", one of the bank lending techniques, is used to examine financial intermediation in Indonesia. The results of logit regressions show that the relationship between a bank and a firm affects the probability of bank lending. The amount of borrowing and collateral are also affected by a firm's relationship with a bank. When viewed from the standpoint of relationship lending to medium-sized firms, Indonesian banks cannot be criticized for any malfunction of financial intermediation.


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In the present global era in which firms choose the location of their plants beyond national borders, location characteristics are important for attracting multinational enterprises (MNEs). The better access to countries with large market is clearly attractive for MNEs. For example, special treatments on tariffs such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) are beneficial for MNEs whose home country does not have such treatments. Not only such country characteristics but also region characteristics (i.e. province-level or city-level ones) matter, particularly in the case that location characteristics differ widely between a nation's regions. The existence of industrial concentration, that is, agglomeration, is a typical regional characteristic. It is with consideration of these country-level and region-level characteristics that MNEs decide their location abroad. A large number of academic studies have investigated in what kinds of countries MNEs locate, i.e. location choice analysis. Employing the usual new economic geography model (i.e. constant elasticity of substitution (CES) utility function, Dixit-Stiglitz monopolistic competition, and ice-berg trade costs), the literature derives the profit function, of which coefficients are estimated using maximum likelihood procedures. Recent studies are as follows: Head, Rise, and Swenson (1999) for Japanese MNEs in the US; Belderbos and Carree (2002) for Japanese MNEs in China; Head and Mayer (2004) for Japanese MNEs in Europe; Disdier and Mayer (2004) for French MNEs in Europe; Castellani and Zanfei (2004) for large MNEs worldwide; Mayer, Mejean, and Nefussi (2007) for French MNEs worldwide; Crozet, Mayer, and Mucchielli (2004) for MNEs in France; and Basile, Castellani, and Zanfei (2008) for MNEs in Europe. At the present time, three main topics can be found in this literature. The first introduces various location elements as independent variables. The above-mentioned new economic geography model usually yields the profit function, which is a function of market size, productive factor prices, price of intermediate goods, and trade costs. As a proxy for the price of intermediate goods, the measure of agglomeration is often used, particularly the number of manufacturing firms. Some studies employ more disaggregated numbers of manufacturing firms, such as the number of manufacturing firms with the same nationality as the firms choosing the location (e.g., Head et al., 1999; Crozet et al., 2004) or the number of firms belonging to the same firm group (e.g., Belderbos and Carree, 2002). As part of trade costs, some investment climate measures have been examined: free trade zones in the US (Head et al., 1999), special economic zones and opening coastal cities in China (Belderbos and Carree, 2002), and Objective 1 structural funds and cohesion funds in Europe (Basile et al., 2008). Second, the validity of proxy variables for location elements is further examined. Head and Mayer (2004) examine the validity of market potential on location choice. They propose the use of two measures: the Harris market potential index (Harris, 1954) and the Krugman-type index used in Redding and Venables (2004). The Harris-type index is simply the sum of distance-weighted real GDP. They employ the Krugman-type market potential index, which is directly derived from the new economic geography model, as it takes into account the extent of competition (i.e. price index) and is constructed using estimators of importing country dummy variables in the well-known gravity equation, as in Redding and Venables (2004). They find that "theory does not pay", in the sense that the Harris market potential outperforms Krugman's market potential in both the magnitude of its coefficient and the fit of the model to be estimated. The third topic explores the substitution of location by examining inclusive values in the nested-logit model. For example, using firm-level data on French investments both in France and abroad over the 1992-2002 period, Mayer et al. (2007) investigate the determinants of location choice and assess empirically whether the domestic economy has been losing attractiveness over the recent period or not. The estimated coefficient for inclusive value is strongly significant and near unity, indicating that the national economy is not different from the rest of the world in terms of substitution patterns. Similarly, Disdier and Mayer (2004) investigate whether French MNEs consider Western and Eastern Europe as two distinct groups of potential host countries by examining the coefficient for the inclusive value in nested-logit estimation. They confirm the relevance of an East-West structure in the country location decision and furthermore show that this relevance decreases over time. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the location choice of Japanese MNEs in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, and is closely related to the third topic mentioned above. By examining region-level location choice with the nested-logit model, I investigate the relative importance of not only country characteristics but also region characteristics. Such investigation is invaluable particularly in the case of location choice in those five countries: industrialization remains immature in those countries which have not yet succeeded in attracting enough MNEs, and as a result, it is expected that there are not yet crucial regional variations for MNEs within such a nation, meaning the country characteristics are still relatively important to attract MNEs. To illustrate, in the case of Cambodia and Laos, one of the crucial elements for Japanese MNEs would be that LDC preferential tariff schemes are available for exports from Cambodia and Laos. On the other hand, in the case of Thailand and Vietnam, which have accepted a relatively large number of MNEs and thus raised the extent of regional inequality, regional characteristics such as the existence of agglomeration would become important elements in location choice. Our sample countries seem, therefore, to offer rich variations for analyzing the relative importance between country characteristics and region characteristics. Our empirical strategy has a further advantage. As in the third topic in the location choice literature, the use of the nested-logit model enables us to examine substitution patterns between country-based and region-based location decisions by MNEs in the concerned countries. For example, it is possible to investigate empirically whether Japanese multinational firms consider Thailand/Vietnam and the other three countries as two distinct groups of potential host countries, by examining the inclusive value parameters in nested-logit estimation. In particular, our sample countries all experienced dramatic changes in, for example, economic growth or trade costs reduction during the sample period. Thus, we will find the dramatic dynamics of such substitution patterns. Our rigorous analysis of the relative importance between country characteristics and region characteristics is invaluable from the viewpoint of policy implications. First, while the former characteristics should be improved mainly by central government in each country, there is sometimes room for the improvement of the latter characteristics by even local governments or smaller institutions such as private agencies. Consequently, it becomes important for these smaller institutions to know just how crucial the improvement of region characteristics is for attracting foreign companies. Second, as economies grow, country characteristics become similar among countries. For example, the LCD preferential tariff schemes are available only when a country is less developed. Therefore, it is important particularly for the least developed countries to know what kinds of regional characteristics become important following economic growth; in other words, after their country characteristics become similar to those of the more developed countries. I also incorporate one important characteristic of MNEs, namely, productivity. The well-known Helpman-Melitz-Yeaple model indicates that only firms with higher productivity can afford overseas entry (Helpman et al., 2004). Beyond this argument, there may be some differences in MNEs' productivity among our sample countries and regions. Such differences are important from the viewpoint of "spillover effects" from MNEs, which are one of the most important results for host countries in accepting their entry. The spillover effects are that the presence of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) aises domestic firms' productivity through various channels such as imitation. Such positive effects might be larger in areas with more productive MNEs. Therefore, it becomes important for host countries to know how much productive firms are likely to invest in them. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 takes a brief look at the worldwide distribution of Japanese overseas affiliates. Section 3 provides an empirical model to examine their location choice, and lastly, we discuss future works to estimate our model.


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This article is distinct in its application of the logit transformation to the poverty ratio for the purpose of empirically examining whether the financial sector helps improve standards of living for low-income people. We propose the term financial permeation to describe how financial networks expand to spread money among the poor. We measure financial permeation by three indicators related to microfinance institutions (MFIs) and then examine its effect on poverty reduction at the macro level using panel data for 90 developing countries from 1995 to 2008. We find that financial permeation has a statistically significant and robust effect on decreasing the poverty ratio.


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Unlike most existing studies, this paper examines the location choices of MNEs in developing countries. Specifically, we investigate the location choices of Japanese MNEs among East Asian developing countries by estimating a four-stage nested logit model at the province level. Noteworthy results of location elements are as follows. As is consistent with the mechanics of cheap labor-seeking FDI, Japanese MNEs are more likely to invest in locations with low income and low tariff rates on products from Japan. Also, accessibility to other locations and/or ports matters in attracting Japanese MNEs because it is crucial in importing materials and exporting their products. In addition, WTO membership and bilateral investment treaties are important because these contribute to the settlement of trade and investment disputes, which is more likely to be necessary in developing countries.


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We examine transport modal decision by multinational firms to shed light on the role of freight logistics in multinational activity. Using a firm-level survey in Southeast Asia, we show that foreign ownership has a significantly positive and quantitatively large impact on the likelihood that air/sea transportation is chosen relative to truck shipping. This result is robust to the shipping distance, cross-border freight, and transport infrastructure. Both foreign-owned exporters and importers also tend to use air/sea transportation. Thus, our analysis presents a new distinction between multinational and domestic firms in their decision over transport modes.