765 resultados para life-style change
Estudo do processo comunicacional e o registro de fragmentos de memória do pequeno agricultor na localidade de Ribeirão Grande, região do Vale do Paranapanema, Estado de São Paulo. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivos mostrar a realidade do pequeno agricultor; investigar sobre os processos comunicacionais que influenciam na preservação dos valores ou na perda deles, conhecer a opinião dos pequenos agricultores e moradores do município de Ribeirão Grande no Estado de São Paulo, sobre sua realidade, sua comunicação, seu modelo de vida e de produção, entender como se produz a comunicação no dia a dia do pequeno agricultor, e se há uma relação de proximidade com o jornal regional, sobre a existência ou não de um meio de comunicação que trabalhe os sentimentos de pertencimento e os interesses da ―comunidade‖. A metodologia deste trabalho incorpora a pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e o estudo do caso de um jornal regional local, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os lavradores. Conclui-se que o pequeno lavrador e seu estilo de vida na região tratada não possui perscpectiva de futuro, imersos nas circunstancias que se encontram
One of the fascinating properties of the central nervous system is its ability to learn: the ability to alter its functional properties adaptively as a consequence of the interactions of an animal with the environment. The auditory localization pathway provides an opportunity to observe such adaptive changes and to study the cellular mechanisms that underlie them. The midbrain localization pathway creates a multimodal map of space that represents the nervous system's associations of auditory cues with locations in visual space. Various manipulations of auditory or visual experience, especially during early life, that change the relationship between auditory cues and locations in space lead to adaptive changes in auditory localization behavior and to corresponding changes in the functional and anatomical properties of this pathway. Traces of this early learning persist into adulthood, enabling adults to reacquire patterns of connectivity that were learned initially during the juvenile period.
DNA was extracted from the remains of 35 ground sloths from various parts of North and South America. Two specimens of Mylodon darwinii, a species that went extinct at the end of the last glaciation, yielded amplifiable DNA. However, of the total DNA extracted, only approximately 1/1000 originated from the sloth, whereas a substantial part of the remainder was of bacterial and fungal origin. In spite of this, > 1100 bp of sloth mitochondrial rDNA sequences could be reconstructed from short amplification products. Phylogenetic analyses using homologous sequences from all extant edentate groups suggest that Mylodon darwinii was more closely related to the two-toed than the three-toed sloths and, thus, that an arboreal life-style has evolved at least twice among sloths. The divergence of Mylodon and the two-toed sloth furthermore allows a date for the radiation of armadillos, anteaters, and sloths to be estimated. This result shows that the edentates differ from other mammalian orders in that they contain lineages that diverged before the end of the Cretaceous Period.
Background: An association between spontaneous abortions and shift work has been suggested, but present research results are conflicting. The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between spontaneous abortions among nurses, shift schedules, and nights worked. Methods: This is a longitudinal study where we identified 914 females from a cohort of nurses in Norway who had worked the same type of shift schedule 2008-2010; either permanent day shift, three-shift rotation or permanent night shift. Information on age, work and life-style factors, as well as spontaneous abortions during lifetime and the past three years (2008-2010) was obtained by annual questionnaires. Results: A higher prevalence of experienced spontaneous abortions before study start (2008) was found among nurses working permanent night shift compared to other nurses. In a linear regression analysis, a risk of 1.3 was found for experienced spontaneous abortions before study start among permanent night shift nurses, with day shift as reference, when adjusting for age, smoking, caffeine and job strain, but the finding was not statistical significant (95 per cent confidence interval 0.8-2.1). Permanent night shift workers had a risk of 1.5 experiencing spontaneous abortions in 2008-2010 compared to day shift nurses, although not statistical significant (95 per cent confidence interval 0.7-3.5). The number of night shifts the past three years was not associated with experiencing spontaneous abortions 2008-2010, but associated with a reduced risk of experiencing spontaneous abortions during lifetime. The results must be interpreted in the light of a possible selection bias; both selections into the occupation of nursing and into the different shift types of the more healthy persons may have occurred in this population. Conclusion: No significant increased risk of spontaneous abortion among permanent night shift nurses compared to day-time nurses was found in this study, and no association was found between spontaneous abortions and the number of worked night shifts.
Con anterioridad a la década de 1980, la literatura especializada en análisis y gestión del riesgo estaba dominada por la llamada visión tecnocrática o dominante. Esta visión establecía que los desastres naturales eran sucesos físicos extremos, producidos por una naturaleza caprichosa, externos a lo social y que requerían soluciones tecnológicas y de gestión por parte de expertos. Este artículo se centra en desarrollar una nueva explicación para entender la persistencia hegemónica de la visión tecnocrática basada en el concepto de incuestionabilidad del riesgo. Esta propuesta conceptual hace referencia a la incapacidad y desidia de los expertos, científicos y tomadores de decisiones en general (claimmakers) de identificar y actuar sobre las causas profundas de la producción del riesgo ya que ello conllevaría a cuestionar los imperativos normativos, las necesidades de las elites y los estilos de vida del actual sistema socioeconómico globalizado.
A doença cardiovascular constitui a causa de morte mais relevante em toda a Europa, incluindo Portugal, e é atualmente considerada como uma junção de doença arterial coronária nas suas diversas apresentações clínicas, eventos cerebrovasculares, doença arterial periférica e insuficiência cardíaca. De modo a contribuir para o estudo da importância de uma intervenção baseada numa estratégia populacional integrada na promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, a principal finalidade deste estudo consistiu em definir o perfil de risco cardiovascular tendo por base os dados de prevalência de alguns fatores de risco, numa amostra de adultos (792 de ambos os sexos), em várias regiões de Portugal Continental. Para tal foram: caraterizados os hábitos alimentares, o contexto sociodemográfico dos adultos; analisadas as correlações entre o peso, perímetro da cintura, índice de massa corporal e a pressão arterial para ambos os sexos. Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência do excesso de peso, de obesidade e das respetivas caraterísticas, como o aumento do perímetro abdominal, e do IMC, sugerindo um contínuo de risco de doença cardiovascular. Verificou-se também uma elevada prevalência de hipertensão nos sujeitos com excesso de peso, sugerindo a existência de um risco cardiovascular acrescido. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sustentam a necessidade de serem desenvolvidos planos de intervenção que contribuam para a redução do risco cardiovascular nos adultos. Palavras-chave: Estilos de vida; Hipertensão arterial; Índice de Massa Corporal; Obesidade; Risco Cardiovascular.
A procura do corpo ideal está fortemente ligada à perda de peso, sendo insistentemente abordada na comunicação social, a imagem corporal, têm conotações mais relacionadas com a moda do que com verdadeiros riscos para a saúde das pessoas. A sociedade atual cultiva a boa aparência física, "o conhecido estar em forma", associada a um ideal estético de magreza e, ao mesmo tempo, apela ao consumo de alimentos de elevada densidade calórica. Na busca do corpo ideal, as dietas de emagrecimento publicadas nas revistas poderão ser uma ajuda na concretização deste objetivo. É fácil encontrar em qualquer quiosque, papelaria ou supermercado estrategicamente colocadas, inúmeras revistas que atribuem à imagem corporal honras de primeira página. Na verdade, estas revistas não científicas divulgam dietas para todos os gostos e situações: dietas específicas para emagrecimento localizado, dietas de preparação para a praia ou para corrigir excessos cometidos em épocas festivas. Embora sabendo-se que estas “auto –dietas” constituem um dos métodos mais utilizados para a perda de peso corporal, não se sabe o número de seguidores que elas têm atualmente. Neste contexto, uma vez que a maior delas não contêm informação nutricional, é importante estar alerta para alguns problemas que podem resultar da ingestão recorrente e sem supervisão deste tipo de dietas. Neste âmbito e dada a pertinência do tema, constituiu objetivo principal do presente trabalho, a análise nutricional de dietas publicadas em revistas não científicas, destinadas ao público feminino em termos de macronutrientes e micronutrientes, sendo também considerado o número de refeições/dia e a variedade de alimentos recomendados. Assim, foram analisadas 15 dietas (497 refeições) publicadas em revistas destinadas ao público feminino, adquiridas entre o ano de 2009 e 2011. A conversão de alimentos em nutrientes foi feita através dos programas informáticos MedPoint e FatSecret. As dietas apresentaram valores energéticos totais (V.E.T.) médios diários, compreendidos entre 378,0 ± 53,8 Kcal e 2335,0 ± 135,0 Kcal. A avaliação dos macronutrientes revelou um teor proteico entre os 32,0 ± 3,6 % e os 12,0 ± 0,1% do total energético Os hidratos de carbono oscilaram entre 63,0 ± 0,1% e 43,0 ± 3,6%. Já a dieta mais rica em lípidos totais apresentava um valor médio de 32,0 ± 9,3% contra os 14,0 ± 0,1% do valor mais baixo encontrado. Nenhuma das dietas assegurava o valor recomendado de ingestão de fibra quando comparada com a dose diária recomendável (DDR). Relativamente à análise dos micronutrientes (vitamina D, vitamina E; vitamina C; vitamina B2, Ácido fólico, cálcio, fósforo, ferro, zinco), somente um tipo de dieta apresentou valores médios diários concordantes com as recomendações preconizadas. Considerando que as dietas analisadas tinham como objetivo a perda rápida de peso, estas revelaram-se maioritariamente hipocalóricas apresentando desequilíbrios e carências de determinados macronutrientes e micronutrientes que poderão, quando mantidas num período de tempo alargado ter consequências graves no desenvolvimento de carência ou outras patologias.
This systematic review discusses data on the dietary intake of preschool children living in the Mediterranean countries of the European Union, including the comparison with a Mediterranean-like diet and the association with nutritional status. Specifically, data from the multinational European Identification and Prevention on Dietary and life style induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study and national studies, such as the Estudo do Padrão Alimentar e de Crescimento Infantil (EPACI) study and Geração XXI cohort in Portugal, ALimentando la SAlud del MAñana (ALSALMA) study in Spain, Étude des Déterminants pré-et postnatals précoces du développement et de la santé de l'ENfant (EDEN) cohort in France, Nutrintake 636 study in Italy, and Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS) cohort in Greece, were analyzed. In the majority of countries, young children consumed fruit and vegetables quite frequently, but also consumed sugared beverages and snacks. High energy and high protein intakes mainly from dairy products were found in the majority of countries. The majority of children also consumed excessive sodium intake. Early high prevalence of overweight and obesity was found, and both early consumption of energy-dense foods and overweight seemed to track across toddler and preschool ages. Most children living in the analyzed countries showed low adherence to a Mediterranean-like diet, which in turn was associated with being overweight/obese. Unhealthier diets were associated with lower maternal educational level and parental unemployment. Programs promoting adherence of young children to the traditional Mediterranean diet should be part of a multi-intervention strategy for the prevention and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity.
The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida, is an emerging pest of social bee colonies. A. tumida shows a specialized life style for which olfaction seems to play a crucial role. To better understand the olfactory system of the beetle, we used immunohistochemistry and 3-D reconstruction to analyze brain structures, especially the paired antennal lobes (AL), which represent the first integration centers for odor information in the insect brain. The basic neuroarchitecture of the A. tumida brain compares well to the typical beetle and insect brain. In comparison to other insects, the AL are relatively large in relationship to other brain areas, suggesting that olfaction is of major importance for the beetle. The AL of both sexes contain about 70 olfactory glomeruli with no obvious size differences of the glomeruli between sexes. Similar to all other insects including beetles, immunostaining with an antiserum against serotonin revealed a large cell that projects from one AL to the contralateral AL to densely innervate all glomeruli. Immunostaining with an antiserum against tachykinin-related peptides (TKRP) revealed hitherto unknown structures in the AL. Small TKRP-immunoreactive spherical substructures are in both sexes evenly distributed within all glomeruli. The source for these immunoreactive islets is very likely a group of about 80 local AL interneurons. We offer two hypotheses on the function of such structures.
During three Antarctic expeditions (2004, ANT XXI-4 and XXII-2; 2006, ANT XXIII-6) with the German research icebreaker R/V Polarstern, six different amphipod species were recorded under the pack ice of the Weddell Sea and the Lazarev Sea. These cruises covered Austral autumn (April), summer (December) and winter (August) situations, respectively. Five of the amphipod species recorded here belong to the family Eusiridae (Eusirus antarcticus, E. laticarpus, E. microps, E. perdentatus and E. tridentatus), while the last belongs to the Lysianassidea, genus Cheirimedon (cf. femoratus). Sampling was performed by a specially designed under-ice trawl in the Lazarev Sea, whereas in the Weddell Sea sampling was done by scuba divers and deployment of baited traps. In the Weddell Sea, individuals of E. antarcticus and E. tridentatus were repeatedly observed in situ during under-ice dives, and single individuals were even found in the infiltration layer. Also in aquarium observations, individuals of E. antarcticus and E. tridentatus attached themselves readily to sea ice. Feeding experiments on E. antarcticus and E. tridentatus indicated a carnivorous diet. Individuals of the Lysianassoid Cheirimedon were only collected in baited traps there. Repeated conventional zooplankton hauls performed in parallel to this study did not record any of these amphipods from the water column. In the Lazarev Sea, E. microps, E. perdentatus and E. laticarpus were regularly found in under-ice trawls. We discuss the origin and possible sympagic life style of these amphipods.
Jellyfishes have functionally replaced several overexploited commercial stocks of planktivorous fishes. This is paradoxical, because they use a primitive prey capture mechanism requiring direct contact with the prey, whereas fishes use more efficient visual detection. We have compiled published data to show that, in spite of their primitive life-style, jellyfishes exhibit similar instantaneous prey clearance and respiration rates as their fish competitors and similar potential for growth and reproduction. To achieve this production, they have evolved large, water-laden bodies that increase prey contact rates. Although larger bodies are less efficient for swimming, optimization analysis reveals that large collectors are advantageous if they move through the water sufficiently slowly.
Archaeopteryx may be envisaged as an occasional or opportunistic flier that maintained an essentially dinosaurian life style on the shore but took to the air when circumstances were favourable. Such an interpretation is fully consistent with what is known of the anatomy, the taphonomy and the habitat of Archaeopteryx.
Objectives: To describe the glycaemic status (assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)) and associated comorbidities in a cohort of Australian children and adolescents at risk of insulin resistance and impaired glucose homeostasis (IGH). Methods: Twenty-one children and adolescents (three male, 18 female) (18 Caucasian, one Indigenous, two Asian) (20 obese, one lipodystrophy) referred to the Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic underwent a 2-h OGTT with plasma glucose and insulin measured at baseline, + 60 and + 120 min. If abnormal, the OGTT was repeated. Results: The mean (SD) age was 14.2 (1.6) years, BMI 38.8 (7.0) kg/m(2) and BMI-SDS 3.6 (0.6). Fourteen patients had fasting insulin levels >21 mU/L. Type 2 diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in one patient, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in four patients and impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) in one patient. Despite no weight loss, only one patient had a persistently abnormal OGTT on repeat testing. Three patients with IGH were medicated with risperidone at the time of the initial OGTT. One patient who had persistent IGT had continued risperidone. The other two patients had initial OGTT results of IGT and diabetes mellitus type 2. They both ceased risperidone between tests and repeat OGTT showed normal glycaemic status. Conclusions: Use of fasting glucose alone may miss cases of IGH. Diagnosis of IGT should not be made on one test alone. Interpretation of glucose and insulin responses in young people is limited by lack of normative data. Larger studies are needed to generate Australian screening recommendations. Further assessment of the potential adverse effects of atypical antipsychotic medication on glucose homeostasis in this at-risk group is important.
Studies of doctors' health have emphasised psychological health, and limited data have been collected on their physical health status. Doctors often fail to follow current preventive health guidelines for their physical health. About half of doctors do not have an established relationship with an independent general practitioner. This would enhance their health and provide a means of ready access to the healthcare system should a problem arise.
Health characteristics of older Australian dietary supplement users compared to non-supplement users
The aim of this study was to measure the prevalence of dietary and health supplement use among Australians aged 65 years and over, and to contrast the health differences between supplement users and non-supplement users. Data was obtained from 1,263 randomly selected older Australians, who provided general demographic data, in addition to information related to their health, symptoms experienced and uses of medication, including dietary supplements. Supplement use was reported by 43% of the sample (52% of females and 35% of males). This investigation has revealed distinct differences in the health profile of older supplement users compared to non-users. Although there was no difference in the number of visits to medical doctors or self-rated health status between supplement users and non-supplement users, supplement users were more likely to report arthritis and osteoporosis, and experience more symptoms and consume more medication than non-supplement users. In contrast, there was a reduced likelihood of taking a supplement for those with hypertension and by those using blood pressure medication and heart tablets. These results suggest that older dietary supplement users may benefit from education and professional advice to assist them make appropriate and informed choices, particularly if they expect these preparations to attenuate their health concerns.