958 resultados para intraspecific polymorphism
A total of 131 phlebotomine Algerian sandflies have been processed in the present study. They belong to the species Phlebotomus bergeroti, Phlebotomus alexandri, Phlebotomus sergenti, Phlebotomus chabaudi, Phlebotomus riouxi, Phlebotomus perniciosus, Phlebotomus longicuspis, Phlebotomus perfiliewi, Phlebotomus ariasi, Phlebotomus chadlii, Sergentomyia fallax, Sergentomyia minuta, Sergentomyia antennata, Sergentomyia schwetzi, Sergentomyia clydei, Sergentomyia christophersi and Grassomyia dreyfussi. They have been characterised by sequencing of a part of the cytochrome b (cyt b), t RNA serine and NADH1 on the one hand and of the cytochrome C oxidase I of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) on the other hand. Our study highlights two sympatric populations within P. sergenti in the area of its type-locality and new haplotypes of P. perniciosus and P. longicuspis without recording the specimens called lcx previously found in North Africa. We tried to use a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method based on a combined double digestion of each marker. These method is not interesting to identify sandflies all over the Mediterranean Basin.
Inter-individual heterogeneity in the response to human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) infection has been partially attributed to host genetic background. The antiviral activity of the inflammasome cytoplasmic complex recognises viral molecular patterns and regulates immune responses via the activation of interleukin (IL)-1 family (IL-1, IL-18 and IL-33) members. The association between polymorphisms in the inflammasome receptors NLRP1 and NLRP3 and HTLV-1 infection was evaluated in a northeastern Brazilian population (84 HTLV-1 carriers and 155 healthy controls). NLRP3 rs10754558 G/G was associated with protection against HTLV-1 infection (p = 0.012; odds ratio = 0.37). rs10754558 affects NLRP3 mRNA stability; therefore, our results suggest that higher NLRP3 expression may augment first-line defences, leading to the effective protection against HTLV-1 infection.
Nascent sex chromosomes offer a unique opportunity to investigate the evolutionary fate of genesrecently trapped in non-recombining segments. A housekeeping gene (MED15) was recently shown to lie on the nascent sex-chromosomes of the European tree frog (Hyla arborea), with different alleles fixed on the X and the Y chromosomes. Here we document a polymorphism (glutamine deletion) in the X copy of the gene, and use population surveys and experimental crosses to test whether this polymorphism is neutral or maintained by sex-antagonistic selection. Tadpoles from parents of known genotypes revealed significant discrepancies from Mendelian inheritance, suggesting possible sex-antagonistic effects under laboratory conditions. Quantitatively, however, these effects did not meet the conditions for polymorphism maintenance. Furthermore, field estimates of female genotypic frequencies did not differ from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and allelic frequencies on the X chromosome did not differ between sexes. In conclusion, although sex antagonistic effects cannot be excluded given the laboratory conditions, the X-linked polymorphism under study appears neutral in the wild. Alternatively, sex-antagonistic selection might still account for the fixation of a male specific allele on the Y chromosome.
BACKGROUND Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune demyelinating disease that occurs more frequently in women than in men. Multiple Sclerosis Associated Retrovirus (MSRV) is a member of HERV-W, a multicopy human endogenous retroviral family repeatedly implicated in MS pathogenesis. MSRV envelope protein is elevated in the serum of MS patients and induces inflammation and demyelination but, in spite of this pathogenic potential, its exact genomic origin and mechanism of generation are unknown. A possible link between the HERV-W copy on chromosome Xq22.3, that contains an almost complete open reading frame, and the gender differential prevalence in MS has been suggested. RESULTS MSRV transcription levels were higher in MS patients than in controls (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.004). Also, they were associated with the clinical forms (Spearman; p = 0.0003) and with the Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score (MSSS) (Spearman; p = 0.016). By mapping a 3 kb region in Xq22.3, including the HERV-W locus, we identified three polymorphisms: rs6622139 (T/C), rs6622140 (G/A) and rs1290413 (G/A). After genotyping 3127 individuals (1669 patients and 1458 controls) from two different Spanish cohorts, we found that in women rs6622139 T/C was associated with MS susceptibility: [χ2; p = 0.004; OR (95% CI) = 0.50 (0.31-0.81)] and severity, since CC women presented lower MSSS scores than CT (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.039) or TT patients (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.031). Concordantly with the susceptibility conferred in women, rs6622139*T was associated with higher MSRV expression (U-Mann-Whitney; p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS Our present work supports the hypothesis of a direct involvement of HERV-W/MSRV in MS pathogenesis, identifying a genetic marker on chromosome X that could be one of the causes underlying the gender differences in MS.
ABSTRACTIn contrast to animals, plants cannot move from their place of birth and, therefore, need to adapt to their particular habitat in order to survive. Thus, plant development is remarkably plastic, making plants an ideal system for the isolation of genes that account for intraspecific natural variation and possibly environmental adaptation. However, to date, this approach mostly identified null alleles and missed mutations with subtle effects. For instance, BREVIS RADIX (BRX) has been isolated as a key regulator of root growth through a naturally occurring loss-of-function allele in the Arabidopsis thaliana accession Uk-1 and is the founding member of a highly-conserved plant-specific gene family.In this work, we show that a strong selective pressure is acting on the BRX gene family and dates back before the monocot-dicot divergence. However, functional diversification is observed mainly in dicotyledon BRX family genes and is correlated with acceleration in the evolutionary rates in the N-terminal regions. Population genetic data revealed that BRX is highly conserved across Arabidopsis accessions and presents signatures of adaptation. Interestingly, a seven amino acid deletion polymorphism in BRX sequence was found in a few accessions, which seems to be responsible for their enhanced primary root growth. Nevertheless, BRX might not only be active in the root, as suggested by its expression in the shoot. Indeed, leaves and cotyledons of brx mutants are significantly smaller than wild- type. This phenotype is a direct consequence of the absence of BRX function in the shoot rather than an indirect effect of an altered root system growth. Interestingly, cotyledons of brx plants reflect the same physiological defects as the root. Moreover, phenotypes in BRX gain-of-function plants, such as epinastic leaves and increased epidermal cell size, could be associated with an increase in leaf brassinosteroid content.Collectively, these results indicate that BRX contributes to local adaptation by ubiquitously regulating plant growth, probably through the modulation of brassinosteroid biosynthesis.RÉSUMÉContrairement à la plupart des animaux, les plantes ne peuvent se mouvoir et doivent ainsi s'adapter à leur environnement pour survivre. Pour cette raison, elles représentent un système idéal pour l'identification de gènes contribuant à la variation naturelle intra- spécifique, ainsi qu'à l'adaptation. Cependant, cette approche a, jusqu'à présent, surtout permis d'isoler des allèles nuls et non des mutations conférant des effets plus subtiles. C'est le cas du gène Β REVIS RADIX (BRX), un régulateur clé de la croissance racinaire, qui a été identifié grâce à un allèle non-fonctionnel présent dans l'accession naturelle d'Arabidopsis thaliana Uk-1. BRX et ses homologues des plantes mono- et dicotylédones forment une famille très conservée et spécifique aux plantes.Dans ce travail, nous démontrons que la famille de gènes BRX est soumise à une forte pression de sélection qui remonte avant la divergence entre mono- et dicotylédones. Cependant, une diversification fonctionnelle a été observée chez les gènes des dicotylédones et corrèle avec une accélération de la vitesse d'évolution dans leur région N- terminale. Une analyse génétique de différentes accessions naturelles d'Arabidopsis a révélé que BRX est hautement conservé et présente des signatures d'adaptation. Remarquablement, un polymorphisme de délétion de sept acides aminés a été détecté dans quelques accessions et a pour conséquence une plus forte croissance de la racine primaire. Néanmoins, il semble que le rôle de BRX ne se limite pas qu'à la racine, comme indiqué par son expression dans les parties aériennes de la plante. En effet, les mutants brx présentent des cotylédons et des feuilles significativement plus petits que le type sauvage, une conséquence directe de l'absence d'activité de BRX dans ces organes. Nous avons aussi noté que les cotylédons des mutants brx, à l'instar des racines, ont une perception altérée de l'auxine et peuvent être complémentés par l'application exogène de brassinostéroïdes. De plus, dans des plantes présentant un gain de fonction BRX, les feuilles sont épinastiques et les cellules de leur épiderme plus grandes. Ces phénotypes sont accompagnés d'une augmentation de la concentration de brassinostéroïdes dans les feuilles. Conjointement, ces résultats démontrent que BRX contribue à une adaptation locale de la plante par la régulation générale de sa croissance, probablement en modulant la biosynthèse des brassinostéroïdes.
Climate warming leads to a decrease in biodiversity. Organisms can deal with the new prevailing environmental conditions by one of two main routes, namely evolving new genetic adaptations or through phenotypic plasticity to modify behaviour and physiology. Melanin-based colouration has important functions in animals including a role in camouflage and thermoregulation, protection against UV-radiation and pathogens and, furthermore, genes involved in melanogenesis can pleiotropically regulate behaviour and physiology. In this article, I review the current evidence that differently coloured individuals are differentially sensitive to climate change. Predicting which of dark or pale colour variants (or morphs) will be more penalized by climate change will depend on the adaptive function of melanism in each species as well as how the degree of colouration covaries with behaviour and physiology. For instance, because climate change leads to a rise in temperature and UV-radiation and dark colouration plays a role in UV-protection, dark individuals may be less affected from global warming, if this phenomenon implies more solar radiation particularly in habitats of pale individuals. In contrast, as desertification increases, pale colouration may expand in those regions, whereas dark colourations may expand in regions where humidity is predicted to increase. Dark colouration may be also indirectly selected by climate warming because genes involved in the production of melanin pigments confer resistance to a number of stressful factors including those associated with climate warming. Furthermore, darker melanic individuals are commonly more aggressive than paler conspecifics, and hence they may better cope with competitive interactions due to invading species that expand their range in northern latitudes and at higher altitudes. To conclude, melanin may be a major component involved in adaptation to climate warming, and hence in animal populations melanin-based colouration is likely to change as an evolutionary or plastic response to climate warming.
Developing a fast, inexpensive, and specific test that reflects the mutations present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates according to geographic region is the main challenge for drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) control. The objective of this study was to develop a molecular platform to make a rapid diagnosis of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant TB based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations present in therpoB, katG, inhA,ahpC, and gyrA genes from Colombian M. tuberculosis isolates. The amplification and sequencing of each target gene was performed. Capture oligonucleotides, which were tested before being used with isolates to assess the performance, were designed for wild type and mutated codons, and the platform was standardised based on the reverse hybridisation principle. This method was tested on DNA samples extracted from clinical isolates from 160 Colombian patients who were previously phenotypically and genotypically characterised as having susceptible or MDR M. tuberculosis. For our method, the kappa index of the sequencing results was 0,966, 0,825, 0,766, 0,740, and 0,625 forrpoB, katG, inhA,ahpC, and gyrA, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity were ranked between 90-100% compared with those of phenotypic drug susceptibility testing. Our assay helps to pave the way for implementation locally and for specifically adapted methods that can simultaneously detect drug resistance mutations to first and second-line drugs within a few hours.
Mutations in PRPF31 are responsible for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP, RP11 form) and affected families show nonpenetrance. Differential expression of the wildtype PRPF31 allele is responsible for this phenomenon: coinheritance of a mutation and a higher expressing wildtype allele provide protection against development of disease. It has been suggested that a major modulating factor lies in close proximity to the wildtype PRPF31 gene on Chromosome 19, implying that a cis-acting factor directly alters PRPF31 expression. Variable expression of CNOT3 is one determinant of PRPF31 expression. This study explored the relationship between CNOT3 (a trans-acting factor) and its paradoxical cis-acting nature in relation to RP11. Linkage analysis on Chromosome 19 was performed in mutation-carrying families, and the inheritance of the wildtype PRPF31 allele in symptomatic-asymptomatic sibships was assessed-confirming that differential inheritance of wildtype chromosome 19q13 determines the clinical phenotype (P < 2.6 × 10(-7) ). A theoretical model was constructed that explains the apparent conflict between the linkage data and the recent demonstration that a trans-acting factor (CNOT3) is a major nonpenetrance factor: we propose that this apparently cis-acting effect arises due to the intimate linkage of CNOT3 and PRPF31 on Chromosome 19q13-a novel mechanism that we have termed "linked trans-acting epistasis."
Currently, it is accepted that there are three species that were formerly grouped under Candida parapsilosis: C. para- psilosis sensu stricto, Candida orthopsilosis, andCandida metapsilosis. In fact, the antifungal susceptibility profiles and distinct virulence attributes demonstrate the differences in these nosocomial pathogens. An accurate, fast, and economical identification of fungal species has been the main goal in mycology. In the present study, we searched sequences that were available in the GenBank database in order to identify the complete sequence for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1-5.8S-ITS2 region, which is comprised of the forward and reverse primers ITS1 and ITS4. Subsequently, an in silico polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was performed to differentiate the C. parapsilosis complex species. Ninety-eight clinical isolates from patients with fungaemia were submitted for analysis, where 59 isolates were identified as C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, 37 were identified as C. orthopsilosis, and two were identified as C. metapsilosis. PCR-RFLP quickly and accurately identified C. parapsilosis complex species, making this method an alternative and routine identification system for use in clinical mycology laboratories.
In sharp contrast with birds and mammals, the sex chromosomes of ectothermic vertebrates are often undifferentiated, for reasons that remain debated. A linkage map was recently published for Rana temporaria (Linnaeus, 1758) from Fennoscandia (Eastern European lineage), with a proposed sex-determining role for linkage group 2 (LG2). We analysed linkage patterns in lowland and highland populations from Switzerland (Western European lineage), with special focus on LG2. Sibship analyses showed large differences from the Fennoscandian map in terms of recombination rates and loci order, pointing to large-scale inversions or translocations. All linkage groups displayed extreme heterochiasmy (total map length was 12.2 cM in males, versus 869.8 cM in females). Sex determination was polymorphic within populations: a majority of families (with equal sex ratios) showed a strong correlation between offspring phenotypic sex and LG2 paternal haplotypes, whereas other families (some of which with female-biased sex ratios) did not show any correlation. The factors determining sex in the latter could not be identified. This coexistence of several sex-determination systems should induce frequent recombination of X and Y haplotypes, even in the absence of male recombination. Accordingly, we found no sex differences in allelic frequencies on LG2 markers among wild-caught male and female adults, except in one high-altitude population, where nonrecombinant Y haplotypes suggest sex to be entirely determined by LG2. Multifactorial sex determination certainly contributes to the lack of sex-chromosome differentiation in amphibians.
Division of labour among workers is central to the organisation and ecological success of insect societies. If there is a genetic component to worker size, morphology or task preference, an increase in colony genetic diversity arising from the presence of multiple breeders per colony might improve division of labour. We studied the genetic basis of worker size and task preference in Formica selysi, an ant species that shows natural variation in the number of mates per queen and the number of queens per colony. Worker size had a heritable component in colonies headed by a doubly mated queen (h(2)=0.26) and differed significantly among matrilines in multiple-queen colonies. However, higher levels of genetic diversity did not result in more polymorphic workers across single- or multiple-queen colonies. In addition, workers from multiple-queen colonies were consistently smaller and less polymorphic than workers from single-queen colonies. The relationship between task, body size and genetic lineage appeared to be complex. Foragers were significantly larger than brood-tenders, which may provide energetic or ergonomic advantages to the colony. Task specialisation was also often associated with genetic lineage. However, genetic lineage and body size were often correlated with task independently of each other, suggesting that the allocation of workers to tasks is modulated by multiple factors. Overall, these results indicate that an increase in colony genetic diversity does not increase worker size polymorphism but might improve colony homeostasis.
In the fight against doping, steroid profiling is a powerful tool to detect drug misuse with endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids. To establish sensitive and reliable models, the factors influencing profiling should be recognised. We performed an extensive literature review of the multiple factors that could influence the quantitative levels and ratios of endogenous steroids in urine matrix. For a comprehensive and scientific evaluation of the urinary steroid profile, it is necessary to define the target analytes as well as testosterone metabolism. The two main confounding factors, that is, endogenous and exogenous factors, are detailed to show the complex process of quantifying the steroid profile within WADA-accredited laboratories. Technical aspects are also discussed as they could have a significant impact on the steroid profile, and thus the steroid module of the athlete biological passport (ABP). The different factors impacting the major components of the steroid profile must be understood to ensure scientifically sound interpretation through the Bayesian model of the ABP. Not only should the statistical data be considered but also the experts in the field must be consulted for successful implementation of the steroidal module.
Abstract Purpose: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has been associated with a number of polymorphisms in genes in the complement pathway. We examined the potential genotype-phenotype correlation of complement factor B (CFB) (R32Q) polymorphisms in Caucasian patients with AMD. Methods: Data from a Central European cohort of 349 patients with early AMD in at least one eye were analyzed for potential associations of the CFB (R32Q/rs641153) polymorphism with phenotypic features of early AMD. Early AMD was classified according to the International Classification and Grading System into predominant drusen size, largest drusen, drusen covered surface, central or ring-like location, peripheral drusen, and pigmentary changes. The potential association with single nucleotide polymorphisms on CFB (R32Q/rs641153) was evaluated for all patients, corrected for age, sex, and the polymorphisms of CFH (Y402H) and ARMS2 (A69S). Results: CFB (R32Q) polymorphisms showed a significant association with smaller drusen size (largest drusen ≤250 µm, p = 0.021, predominant drusen ≤125 µm, p = 0.016), with smaller surface covered by drusen (≤10%; p = 0.02), and with more frequent occurrence of peripheral drusen (p = 0.007). No association was found for pigmentary changes. Conclusions: The CFB (R32Q) polymorphism was associated with AMD characterized by small drusen only, and appeared to be protective of large drusen (OR 0.48/0.45) and of larger drusen covered area (OR 0.34). Furthermore, peripheral drusen were more frequently found (OR 2.27). This result supports the role of complement components and their polymorphisms in drusen formation and may enable a better understanding of AMD pathogenesis.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with most plant species. They are ecologically important determinants of plant growth and diversity. Considerable genetic variation occurs in AMF populations. Thus, plants are exposed to AMF of varying relatedness to each other. Very little is known about either the effects of coexisting AMF on plant growth or which factors influence intraspecific AMF coexistence within roots. No studies have addressed whether the genetics of coexisting AMF, and more specifically their relatedness, influences plant growth and AMF coexistence. Relatedness is expected to influence coexistence between individuals, and it has been suggested that decreasing ability of symbionts to coexist can have negative effects on the growth of the host. We tested the effect of a gradient of AMF genetic relatedness on the growth of two plant species. Increasing relatedness between AMFs lead to markedly greater plant growth (27% biomass increase with closely related compared to distantly related AMF). In one plant species, closely related AMF coexisted in fairly equal proportions but decreasing relatedness lead to a very strong disequilibrium between AMF in roots, indicating much stronger competition. Given the strength of the effects with such a shallow relatedness gradient and the fact that in the field plants are exposed to a steeper gradient, we consider that AMF relatedness can have a strong role in plant growth and the ability of AMF to coexist. We conclude that AMF relatedness is a driver of plant growth and that relatedness is also a strong driver of intraspecific coexistence of these ecologically important symbionts.
Many characteristics, for example life-history traits, physiological tolerance to heat and cold, and energy requirements, contribute to a population's ability to persist in the face of climatic variation. Recent studies have suggested that the presence of intraspecific colour polymorphism could be another potential contributor to population resilience (e.g. to climate change) in ectothermic vertebrates such as reptiles. In the present study, we tested for a relationship between the presence of intraspecific colour polymorphism and the age of snake species. Using phylogenetic comparative methods, we demonstrate that the presence of intraspecific colour polymorphism is correlated with the age of a species, with polymorphic snake species being significantly older than monomorphic species. Understanding how species have dealt with past environmental modifications, such as climate change, can provide important insights into how they are likely to respond in the future to ongoing climate warming.