988 resultados para inversion ankle sprain


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The aims of this study were to evaluate aspects of balance, ankle muscle strength and spatiotemporal gait parameters in individuals with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and verify whether deficits in spatiotemporal gait parameters were associated with ankle muscle strength and balance performance. Thirty individuals with DPN and 30 control individuals have participated. Spatiotemporal gait parameters were evaluated by measuring the time to walk a set distance during self-selected and maximal walking speeds. Functional mobility and balance performance were assessed using the Functional Reach and the Time Up and Go tests. Ankle isometric muscle strength was assessed with a handheld digital dynamometer. Analyses of variance were employed to verify possible differences between groups and conditions. Multiple linear regression analysis was employed to uncover possible predictors of gait deficits. Gait spatiotemporal, functional mobility, balance performance and ankle muscle strength were affected in individuals with DPN. The Time Up and Go test performance and ankle muscle isometric strength were associated to spatiotemporal gait changes, especially during maximal walking speed condition. Functional mobility and balance performance are damaged in DPN and balance performance and ankle muscle strength can be used to predict spatiotemporal gait parameters in individuals with DPN.


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Background: Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of death in patients on dialysis. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a prognostic factor for cardiovascular disease. The ankle brachial index (ABI) is a noninvasive method used for the diagnosis of PAD. The difference between ABI pre- and post-dialysis had not yet been formally tested, and it was the main objective of this study. Methods:The ABI was assessed using an automated oscillometric device in incident patients on hemodialysis. All blood pressure readings were taken in triplicate pre- and post-dialysis in three consecutive dialysis sessions (times 1, 2, and 3). Results: One hundred and twenty-three patients (85 men) aged 53 +/- 19 years were enrolled. We found no difference in ABI pre- and post-dialysis on the right or left side, and there was no difference in times 1, 2, and 3. In patients with a history of PAD, the ABI pre- versus post-dialysis were of borderline significance on the right side (p = 0.088). Conclusion: ABI measured pre- and post-dialysis presented low variability. The ABI in patients with a history of PAD should be evaluated with caution. The applicability of the current method in predicting mortality among patients on hemodialysis therefore needs further investigation. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Background: Ankle-brachial index (ABI) can access peripheral artery disease and predict mortality in prevalent patients on hemodialysis. However, ABI has not yet been tested in incident patients, who present significant mortality. Typically, ABI is measured by Doppler, which is not always available, limiting its use in most patients. We therefore hypothesized that ABI, evaluated by a simplified method, can predict mortality in an incident hemodialysis population. Methodology/Principal Findings: We studied 119 patients with ESRD who had started hemodialysis three times weekly. ABI was calculated by using two oscillometric blood pressure devices simultaneously. Patients were followed until death or the end of the study. ABI was categorized in two groups normal (0.9-1.3) or abnormal (<0.9 and >1.3). There were 33 deaths during a median follow-up of 12 months (from 3 to 24 months). Age (1 year) (hazard of ratio, 1.026; p = 0.014) and ABI abnormal (hazard ratio, 3.664; p = 0.001) were independently related to mortality in a multiple regression analysis. Conclusions: An easy and inexpensive technique to measure ABI was tested and showed to be significant in predicting mortality. Both low and high ABI were associated to mortality in incident patients on hemodialysis. This technique allows nephrologists to identify high-risk patients and gives the opportunity of early intervention that could alter the natural progression of this population.


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Caviomorph development includes an inverted yolk sac. Since principle processes are not understood, we investigated its differentiation in Galen and re-examined material from the guinea pig. Galea showed the typical caviomorph conditions in blastocyst development and the nature of the definitive yolk sac, formed of the visceral layer that became villous, proliferative, vascularized and attached to the uterus and placenta. In contrast to what was known before, in both species parts of the parietal yolk sac and a yolk sac cavity were temporarily present. Data suggest that early yolk sac development in caviomorphs is more complex than thought before. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: The progression of diabetes and the challenge of daily tasks may result in changes in biomechanical strategies. Descending stairs is a common task that patients have to deal with, however it still has not been properly studied in this population. Objectives: We describe and compare the net joint moments and kinematics of the lower limbs in diabetic individuals with and without peripheral neuropathy and healthy controls during stair descent. Method: Forty-two adults were assessed: control group (13), diabetic group (14), and neuropathic diabetic group (15). The flexor and extensor net moment peaks and joint angles of the hip, knee, and ankle were described and compared in terms of effect size and ANOVAs (p<0.05). Results: Both diabetic groups presented greater dorsiflexion [large effect size] and a smaller hip extensor moment [large effect size] in the weight acceptance phase. In the propulsion phase, diabetics with and without neuropathy showed a greater hip flexor moment [large effect size] and smaller ankle extension [large effect size]. Conclusion: Diabetic patients, even without neuropathy, revealed poor eccentric control in the weight acceptance phase, and in the propulsion phase, they showed a different hip strategy, where they chose to take the leg off the ground using more flexion torque at the hip instead of using a proper ankle extension function.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the efficacy of multisensory versus muscle strengthening to improve postural control in healthy community-dwelling elderly. Participants: We performed a single-blinded study with 46 community-dwelling elderly allocated to strength (GS, n = 23; 70.18 +/- 4.8 years 22 women and 1 man) and multisensory exercises groups (GM, n = 23; 68.8 +/- 5.9 years; 22 women and 1 man) for 12 weeks. Methods: We performed isokinetic evaluations of muscle groups in the ankle and foot including dorsiflexors, plantar flexors, inversion, and eversion. The oscillation of the center of pressure was assessed with a force platform. Results: The GM group presented a reduction in the oscillation (66.8 +/- 273.4 cm(2) to 11.1 +/- 11.6 cm(2); P = 0.02), which was not observed in the GS group. The GM group showed better results for the peak torque and work than the GS group, but without statistical significance. Conclusion: Although the GM group presented better results, it is not possible to state that one exercise regimen proved more efficacious than the other in improving balance control.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze and compare the vertical component of ground reaction forces and isokinetic muscle parameters for plantar flexion and dorsiflexion of the ankle between long-distance runners, triathletes, and nonathletes. METHODS: Seventy-five males with a mean age of 30.26 (±6.5) years were divided into three groups: a triathlete group (n=26), a long-distance runner group (n = 23), and a non-athlete control group. The kinetic parameters were measured during running using a force platform, and the isokinetic parameters were measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. RESULTS: The non-athlete control group and the triathlete group exhibited smaller vertical forces, a greater ground contact time, and a greater application of force during maximum vertical acceleration than the long-distance runner group. The total work (180º/s) was greater in eccentric dorsiflexion and concentric plantar flexion for the non-athlete control group and the triathlete group than the long-distance runner group. The peak torque (60º/s) was greater in eccentric plantar flexion and concentric dorsiflexion for the control group than the athlete groups. CONCLUSIONS: The athlete groups exhibited less muscle strength and resistance than the control group, and the triathletes exhibited less impact and better endurance performance than the runners.


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Subduction zones are the favorite places to generate tsunamigenic earthquakes, where friction between oceanic and continental plates causes the occurrence of a strong seismicity. The topics and the methodologies discussed in this thesis are focussed to the understanding of the rupture process of the seismic sources of great earthquakes that generate tsunamis. The tsunamigenesis is controlled by several kinematical characteristic of the parent earthquake, as the focal mechanism, the depth of the rupture, the slip distribution along the fault area and by the mechanical properties of the source zone. Each of these factors plays a fundamental role in the tsunami generation. Therefore, inferring the source parameters of tsunamigenic earthquakes is crucial to understand the generation of the consequent tsunami and so to mitigate the risk along the coasts. The typical way to proceed when we want to gather information regarding the source process is to have recourse to the inversion of geophysical data that are available. Tsunami data, moreover, are useful to constrain the portion of the fault area that extends offshore, generally close to the trench that, on the contrary, other kinds of data are not able to constrain. In this thesis I have discussed the rupture process of some recent tsunamigenic events, as inferred by means of an inverse method. I have presented the 2003 Tokachi-Oki (Japan) earthquake (Mw 8.1). In this study the slip distribution on the fault has been inferred by inverting tsunami waveform, GPS, and bottom-pressure data. The joint inversion of tsunami and geodetic data has revealed a much better constrain for the slip distribution on the fault rather than the separate inversions of single datasets. Then we have studied the earthquake occurred on 2007 in southern Sumatra (Mw 8.4). By inverting several tsunami waveforms, both in the near and in the far field, we have determined the slip distribution and the mean rupture velocity along the causative fault. Since the largest patch of slip was concentrated on the deepest part of the fault, this is the likely reason for the small tsunami waves that followed the earthquake, pointing out how much the depth of the rupture plays a crucial role in controlling the tsunamigenesis. Finally, we have presented a new rupture model for the great 2004 Sumatra earthquake (Mw 9.2). We have performed the joint inversion of tsunami waveform, GPS and satellite altimetry data, to infer the slip distribution, the slip direction, and the rupture velocity on the fault. Furthermore, in this work we have presented a novel method to estimate, in a self-consistent way, the average rigidity of the source zone. The estimation of the source zone rigidity is important since it may play a significant role in the tsunami generation and, particularly for slow earthquakes, a low rigidity value is sometimes necessary to explain how a relatively low seismic moment earthquake may generate significant tsunamis; this latter point may be relevant for explaining the mechanics of the tsunami earthquakes, one of the open issues in present day seismology. The investigation of these tsunamigenic earthquakes has underlined the importance to use a joint inversion of different geophysical data to determine the rupture characteristics. The results shown here have important implications for the implementation of new tsunami warning systems – particularly in the near-field – the improvement of the current ones, and furthermore for the planning of the inundation maps for tsunami-hazard assessment along the coastal area.


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Knowledge on how ligaments and articular surfaces guide passive motion at the human ankle joint complex is fundamental for the design of relevant surgical treatments. The dissertation presents a possible improvement of this knowledge by a new kinematic model of the tibiotalar articulation. In this dissertation two one-DOF spatial equivalent mechanisms are presented for the simulation of the passive motion of the human ankle joint: the 5-5 fully parallel mechanism and the fully parallel spherical wrist mechanism. These mechanisms are based on the main anatomical structures of the ankle joint, namely the talus/calcaneus and the tibio/fibula bones at their interface, and the TiCaL and CaFiL ligaments. In order to show the accuracy of the models and the efficiency of the proposed procedure, these mechanisms are synthesized from experimental data and the results are compared with those obtained both during experimental sessions and with data published in the literature. Experimental results proved the efficiency of the proposed new mechanisms to simulate the ankle passive motion and, at the same time, the potentiality of the mechanism to replicate the ankle’s main anatomical structures quite well. The new mechanisms represent a powerful tool for both pre-operation planning and new prosthesis design.


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The relevance of human joint models has been shown in the literature. They can help in diagnosis, in prostheses and ortheses design and in predicting the joints’ behavior. Recently a sequential approach for the modeling of the human diarthrodial joints composed of three steps has been proposed. At each step the role of some anatomical structures is considered. Starting from a limited number of structures, the model gets more and more sophisticated until all the components, both passive (articular surfaces, ligaments and tendons) and active (muscles), are incorporated in the final model. According to this procedure, the behavior of the human ankle during passive motion (no loads applied) has been previously modeled by a one degree of freedom 5-5 fully parallel mechanism. Starting from this model, the kinetostatic model of the human ankle joint that replicates its behavior when external loads are applied is developed. The anatomical and mechanical characteristics and the role of the passive structures are considered; a multifiber model is developed and an optimization criteria based on experimental data is proposed. Finally an application of the developed model to an amputated ankle is presented, together with the results obtained from the optimization of the geometrical and mechanical Parameters. Although some improvements can be achieved, the model is satisfactorily able to replicate the behavior of the human ankle subject to the anterior drawer and the inversion clinical tests applied in the neutral position.


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The objective of this dissertation is to develop and test a predictive model for the passive kinematics of human joints based on the energy minimization principle. To pursue this goal, the tibio-talar joint is chosen as a reference joint, for the reduced number of bones involved and its simplicity, if compared with other sinovial joints such as the knee or the wrist. Starting from the knowledge of the articular surface shapes, the spatial trajectory of passive motion is obtained as the envelop of joint configurations that maximize the surfaces congruence. An increase in joint congruence corresponds to an improved capability of distributing an applied load, allowing the joint to attain a better strength with less material. Thus, joint congruence maximization is a simple geometric way to capture the idea of joint energy minimization. The results obtained are validated against in vitro measured trajectories. Preliminary comparison provide strong support for the predictions of the theoretical model.


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This doctoral thesis focuses on ground-based measurements of stratospheric nitric acid (HNO3)concentrations obtained by means of the Ground-Based Millimeter-wave Spectrometer (GBMS). Pressure broadened HNO3 emission spectra are analyzed using a new inversion algorithm developed as part of this thesis work and the retrieved vertical profiles are extensively compared to satellite-based data. This comparison effort I carried out has a key role in establishing a long-term (1991-2010), global data record of stratospheric HNO3, with an expected impact on studies concerning ozone decline and recovery. The first part of this work is focused on the development of an ad hoc version of the Optimal Estimation Method (Rodgers, 2000) in order to retrieve HNO3 spectra observed by means of GBMS. I also performed a comparison between HNO3 vertical profiles retrieved with the OEM and those obtained with the old iterative Matrix Inversion method. Results show no significant differences in retrieved profiles and error estimates, with the OEM providing however additional information needed to better characterize the retrievals. A final section of this first part of the work is dedicated to a brief review on the application of the OEM to other trace gases observed by GBMS, namely O3 and N2O. The second part of this study deals with the validation of HNO3 profiles obtained with the new inversion method. The first step has been the validation of GBMS measurements of tropospheric opacity, which is a necessary tool in the calibration of any GBMS spectra. This was achieved by means of comparisons among correlative measurements of water vapor column content (or Precipitable Water Vapor, PWV) since, in the spectral region observed by GBMS, the tropospheric opacity is almost entirely due to water vapor absorption. In particular, I compared GBMS PWV measurements collected during the primary field campaign of the ECOWAR project (Bhawar et al., 2008) with simultaneous PWV observations obtained with Vaisala RS92k radiosondes, a Raman lidar, and an IR Fourier transform spectrometer. I found that GBMS PWV measurements are in good agreement with the other three data sets exhibiting a mean difference between observations of ~9%. After this initial validation, GBMS HNO3 retrievals have been compared to two sets of satellite data produced by the two NASA/JPL Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) experiments (aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) from 1991 to 1999, and on the Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura mission from 2004 to date). This part of my thesis is inserted in GOZCARDS (Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere), a multi-year project, aimed at developing a long-term data record of stratospheric constituents relevant to the issues of ozone decline and expected recovery. This data record will be based mainly on satellite-derived measurements but ground-based observations will be pivotal for assessing offsets between satellite data sets. Since the GBMS has been operated for more than 15 years, its nitric acid data record offers a unique opportunity for cross-calibrating HNO3 measurements from the two MLS experiments. I compare GBMS HNO3 measurements obtained from the Italian Alpine station of Testa Grigia (45.9° N, 7.7° E, elev. 3500 m), during the period February 2004 - March 2007, and from Thule Air Base, Greenland (76.5°N 68.8°W), during polar winter 2008/09, and Aura MLS observations. A similar intercomparison is made between UARS MLS HNO3 measurements with those carried out from the GBMS at South Pole, Antarctica (90°S), during the most part of 1993 and 1995. I assess systematic differences between GBMS and both UARS and Aura HNO3 data sets at seven potential temperature levels. Results show that, except for measurements carried out at Thule, ground based and satellite data sets are consistent within the errors, at all potential temperature levels.