907 resultados para lesion density
Purpose: To determine the relationship of goblet cell density (GCD) with tear function and ocular surface physiology. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in 35 asymptomatic subjects with mean age 23.8±3.6 years. Tear film assessment, conjunctiva and cornea examination were done in each subject. Conjunctival impression cytology was performed by applying Nitrocellulose Millipore MFTM-Membrane filter over the superior bulbar conjunctiva. The filter paper was than fixed with 96% ethanol and stained with Periodic Acid Schiff, Hematoxylin and Eosin. GCD was determined by optical microscopy. Relation between GCD and Schirmer score, tear break-up time (TBUT), bulbar redness, limbal redness and corneal staining was determined. Results: The mean GCD was 151±122 cells/mm2. GCD was found higher in eyes with higher Schirmer score but it was not significant (p = 0.75). There was a significant relationship ofGCDwith TBUT (p = 0.042). GCD was not correlated with bulbar redness (p = 0.126), and limbal redness (p = 0.054) as well as corneal staining (p = 0.079). No relationship of GCD with age and gender of the subjects (p > 0.05) was observed. Conclusion: GCD was found correlated with TBUT but no significant correlation was found with the aqueous portion of the tear, limbal as well as bulbar redness and corneal staining.
The success of synthetic bone implants requires good interface between the material and the host tissue. To study the biological relevance of fi bronectin (FN) density on the osteogenic commitment of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMMSCs), human FN was adsorbed in a linear density gradient on the surface of PCL. The evolution of the osteogenic markers alkaline phosphatase and collagen 1 alpha 1 was monitored by immunohistochemistry, and the cytoskeletal organization and the cell-derived FN were assessed. The functional analysis of the gradient revealed that the lower FN-density elicited stronger osteogenic expression and higher cytoskeleton spreading, hallmarks of the stem cell commitment to the osteoblastic lineage. The identifi cation of the optimal FN density regime for the osteogenic commitment of hBM-MSCs presents a simple and versatile strategy to signifi cantly enhance the surface properties of polycaprolactone as a paradigm for other synthetic polymers intended for bone-related applications.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of late thromboembolism after surgical repair of chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) simultaneously with repair of mitral valve using the Cox-Maze procedure. METHODS: 69 patients underwent Cox 3 procedure, with no cryoablation simultaneously with mitral valvuloplasty or prosthesis. Mean age was 49.9±13.2 years. Mean follow-up was of 31.7±19 months. Types of lesion were as follows: 33 (48%) stenoses, 23 (33%) insufficiencies, and 13 (19%) double lesions. Procedures were: 64 (93%) valvuloplasties, 3 (4%) biological and 2 (3%) mechanical prosthesis placement. There were 9 (13%) patients with previous systemic embolism and 2 (3%) had left atrial thrombi. RESULTS: Early mortality was 7% and late 1%. 2 patients (3%) were reoperated for mitral placement. At last evaluation, 10 patients (15%), were in AF. The remaining 59 (85%) were either in sinus / atrial rythm (74%) or under pacing (12%). There were no occurrence of early or late, systemic or pulmonary embolism. Permanent anticoagulation was employed in 16 cases, 10 in regular rythm and 6 in AF. The remaining 47 (75%), 2 in AF and 45 in regular rythm, did not receive anticoagulants. CONCLUSIONS: These results are in accordance with others series, where the occurrence of embolism was rare after maze procedure. Permanent systemic anticoagulation seems to be unnecessary in those cases.
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa, L.) and dab (Limanda limanda, L.) are among the most abundant flatfishes in the north-eastern Atlantic region and the dominant species in shallow coastal nursery grounds. With increasing pressures on commercial flatfish stocks in combination with changing coastal environments, better knowledge of population dynamics during all life stages is needed to evaluate variability in year-class strength and recruitment to the fishery. The aim of this research was to investigate the complex interplay of biotic and abiotic habitat components influencing the distribution, density and growth of plaice and dab during the vulnerable juvenile life stage and to gain insight in spatial and temporal differences in nursery habitat quality along the west coast of Ireland. Intraspecific variability in plaice diet was observed at different spatial scales and showed a link with condition, recent growth and morphology. This highlights the effect of food availability on habitat quality and the need to consider small scale variation when attempting to link habitat quality to feeding, growth and condition of juvenile flatfish. There was evidence of trophic, spatial and temporal resource partitioning between juvenile plaice and dab allowing the co-existence of morphologically similar species in nursery grounds. In the limited survey years there was no evidence that the carrying capacity of the studied nursery grounds was reached but spatial and interannual variations in fish growth indicated fluctuating environments in terms of food availability, predator densities, sediment features and physico-chemical conditions. Predation was the most important factor affecting habitat quality for juvenile plaice and dab with crab densities negatively correlated to fish condition whereas shrimp densities were negatively associated with densities of small-sized juveniles in spring. A comparison of proxies for fish growth showed the advantage of Fulton’s K for routine use whereas RNA:DNA ratios proved less powerful when short-term environmental fluctuations are lacking. This study illustrated how distinct sets of habitat features can drive spatial variation in density and condition of juvenile flatfish highlighting the value of studying both variables when modeling habitat requirements. The habitat models generated in this study also provide a powerful tool to predict potential climate and anthropogenic impacts on the distribution and condition of juveniles in flatfish nurseries. The need for effective coastal zone management was emphasized to ensure a sustainable use of coastal resources and successful flatfish recruitment to the fishery.
Magdeburg, Univ., Medizin. Fakultät, Diss., 2008
Dynamic model, tubular reactor, polyethylene, LDPE, discretization, simulation, sensitivity analysis, nonlinear analysis
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2007
An experiment was carried out to study the effects of the following population densities cauliflowers (plants per ha): 20,833 (0.60 m x 0.80 m), 25,641 (0.60 m x 0.65 m), ....37.037 (0.60 m x 0.45 m) , 55.555 (.0.60 m x 0.30 m), and 111,111 (0,60 m x 0,15 m) ; variety Snow ball. It was concluded that the effects of plant population density are greater on curd quality (weight and size) than on production per ha. The best plant population density to produce cauliflowers curd for Brazil market is from 20,000 to 25,000 plants/ha while for mini-curd is above 55,000 plants/ha.
The influence of density of planting on flower production of carnation plants grown in vinil houses, was studied. Planting densities of 233,333; 175,000 and 116,667 plants per hectare were obtained by using planting spacings of 0.20 m between rows and 0.15 m, 0,20 m and 0.30 m between plants. Data were taken on total number of flowers per plant and per hectare. As far as planting densities are concerned, there was an increase of total flower production per hectare and a decrease of slower production per plant.
A change in bird density within a captive flock of Sicalis flaveola pelzeni (Sclater, 1872) affected the decision to join a group. Ruling out inter-individual differences and maintaining constant the size of a food patch, birds were found to fly more often to the food source and spend a longer time in its environs when kept in greater groups.
Densities of mobile epifaunal assemblages associated with macrophytes are very variable during the day and the activity of visually-oriented predators is thought to have an important influence on this pattern. Here we compared densities of amphipods associated with a common brown alga, Sargassum stenophyllum (Phaeophyceae), at sites contrasting in water turbidity. We expected that diel variation of amphipods would occur in a shore with clear waters (Perequê), whereas no variation was expected in a shore with turbid waters (Lamberto). Amphipod density varied during the day at both shores, with no indication of a larger variation at Perequê. Most species showed two density peaks, one at night and the other in the afternoon. These peaks occurred close the times of high tide, suggesting that tidal rhythms could influence more amphipod densities than the activity of predators. Thus, more studies are necessary to understand factors that influence short-term variation of epifaunal assemblages.
ABSTRACT Using camera traps and capture/recapture analyses we recorded the presence and abundance of cat species at Turvo State Park, in southern Brazil. Ocelot [Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus, 1758)] population density was estimated for two areas of the park, with differing management profiles. Density estimates varied from 0.14 to 0.26 indiv. km2. Another five cat species were recorded at very low frequencies, precluding more accurate analyses. We estimate 24 to 45 ocelots occur in the reserve, which is probably too small for long-term maintenance of the population, if isolated. However, if habitat integrity and connectivity between the Park and the Green Corridor of Misiones is maintained, an estimated ocelot population of 1,680 individuals should have long-term viability.
L'anàlisi de la densitat urbana és utilitzada per examinar la distribució espacial de la població dins de les àrees urbanes, i és força útil per planificar els serveis públics. En aquest article, s'estudien setze formes funcionals clàssiques de la relació existent entre la densitat i la distancia en la regió metropolitana de Barcelona i els seus onze subcentres.